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alexandra cruiser

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Posts posted by alexandra cruiser

  1. Think those people that changed to later flight will be much happier and not have to stress.

    Just another point to make,,,when we go overseas we always book 1 day prior to cruise and 1 day after,,if different ports.

    That way we can rest and relax,,perhaps see a new city for longer time,etc.

    Hate to sit and wait in airports,,,like to make up for lost sleep on way over.Then not have to rush or worry about getting to airport on time,,or having the dreaded wait.

    We are now retired and have the luxury of taking extra days.Know it costs extra for hotel,meals, taxi ,etc.but we re worth it.haha

  2. I talked to a passenger and he gave me great TA name,,,based in Texas.

    Find lowest price,,,then they give %5 back to you by check before cruise.

    Also, if over 10 days ,,they also give OBC,,,amt.depends on cruise  price.

    Try looking for luxury TAs ,,,and just asking.

    They do all the stuff,,even help in booking shore exc..seems the have an IN to get them when waitlisted ,too.

    Feel better doing all the research,,then they handle rest.

  3. On 1/19/2020 at 2:48 PM, lbastida01 said:

    Just curious....What was the arrival time per your itinerary?  Was it 8:00 am?  I'll be on the Explorer scheduled to arrive in Miami at 7:00 am on 3/2/2020 on the last day of the cruise.  How long does it "usually" take to actually disembark the ship if the arrival time is accurate?  We have a flight scheduled at 11:41 am out of Miami on disembarkation day.  It's making me a little nervous and I'm seriously considering paying the penalty to change it to 1:48 pm instead.  I felt our 11:41 flight time was within the Regent suggested 4 hour guideline for flights but after reading these posts I'm not so sure we'll make our flight home.   I'd appreciate any advise anyone can offer.

    Our arrival was also for 7am,,,not sure if that flight will be late enough,,since we were one of the first off and got to car at 9 15. Since you would be going farther and need to be at airport 2 hrs.before,,,seems it may be a bit of a rush. I prefer later just so I don t have to worry about ,,,,Will i make it??I would book the later one and be safe and worry free.As many have said,,,why worry about small amt ,,,after paying much more for the cruise.

  4. Just an additional comment,,,you are also able to eat lunch in 1 of the specialty rest. almost every day.

    All ex. Pacific Rim for some reason.

    So even if you only get 3 res. you are able to enjoy them many times thru cruise.

    A hint,,if you want a table for 2 in Sette Mara,,,get there before 7,as those fill fast and area small,,,,only the right hand side of LaVeranda.

  5. I was simply saying that as SOON as delay was known,,,let passengers know.. Like when stated time known to be delayed..Say,,,if set at 8am,,,a simple announcement of KNOWN delay be broadcast. 


    As far as shore escursions,,when ship KNEW about change of scedule,,they let us know and then we were able to choose new exc.  on new island. Bad weather was handled well,,,captain let us know and how they were dealing with it for our safety.


    Re.Caribbean cruises per se,,,have been on 3 prior and take them just as a get away without needing to fly,,,since we live in FL and drive down.All islands starting to look similar,,but still enjoy the break and cruise .We like to cruise every 6 mos.and this is just a convenient one close by. 


    In general,,,Regent still my favorite cruiseline,,,,after Oceania got rid of all tubs,,,had to rely on other lines.Booked another Seabourn also. I always am very thankful of how very lucky we are to be able to cruise in first place. Many of my friends are not,,,for many reasons.

    Also,,re the new lighting on stairs in theater,,,that did help a little. Still prefer a slope down to stage,,,as still hard for those with canes and walkers.Which we had MANY on this one. 

  6. Just got off the Explorer this am and was reminded that 8 am is just an APPROX time for departure..

    We had first departure times marked,,but waited until after 8 and still no news  on intercom.

    Went down to see massive line near door at 8 15 and still no news.

    Finally at 8 20 they said ,,,a delay and another 10 mins.or so.

    Waited till after 8 30 before ,,,or later,,before first group allowed off.Took 20more min to do this,,then terminal was changed and had to take shuttle to find car in first terminal area.

    Little help or info was given as to where to pick this up,,,so dragged luggage a good distance to find it. Needless to say it was well after 9 15 before we were able to leave terminal.

    Feel more info should have been given earlier,,,many unhappy people in line and few saying that this was first and last time with this  ship.

    Know delays happen,,but Regent should have been prepared to let cruisers know EARLY of this to prevent anger and confusion.

    I have been on 20 or more cruises,,with many cruiselines,,and this was one of the worst departures due to above.

    Sure many must have missed their flights,,,now they know why 12 noon is earliest to book flight home.


  7. Try calling hotel yourself and asking if you can get room early in am. Or if they have special rate for that,,,since you re staying a few days. Get it often when I use this approach.It is worth every extra penny when traveling so far,,do it all the time.Get it confirmed by email,or writing.

  8. Only use the TA for cruise ,,plus get a discount and lower price than direct booking with Regent.

    She can get problems dealt with better than wasting my time...such as,,,shore exc. When I find one already filled,,call her,,and gets me on.

    Also, sends reminder s re booking dining res,,,shore exc..etc. final payments ...

    Did use online one, but was given brick and mortar agent that deals only in luxury lines,,,from Regent guest we had dinner with onboard. Now give their name to others onboard and they have thanked me.But I basically do my own research,pick own cabin,etc. Just have her deal with things I prefer not to.

    Luckily we can all do what we feel best about,right.

