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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good morning from a cool and already windy Quartzsite. It is 55F with a predicted high of 69F. Right now, our wind gauge is showing 7.1mph, but I think it is more likely 10+mph. Later this afternoon, the prediction is for 21mph. Because of the cooler weather today, (I know it's all relative) our plans to go to Yuma and Algodones have changed to next Sunday, when it will be in the upper 70s and lower 80s. We'll have to a grocery run tomorrow for a few essential things. Three good days to celebrate. I think the 33 flavors refer to this being March 3 or 3/3. Caregivers are to be treasured, and I know that some of you are a lot better caregivers than I have been. I will honor all the caregivers on The Daily. Ear care is important. The quote today is rather sad. We'll skip the butternut squash soup. The drink sounds interesting, but not the name. We'll pass on the wine today. We have not been to Arrecife, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, but we have enjoyed Las Palmas and Grand Canary Island. Thanks for the great pictures Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Graham @grapau27. There are four important days in history to celebrate, but I think the discovery of insulin and Anne Sullivan's work with Helen Keller are the most important days. @Lady Hudson Welcome home, Katherine. @cat shepard Ann, I was sorry to read about your sister's lung complications, but I think she is where she needs to be for a few more days as she regains her strength. Sending positive thoughts for a full recovery for her. @ger_77 Gerry, it was so nice of you and your DH to brave the elements to help your neighbor, and to bring treats to the gas station attendants. I also made a small pot of chili yesterday, and we'll be having leftover chili today or tomorrow. @marshhawk Annie, I agree that Midnight in Paris is a wonderful movie. Best wishes for Chuck's @catmando on Tuesday. Lenda
  2. @0106 Tina, I hope you both have a wonderful time on the Nieuw Statendam. Lenda
  3. Thank you for the wonderful news about Baby Murphy. Lenda
  4. Glad you made it home safely and without any hassles. Lenda
  5. It turned out to be a busy morning. We decided to go for a drive-thru breakfast. While we were out we ran an errand and got gas. Once we were home, I took advantage of the warm sun and still relatively low winds to do some outside chores. The wind even behaved enough to allow me to spray the weed killer. I didn't get the entire lot sprayed since I ran out of weed killer. I used the wind we had to my advantage and let the wind blow the spray a bit farther than it normally would go. Just about the time I finished outside, the wind began to pick up, and now it's really blowing if the trees are any indication. Our windspeed anemometer is really turning fast, but because of it's location, it always reads low. I'm now doing inside chores. Denise, I'm sorry Chase has to have to surgery, but I'm glad the vet is not taking any chances either. Lenda
  6. Good morning from a sunny and windy day in Quartzsite. It is 56F and heading to a high of 71F. We are under a wind advisory beginning about 1 pm with winds predicted between 20 and 30 mph including gusts up to 45mph. It will be a good afternoon to stay inside. As usual when we have high winds, I dropped the flag poles and bungeed the flags around the poles. They take too much of a beating in high winds. The winds won't drop below 10mph until Monday. Maybe then, I can spray all the weeds and grass again. The first round of spray killed some of the weeds, but not all. Some of the best cats we ever had were rescues. I like banana cream pie, but don't have the ingredients to make one. We still have a lot of old stuff around, including us. 😉 I like the Andrew Lang quote, but there are times when life is anything but amusing. The meal sounds good, but I won't be making it. We've eaten at an Ethiopian restaurant in Minneapolis or St. Paul, and really enjoyed the meals. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have not been to Boracay, Philippines, only to Manila. The 1791 introduction of the semaphore changed long distant communications. The Sound of Music was a blockbuster in 1965. There is another day in history which will be celebrated in Texas, but not in Mexico. In 1836, 56 men gathered at Washington-on-the-Brazos to sign the Texas Declaration of Independence from Mexico. Today is the 188th anniversary of that day. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, you are making good progress on the stocking. I hope you can meet your deadline in September. @Denise T Denise, I hope all goes well for Chase today, and that the vet can take care of the cyst without amputating his toe. @cat shepard Ann, thanks for the good news about your sister moving into a regular room. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, it sounds like you have a busy day. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry you've had such a hard time lately, and that it is aggravated by a painful back and legs. Take care, and remember we are here to support you however we can. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I hope you can make it to the theater. It is very interesting. @0106 Tina, safe travels today. I hope there are no further delays for your flight. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad you made it home safely. Congratulations on the new truck. Just for your information, Palo Duro Canyon and the State Park in the canyon are south southeast of Amarillo and east of the town of Canyon. The major wildfires are northeast of Amarillo. I hope your friends ranch is safe from the fires, and if they are near Palo Duro Canyon, they should be safe. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry Tana's aide is ill, but I'm glad she is not exposing Tana to the stomach virus. Hang in there. @ger_77 Gerry, I was sorry to read that Wayne is in the hospital with out of control Afib. I hope the doctors can find a way to get it under control. Lenda
