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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good morning from what looks to be a good day in Quartzsite. It is clear with a light, 4 mph, breeze. However, the wind will pick up to about 15 mph this afternoon. It is currently 48F with a predicted high of 71F but it will be sunny. ☀️ I'll skip be nasty day and instead celebrate International Women's Day. I'll also celebrate my middle name since it is the one I go by. Peanut clusters with chocolate would be good too. The quote is sad but true. Today's meal sounds good, but we'll be finishing the baby back ribs and sides tonight. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds interesting. We cruised near the Great Barrier Reef on Volendam in 2002 on our way to Cairns from Darwin. Since we passed the area at night, we didn't see the reef. For a number of reasons, on our day in Cairns we opted to rent a car instead of taking a boat out to the GBR. There are four interesting and varied days in history to celebrate, too. @Crazy For Cats Jake, that cyber attack was horrible, and I'm glad your company is helping the hospitals find ways to work around it. @kazu Jacqui, please be careful outside today. Remember what needs cleaning up will still be there when the weather improves and it's safer to do the work. I agree with your second post about no one should have to go without their medicine. Our drug pricing and lack of drug accessibility to many patients is a disaster. @Heartgrove Jack, I'm so glad Sam is still doing so well. I hope you have much more time to love and enjoy each other. @marshhawk Annie, I'm so sorry your have to forego your much needed medicine. Can your doctor give you some samples until you get a check. The pharmacy we use in Algodones will do mail orders. Their prices are about the best in Mexico, and even with the surcharge for using a credit card and the mailing costs, the price should still be reasonable. You might want to do a Google search for pharmacies there. BTW, they mail the packages from Yuma, for what it's worth. @cat shepard Ann, 45 minutes to an hour away is doable if the rehab facility is the best choice. The one DH was in was a rehab hospital little more than an hour one way, but it was the best option. Otherwise, it would have been a nursing home that did PT. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad the birthday dinner went well. @Haljo1935 I hope your appointment with the neurologist goes well today. @cunnorl Charlene, I'm sorry you hurt your hip and cannot play in the tournament today. I hope your hip is better soon. Lenda
  2. We were on Koningsdam from January 30 to February 17 and never had a problem getting Coke Zero in any bar. They were not always cold, but that was not a problem.
  3. Ann, that is really great news. I know everyone is relieved. Lenda
  4. Vanessa, I'm sorry you have a cold and a cough and were unable to go with BFF to pick up your friends at the airport. I'm glad you are feeling better today, and that you got six hours of sleep. I hope you feel well soon. I'm sorry about the iPad update mess. I quit using my iPad and switched to a android tablet when an iPad update wiped out my pictures, and then wouldn't reload them correctly. Lenda
  5. @sailingdutchy A very HAPPY 55TH ANNIVERSARY Tony and Martha. Lenda
  6. We went to Lüderitz in 2009 on the Tahitian Princes. It is a small town that serves a working diamond mine out in the desert. It was possible to visit that mine in 2009 by making advanced reservations, which we did not know about. Instead, we took a tour to Kolmanskop, a deserted mining town, that was inhabited in the early part of the 1900s. It is now being taken over by the desert. On the way back to the port, we were dropped off at the top of town and walked back to the port. Our first look at Lüderitz as we approached the port. In Kolmanskop, we went into the main building that housed the theater, bowling alley, etc. Some of the houses that are slowly being overtaken by the desert. The furnishing are still in some of the houses. This is the dining room in one of the large houses that were home to the upper management. The "train" that carried the miners and equipment. The "Garden Club" picture of the day. Various buildings in Lüderitz as we walked back to the ship. Lenda
  7. Good morning from a partly sunny, partly cloudy Quartzsite. It is 57F heading to a high of 65F. The weather is a bit strange right now. We have sun, but dark clouds all around us. The weather app says there is a chance of rain for about the next hour, but the future cast radar shows it going around us, which is the normal pattern. Last night about 10, the wind really picked up for about 10 to 15 minutes. I could hear the flags flapping very hard, but it was too windy to try to drop the flag poles down. As quickly as the wind kicked up, it dropped back down. However, it was enough to blow the tall propane heater over, again. Over the past few years, whatever they used for ballast broke apart and fell out. I think today, we'll try to find a place where we can move it that's out of the way, and lay it on it's side. Another option is to take it apart and store the pieces. Alexander Graham Bell would not recognize his invention today, but it changed communication for the better and at times for the worse. Name Tags are necessary, but as soon as I leave off come the name tags. I hope I'm heard unless I'm being obnoxious. The E. E. Cummings quote is just plain weird to me. Chicken enchiladas would be good, but I prefer the cheese enchiladas at our favorite Mexican restaurant in Texas. I've tried making enchiladas, but I have not been very successful. The drink sounds interesting, and I would like the wine, especially at that price. We were in Luderitz in October 2009, and I'll look for my pictures soon. Again, the patent for the telephone is an important day in history as is Roald Amundsen's discovery of the South Pole. In 2013 on Veendam, we stopped in Sydney, NS, and drove to the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site in Baddeck. These are a pictures from that visit. