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Everything posted by sparks1093

  1. It may be and a 7 day cruise is less likely to attract many spring breakers but remember, colleges across the country do spring break.
  2. I think you'll find a lot of people having a good time, with or without alcohol. It's easy enough to avoid raucous partying if one wishes to.
  3. Yes, if they are cruising that quickly this can wait. It won't be an issue for the cruise and the correction can be done at any time. (I found out about this because I misspelled her middle name on the application. Always thought it was "Ann", turns out it is "Anne". Handled without cost. The passports expire next year and I still haven't lived this one down.)
  4. From State.gov: You can correct your passport if there is a data or printing error. A data error may include an issue with your name, gender, or place of birth. A printing error may include data is missing on the biographical page, discoloration, or crooked printing. We will correct the error at no charge if the passport is still valid. To correct a data or printing error, submit the following by mail: Form DS-5504 (find mailing instructions on the form) Your current passport One color photo Evidence of the error (e.g. your U.S. birth certificate showing the correct spelling of your last name). You will not have to submit any fees. How long can I use the new, corrected passport? If you are reporting the error within one year of us issuing your incorrect passport, the new passport will be valid for 10 years. If you are reporting the error after one year, the new passport will be valid until the expiration date of your original, incorrect passport.
  5. It will be up to the person examining the document, whether at check in or at Customs when returning. If they can clearly read them then they may not ask for them to be taken out. FWIW I've never had Customs look that closely at the documents upon return (all passengers are pre-cleared through a multitude of databases while the cruise is ongoing), so any checks upon return are minimal. (Another thing you can do is make copies of them and use them at check in and when clearing Customs and keep the originals in the plastic sleeves in the rare event they may be asked for. Copies are perfectly legitimate though for a closed loop cruise so I would be greatly surprised if they were asked for.)
  6. Not concerned, I expect that this will be resolved by the time we sail and if it does pose a significant threat to passenger safety Carnival would re-route us.
  7. You can try promising her that you won't scrutinize every drink she orders and she has carte blanche to order as she will.
  8. Oh yes, received the email receipt and verified that the purchases are in my planner.
  9. We are still passengers, but most of us are on a round trip journey. The destination doesn't change our status.
  10. Sorry your partner got ill, I hope they recover quickly. Fortunately you have travel insurance, but many lines would allow one to cancel all prepaid amenities this close to the cruise. Purchasers should definitely know the terms and conditions of their booking.
  11. I would second Alchemy, they never disappoint.
  12. I'll take your word for it because I didn't recognize the difference. I figure they are included fries with an item that is included in the fare.
  13. Yes, they are covered and because they are covered I can't remember how much they are. When we have Cheers I don't look at price.
  14. Based on my taste buds alone I've never met a Guy's fry that I haven't enjoyed in the moment. Yep!
  15. I probably should have tried that part again, but I just paid it with my credit card and now I have some cruise cash to spend onboard (so it all works out).
  16. We sailed immediately after the pandemic and a couple of times since. We've found things to be much the same. I have read about the fries being different but I guess my palate isn't educated enough to know the difference when there is one year between tastings.
  17. Thanks, third time was the charm and all of the gift cards went through. Just a glitchy website I guess.
  18. I just purchased $2000 worth of gift cards from AARP rewards. I currently have $2005 and change in my cart on the Carnival website (thanks to everyone on CC that helped point me in the right direction for that). It allowed me to enter three of the four gift cards, but it wouldn't apply the fourth one, and I'm not seeing an error message. Is there a limit on how many gift cards can be redeemed at one time? I can remove some things from my cart and do this in two transactions if I need to and I know that I can call if I need to but it is preferable to do just one transaction. Any hints or tips? (I found out the hard way that it won't let you use the gift card online if your purchase doesn't use all of the balance on the card. I tried to prepay tips with one and it wouldn't let me.)
  19. They may be required to in order to check on the quality of the offerings as a double check of quality control standards.
  20. May be the way they do it in Minnesota but here in Vermont the statute gives many examples of what lists potential jurors name's may be found: The clerk, in order to ascertain names of persons eligible as jurors, may consult the latest census enumeration; the latest published city, town, or village telephone or other directory; the listers’ records; the elections records; and any other general source of names. (b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the Court Administrator may obtain the names, addresses, and dates of birth of persons that are contained in the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Labor, the Department of Taxes, the Department of Health, and the Department for Children and Families. The Court Administrator may also obtain the names of voters from the Secretary of State.
  21. Agree with the above. Abbreviations save time and they are used in a wide variety of forums, not just cruise critic. If we stop using pax does that mean we stop using AFAIK, OBC, DW, DH, EST, LAX, etc. and etc.?
  22. And this brings up an important thing to remember about travel insurance (well, all insurance really)- you need to buy it before the covered event happens. If you buy the insurance after you've been summoned it doesn't work.
  23. That's exactly why I used "may", since I didn't check every single policy (and I'm not sure that is really possible). I only checked 2, both at the lower cost end of the spectrum. (I also added "under certain circumstances" because one of the policies specified it happening within a certain number of days and the other one didn't, but each policy could be different in what conditions apply.)
  24. Just looked and jury service is a reason for trip cancellation that may be covered under certain circumstances.
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