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Everything posted by gottagoacruzn

  1. Yes, the camera does charge the battery, that includes the extra ones with a second charger.
  2. Hey urbantrekker or martincath, whenever coming in for a cruise, have noticed that across the bay from Vancouver place, there's a slight yellow hill which looks like the egg mcmuffin recycle plant. What is it? Inquiring minds would like to know.
  3. I forgot is what I was gonna ask. Forgive my manners!!!
  4. Hi, also for to ask you, when you get to the Crown, am wantin to know if the ship is facing in towards the city, an is it docked on the west side of canada place, next to the convention center?
  5. Hey guys, the first time in 84, when I went on a cruise, had a pocket camera, then the camera turned into a 35 mm, then to Alaska that was in 1990, an everybody on the ship had a camcorder, thought I wanted one, so a yr later had the cam corder, an you can guess that's all I took. Wanted to take videos then come home to watch them. Well several cruises went by, with the cam corder, an in 2006, was given a digital camera. Wondered then, what will I do with a digital, well saw some pictures on line, that somebody took, an thought I want to take pictures of Mexico. an took the digital with me, an from that cruise on, never bothered with the camcorder again. Forgot what fun it was to take pictures, course can take video now, last Nov took video on the Navigator ots, but still had more fun take pictures.
  6. Hi Jeter, think I'll wait til we board the Crown in Sept, got lots of time. Thanks.
  7. Hi guys, forgot to mention that I will be on the Crown, 1st time, but have been to Alaska plenty of times, this will be a 10 day cruise.
  8. Oh yeah, before I forget, is there a chef's table, an do ya need reservations?
  9. Hi guys, haven't been on a princess cruise in awhile, an am wonderin what is a platinum member, & what do ya get, besides the welcome back party? Inquiring minds would like to know. Thanks.
  10. Hi Coral, was thinkin an maybe you could help me out. When you are on the cruise, an wanderin about the ship & the ports, if you find a sign or something that is unusual, or maybe I better clarify that, so nobody gets the wrong ider, please take a picture then post it, an where to find it, so that we can wander around an find it, so we can take a look at it. For instance, I think its in Vancouver, at the convention center, the teardrop, an also the steam clock. Inquiring minds could like to know, an before I forget, thanks.
  11. Hey pierces, put the quality on best, if ya know what that means.
  12. Hey Crew News, will be goin to Alaska in Sept, an will be takin the Aleutian Ballard tour, my question is, got a Kodak pixpro fz151 digital camera, what scene should I use when filming the eagles? The scenes are landscape, sport, beach, or use video, also what scene to use for the entire cruise. Got to thinkin today about what scene to use, an thought you would know. Thanks.
  13. Hey pierces, got any other suggestions for the camera & its uses?
  14. Hi, will also be on the Crown for this sailing, but not til Sept, got a ways to go yet, am gettin ansy!! Saw your pictures an they are beautiful.
  15. Hi pierces, think you're right on all those pictures that can be taken, an as for auto review, will look into that, or I might not have it. Thanks.
  16. Hey guys, anybody got photos of the skywalkers lounge from the crown they can share? Will be goin to Alaska in Sept an want to see some views when leavin Vancouver, the inside passage, in hopes of seein whales, or whatever!! Thanks.
  17. Hi Dave, its a Kodak fz151 digital camera, will be takin lots of pictures durin the day, the batteries are duracell ultra, an the memory cards are pny 32 gb. Can look at amazon for more info. Does that help?
  18. Hey I like that one. Once after I had washed my hair, was outside, well I guess you know what happened, had to wash it again.
  19. Hi guys, forgot to mention, will be on a 10 day cruise.
  20. Hey guys, have been to Alaska before, got three batteries for the camera now, do I need anymore? As for memory card, got two of them now. so I don't think will need any more of them. Thanks.
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