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euro cruiser

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Everything posted by euro cruiser

  1. As July 7th is a Friday you're limited to one ferry company from Naples to the Amalfi Coast, NLG. As of right now Alilauro only offers service on Saturdays and Sundays. The morning NLG departure is at 8:35 and arrives to Amalfi at 10:10, then it heads back and stops at Positano at 10:35. That wastes the first hour and a half of your day but it's the easiest option. The other alternative is to take the train from Naples to Salerno, then the ferry from Salerno to Amalfi or Positano. Or, more expensively, a car service transfer to Salerno followed by the ferry. This option is more cumbersome but gets you almost an hour longer on the coast. It's possible, if you get off the ship as soon as they allow, and you get a taxi or the metro to the train station, that you can make the 7:35 train to Salerno, arriving at 8:15, which is plenty of time to walk the four-tenths of a mile to the ferry port for the 8:40 ferry, arriving to Amalfi at 9:15 or Positano at 9:50. The next stop would be a mid-day ferry from either Amalfi or Positano to Capri. There is a 13:20 on Lucibello from Amalfi to Capri, arriving at 14:10, or a 14:00 from Positano arriving at 14:50. The problem, as you'll see, is that doesn't leave you much time at all on Capri. It can be done, but you'll spend most of your day getting from place to place, and not much actually there. You'd do better to pick one location or the other (Amalfi Coast or Capri) and enjoy the full day there. Amalfi Coast ferry schedule: Orari traghetti Travelmar - Traghetti veloci in Costiera Amalfitana NLG ferry Naples to Amalfi & Positano: NLG » Official website Trenitalia train: EN - Trenitalia
  2. If you're taking a ferry from Molo Manfredi you could walk there from your ship in less than five minutes. Walking to Piazza Concordia would take 30 - 45 minutes (2.3 km/1.4 miles). You'll have plenty of time to make an 8:40 ferry in either case. NLG has a ferry that departs from Molo Manfredi at 8:20 AM and goes to Amalfi, Positano, and on to Capri. NLG » Official website TravelMar has a ferry from Molo Manfredi at 8:40 that goes to Amalfi, then on to Positano. Orari traghetti Travelmar - Traghetti veloci in Costiera Amalfitana
  3. There aren't a lot of organized trips like this, if you want you can pay for a private tour to arrange it for you but it's quite easy to do on your own using the public ferries. When will you be there, and what are your hours in port?
  4. Maybe join the roll call for your sailing and see if there is anyone else in the same situation, with whom you could share a private transfer. Otherwise you could use the RCI shuttle to the Ravenna train station, train to Bologna Centrale and then the Marconi Express monorail to the airport. From Bologna Airport to city centre in 7 minutes | Marconi Express Bologna Shuttle
  5. You can cross the tracks on Via Giulio Alberoni, just south of the parking lot. It's about four-tenths of a mile.
  6. It's not going to be easy or popular to come up with solutions but something must be done. In addition to the crowding issues, short-term rentals are pricing the middle class out of many places, meaning that what used to be functioning towns are becoming more like Disneyland - they look pretty but no one actually lives there. Venice is probably the most obvious example of this but you can see it in several parts of Italy.
  7. There are no taxis at Vesuvio, pretty much however you get there is how you'll get back. Your options are a taxi or car service, the public EAV bus from Pompei (but you'd have to go back to Pompei), or the private Vesuvio Express bus service from Ercolano Scavi. If this is a port day visit you don't have time for the EAV bus. Even the Vesuvio Express would be a push, but that one is possible. Note that timed entry tickets are now required for Vesuvio, if you go on your own (taxi or EAV bus) you'd have to arranged the tickets yourself. The Vesuvio Express service offers the option of having them get the Vesuvio tickets for you. Vesuvio Express Transfer For the Vesuvio EAV bus schedule: 37_POMPEI-VESUVIO_prim-est.pdf (eavsrl.it) Vesuvio tickets: The Great Cono | Vesuvius National Park (parconazionaledelvesuvio.it)
  8. There are car services that will take you directly to the ship or, less expensively, shared shuttles. I'm not sure if the shared shuttles go to the ship or if they drop you at the port shuttle bus station, that would be something to verify with each one you consider.
  9. Get Your Guide is a third party site, purchase directly from the operator. I provided the link in your other posting.
  10. This is the site for the SIT shuttle bus. Get Your Guide is a third party site. Sit Bus Shuttle, transfer bus to and from Rome's airports.
