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Texas Teen

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Posts posted by Texas Teen

  1. I saw the three Celebrity billboards near Corsicana when returning from Houston the other day, though they must have changed since pspercy saw them.


    The first two billboards were white with blue text and no logo or graphics (I was trying to figure out which cruise line this was), and the third had the Celebrity logo over a white background with no other graphics. I was very surprised!

  2. Emerald Princess headed to the Gulf of Mexico from Houston:




    A screenshot of Navigator mid-turn last Sunday evening:




    Navigator approaching Harbor House Hotel:





    The above pictures should link to other screenshots.




    I won't be around to watch the ships depart tomorrow afternoon unless they are late.


    I'm holding off on requesting a username change until next week or the week after.

  3. Yes we finally met Dylan

    And we have known him since he was 14 years old on Cruise Critic.

    Which was When he started the first thread of Galveston Cruise Cam a Group THREAD.

    We are all on the second thread because cruise critic had to abort the first

    because if the size and number of posts. That's how popular it has been.


    We thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon, dinner,

    and evening at Olympia grill with Dylan. It is also fun to watch a departure of a cruise ship with him.

    And to do it with Dylan was special. :D

    We then took him back to meet with his family

    in our convertible and for for a beach ride. It was a wonderful day.


    We shall look forward to doing it again with him.

    And continuing our new friendship with this fine young man.

    Have a successful college school year Dylan.


    Lee and Mary


    This is actually the 3rd thread. The first was "archived" after it got too large, and I started this one before the 2nd got too large. :eek:


    The ship we watched depart was Triumph. Did y'all end up meeting crazy4themouse?


    Saw you were going to Galveston.


    Rancher Tori kicked off her high school career today and because she was getting ready, including trying to read a book she had all Summer before class this morning, we stuck around in Houston. She did enjoy her first day at DeBakey HSHP. Guess tomorrow the full homework load hits.


    Enjoy college. Soon enough you will be on a cruise for Spring Break with friends from college.


    Spring Break? $ $ $ $ $


    If my Winter break is the same this year as it was last year, my Winter break is four weeks long instead of two weeks. The Carnival Triumph Dec 15 or Jan 3 sailings (before Christmas or after New Years) are my best hopes for a cruise, though I'm keeping my hopes low. My mom has lost interest in going on a cruise.

  4. I haven't posted any webcam images lately, so here are a few from yesterday:










    Seems like our group hasn't been together at the same time to watch the ships depart on webcam in a real long time. I'm thinking we should agree on a day to come and watch the webcams at the same time.


    Would October 12 (no NASCAR race) or November 16 (Championship finale I'm boycotting) work for y'all?

  5. I met Galveston Cruiser (Mary) and SSB (Lee) at Pier 21 yesterday. Very nice people! :) Here are a couple of pics they took of me:






    Yes, I cropped the pictures. I figured giving the thumbs up looks awkward when I'm standing at a slight angle to the camera. I look a lot less awkward in these pictures than when I met Rancher Dave a few years ago, though looking at my messed up hair in the first pic is bothering me. I guess it wasn't long enough for my pony tail.


    I have no idea why my photo host made the annoying watermark is so huge in the second picture. I will see if I can post a picture of the three of us later...

  6. I'm live from Galveston! :) I must say, I'm very glad the seaweed problem is not as bad now as it was back in May. Seaweed is not washing ashore in giant clusters that cover the surface of the water like it did back in May, and it appears the seawall east of 61st has been cleaned recently.


    Mary, if sand dunes were to build up between the water and seawall, where would people go to the beach? There was no sand between the giant mound of seaweed and one foot of seaweed-covered water when I was there last time.


    On a different note, I plan on being at Pier 21 tomorrow for Triumph's departure.

  7. I saw two people in orange shirts on deck 9 as Navigator sailed away. However, not surprisingly, my phone camera did a very poor job of picking up the color. Here is a Picture that I cropped to zoom in:




    I circled the figures I assume are internetwhiz and whoever she was with (Karen and Bill?).


    Didn't know where to look for Mary and Lee.




    On a side note, my dad and I went to Bolivar peninsula and back the next day hoping for a cleaner beach (unlike Sunday when we gave up, the line for the ferry was not crazy long on Monday). Unfortunately, the disgusting seaweed infestation was even worse there, so we waited in line for over an hour to return. I did take some pictures, though:







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