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Everything posted by KeithJenner

  1. I didn’t mention the OBC part because that is what causes the confusion. I buy $500 of Cruise Next vouchers and it costs me $250. We can get into the wording as much as anyone wants but the important thing is that it costs $250. Words may matter, but in this case the thing that matters most is the numbers and those are $250 for $500 of vouchers. If that is too hard for people to understand then I really can’t help them any further.
  2. Just complete a form and hand it in. Sometimes they even have a box you can post them in, but if not then just hand them to the staff when passing. I don’t recall ever discussing the vouchers with the cruisenext staff.
  3. You buy $500 of cruise credits and they charge your account $250. I think most people would see that as a saving.
  4. You basically get them half price. During double up offers it is $250 off a cruise. Saved us thousands over the years.
  5. I think most people would prefer to save some money.
  6. The saving for booking future cruises comes from buying CruiseNext vouchers onboard. This effectively gives you a discount (the actual amount depends on how many you buy and how many you can apply to your booking, which varies depending on cabin type and any special offers). You don’t need to use these onboard, just buy the vouchers. They can be applied when you do book. The main advantage of actually booking onboard is that they can usually give you a small upgrade. This is just to the next cabin subcategory, so the saving is not huge, but should save you a bit. Just ignore the sale prices. They aren’t starting to become like furniture store sales, they have been well established as such for years. The sale changes but the price remains the same.
  7. The website states the venues where you can order 4 dishes per voucher, rather than getting a standard meal. ”An SDP meal in Food Republic, Pincho, Sushi and Wasabi includes 4 menu items.”
  8. Yes, but the question was whether they could use a voucher for other people. “Is it possible to invite friends using one voucher for them?” It is certainly possible to share dishes in places like food republic, but not to use a voucher for someone else.
  9. Absolutely. If a table is available for 6 people then anyone can just book it. The system has absolutely no idea who you are booking for.
  10. The free at sea dining credits are non transferable.
  11. How long is your cruise? If it is 6 days or less then reservations open 90 days out.
  12. The only person trying to start a fight or disagreement was the person you have just thanked. 🙂
  13. Absolutely. I hope the person who replied to you comes back and apologises to you.
  14. Absolutely zero sarcastic about that reply. Just pointing out the factual differences. I didn’t realise that stating facts was a crime here.
  15. 120 days (longer for some rooms or latitudes levels). They will be open for your cruise.
  16. I’ve not tried this personally, but other have reported being given glasses for everyone at the table. My guess is that it will depend on how you do it. If you order a bottle of wine and ask for 4 glasses then you will likely be fine. If you then try to order further bottles then there is likely to be an issue. I certainly wouldn’t rely on being able to do this, even if it had previously been ok. It is just the sort of thing that can get different results with different staff.
  17. The dining credits aren’t transferable, but many people have reported being able to go to Food Republic and order a number of dishes to share with others. Couples often go there twice and just use one credit each time. I think that you should be able to do what you suggest there.
  18. There are still a few gaps in my list: Dream Spirit Dawn Star POA Jade Pearl Epic Breakaway Getaway Escape Joy and Viva are booked.
  19. When we’ve stayed in Miami pre or post cruise we have often headed out to the Everglades, which I would recommend. There are plenty of decent hotels around the airport and further West, which are a lot cheaper than being in the city. You could do with a car though.
  20. We never use NCLs flights. There is extremely little risk in doing your own flights to the US as you have to fly in the day before anyway, so it would need a quite major issue for flight delays to cause you a problem getting the ship. As said above, if you can fly in a couple of days early then that is better, but I never find jet lag a problem going that way to the east coast, so it isn’t a major problem for us to fly in the day before.
  21. No reservations are available for shows on older ships, such as the Dawn.
  22. That is correct. Not o’Sheehan though. As I said, it was a minor correction.
  23. You can book tables for however many people you want (up to the maximum table size) and the system doesn’t know who you will be eating with, so just book a table for the number you want.
  24. In that case you wouldn’t have had a problem on the Gem either. The last that I heard was that in Greek ports you could only get drinks if you had the package. There are no restrictions now if you do have the package.
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