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Everything posted by azbirdmom

  1. Well that's a change from the tamer activities we've experienced at Happy Hour in the Suite Concierge Lounge! 😜 Autocorrect is rarely your friend.
  2. He's a pretty good port lecturer. Bet it would be interesting to meet him. I'm sure they officers will swing by too if you're into that.
  3. Welcome back to Princess! I had the same problem with the time going wacky on our last cruise and mentioned it to the suite concierge. The solution seemed to be to log out and then just log in using your cruise info. Try that and see if it resolves the issue.
  4. I think it must vary by ship then because we have found that light will turn on with switch in mini suites. We've been in mostly suites the last couple of years but the last mini suite was a year ago on the Regal and the first switch by the door definitely turned on the "hall" light.
  5. I'm fairly certain that in the PH suites on the side the closets are in a wall so not an issue. But I've found that even when you have that light between the bathroom and the closet you can still use the light switch to turn on that light.
  6. Thank you, will look for that. I wonder how the folks feel who paid Princess $44 a piece LOL. And no need to apologize. It's your cruise and you need to enjoy it. Appreciate whatever info you can provide whenever it is convenient for you.
  7. Was that a private shuttle? Princess shows $44 pp. We were just going to take a taxi like we've done before when we board the Discovery in two weeks but if that's a private shuttle that's probably a bit better deal.
  8. Well they do have the new pricing starting July 1st as well as the new sale. So yeah lots of last minute stuff may be happening. Let's hope they nail it this time.
  9. Thanks! Works on my phone, not on my laptop.
  10. Wish I could check my saved cruises. It just clocks when I try to check those and does the same when I try to search for new cruises. I think I've run into the typical unannounced weekend website glitches!
  11. It actually sounded like a punchline to a Johnny Carson joke. "So the package arrived from Jerry from Rancho Cucamonga...".
  12. Update on my Medallions. They arrived today, 13 days before cruise. Yay! But I did notice something very weird. The return address on the package was someone named Jerry in Rancho Cucamonga. Must be someone new they are using for fulfillment but it's the second strange thing (no tracking info provided in the shipping email now a guy's name shown as the sender). Hope Princess is saving a bundle on this new arrangement as it's perplexing to me but I guess as long as we get the Medallions before the cruise departs that's the most important thing.
  13. It is. It was free for suite passengers until last December 1st when they started charging for it. Anyone with reservations in a full suite prior to that date get it comped, after that it's $149 pp. We did it free during the trial in October 2022 and could have gone again in April as we were "grandfathered in" to get it comped. But I knew I couldn't get my DH to go again so didn't even try. I thought it was a fun experience to do - once.
  14. Thought I remembered you posting drink pictures earlier this year so I mentioned it. But they have soda, a coffee machine, and bottled water (fizzy and still) available 24 X 7 if that works better. We find all of that extremely convenient.
  15. Enjoy your cruise, you'll have plenty of time to deal with whatever your new normal is when you get back. And enjoy Suite happy hours across the hall. And if you don't feel like being around others in the lounge you can always just take the drinks back to your room. Much quicker than room service or going to a bar, for at least two hours nightly!
  16. This sign was to the right of the sliding door in cabin M108 on both the Majestic and Regal. We will be in a front facing mini suite next door in a couple of weeks on the Discovery and will see if there is any signage. And no, we weren't restricted from going out on the balcony at any time as the door was open. But there were plenty of times that we didn't want to be out there!
  17. I see that except at the very end you add two pages. By the way for others interested hopefully this link will take you directly to the Destination Collection https://www.onesourcecruises.com/pdf/onesource/pc/marketing-materials/destinations/the-princess-cruise-experience/Destination Collection_2025_2026_singlepages_FINAL_2024_0425.pdf
  18. It's on FB, on Carmen Roig's page. Replay is here and the part about the Destination Collection is around 43 - 44 minutes: https://www.facebook.com/PrincessVPSales/videos/259056363952819/?notif_id=1719511240779203&notif_t=live_video_schedule_viewer&ref=notif
  19. Yes, still the old one. They did say on the webinar that it was available now but clearly it isn't. But they also said that you could order it by using the QR code and that only allows you to view it. I'm sure it will be enabled very soon, they sometimes make announcements for things that they aren't quite ready to fulfill just yet.
  20. They finally have a brand new Destination Collection! During the Princess webinar today they indicated that it is available for ordering now but doesn't appear to be out on the Princess website just yet - the old limited one is still there. But using the QR code it does appear to finally be the complete one that is just like the old one. Probably just a matter of time before it's out there for us. Very happy to have the old cruise atlas available again!
  21. Listening to the Carmen Roig webinar now. The rep for this promo just confirmed that it is indeed both cruise credits AND days that will be doubled.
  22. I'm listening to the Carmen Roig webinar now and they just announced these sales
  23. I just checked EZAir for a couple of my Saved Cruises and I'm still seeing the 5 day window. So I agree that it's likely an intentional change implemented in the US. Who knows if it will spread elsewhere?
  24. I hope it's real, not like the excursion price guarantee that had lots of loopholes and was virtually impossible to claim. I also hope they aren't going to dynamic pricing but doubt that could be implemented given the IT challenges for simple things.
  25. No you're not the only one confused. There's a lot of lovely pictures from the OP's past cruises from north Atlantic ports and oddly Cozumel. But it's not a live from. I really do think it would be more helpful to have this one renamed to something more appropriate in recognition of the fact that it's really about past cruises on Princess so as not to mislead other CC'ers. And them maybe they can start a real live from when they are on the way to the actual cruise? Which of course we all love following.
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