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Everything posted by KroozNut

  1. I was wondering about that, because I thought to myself, Dang, the beverage package for our Eastern Caribbean sailing next spring is currently $71/pp/pd; which is pretty steep IMHO.
  2. We're new to RCI, but have 25+ cruises on other lines. I've read all 12 pages of opinions on this topic, but still have one basic/simple question here: What do RCI's published rules say about this? Thanks!
  3. Any luck with finding the Navigator technical assistance phone number? 🤔
  4. "Besides the hamburgers".. I would add and hotdogs. 🙂
  5. That would be great if there is a phone number. Please let us know if/when you find one.. 😉
  6. I'm aware of the option to email Navigator technical support (although responses from them are extremely rare), but did not know that you could call them. Can you share that number?
  7. I'm not currently booked, so not sure if that makes a difference, but it shouldn't. I'm specifically referring to this issue as it applies to the Navigator app on my Android device.
  8. What is the charge for us to win their money, other than what we invest to win that money? 🤔
  9. For a while, I've been getting an "Oops, page not found" message with a button to return to the home page when I click on the various dining venues, i.e. MDR, PG, Lido, etc. No info, no menus... nothing. I have the latest version (4.27.0) loaded on my newer Android device, so I'm not sure what's going on. Has anybody experienced this as well, and/or does anyone have any suggestions for fixing this issue?
  10. Sounds to me like they're neglecting Android... typical
  11. Again, I am a nonsmoker now (quit about 12 years ago). So I have personal perspective from both sides of this issue. From my own experience as a former smoker, and from observations of smoker's behaviors today (aboard ships and otherwise); the vast majority of smokers follow the rules regarding where they can and cannot smoke. So they're not in the habit of 'insisting they should be allowed to stink up the inside of HAL's ships', or anywhere else for that matter. They are simply appreciative of being allowed to smoke somewhere, and will follow whatever smoking rules are in place for wherever they happen to be at any point in time (aboard a ship, land-based venue, etc.) HAL's current smoking policies are what they are, and smokers will comply with those rules. When/if HAL updates or changes smoking policies aboard their ships, I'm sure that smokers will comply with those updated policies, as they always have (again, based on my own personal experience/observation).
  12. Our experience sailing with HAL is that their ships are far from 'smoky onboard environments', but quite the contrary. Smoking on HAL ships is limited to one or two very specific locations, and the rest of the ship is smoke free.
  13. Sure, I'm in.. 🙂 But I will reserve the option to continue to chime in on this thread if I feel I have an opinion, or something to contribute to the discussion.
  14. Well, just for fun, let's take look at how folks in this thread (albeit a very small subset of all cruisers) have responded to the two different perspectives (#809/811). Looks like the majority of folks here agree with #811 over #809 (currently 12 to 7). Which I suspect correlates well with how the larger population of cruisers feel about this issue.
  15. Actually, I would recommend post #811 the better thought out, and more logical/realistic perspective on all of this.
  16. For the record, I'm a nonsmoker, and what I will say about your original comment has not changed. It is still wow, just wow.
  17. Doesn't read better at all. I stand by my original statement..
  18. Their experience is the same as ours and many others. You can continue to whine about how bad it is, but the reality is that it is not bad at all for the majority of cruisers, and that is a happy place to be.
  19. Actually, I think Ruth is serious, and spot on I might add.
  20. Utilize whatever method of mobility you have and navigate around the casino if you want to avoid the smoke in that venue.
  21. Yes, I've come to the conclusion the the app is essentially useless.
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