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alexandra cruiser

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Posts posted by alexandra cruiser

  1. Don t want to beat a dead horse, but had to call O re 2 upcoming cruises for this,,,and had to give boarding numbers before ea. one.Is it possible O would publish timing of drydocks for all these ships here?

    Or do any of you know specifyically the date for ea.one?

    Makes it hard to look at brochures,,unless only look at larger ships.

    Had to book a Regent cruise,,,get concierge room,,since on some of those ships they re also taking tubs out of PH. Haven t been on R for 5 yrs..and sadly will have to switch for some cruises,,due to above.

    Know I m in the minority ,,it seems,,from previous posts.

    Still not sure why at least a few PH can t keep tubs,,,no choice now,it seems.

    Sad and upset,,oh well.

  2. I booked a concierge suite with tub,,,just for that reason,had to study cabin chart to make sure not just shower.But,,so glad I had a choice ,at least.No PH for me,if no tub.

    On Oceania they also plan to remove all tubs on PH suites in smaller ships,,,so switched back to Regent ,where I have a choice,at least.Willing to pay more for it.Still love that R is still less formal too.Not so much for me,,but DH refuses,,as I mentioned above,,,to buy new suit.Even on a Seabourn cruise,,he only wears a blue blazer and tie,,,pants,,haa,too.No one has ever mentioned it even on formal nites,tho.BUt even THAT is too much now.What can you do,,,he IS paying for it,,,lets ME pick out everything else.Just glad we get the great chance to see the world,,,so many others cant and we really do enjoy it.Good to remember how lucky we all are on this site ,,able to take great cruises.

  3. I agree with above poster ,Malbec. top line cruise should have it all.

    Hope Regent will fix above problems before my cruise in Feb.

    Will be first time on Explorer,,and really been about 5 yrs.since last Regent cruise.

    Usually go by itinary and price ,too but had a few so so cruises on R and switched to Oceania.Now will be back at Regent since O is doing away with tubs in PH on smaller ships.Also, won t go on ships that require formal wear.So its limited,eh.haha

  4. We prefer to eat early, at 6 30 and then have plenty of time,,,can go back to cabin to refresh for shows,etc.Or get drink and listen to string orchestra,piano,etc. Then not rushed or stuffed for show.

    We also prefer to see ports on own,but 8hrs.or less is more than enough for us. Can get back at 5 and rest till dinner. More relaxing that way.

    Since we eat by ourselves, its hard to get another reservation onboard, ex.when we book PH suites.

  5. In Feb. we stayed at Intercontinental and just booked whole nite rate,,that way we could stay past 8-pm of nite we flew,,,since the airport won t even open gates there for checking in till 9pm and little seating space and no ac in front. Not much more and worth every penny. Talked to a few that had to be out at 7 ,,I think in their day room and were not happy to be sitting at airport under above conditions.Also, even with day room,,or reg booking,,no guarantee a room will be ready in am. Ours not till 1-pm ,so enjoyed great pool ,restaurant,etc. Had changing rooms and luggage area.Got taxi and at airport in 10 min.from there.It s a LONG day, and good to enjoy it.

  6. Even if you book concierge room and have pre cruise hotel inc...you can get $125 per person discount and get your own room. We prefer to spend the extra on a taxi and determine our own time and not packed in bus.

    We figure we re spending THOUSANDS on this trip and will not be back there again,,so why not splurge a little.We also book at least a day ahead and one after before flying home,,so less hassle and gives us time to explore port a little.We re now retired and have luxury of time,,,;plus enjoy the whole experience and want to savor it.So many of our friends can t or wont travel,,for many reasons...we take advantage of it now.

  7. Thanks for the link,,will look at it and appreciate the time it must take to do that. Love all the info I can get ahead of time,,to plan.


    Just read whole thing and looked at the great photos...Wonderful info and got a lot of info on shore exc.,,,seems I booked almost same as you and loved reading about them.


