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Posts posted by roger001

  1. There definitely needs to be a better distribution of vaccine.  In many areas of the US, vaccine exceeds demand.  Of course part of that is because so many US folks are declining to be vaccinated.  In Tennessee, it looks like we will be maxing out at no more than 50% vaccinate.  I was at a Wal Mart today.  They had a sign displayed as you walked in that, "Get  vaccinated, no cost, no appointment, walk in, pharmacy,"   They had about 6 chairs set up for the event, spaced apart.  Saw 2 persons waiting their turn.  Both that Walmart and the Publix grocery I went to next had signs saying "Masks are REQUIRED for all customers and employees."  At least 50% of the customers were without masks.  Some had children with them.  I will assume that the mothers did tell their children, "Just remember that nothing is required if you don't want to do it".   

  2. I believe you said an inside cabin.  For me, no, no, no, especially for such a long cruise.  I recommend you go shorter and spend the money difference on at least a balcony cabin.  Having your own balcony to escape the crowds and relax, watch the ocean drift past, and see the ports when stopped, that to us is at least half or the cruise experience.  I definitely do not recommend an inside and a long cruise.  But.....we each experience cruising for different reasons.  

    • Like 4
  3. 8 minutes ago, MeHeartCruising said:

    While I would love this cruise and would happily book it, I’m not certain I would recommend a 21-day cruise for first time cruisers. What if you find out one or both of you don’t really care for cruising?  21 days is a big commitment.  I’d probably recommend you try a 7-10 day cruise first.  Perhaps somewhere closer to home so you pay less airfare.  The Mediterranean is a great option.  Perhaps you could then add on some land vacation before or after the cruise to get you 21 days of holiday. 

    Once you are certain that cruising is fun for you, THEN I would schedule a 21 day one. 

    Congratulation for your honeymoon planning.   However, like the above answer, 21 days is a very long time on a cruise ship.  I just wouldn't do that for your first cruise.  As mentioned, select something closer to home and just give cruising a test.  You will probably absolutely love it.  But if you don't, 21 days is too long to be unhappy, especially on a honeymoon.  We love cruising, but 21 days would be too long for us I'm afraid.  Then with a shorter cruise, if you find that you do love cruising, part of the adventure is planning your next one.  My opinion.......

    • Like 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, Tippyton said:

    Still absolutely no science that says I NEED a vaccine.  None.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada


    20 minutes ago, Tippyton said:

    Still absolutely no science that says I NEED a vaccine.  None.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada. 


    And the coercion (or attempts at it) is offensive and un-American.

    No.  Absolutely no NEED for it at all...to just continue existing.   The only things you NEED it for is to (statistically proven) reduce you chance of getting Covid (good chance you won't get it already....but), and you NEED it to statistically reduce your chance of being hospitalized if you do get it and to reduce your chance of dying from it if you do get it.  Do you NEED it??? Well, NO.  Do you NEED it if you wish to accomplish the two listed issues????   Well, YES.  But those two issues are totally a personal choice to make.  You don't NEED to go on an NCL cruise.  But....you do NEED the vaccine if you desire to cruise with them....at least for the near future it seems.  All personal choices you get to make....and that's not un-American.   

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Laszlo said:

    That's pure BS..... I assure you it's NOT about medical privacy. I've travelled all of the place and have had to show my vaccine book a dozen times or more. 

    Correct.  Has nothing at all to do with privacy!   It does not in any way show that you have a condition.  It does shows that you are reasonably well protected from getting a particular condition.....one that could harm the rest of us.  It is no more a privacy issue than me having to show my driver's' license every time I want to buy a beer (although I'm 78 and bald).  Our state mandates that.  In fact, my drivers license divulges more abut me than your vaccination card does.  Saying it is a privacy issue makes a person sound silly...in my mind.  

    • Like 15
  6. 4 minutes ago, Fivelinks said:

    I personally am not worried about being on a ship with non vaccinated passengers if they have tested negative, wear mask, and continue to practice social distancing.

    Having been vaccinated, actually I don't worry now about unvaccinated people either.  However, if because their failure to get vaccinated, for whatever reason, they keep the ships in the social distancing, masks on mode for everyone, then I don't want them on the ship.  I want 100% vaccinated folks onboard and the ship then mask free before I sail again.  No vaccination, then you don't cruise if you're going to cause masks.  My selfish opinion.  