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm sorry Allen is in so much pain. Hopefully, he will take the pain medicine. @Nickelpenny Pennie, thanks for the pictures. @dfish Debbie, I was glad to read on yesterday's Daily that your thumb is better. @Mr. Boston Lauren and her family are in our thoughts as she enters hospice. I hope she can be kept comfortable and pain free. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry the new dermatologist is not as good as your former one. Ours is about my age and still does a through body scan at each visit besides listening to our concerns. I hope he doesn't retire. @Mtn2Sea Thank you for the pictures of Halifax Island. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope all goes well at the eye doctor, and that he doesn't do anything drastic. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad Wayne made it home yesterday, and is feeling much better. Enjoy your lunch with him today. @57redbird Save travels to SeaTac and a safe flight to Maui tomorrow. @AncientWanderer Maxine, I hope everything goes smoothly with your DD and with your dog sitting. I was also glad to see the end of last year. @ottahand7 Nancy, please wish your DB a HAPPY 81ST BIRTHDAY for us. @aliaschief Bruce, enjoy your sea days when you sail around Africa. I think I would have made the same decision. Lenda
  8. @RedneckBob RNB, wishing you a wonderful birthday. Lenda
  9. Vanessa, that looks like a lot of work. I don't think I'd have the patience to do that. Lenda
  10. Good afternoon. Somehow, some of the things on the to-do list have been accomplished. There's still a bit that needs to be done before we head back to Texas the first of April. One of things we'd been dreading turned out to be easier than expected. We had to replace the driver's side mirror on the car. It had been broken off by another car when we parked in San Diego for a cruise in 2022. DH had first taped the mirror in place, then used cable ties and duct tape. He even epoxied the mirror back in place, but that broke on our rough roads. We'd waited until after our recent cruise in case the mirror got hit again. We were surprised it didn't take as long as expected, and the new mirror is working well. Vanessa, I'm glad you are having at least 75% less pain and numbness. I hope the pain lessens even more. Thank you, Graham. Elliott Rose is a real cutie. Sending positive thoughts that the twins stay put until July. Joy, I'm sorry Allen is dealing with a pinched nerve in his neck. I hope he will take the prescription the doctor prescribe. If not, you might try hiding it in a treat like you would for Oliver. 😁 Ann, licking the bowls and beaters is the best part of making a cake. 🤣 Annie, I hope the dermatologist appointment went well, and that he didn't find anything to worry about. Lenda
  11. I have a few more pictures from Hilo. We had tried several times to visit the Imiloa Astronomy Center, but by the time we got there it was closed. In 2018, we finally made it on a day they were having an open house and food fair. Here are just a few pictures from the center. In 2017, after visiting the Volcanoes National Park, we turned off the main highway to town and headed to a road and neighborhood that had been covered in lava during one of the eruptions. This is what we saw from the end of the road, but decided we did not have time to hike out there. From the end of the road, we turned toward the coast and found this local place. We followed the coast toward Hilo until we realized we needed to turn around and retrace our route since the coast road did not go all the way to Hilo. A couple of scenes along the coast. Two pictures of downtown Hilo that were taken on February 10. Finally, some pictures from various sailaways. Lenda
  12. We have been to Hilo many times, several in pre-digital days. The most memorable was in 1996 on the old Star Princess (hadn't discovered HAL yet) the captain spent a long time off the coast about midnight so we could watch the lava flowing into the Pacific. My pictures are a combination from different cruises beginning in 2007. Here are three pictures of Rainbow Falls taken different years with different water flows. Only once have we not rented a car in Hilo. In 2007, we did a tour to Mauna Kea and the observatories on the mountain top. This was taken from the ship on one visit. There is snow on Mauna Kea, and you can see the observatory above the snow. Some of the telescopes. The one that is open is a solar telescope. On another visit we drove north along the coast and stopped at the Waipo Lookout. There is a view of the valley where the residents farm. The road into the valley is very steep and we did not want to attempt it. The coast north of Hilo Thurston Lava Tube with one of the entrances The Volcano Observatory and Jagger Museum which were closed in 2018 and will probably be permanently closed due to the instability of the caldera rim. Both were damaged by a series of earthquakes just before the caldera collapsed, Before the last big eruption of Kilauea, we were there on February 25. 