    You mentioned Matt is in nursing school,,,I m an RN with many yrs.experience,so let me know if I can help him in any way. Worked most hosp dept.Do have BSN. My DH is a MD and can answer questions too.

  8. Hi Alexandra Cruiser;


    We (Ida and I) and NJBelle (Janice & Eric) did Lima to Buenos Aires, along with a private Machu Picchu pre cruise, on the Mariner this January-into February.


    We had an outstanding time; delicious cuisines paired with good complementary wines, and excellent connoisseur wines, intuitive service (dining venues and bars).


    The Voyager was our fav ship until we experienced the public spaces on the Mariner. So, we have another 51 days (36 this Oct/Nov, 15 in Feb 2019) booked on t


    We did not do a review but did post often on this thread, and I recall you posted a few times on this thread as well:




    Glad to answer any ? as I'm sure Janice will be too when they return this weekend from their Seabourn Med cruise on the new SB Ovation.


    The only downside, which seems to be a recurring problem when doing Lima to next port cruises on the Mariner is 3/4 of the time we were in Code Red. Still, the crew provided excellent service despite the hardship of extra cleaning, serving all items from any buffet (coffee connection, La Veranda, Setti Mari at nite).


    Thanks for the link, do remember reading this thread,but will read whole thing now.

    We start in BA and end in SanAntonio,,,Feb.1

    Know you were so much more active than we are and was so impressed.Will have to do less strenous shore exc.

    First time on Explorer too.Have been on all the others,,and agree Mariner was fav,so far.

  9. We on Sirena to Cuba a few weeks ago and never got a survey from Oceania while on board or after the cruise. We have sailed 6 different lines and every one wanted our thoughts on how the cruise went and comments about the ship. I just find this strange.


    Can you please post a review of this cruise here???Know many would LOVE to get all the details. Did you enjoy it,,how were ports,,,did you take O exc.>>>???

  10. Looking but seem to be missing recent Explorer S. American cruises,,,I have the Feb 1 2019 booked and would like info.

    Anyone take the 2018 one and care to comment?

    Have the 16 day BA to SanAntonio...


    Also,,, tried to book quite a few exc.so far,,and many already filled.Some have no waitlist. Was on Regent a few yrs.ago and don t remember this problem.

  11. Re/ change of itinerary, we only heard about it when we got on ship. Had no access to internet prior. Glad you got to change your tours, but many others did NOT. Heard at least 5 couples complain of this, sure many more affected.

    But very GLAD changes made, since we had great weather. We booked a few ship tours,but did many on own. Took taxi or walked. Just wish beaches would have been closer ...but, fun. Agree with Hawaiidan , sorry. Loved cruise, but,,,,very similar to me.

  12. Also no noro probs onboard. What a relief..

    Really glad they changed itinerary, had good weather.But first day we got there, rained whole time. Glad we booked a day after to finally see Tahiti.

    Re. the Papeete airport,,,dont get there before 3hrs.prior, no access and non ac...we got there before Air Tahiti Nui opened by 20 min and had to wait.GLad we booked business,,got access to ac lounge.

    Feel sorry for those who booked tours on own, since many were unable to change them when itineary changed.

    WIsh the beaches would have been closer to docking area, since we had to use ship transfer to dock,then shuttle to a beach. Only did it once,since a hassle.

    Glad we took trip, but sad to admit it seemed very similar to Hawaii. For those on the fence,,,try it first. Less flying,less expensive,and speak English and use our money. No hassles,,,hahaha. Just my opinion, of course. Sure others LOVED it and not meant to be a put down, in any way.

  13. I was surprised to see such calm seas in your photos, hope they continue. Wonder about what to bring, see you had clothes for warm weather and cool too. Any need for really warm,winter type...or just layers?

    Am impressed by your physical stamina and enjoy hearing about all the things you do. Not quite up to 5 mil mountain climb,haha.

    It was the O ship Marina that also had noro probs, not only the Mariner.Seems like very common,sadly.

    Leave for that ship on Sunday,for Tahiti cruise,hoping all is clear by then.

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