  7. Maxine, I hope you can take that cruise in 2025. Our dreams can really take us to some unsual places. Thank you, Graham. Debbie, what a nice picture of your parents and what nice memories from your trip. Lenda
  8. After our day in Florence in 2016, we decided the crowds were just getting too big. My pictures are a collection from our visits in 2001, 2002 and 2016. I'll begin with the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Flore, also know as the Duomo, and the Baptistry. The Basilica di Santa Croce di Firenze, which has the tombs of many famous Italians or at least monuments to them. A replica of Michelangelo's David and another statue outside a church near the Uffizi Gallery, and the gallery. Ponte Vecchio over the Arno River. Looking toward the Uffizi Gallery from the Pone Vecchio In 2001, we took a ships tour to Florence as it was our first visit to the city. The tour buses were not allowed in the main tourist area. We had to board these little buses to go from the parking lot into the main area. Lenda
  9. On several of our visits to Livorno, we have rented cars are toured the countryside of Tuscany. These pictures are from visits to three different towns in the area. We visited Lucca in 2004 while on Noordam III. The two of the gates to the walled city. Inside the walls In 2008 while on the Prinsendam, we drove to San Gimignano, which is known for it's square towers. This is the Piazza del Duomo An interesting building in the Pizza del Cisterna The countryside west of San Gimignano with the town in the background of one picture. Our final stop that day was Volterra, which sits on top of a hill as the name implies. It is a climb from the parking garage to the main part of the town. The first picture is Volterra from the highway. We found the best gelato in a small shop on one of the narrow streets. Lenda
  10. We've been to Livorno seven times and missed it once due to wind. In 2001, we took a tour to Florence and Pisa. Walking into Pisa from the parking lot was one of those moments where it was better than expected, with the Baptistry, Church and Tower backed by a clear blue sky. After that, we have done our own thing, renting cars most times. In 2002, on the Noordam, the Leaning Tower had just opened to visitors, With the suggestion from the port guide, Barbara H, we left the ship early. In fact, we were the first ones off the ship, even before the ship was cleared. The Security Officer told the gangway crew to let us leave since he knew us. They were still getting everything set up for the day. We found a taxi to take us to the train station, but he said he could get us to Pisa quicker, and on the way to the Leaning Tower, he showed us the train station in Pisa. We were at the ticket office by 7:30 am and had tickets for the 8 am climb. Your are allowed 35 minutes to go up and back. Here are a couple of different views of Pisa. This is one of the anchors cables attached to the tower in the latest attempt to straighten the tower. IIRC, it did pull it back several degrees and concrete was poured under the foundation of the raised area. In 2001, the tower was closed because of the anchors and the correction being made to the lean. After 9/11 when the tourist levels fell, the tower was opened for tours to help bring the tourists in. In 2016, on the Prinsendam, we rented a car and drove to Florence and then to Sienna. This is what I call the $120 picture. We were driving through the walled part of Sienna, not knowing we were not supposed to be there. A year later, the day before we were leaving for another long Pdam cruise, we got a letter from Italy, that was a fine for driving in a no auto area. The funny thing was, I got the ticket even though DG was driving, since my name was on the rental agreement. This is the cathedral in Sienna. In 2019, on the Veendam, we were in Livorno three times. Since we had never really explored Livorno, we decided to stay in town that year and avoid the crowds in Florence. The first day, we took the Ho-Ho and visited the village of Santuario al Montenero, by funicular which was included in the Ho-Ho ticket. The next two stops there, we rode the local bus, stopping once at the beach. At several areas of the beach you have to pay to get in, but we found a nice place where we could sit and get a coke. Livorno is not a tourist town, but we still managed to enjoy the days there, since they were slow paced and we could take it easy. Lenda
  11. Jacqui, I'm sorry about the pain and the funk. Koningsdam returned to Kona on Wednesday night, and she is now at sea on her way to Raiatea, and should be there on time. The captain had hoped to get close enough for a helicopter to evacuate the passenger, but they wound up returning to Kona and disembarking two patients, spouses and luggage by tender. The delay was enough for the captain to decided to skip Fanning Island. All this information is on the live from thread from the current Koningsdam cruise. Lenda
