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Everything posted by leaveitallbehind

  1. Just want to add for clarity, port fees are not considered taxes. They are two different things. As mentioned, those fees are essentially docking and occupancy fees charged to the cruise line for docking in those ports. Taxes are just that and are a component of your cruise fare. But with recent regulations adopted by California, published total cruise fares must now also include port fees and taxes as part of that total versus as separately added line items. On the surface without itemization through an invoice, it will be difficult to distinguish those charges.
  2. The short answer is no as they are a part of the cruise fare and is a charge issued to the cruise line by the international port of call in which you are visiting, and then prorated to the passengers. And fees, as mentioned, are fees, not taxes. The tax portion is relatively quite small. Under what criteria would you be attempting to deduct this? Not sure what gain to your income you would see by attempting to deduct a small amount of cruise related taxes, if you even legitimately could.
  3. Understand that. We also rarely buy it as well but there are times when the Always pricing with the upgrade have made it a decent value. My point was more lighthearted about enjoying a good cocktail with a nice dinner. But it also is an individual choice and a matter of one's cruise budget. There are many people who book only suites, others who book inside staterooms. Those who spend money on ship excursions, those who prefer to do things on their own and spend that money elsewhere. Just a personal choice and however one decides to cruise to achieve their own enjoyment is up to them.
  4. We enjoy good cocktails while dining in the specialty restaurants, which are included if you have the premium beverage package. They are a nice compliment to a fine meal.
  5. Just to clarify for those who may not book Aqua, while I guess you could say it is the MDR for Aqua class, the menu at Blu is completely different from the MDR. (Although you can order from the MDR menu there if you want).
  6. The OBC offers vary but typically exist with on board bookings and occasional cruise line promotions. It will also accompany TA bookings when they are using a cruise line issued group rate that will include some amount of OBC. (These rates are not available to individual bookings directly from the cruise line and are the result of group or block bookings made by the TA. But the OBC in those cases would accompany the group rate and would be issue through the TA by the cruise line). TA's will also occasionally issue OBC directly from their booking commission as in incentive to book through them.
  7. Makes complete sense. With that many successive cruises getting the same stateroom for all three with normal bookings can be a challenge! Forget those odds with GTY's on a B2B2B!
  8. Correct. The base fares offered directly are the same as those provided to the TA's on individual bookings. However, the TA's have access to non-published rates issued by the cruise line to TA's through their own group or blocked staterooms as well as special incentive rates offered from time to time by the cruise lines through TA's that are lower base fares than those shown on the websites or through their call center reps. Group, or block, booking rates are at a reduced rate as a volume incentive. They can then be sold individually by the TA using this reduced pricing. At times these group bookings by nature of their composition will include some amount of OBC. There are also TA's that will offer perks on their own from their booking commissions that are not from the cruise line. We see it frequently.
  9. The best way to assure the best pricing IMO is to use a live travel agent who specializes in cruises. They have access to group based and other pricing offered by the cruise lines that is typically lower and not published on the cruise line website or directly through the reps to the general public. In my experience this would be true with most cruise lines.
  10. The check in through the website is by way of the cruise planner. Sign in with your account and go from there. Hopefully there will be a way to remove her number that way to proceed. You can call C & A yourself directly at 800.526.9723 to make the update and do not have to do so through your TA. Might be faster and at your convenience. If you cannot remove her number through the app or website this should facilitate the check in.
  11. Agree and would think it more likely from the sodium content in the prepared food on board and not the water.
  12. The water is perfectly safe on board to drink. The entire crew survives on it 24 / 7 for months while at sea. Reverse osmosis and steam evaporation are two methods that generate fresh water on board. Tanked water on board is also another option. We have also never had an issue bringing bottled water on board which is also available on board to purchase. But it is certainly not necessary to try to bring you own water on board as an alternative to the ship water as that is perfectly fine and safe to drink. It would not be feasible or practical otherwise for the thousands of passengers on board.
  13. While they can and are assigned from time to time to those without need for an accessible stateroom, they are held late in case a late booking may require one. The concern over the possibility of having one assigned would not be a deterrent to me with booking a GTY. If one was, it would not be at the expense of a passenger who needed it.
  14. It is a very desirable location on the hump adjacent to the elevators. As the deck extends out at that location I would doubt any noise interference from the deck below. But with GTY assignments if you want to move your location just contact whomever you booked through and have them check available inventory. If there are other staterooms available in the sub-category as assigned, they will advise the available locations and they can move you to a different location if you want at n/c. Personally I would probably keep that location unless a similar one on a higher deck was available. But that would primarily be for elevator convenience to both higher and lower decks versus noise concerns. The fact that it is connecting is not really an issue either as the connecting doors are in a vestibule outside the staterooms.
  15. I have mentioned this on other threads but just to clarify location assignment with a GTY, if once your stateroom is assigned you are not happy with its' location, just contact whomever you booked through and they can check availably of other locations. If there are other staterooms available in the sub-category as you were assigned, they can confirm alternate locations and move your assignment to another preferred location for you at n/c. While it is based on availability, this can mitigate the risk of being assigned an undesirable location. We have done this a few times in the past.
