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alexandra cruiser

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Posts posted by alexandra cruiser

  1. Wow,,both suggestions look worth exploring further. Then see I already have June booked in 2020 for Baltic cruise. Wish I d seen going to Lisbon first,,,but hate to switch around the other.

    Wrote down the Hotel name in Barcelona,,,sounds like a plan. Always get there at least 1 day ahead anyway,,just to be on safe side and get over jet lag.

    Re.Santiago....we also took cruise transportation to be on safe side.But had to wait LONG time for a bus to transfer from airport to hotel,,since our flight was cancelled. For us,,the airport was very confusing.Not speaking Spanish didnt help.WE had to wait 2hrs.to find flight cancelled,,told to wait outside for bus,,,with large crowds it was a mess and dragged luggage back and forth.Not a good way to end a great cruise around tip of S America...a bucket list item.Alsp...our cellphone wouldn t work in Chile???lucky we have world wide one we carry just in case.Worked fine with sim card in all the other ones??

  2. Thanks for the detailed response. Feel relieved that port would be changed ahead,,in dire cases.And that SB would help with expenses if needed. That being said,,,when I was a few yrs. younger this type thing would not be as big a deal,,but my DH is not in best of health. May decide to just go elsewhere if things stay same in next mo.or so. 

    Just got back from Santiago,,,so missed that mess by a few mos. Love to travel and just TRY to make it as stressfree as possible. 

    Sadly, with world wide probs,,,seems its getter harder.BUt sure would LOVE to see the Canary islands.

  3. Thanks for quick response,,but had this problem before. Ins. Co. is the one that determines POLITICAL unrest,,,not State Dept.it seems. Had this question re Egypt,,,the SD said not to go,,but the Ins.Co.,,,one of the top ones,said NOT political,,and refused.Not sure if this has been changed,,,or how to read fine print.Ended up going anyway,,,and had fine time,but will NOT doethat again.

    Plus, hate to go to hassle fighting about it again.

    Anyone ever have SB change ports BEFORE??

    What are those of you going shortlly doing?

    May have to contact company,or TA,,before decision made.


  4. Want to book a cruise around Canary Islands and worry about Barcelona as the starting point. Does SB ever change ports when major trouble is there?

    Know its not for a few mos.but am concerned.Read a few posts that riots form in various parts of city,,,have been there before and really only want to stay 1 nite prior to cruise.Guess I can always cancel before 90 day limit,,but airfare on own a problem.Any ideas?

  5. We just stayed at Hilton in Santiago last mo,,,but now would only stay at cruise booked hotel with sim.transportation.

    Heard having probs in Valparaiso also. we had to take cruise bus from port in Val. to Sant.for flight,was going to take private taxi but changed our mind. I agree to keep checking with state dept.and cruiseline.Must admit I d be uncomfortable going next week,unless it gets better.Sorry,hope you got trip ins. ,,just in case. If working with ta,,maybe they can help.

  6. Had great variety,,,2 or 3 dance and song perf.by cast. Comedian, and great concert pianist.We only missed 1 nite ,due to being late back from excursion.Oh, also singer on 2 nites.That s one of the reason I booked again for Jan.


    Only prob is hidden steps in theater. Are lighted ,but not enough and easy to miss.Do be careful, I fell and saw quite a few others.That really needs to be an incline,,not steps.

    Glad to see theater filled most nites.Get there early for big show prod. for good seats.Hope that helps.

  7. update, called SB and spoke to brochure dept. Asked for old one and said they had my request,but were waiting for new one to send. Guess that was the hold up. Said they should have just told me rather than no response.

    Now will see if I do get it,,,said 10 days.

    WIll let you know.

    Know this seems like a minor complaint, but was important to me. Maybe others,who knows.

  8. That info has given me an idea,,will ask for the OLD catalog. Just want to look at details re ship that are time consuming to keep looking online for,,such as pics of rooms,ship,dress codes,on and on.Dont need NEW itinerary.

    Agree, don t need all the small brochures.Waste of paper.

    Thanks for the idea.

