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Everything posted by tgg

  1. Noise from the air conditioning vents has been a problem for years. They tried to solve it last time by sticking wash clothes and small towels in the vent to deaden the noise. (We love Azamara except for this.)
  2. tgg

    New website.

    All good things come to those who wait and wait and wait. 😃😃😃
  3. You may have some nice options if the changes to your flights have been significant. Go over to the Oceania board and read the recent discussion titled "An Air Hack That Just Worked".
  4. On a recent cruise from Lima to Miami, we booked the required 6 tours that would get us the 25% YWYW discount. Oceania then cancelled all the tours for Lima. We retained the discount on the other five tours.😃
  5. tgg

    New website.

    My two upcoming cruises are now listed correctly on the website. My Azamara Circle level has been corrected. This has happened without my getting in touch with Azamara or my travel agent. I'm sure they'll straighten out the incorrect OBC amount listed. With hard copies of invoices, I don't expect to have any problems.
  6. This is FAR easier than using the web site.
  7. A Passover Seder for 70 people was held last night in Waves on Marina. I didn't attend, but the setup looked lovely.
  8. Most of those up and dancing to YMCA (with all the right moves) in the Marina Lounge at the end of the show last night were 70+. And they knew the words too.😀
  9. Although it's a "leisurely" meal, breakfast in the Marina main dining room is always accompanied by classical music. So calm, so peaceful. I'd be happy to hear CCR or the Eagles at shows. Memo to Miami: the 50s are over.
  10. Last night's show on Marina was the songs of Peggy Lee. I think they moved a generation or two in the wrong direction.😊
  11. Do a mock booking on one of the larger online travel agency web sites. You will be able to see every available cabin.
  12. I'm on Oceania Marina right now. The big difference I find between the two lines is the friendliness of the crew. People working on Azamara seem happier. The interactive entertainment and information system here on Marina is superb. Lots of movies, music, tv to choose from. Menus from all restaurants are posted. It's easy to navigate.
  13. This is exactly how it works. Don't be persuaded otherwise.
  14. On Marina now. We prebooked excursions by phone before we sailed. (We tried the online system and couldn't get it to price properly.) One of the tours we wanted was waitlist only. When we boarded, we found out that we had cleared the waitlist and the tickets were on our cabin.
  15. OOPS. So used to it being Miami, I forgot to proofread.😕
  16. We received two notices about port changes for two (B2B) December cruises. I already knew about the port changes thanks to our roll calls. HOWEVER, the first notice gave the wrong date for arrival back in Miami. The second notice described the cruise as a 10 day cruise although it's 14 days. Neither of these mistakes is earth-shattering. But it would be nice is someone read this stuff before it went out.
  17. I asked my TA to take care of requesting the B2B credit on our December cruises. She handled it in less than 48 hours. It's nice to know it's done.
  18. We were surprised to see a family group arrive for dinner in gym clothes. Only later did we find out that their luggage hadn't arrived with them on their flight. They sailed wearing what they wore on the plane.
  19. The M&M takemewithyou mentioned is one I attended. She is far too modest to tell you that she handled the roll call and got everyone's names, made beautiful name tags, and helped introduce people who attended. The space Azamara gave us was the area on deck 10 starboard where people play bridge and board games. When we arrived, there was a family playing a board game. It's a less-than-ideal ( OK terrible) place for a group to get together because everyone has to try to circulate around the tables. People did their best to introduce themselves. Because it was a very active roll call, there were lots of people who wanted to meet each other. This is a far cry from the wonderful M&Ms that used to be held in the Library. Many ship's officers attended, people had a chance to introduce themselves to the group in an organized way, drinks and hors d'oeuvres were served, and we were made to feel welcome and valued. Oh the good old days on Azamara.
  20. In situations like these, a good travel agent is your best friend. Your TA has access to people that you don't, like regional or district sales managers who can get things taken care of. (I'm not a travel agent nor am I related to one.😃)
  21. Cruise only fares become even more attractive.
  22. I have a final invoice from my TA that shows everything. Did you book direct?
  23. Thanks for explaining what happened.
  24. If the people who made this video are experienced cruisers, why did they not ask to meet with the Hotel Director?
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