2017, and lava was erupting in the caldera. This is a little fuzzy as I had to zoom a long way. We also drove to the end of the road where lava had gone into the Pacific over the years. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a very cloudy Quartzsite. After yesterday's perfect afternoon with not a cloud in sight, it was a shock to see the heavy overcast. It was 53F when I got up this morning, and we should reach 74F this afternoon. We might see the sun for a few hours this afternoon, but the clouds will return over night and hang around all day tomorrow. At least, that's the latest guess as far as the forecast goes. Today, I'll try to catch up on a few chores, including making more food for the hummingbirds. While the siege and battle of the Alamo did not go well for the Texans, there were 15 survivors. It was a victory for General Santa Anna and the Mexicans, they had betwen 600 and 1600 killed or wounded. Instead of giving up, the fall of the Alamo inspired the Texans for fight harder for their independence, and "Remember the Alamo" became their battle cry. I respect our Veterans. I always thought my name Lenda was unique and was spelled with an e to honor my grandfathers. However, Lenda is of old German origin and means "lion's strength". It is thought to have been an offshoot of Leonard or Leonarda, and one grandfather was named Leonard while the other went by the initials DA. An interesting quote today. We'll pass on the meal and the wine. I might try a hurricane, but one would probably be enough. We have been to Hilo many times including a stop there last month. Three interesting days in history. March 6 is an important day in Texas history. The periodic table helped chemists. The patenting of aspirin was was a milestone in pain relief. @Nickelpenny Pennie, thanks for the pictures, especially the sunrise and the rainbow. @Heartgrove Jack, I'm glad Sam rallied. I also second Jacqui's @kazu suggestion to wait on canceling the appointment on Friday. We had a cat who rallied, and we almost canceled the appointment, but sadly his rally was only for a few hours. I know you will do what is best for Sam no matter how difficult it is on his humans. @dfish Debbie, I'm sorry your thumb is swollen and the hand is stiff. I hope it improves quickly, but thankfully, it is not interfering with coffee or wine drinking. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad your arm is doing well. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad you got a good night's sleep. I hope your DH is recovering nicely. @cat shepard Ann, that is good news about your sister's recovery, but I hope they can get the Afib and O2 numbers under control soon. If your sister has a case manager, talk to them and give them suggestions on where you think is best for both your sister and her family. @rafinmd Roy, the alternative maps look good. Thanks for doing the extra work. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope all goes well at the dentist today. How nice of the person with the bobcat to clear your street. Lenda
  14. @puppycanducruise, Melanie, @StLouisCruisers Sandi, @dfish Debbie, @Mr. Boston, @grapau27 Graham, @smitty34877 Terry, @superoma Eva, @kazu Jacqui, @ger_77 Gerry, @rafinmd Roy, @seagarsmoker, @cunnorl Charlene, @bennybear Brenda, @JazzyV Vanessa, @ottahand7 Nancy, and @RMLincoln Maureen. Steve asked me to thank you for the warm birthday wishes. They were very much appreciated by both of us. Lenda
  15. Good afternoon. It was a busy morning, but the cake is made and decorated. This year I went with a easy Arizona theme. The kitchen is cleaned up, and once everything dries, it will all be put away. This morning, I also had problems with FB.. Shortly after that, there was a report on CNN that FB and another site were having problems affecting various areas of the world. I just checked, and everything is back to normal, or what passes for normal on FB. Debbie, I'm sorry your thumb got caught in the snake, but I'm glad it was not badly injured. Graham, thinking about you and Pauline on what must be a bittersweet day. I hope all the wonderful memories of your Dad make today a lot easier. Vanessa, I'm glad you did not have any lasting side effects from going up and down the stairs while doing laundry. It would have worn me out too. The only stairs we have are the five steps into the motorhome. Annie, I'm glad Chuck @catmando is ready to come home, and that you got some rest. Brenda, thank you for your pictures from Crete. We have been to Souda and Chania twice, and would like to go back to Crete. Good news that your grand dog is now back home. Lenda