  12. @aliaschief Bruce, HAPPY BIRTHDAY the second time around. Lenda
  13. RABBIT 🐰 RABBIT 🐰 WHITE RABBIT 🐇 Good morning from a sunny and not windy yet Quartzsite. It was 50F when I got up, and our predicted high is 76F. The winds will reach 14mph this afternoon, and 24mph tomorrow. I'm glad doing the laundry today so I can hand most of the clothes outside. There is nothing as soothing as a baby sleeping. Endometriosis is a horrible condition, and one DD had it so bad, she had major surgery to remove most of it from her abdomen. I'm another odd ball in that I do not like peanut butter except on those cheese crackers you can buy. The Aldous Huxley quote is very true. We'll pass on the meal, drink and the wine. Well, DH would probably enjoy the wine, but he is allergic to Franzia wines. We've been to Livorno more times than I can remember, and we missed it once on Noordam III due to high winds. The Pilot refused to come out to guide the ship into port. Yellowstone is my favorite National Park, so I'll gladly celebrate its founding in 1872. Hats of to Georgeana (York), Maine, on becoming the first incorporated town in 1642. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I'm glad you enjoyed Boca da Varleria yesterday. When we visited the village, we were told to donate to the school and church, but not to give the kids any money. They would give it to their parents who would spend it in the local bar. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm sorry your friend Wayne has pulmonary edema and pneumonia. I hope he can come home today, and will make a speedy recovery. Be careful in the coming storm. @cat shepard Thanks for the update on your sister. I hope the get the Afib under control soon. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope they get approval for the procedure to help with your dry eyes. @marshhawk Annie, I hope you can get your numbers back in normal range so you won't need insulin. @kazu Jacqui and @rafinmd Roy, Koningsdam has dropped Fanning Island from their itinerary after having to return to Kona for a medical disembarkation. The captain told the passengers they should still make it to Raiatea on time. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry you are not doing well. Sending positive thoughts for a better day today and in the coming days. Lenda
  14. Bruce, I hope you have a safe flight to Sydney. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Lenda
  15. Jane, I'm glad you are feeling better and that the medicine is working. Enjoy your cruise, you need a break where you can sit back and relax. Lenda
  16. Terry, you do have an amazing family, and a lot of the credit goes to the parents who helped the family become a real family. Lenda
  17. Good afternoon from a sunny Quartzsite. It is a nice change after the dreary weather we had for several days. The wind is picking up, so the towels should dry quickly and hopefully a little softer. The load of cleaning towels and rags will be ready to hang outside in a few minutes. Vanessa, I hope the pain continues to lessen along with the numbness. Yikes, on the person walking through your yard in the middle of the night. Graham, thanks for the explanations of women being allowed to propose in Ireland, Scotland and England. Pennie, thanks for the pictures of the pink dolphins. I remember being amazed at how pink they were. I only got one picture of a pink dolphin, and if you didn't know what it was, you couldn't tell what was in the picture. Enjoy your swim with the pink dolphins. Brenda, thanks for the pictures of Mauna Kea and the sunset. We did a tour of the observatories one year. I'm glad the companion dog is recovering nicely. Ann, I would have loved to get in the water with one of the pink dolphins. Debbie, I certainly don't want to wind up in the Walls Unit in Huntsville. It's the old prison and where the executions take place. It was opened in 1849. It's pretty grim looking. We also experienced the outage about 9 this morning. @kazu Jacqui, about 30 minutes ago someone posted that Koningsdam will miss Fanning Island, but the captain expects to arrive in Raiatea on time. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad your sister is progressing so nicely. I hope they get the Afib under control. @AV8rix Susan, you will be welcome in Texas anytime. Sorry, I can't do anything about the weather, but Texas weather has always been unpredictable. Lenda
  18. HAPPY LEAP DAY! Good morning from a sunny and calm Quartzsite. It was 47F when I got up with a predicted high of 76F. Unfortunately, our wind will return with a high of 14mph. By Saturday, the wind is predicted to be 22 mph. This morning it is time to clean the house, so I'll get started as soon as I finish here. Digital learning is important as is toast. I'll be having toast for breakfast a little later. The David Bowie quote is interesting. Thank you, Tina @0106 for the explanation of the quote. I might try one of the Jambalaya recipes. I imagine DH would add hot sauce to his serving. We'll pass on the drink. The wine sounds nice, but a bit pricey. We have not been to Vanuatu. The formation of the Panama Canal Commission was important. The Oscar win for Hattie McDaniel was a step forward of minority actors and actresses, but sadly it was too long until another Oscar went to a person of color. @kazu Jacqui, the Koningsdam's schedule might change since they had to return to Kona for a double medical disembarkation. Evidently, they could not do the helicopter disembarkation but had to use a tender instead. @puppycanducruise Melanie, out thoughts are with you on what would have been your brother's birthday. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad the heater is still working. @ottahand7 Nancy, safe travels today to your home. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad your DS is making progress and that her son is with her and her daughter will arrive Saturday. It was nice of you to clean your sister's place and do her laundry. @marshhawk Annie, I hope you and Chuck @catmando can find time to continue your walks. Good luck with the dietician today. @Seasick Sailor Welcome back, Joy. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad today's walk seemed easier. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad your DH's eye pressure is stable. I hope you find the tax return. @AV8rix Susan, so far I've escaped arrest and time in The Walls in Huntsville since I must have beans (pinto) in my chili. BTW, they sell chili "fixins" with beans in Texas. Lenda
  19. Ann, I hope you DD can get some help with her hearing. Sharon, I'm glad you liked the memes today. I think my problem with the M*A*S*H finale was that it didn't seem to stay true all the shows that preceded it. It just seemed off, and I haven't watched it again. Vanessa, I'm glad the pain is still more of a thing of the past, and good news on your PT session yesterday. Gerry, thanks for the update on Joy and Allen. It's been a little longer than two weeks, so hopefully she will be back here soon. Roy, I'm sorry your appointment was not that great. I hope the change in medications helps. Lenda
  20. Roy, I still hope the appointment goes well, and that the cardiologist is please with your test results. Lenda
  21. Good morning from a sunny Quartzsite. It was 47F when I got up, and is now 52F. Our predicted high is 76F with just a light wind. The wind will pick up tomorrow and increase each day until we have a 21mph wind on Sunday. There's not much on the agenda today. Three interesting days today, but I only keep a few things in the pockets of my jeans and shorts. Even when I get pants that have pockets, they are usually fairly shallow and won't even hold my phone. Floral designs can be amazing, but my method is usually fill a vase with water and stick the flowers in the vase. 🤣 Inconvenience Day is an interesting concept. The Dalai Lama's quote is very wise, and also very true. I try to help others and at best not to hurt others. I like chili which in Texas is traditionally made without beans. However, I like beans in my chili, but not kidney beans. We'll pass on the drink, but DH would probably like the wine. We have not been to Tonga, so I appreciate the pictures that have been posted. There are three interesting days in history. The discovery of the double helix was very important. I watched the finale of M*A*S*H, but unlike most, I was disappointed in the show. @cat shepard Ann, I hope your sister is doing well this morning, and will have a rapid and complete recovery. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope everything is well with you and Allen. We miss you. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I'm glad you are enjoying the cruise. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for all the pictures from Ayers Rock. It's on the bucket list, but not the bugs. Have a safe flight back to Sydney. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad the x-rays showed no damage to your shoulder, and that your nose is not broken either. Have a safe trip home. @kochleffel Paul, you course assignments sound very interesting. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm happy you found an aide for one day on the weekends. @cunnorl Charlene, thanks for the pictures from Tonga. @rafinmd Roy, I hope the appointment with your oncologist goes well, and that he is pleased with your lower PSA numbers. I hope you get home before the heavy rains hit. Lenda
  22. @superoma Eva, a VERY HAPPY 54TH ANNIVERSARY to you and your DH. Thanks for sharing the wedding pictures. Lenda
  23. Ann, thank you for letting us know about your sister's surgery. Sending positive thoughts that she does well, and has a quick and complete recovery. In the meantime, get some rest and take care of ypurself. Lenda
  24. Sharon, DH tried one of the Liquid Desserts, and liked it. I don't remember which one it was though. I'm sorry things with your mother are not going well. Roy, that's good news about the PSA numbers. I guess it took a bit for the readiation treatments to affect the numbers. Lenda
  25. We finally have clear skies with a lot of sunshine. The only cloud in sight is we're about to start on the taxes, not fun but necessary. Vanessa, I'm glad the tingling is now mild, and also that the grandfather clock is now working. I'm also glad BFF is helping you with some of the chores. Thanks for the picture of the polar bear. DH has been to Churchill to see the polar bears. I hope you will drop in again from time to time. Karen, I also got a haircut yesterday, and I felt lighter. However, it did not show up on the scales. Maxine, I hope the repairs on the deck will do the trick. I also hope you make it to Japan on the fourth attempt. I agree, that since Covid traveling is a risk, but we do try to be careful. Lenda
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