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  9. Thank you Flyer Talker, you have helped me in the past.Now I make all my own flight arrangements and follow the guidelines you posted. It has saved me time and trouble. Do use TA for cruise stuff and discounts,but not for air.Get own travel insurance,,,too.

    Get own hotel,,,get the credit from cruiseline and get cheaper one.Get own taxi,etc. If mistakes made,,,can t blame anyone but myself.

    Learned the hard way.

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  10. We havent cruised on SB in 5 yrs.and now so glad to read my DH,,,see above post...won t feel left out.

    Since he retired 2yrs.ago he gave away all his suits,,,says will not buy again as we live in FL. and no one dresses up for anything. Well ,,perhaps weddings. If and when our GDs get married,,,hope its on a beach.

  11. My DH won t even bring the suit,,,favors sports coats,blazers,etc. with tie and dress pants;

    He really prefers the lines that have casual ALL the time,,like Regent and Oceania.

    Thats why this is our 3rd SB cruise,,would go on more if they relaxed dress code to above lines.

    I m fine dressing up,,a bit. No formal wear for me tho.

    No one has ever said he wasnt dressed properly ,,,so no worries.

  12. If I m not mistaken ,,it says under the small exc.that its limited to 16 people,,or maybe just for certain ports?

    Also,its helpful for those not able to move as fast.

    The 2 couples I discussed it with at dinner, said they loved them and worth extra money. But they were both having probs getting around.

    Also, may vary in each port as to vehicle.Best to call before and ask all the questions,,or have TA do it.

  13. This has happened to me too. Did try putting name on list,,,also calliing Regent yourself. 

    Had one I really wanted that was sold out,,and called my TA...She got it for me.

    Agree,,they should have enough FREE ones to offer a good choice. or really no point in saying it.

    It seems odd that this has not been fully thought out and corrected.

  14. The excursions have about 40 people,,,on average. Same as other ships,,so same problems.

    Remember you ARE paying for them regardless. Never tried the SMALL ones on Regent.

    If you HATE large groups,,,get them on your own but do remember,,,get back to ship ON TIME. they will leave without you.

    Another option,,,go on tour,,,then go off on your own,,if possible.Just tell the guide. Good for museums, etc.not long bus rides .

    Just read them carefully, pick and chose,if you hate it...cancel rest,,,or go on own.

    Prefer them in countries where we don t speak the language, or long distances to cover,but you have a choice just read all the details.

  15. Have had similar probs,,,we get too many plates..IE,,,one plate for bacon,one for sausage,one for potatoes,,etc...Instead of putting all one 1 plate,,eggs,bacon,potatoes. My DH has a big appetite,but don t need 6 different plates. I mentioned it to Butler,,then fixed.But when in Concierge level, comes from kitchen and same prob,,,unless I call and gets tiring as we order in room every b fast.

    Have tried putting notations,,,lines between items,,but still happens.Feel sorry when they have to bring 2 large trays.

    Perhaps thats the same prob. OP has?Just glad we don t have to lug it up,but looks like a feast for 2 b fast plates.

  16. Sounds good so far...waiting for theater stair results.

    Also, see this started in Barcelona,,did you have any probs with the protests or at airport?

    Have one from that port soon,and was worried about booking it.

    Just missed the probs in Santiago,Chile,,,but did have flight cancelled and needed to stay an extra day.There by missing connections,etc. Got home 2 days late.Thank God we re retired.

    Love to see the world,,but so many things to deal with now days.

  17. Just to put in my two cents, have been cruising for over 30 yrs.and have been on most of the luxury lines,,Regent is either THE best of ONE of them. Love that ALL is inc.,,,tips, drinks,all restuarants,flights,so you know up front what it will cost. I use a TA that gives back 5% of total cost ,and this adds up when all inc.

    Give it a try once and if not pleased,,,never go again. Its that easy.

    Used to love Oceania,but they removed all tubs on most of their ships,a deal breaker for me.

    Seabourn is great two,but shore exc.not inc.Still go on them due to itinerary.SeaDream,,,tried once and never again.

  18. It seems MANY others have been bothered by this theater step problem,,and have made their ideas about fixing it known to staff in different ways.Now lets just hope they indeed listened and it will be corrected. Can t say they didnt know,thats for sure.Wonder if anyone has contacted the company and asked directly,,,still have a few days in drydock.??Or perhaps a company rep reads these posts and could comment??

  19. Well, these posts made me feel much better ,,and I went ahead and booked for Oct. 2020 from Barcelona.

    Hope it keeps being safe for all those involved.

    Know its a great city,,have been there a few yrs. ago and loved it.

    My friend DID have his wallet pickkpocketed tho,,on the Rambla.Know that can happen in any large city tho.

  20. On 10/29/2019 at 12:43 PM, mrlevin said:

    Those big pillars surround much smaller steel posts.  Hopefully they also get rid of those small steps in theater.  It would be nice if they modified the rear stairs from Deck 4 to 5 90 degrees to allow a larger elevator "lobby" on Deck 5. As for Compass Rose, it would be nice if they could deaden the sound by putting a lot more soft surfaces.



    I sure hope they fix those theater steps,,,need a gradual incline. Those are dangerous and poorly lit and dark carpets.

    Remarked about this in reviews,,and saw several people,,inc. ME. FALL ,,even when aware.

    Poor design.Doubt they ll go thru the expense tho. Booked several more cruises on Explorer,,but thats an irritating problem.

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