  16. Not arguing, just clarifying. But IMO, you are completely missing my point. You originally thought the price change was after final payment. TA's who know the policies on this thread told you there was no price change option past final payment. To that, they are correct. Your call would not have changed that nor is that why you got the adjustment. You only received what you did because you learned that you were actually still before final payment. Shame on you (and your TA if the did not clarify) for not having awareness of your booking to realize what the true final payment date was, as that is a critical date and your responsibility to know. The whole issue was centered only on the fact that post final payment there is not price change and you have repeatedly said that it is worth a call anyway to find out, which it isn't. Nothing more. Agree that taking advice from posters here can be a fools errand, but when it is factual information from a TA, it is good information. But I also said to call your TA to confirm so that this issue can be put to rest. Have you? Let us know their response. BTW I am genuinely very happy for you that you got the adjustment. That's a great savings. Just reinforces the need to understand the cruise line pricing policies and, most importantly, when your actual final payment date is. Enjoy your cruise!
  17. Even with US ports of call they likely won't have any large celebration for the 4th on board. We have cruised twice over the 4th in recent years and nothing formally was done to recognize it on board. Keep in mind the likely international mix of passengers.
  18. I can confirm that there are at least two TA's responding on this thread who have confirmed from direct knowledge with you what the policy is and that any TA's answer will be the same. Yours, just because they're yours, will not have a different answer. You can also check with the cruise line directly to get the policy from them. Aside from that there are a number of very experienced cruisers on this thread who have echoed the same thing. I don't understand why you don't want to accept that fact and feel the need to have independent confirmation from your TA. They won't be able to change the cruise line's policy. But since you already have called them with receiving the pre final payment price adjustment, why not call them and ask what the policy is post final payment? You are correct, they provide a valuable service and there are indeed a number of things you likely can learn from them. Certainly one will be a confirmation of this information.
  19. A good TA will provide the cruise line booking confirmation along with their agency invoice and review this with you so that you can see the actual final payment date and would be aware of that with future price changes. Most good TA's also confirm payment a few days early for the reasons you expressed. There are also good TA's that may also follow pricing and will advise their clients of favorable price changes on their behalf. Experienced cruisers will understand this as well as the rules regarding price changes, pre and post final payment. The real moral if of this story is moving forward with your future bookings to be aware of your booking and final payment dates and also understand, as has been repeatedly clarified in this thread, what the pre and post final payment date pricing policies are so that you don't have to make unnecessary calls to your TA to hope to get something they have no power to provide.
  20. Other than taking up your TA's time for a question you now already know the answer to. You got the adjustment in this case as you were still prior to final payment. Past that, the answer per the cruise line, that they have to honor, is no. No point in wasting their time.
  21. Just as a side note, if you are referring to SM, we have had the opportunity to meet him on two of our sailings. Very interesting and personable individual.
  22. The only time I've seen banners of any type on a balcony is during sail away years ago, in particular from Port Everglades, when they were part of the port webcam photo op. And then they were handheld by passengers on the balcony and only during the pass by the camera. Otherwise, no, they are not permitted outside of your stateroom on the balcony. Also keep in mind the 4th of July is a specific US holiday and, other than with the possibility of some red white and blue iced cupcakes, I would not expect any recognition or celebration on board that day. At least there never was in our July 4th sailings.
  23. Just to add, I am not aware of any OBC from Celebrity that would be refundable. In my experience any OBC issued but them as part of a booking is non-refundable. Typically TA issued OBC is refundable as it would be coming from them as a third party. Their promo's that would include an OBC would be theirs, not the cruise lines. (Other possibly than with group or blocked staterooms they have, which then may be NR). However, as it is coming from them any unused portion may be refunded to them and any further credit back to you could be at their discretion.
  24. There are a few who do this on different cruise lines and while feasible, it certainly isn't for everyone. It may seem an interesting lifestyle for a number of reasons but there are IMO certain considerations to be realized. I think arranging for a permanent at sea lifestyle would take significant planning in order to sever the land cord. Health care management over the long run would be one that comes to mind. IMO that would be a significant factor for which to have a firm plan. I believe some of the individuals that do this also have land based residence affiliations and take time off ship as needed for this. As mentioned, the current cost with cruising may be prohibitive but can be offset by stateroom choice. Without naming names I know that one of the more recognized individuals who has lived on board cruise ships with one line for a number of year does so with inside staterooms. The pandemic obviously interrupted that lifestyle, and as mentioned, having affiliations with a land based residence certainly was important then. I also think lifestyle and cruise line choice would be of significant importance given the different primary demographics target by each. Changing ships from time to time does add some variety, but if within the same line, the overall cruising atmosphere would remain essentially the same. Good luck with your choices if you decide to move forward. We have been cruising for 32 years and obviously enjoy it quite a bit. But not to the point where we would choose to do so permanently or for an extended period of time. Very individual decision and to each their own.
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