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  7. 18 minutes ago, Laszlo said:

    Some of you need to face the facts and stop the whining. No amount of bitching a complaining here is going to change anything. Its most likely cruise line will have mandatory vaccine requirements. Don't want to get a vaccine? You better find something else to do

    From today's USA Today, it appears that a bunch of folks will not be cruising then.  At the moment the US has 44% of the adult population with one shot and 31% with both shots.  Bad news is that demand for the vaccination is dropping rapidly.  Around here, Tennessee, plenty of vaccine available, and I saw yesterday that at several places around here have signs that everyone is eligible to just walk in and get it any time, no waiting, no lines....but no takers.  

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, CI66774 said:

    Refusal to vaccinate? Did every single resident tell you that? People DECLINE vaccinations - which is their right. A person’s personal decision regarding their health, etc. is their decision - not yours.

    Huh?????     Oh...also, "refusal or DECLINE", I'm missing something here I guess.  Seem like similar actions to me in general conversation.  And no, I don't even know these persons that the newspaper used as statistics.  So, nope, not a single one of them actually told me anything.  Glad to get that cleared up.  And...yep, absolutely a persons right to "refuse/DECLINE" the vaccination.  Not my decision as you certainly pointed out.  And only doctors pointing out in the article that until we all get with the program and many more of us get vaccinated, we just flat aren't going to get the virus controlled.  I bet those doctors, so called experts on this virus situation, haven't been spending enough time on FB to actually find out what is really the truth here.  

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  9. 6 minutes ago, ericfromri said:

    any job that has any responsibility.  i wish we could deport all of these druggies.. 

    I was an air traffic controller for 38 years.  And for the last 20 or so, about once every 2 or 3 months, the pee in the bottle lab techs would show up and we would have to go into the bathroom with escort and be observed peeing in the bottle.   Tell me employment can't mandate conditions of employment....

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    • Thanks 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, ColeThornton said:



    I was just reading about how much of a mess India is right now.



    It's not good news for any of us.  Read in today's paper that Tennessee, among a few other states has the lowest vaccination rates in the US.  And it is because of refusal to be vaccinated, not lack of vaccine.  Regarding that situation, the CEO of one of our hospitals says it is a serious issue.  The virus left unchecked will continue to develop new strains until it is very likely those already vaccinated will no longer have protection.  He said he is worried that the worst is still head of us.  (And several countries around the world appear to indicate that) I realize all these folks have their own opinion, including doctors that deal with this every day, and there is so much better thought on this if you will just dedicate yourself to Facebook.  But, I'm listening to the doctor for now.  Cruises are by no means a guarantee yet. Hope to hell we all get in gear and get this stopped.  I want to go cruising....among other things.    

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  11. You take a population of one million, even without vaccinations, I'm guessing you will have a blood clot or two anyhow....or heart attack...or stroke.....  So I really don't know how much the vaccination actually was the cause, if at all beyond normal health expectations.  .  Anyone have statistics?   

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  12. As others have said, the answer for now is no.  However, we are still way too early in this maze of plans as to how cruises will resume.  I would think that about a year from now, if we are cruising by then, cruises will be returning to a much more normal situation and herd immunity by then might let the vaccination requirement be dropped.....opinion only.  

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  13. Of course withCanada shut down for ships Alaska is out anyway.  ButSeattle sure doesn’t look good either. With so many declining vaccinations the cases are surging again.  We’re still a long way from being out of this mess.  

    When the coronavirus pandemic hit the Pacific Northwest states of Oregon and Washington, their governors quickly reacted with shutdowns. Now they are about to impose new restrctions again as infections and hospitalizations rise to alarming levels.

    Oregon Gov. Kate Brown is putting 15 counties that encompass the state's biggest cities into the state's extreme risk category starting Friday, imposing restrictions that include banning indoor restaurant dining. As Brown issued her order on Tuesday, she said rising COVID-19 hospitalizations threaten to overwhelm doctors.

    "If we don't act now, doctors, nurses, hospitals, and other health care providers in Oregon will be stretched to their limits treating severe cases of COVID-19," Brown said.

    Washington Gov. Jay Inslee is expected to order new restrictions next week for several counties, likely including the state's largest, that would force businesses and churches to reduce their indoor gathering capacity from 50% to 25%.

    Inslee will decide which counties need to be rolled back to Phase 2 of his reopening plan after an evaluation of public health safety benchmark numbers. The public health director for King County, which includes Seattle, expects it will be included in Inslee's order.


  14. 9 minutes ago, chengkp75 said:

    Proposing to have 100% of crew vaccinated, and setting out the details of how to accomplish this, and then actually accomplishing this are a few different things.  The Philippines, which supplies 1/3 of all cruise ship crew, have vaccinated about 1% of their population.

    And RCL just terminated any hiring from India.  I would imagine other lines to follow.  

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