  9. I like to have one to look up small details ,,not for itinerary.Hard to have to go to computer everytime I think of a question.

    Even slightly out of date one would help,,but can t even get that.

    I also get plenty of unwanted brochures,,most from Oceania.I used to take that line till they phased out their tubs.

    Now book with Regent or SB.

    Not sure why its so hard to have them sent,seems poor business practice,to me.For a luxury line,,what givess?

    Some of us still like to have printed material,,plus online,too.

  10. Have called 2 times and sent brochure request on website...been 15 days and NO brochure yet.

    What gives? Have been on SB 2 times and even booked another for next Oct.

    Anyone else have this problem? 

    Any good ideas,,ex. MORE calls,etc.

    Does SB read these ??If so,,,what more can I do.Getting upset.

  11. 21 hours ago, Mura said:

    For me, that's not pertinent.  I prefer tubs because of my bad knees.  There are times when I need a good soak in a tub.  When I tore my meniscus a day before boarding we were fortunate to be in an OS on Regatta ... so I was able to soak and use the jets to help my kneed.  Even with a torn meniscus I was able to get in and out of the tub without much difficult.


    A shower just doesn't work for me (no matter how large it is) when I'm having knee problems.



    Sadly I m in same situation and need tub for soaking,for medical reasons.Took my last R ship 3 wks.ago and now can only book on the large 2 ships.Limits my O cruising and have book on Regent now.

    But I agree a shower in HC would help.Just not sure why ALL the PH had to remove tubs,but its a fact and now must switch cruise lines. We had many O cruises and took 1 every 6mos inPH.Doubt if the big company will even notice our absence tho.

    I did express this in past threads and even to the cruiseline,to no avail.

  12. I posted this question on another thread,,but got no response...so...can you please tell me if the dancer Jason is back on the ship now? I had asked about him and was told he was med evac d on one of our ports home,,but not sure what was wrong or if he d be back for your cruise?Maybe one of dancers that greet us at theater door might know and you can pass on info.

    So very strange because he checked us in on Feb 1 cruise and we talked about the poor singer who tragically died yrs ago onboard a Regent ship,,,,told him to be very careful dancing in possible rough weather.Then heard above,,,and was shocked.Want him to know he was missed and pray all is well.

  13. Sorry, but I did book my own flight,,,not Regent.Can t blame anyone but Copa.

    We were on the flight from Santiago to Panama,,then connecting. Glad someone got off on time tho.

    Did put down in comments on critique about stairs,,but till drydock,,not much can be done.At least they should clearly mark the stairs,,,small lites not doing it.

    BUt loved everything elso,,,great ship,crew,food,etc. 

    Glad I took all the great side trips too,,,,esp.the Torres Del Paine one...worth every penny. Gorgeous and great weather to view all the mountains.

    Only drawback was Punta Del Este,,,too much time to SHOP,,,,and majority wanted to just go back to ship,,,,ended up booking taxis for 3 groups.Found out other bus DID take them back,,,,boo...

  14. I was on same cruise,,,but have not read all the posts yet.

    But we really enjoyed it,,,,just have one thing to warn those on next cruise on Explorer...be very careful of steps in Constellation Theater...I tripped 2 times and saw many others do same.Not marked well and easy to miss.

    Loved the doorbells,,,so handy.

    Also, anyone booking this in future,,,DO NOT book flights on Copa Air,,,we,along with 4 other Regent cruisers ,,,were stuck in Santiago for extra nite due to cancellation of our flights...very poor communication and handling of whole thing. Got home 2 days later and just angry and exhausted....so BEWARE. Have been flying MANY yrs.and worst experience EVER.

  15. Thanks for that info re BTO,,,will look more at C,,but also see you must make dining time choice,,,not open dining. Do you have to make reservation for time before ea.dinner if you want to choose,,as they say.?Then is a full hot breakfast avail.in all cabins on C?? I hav e asked for brochure online 2 times and NONE sent. Odd way to deal with potential new customer,it seems.Guess I ll try calling.Do like they sail out of Miami sometimes,,,can just drive down.Need to explore my options since O doing away with tubs in all but 2 ships..boo.

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