  11. Also, sign up for the roll call for your sailing to see if you can find another couple to share the ride with.
  12. The St. Regis is in a popular location, right on the Grand Canal. Now you'll start learning the complexities of getting around in Venice. Assuming you are willing to pay the fare, a car service can get you as far as Piazzale Roma in Venice, the end of the paved road system. From there to the St. Regis isn't all that far (one and a quarter miles, in what approximates a straight line in Venice), but unless you are a professional sherpa it's not comfortable dragging or carrying luggage through the streets and across bridges, all teeming with seemingly endless crowds of tourists. So your next decision is whether to use public transit (the vaporetto) from Piazzale Roma to the hotel, which will include a walk of about a third of a mile from the vaporetto stop to the hotel, or to spend the money for a private water taxi that can drop you off right at the hotel.
  13. Those of us who have been following the development of cruise ships in Venice (or dismantling, in this case) are well aware of the subterfuge used by all of the cruise lines when they discuss Venice as a port. For those new to European cruising, however, it can come as a shock. Other, less egregious examples are calling a stop Florence when they are actually porting in Livorno (55 miles away) or worse, La Spezia (90 miles away), or Rome when the port is Civitavecchia (70 miles away).
  14. It's not clear to me if you are looking for two transfers or if you want a car service while you are in Rome. Presumably two transfers would be less expensive than a full day tour, so if that's what you want I would look for that. With six people you can probably have a shared transfer to yourselves.
  15. And unless your hotel in Venice is either at Piazzale Roma or in Mestre, a drive is only part of the trip. The hotel location is also a key factor.
  16. The last time I was in Venice, right before Covid, we stayed at the L'orologio on the Grand Canal, right near Rialto: https://www.hotelorologiovenezia.com/
  17. There is an elevator. It was a typical Italian buffet breakfast, not as vast as a five star hotel but it had both hot and cold offerings. It's easy to walk to many sites, and easy to get to public transit options. I take the regional train from the airport to Trastevere, and either the bus or the tram (whichever is working at the moment) to Porta Portese and walk from there (four-tenths of a mile).
  18. I did a little digging and found the web site for the train, it looks like you can easily do it without the ship excursion if you want to. Il Trenino della Felicità | Sali a bordo e visita Bari col sorriso (treninodellafelicita.it)
  19. There is both a manned ticket office and machines at the Civitavecchia station.
  20. There is no train option between 9:23 and 10:13. As for the ferry, I'm not sure how easy it would be to change as they have strict capacity limits. You might have to change to the train if you can't get the ferry you need back.
  21. You do need a timed ticket to go up in the tower. You can get them here: Opera della Primaziale Pisana: sito ufficiale – A few words of advice before you buy your ticket (opapisa.it) Note that they only go on sale 20 days prior to the visit, so you'll need to be on line that day to get the time you want/need. If this is really important to you, I would suggest hiring a car service for a half day to take you to Pisa and back, going by train will waste too much time. For example, you MIGHT be able to make the 9:23 train but I wouldn't count on it because first you have to take the shuttle bus from the ship to the cruise terminal, then walk 1.9 km/one and a quarter miles to the train station. There are buses but I think it would be faster to walk. While there will be taxis they are looking for half or full day fares and won't want a short trip to the train station. If you do make the 9:23 you'd be in Pisa at 10:17, then you've got a 1.7 km/1.1 miles walk or a 10 minute cab ride to the tower. More likely you'll wind up on the 10:13 train, arriving at 11:03. So I would look to get tickets for the tower around noon. Assuming you can get them, you'd be back in La Spezia between 2:30 - 3 PM, which is enough time for a quick ferry ride but not much more.
  22. I'm not sure you could even get a taxi, they don't want to do short shuttle runs, they will simply point you to the bus. There is a cruise terminal for ships docked on the 10 - 13 pier, but if you're on one of the mega ships you'd be berthed at #25, quite a distance away. The easiest route is to take the 6 euro per person Port Mobility bus from your ship to the train station.
  23. I don't know anything about the train, but I have walked all around the area. From the cruise port to the basilica is about 1.2 km/eight-tenths of a mile if you stay on the main road around the centro storico. It's a little shorter in distance if you walk through the middle of the historic center, and more interesting, but it's easier to get lost.
  24. Just so your expectations are somewhat aligned with reality, Civitavecchia is a small town, not a city. It's not particularly charming but it's a straightforward walk on streets with sidewalks.
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