  16. On July 7, 2019, near the beginning of 67 days on Veendam, we were docked in Iraklion. After seeing the Minoan ruins on Santorini, we wanted to see the Palace of Knossos. We took hen the city bus out to the Palace. Palace of Knossos Sorry about the extra people in this picture. I got tired of waiting for people to let me get a clear shot. The street outside the ruins We took the city bus back into town and visited the museum with all the items taken from the Palace. It was very hot that day, and the bus was packed like a sardine can, so the air conditioned museum felt good. A model of the Palace of Knossos The museum contains most of the artifacts from the ruins, but I decided to pick two of the mosaics to show you. The gardens at the museum Some views of the area as we were waiting for the bus back to the BHB. The building on the right is the museum. In spite of the heat, we enjoyed our day in Iraklion and would like to go back and see the rest of the town. Lenda
  17. Good morning from a mostly sunny Quartzsite. It was 48F when I got up and it will be 75F this afternoon with a light wind. The wind will increase overnight and will about 13mph tomorrow afternoon and cloudy. The main item on the agenda today is making DH's birthday cake. Dissociative Identity Disorder is one that more people need to be aware of. I'll pass on the absinthe, but wouldn't mind some chees doodles. The Michael Cunningham quote is one that I don't really like. The ranch chicken sounds nice and looks a lot different from the King Ranch Casserole that is a staple in many Texas homes, and that I shared sometime in the past. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice. We were in Iraklion, Crete, in 2019 on Veendam, and enjoyed our day there even though it was very hot. Two interesting days in history. John Cabo explored quite a bit of the Maritime Provinces in Canada IIRC. Churchill's Iron Curtain speech unified the US and western Europe. @JazzyV Thank you for putting DH's birthday on the celebration list. @Denise T Denise, I hope Chase's surgery goes well Thursday, and that he has a quick recovery. I also hope the biopsy comes back negative. @superoma Eva, good luck with everyone's taxes. @Heartgrove Jack, I couldn't like your post, but sending best wishes that Sam can be made comfortable until Friday. The decision to let our furry family members go is the most loving and hardest decision we can make. We know and they know when they are ready, but we are seldom ready to say that final good-bye. You gave Sam 2 1/2 years of love and care, and he returned to the love. @MISTER 67 I'm glad your move went smoothly and you are getting settled in your new home. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope the roads can be cleared soon so that Wayne can leave the hospital and go home. Be careful going to and from your neighbor's house today. @cat shepard Ann, yes, it does take at least two to make sure patients are getting all the meds they need. I finally printed out all the meds DH needed to show the people taking care of him in the hospitals and rehab. I hope now your DS can make a quicker recovery. @cunnorl Charlene, I hope all goes well at your DD's appointment today. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad you got to pick up your truck yesterday. I'm also happy your arm is not hurting now. @marshhawk Annie, I hope Chuck's @catmando surgery goes smoothly today, and that it doesn't take him too long to recovery. DH is sleeping in this morning, but I know he will appreciate all the happy birthday wishes when he reads the Daily. Lenda
  18. Sandi, that is great news your DGD found a place she likes in a safe area. Temporarily, she could always use a card table and an air mattress. I know the family is relieved, too. Karen, I'm glad your weather is improving. I hope you get reimbursed bynthe care facility soon. Lenda
  19. ACE Hardware in Blythe sold it as a Hula Hoe many, many years ago. It's amazing how something is called so many different things in different parts of the country. Lenda
  20. Roy, that's good news, and the kind we all like to hear from our doctors. Thanks for the pictures, and story behind the path, Paul. I finished spraying the part of the lot I didn't get done the other day when I ran out of spray. I'll let it work on the weeds, and in a few days start getting them out of the ground with the hula hoe. Yes, it's that tool that was advertised on tv many years ago, but it works well on rocks since everything that's green needs to come out of the ground. Beats pulling them by hand, which I did years ago when we had another wet year. That took me almost a week. I think I'll treat myself to some time sitting outside with my book. Lenda
  21. Nancy, I'm glad the surgery went well, but I'm sorry the incision is still stinging. Sorry that the truck isn't ready. I hope the discount can be applied soon. Lenda
  22. Good afternoon. It's been a busy morning, and it looks like it might be a busy afternoon. I got the potato salad and baked beans made early so the flavors have a chance to blend. After breakfast, we went into town to run a few errands. In a bit, I'll get the ribs seasoned and ready to put in the smoker. Afterwards, I'll finish spraying the yard since we got more spray yesterday. It looks like some of the weeds and wildflowers are beginning to die. Then the only thing left will be to put the beans in the oven about an hour before the ribs are done. Welcome back. You were missed. Vanessa, I'm glad you slept well, but sorry you are still having on and off leg numbness. I hope the steep stairs don't cause problems. Lenda
  23. We spent a night in Alicante before our cruise in 2001. Originally, we were supposed to fly to Spain on 9/13/01, and spend two weeks touring Spain. We had all our reservations including the Alhambra, but then things changed. After waiting to see if the cruise would still sail, we flew to Barcelona on 9/18/01, and it was a strange flight. We flew from DFW to JFK, as our alternative flight from ATL was over booked. Our flight was practically empty, with one business section completely closed. We could not even go up there to sleep. As far as we could tell, of the passengers on the flight, there were probably less than 10 who's first language was English. We still had a week in Spain before the cruise, and we did not have any problems getting hotel rooms. Only the Paradores were booked. All the people we met were very nice and offered condolences for the tragic events on 9/11. We enjoyed our time travelling around Spain and even went to Andorra. My pictures from Alicante were taken in the early evening as we walked along the esplanade and had a nice meal at one of the sidewalk restaurants. While they may some repeats or similar pictures, they should give you an idea of what the town looks like after the ship sails. A view of the fortress from the waterfront The marina Downtown The locals come out at night We stopped here for gelato I would love to go back someday and spend more time looking around the town. Lenda
  24. Good morning from a clear Quartzsite. It was 47F when I got up, and we have a predicted high of 70F this afternoon. The good news is our winds will only be about 7 mph. Yesterday, I bought a slab of baby back ribs, and we'll be smoking them this afternoon to have along with baked beans and potato salad tonight. Brain injuries do not have to be traumatic, they can also be subtle and caused by hidden conditions that aren't obvious for quite a while. Sometimes, when the condition is reversed there can be improvement. Casimir Pulaski was an interesting person. Courageous Follower Day is an interesting concept. I don't agree with the Jane Austen quote. We have sweet potato fries fairly regularly, but I confess that I cheat. I buy the frozen air fryer sweet potatoes that you just put in the air fryer and cook. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We were in Alicante in September 2001 when we did a short land trip before a cruise out of Barcelona. We didn't have enough time there since we arrived late in the day, and then left early the next morning heading towards Barcelona. Thank you to all who shared your pictures today. I hope we can get back there sometime. Three more interesting days in history. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the information about Casimir Pulaski. @Nickelpenny Pennie, that is a big fish. I have two scales from a Arapaima. When we did a boat tour out of Santarem, all the ladies were given scales. We were told they are used as emery boards, and yes, they do work to file your fingernails. @rafinmd Roy, I hope your oncologist is pleased with your lower PSA numbers, and that the appointment goes well. @summer slope Dixie, thank you for the history of today's drink. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope you can be dug out from the storm soon, but glad you are comfortable at home for now. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope all goes well at the dermatologist today, and that he can get everything with one pass. @VMax1700 I enjoyed your information about Lake Constance. If it is a trivia question someday, I hope I remember the answer. 😉 Lenda
  25. Good afternoon from a still windy Quartzsite, but at least, it is sunny. With the cooler temperatures and strong winds, we postponed our planned trip to Yuma and Algodones until next weekend, since we'd be outside quite a bit. Sundays are never as busy in Algodones since the eye doctors and dentists are normally closed then. We try to get there early, so we can beat the crowd trying to cross back into the US after lunch. The other day, someone reported the wait was 2 1/2 hours. Sunday mornings we rarely have a wait, and then it's just a few minutes. If course, with spring break in full swing, you never know. Since the planned trip included a W-M stop, we drove up to Parker to get that and a stop at Safeway out of the way. It really wasn't too bad out, but the wind did try to move the car around on the way home. Now, everything is put away, and the chicken is packaged in smaller portions and is in the freezer. Jake, glad you are all right, but I wish your work isn't so hectic. I hope things settle down more next week. Karen, it was good you could visit with your DSIL over shopping and lunch, but what a scary situation driving home. I glad you made it safely. Vanessa, I'm glad you are able to move and work now with little discomfort, and that you are making good progress on the dining room. What luck that you found curtains in the storage closet you could use. I hope your UK friends have a safe trip over the pond and a good time in the US. Karen, I'm glad your DH's recovery from hip replacement surgery is going so well. I hope he continues to have an uneventful and speedy recovery. Thanks for the picture of Miss Murphy on her way home. She looks so happy to be seeing the real world. Sandi, yeah for Ren scoring the winning goal. It sounds like there is real teamwork on that team. Lenda
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