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Everything posted by dreaminofcruisin

  1. Not sure what the "Captain's Gala Dinner" is? Are you talking about Formal night? If so, it depends on the itinerary. What would you expect to see at "Captain's Gala Dinner"?
  2. This was my favorite one....but that isn't the most recent one....I would love another one of these.
  3. I'm guessing your cruise to Kodiak was on HAL? They still have one that goes there. I've never been too crazy on the idea of trying HAL, but that itinerary is pretty enticing..... 🤔
  4. Well...pre-covid you did. We didn't see them on our August Emerald cruise.
  5. Question. I have successfully used DMW on my cruise in August. Now I have a few more coming up and thought I would go check on my reservations. I tried one in 2023 that I have not yet booked the DMW. I got the message "Please check back closer to your journey date to use this feature". I have tried a few times on different dates and always get this message. Today I tried again. Same message. Then I decided to try my upcoming October cruise which I already have booked reservations. Same message. I tried logging off the app and restarting my phone. Tried again. Same message. I checked and I have the current version. I am out of ideas. Not critical, but at some point I would like to book reservations on the 2023 cruise. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  6. The straws on the Emerald in August were tall enough for a Bloody Mary, so they 'worked' for me. I think in the past they were shorter. Oddly enough, now the problem 'could' be the opposite...if you want to stir something in a short glass, I think they only have tall ones. 😁
  7. This. I was pleasantly surprised at the paper straws on our August Emerald cruise. Paper straws, but worked great!
  8. One good thing is that on Princess, unlike Carnival or perhaps other lines, you DO NOT have to wait 5 minutes between ordering each alcoholic drink. We were on the Emerald in August and had no problem ordering beer chasers for our Bloodie Marys -- ordering them together. We didn't try to do too much ordering drinks with the Medallion, but reports are that you could order multiple alcoholic drinks at a time on that also. (We would also order 4 waters at a time for me and DH, so we could stock up a bit in our cabin.)
  9. It might also generate more interest if we could see more of the planned public venues. There can only be so much speculation.....without any facts.
  10. It has to do with Princess, as usual, not having a consistent message on their website. When logging on to my cruise on the website yesterday, it forced me to acknowledge that I needed to be fully vaccinated AND provide a monitored antigen or PCR test for my 7 day California cruise on the 1st with the only out of country stop being Ensenada. On the same day, I received a Booking Notification stating I just needed to be fully vaccinated OR provide a test (and that could be a self-test). People get confused (understandably), contact Princess and get someone who doesn't know what they are talking about which tells them they need to be fully vaccinated AND provide a test. Princess needs to get their act together.....
  11. My cruise also stops in Ensenada and my Booking Confirmation from yesterday does not match this. See my post #19.
  12. Yup. Also on this cruise in August. Starboard side. It did mean that you weren't ALWAYS on the side to view the port, but often you were. Neither side would ALWAYS give you the view of the port, but I think Starboard side was best.
  13. Did you get an email from Princess yesterday? I am on the similar voyage (same day) 7 day out of San Francisco. When I logged into the website yesterday, it said I needed to be fully vaccinated AND provide a test. However, I also received an email with what is listed below. I qualify for what is in Red below and should not need a test. It sounds like you would follow what is in Green below, but note it indicates the test can be a self-test. Princess is really making a mess of things and making this way harder than it needs to be. They really should get their act together.... 🤪 Thank you for your attention to this notification. IMPORTANT NOTICES IMPORTANT REMINDERS FOR YOUR CRUISE It's almost time for your cruise vacation! Please make sure you remember to: - Download the MedallionClass app to complete all required check-in items. - Complete online cruise check-in and the mandatory Health Questionnaire (MUST be completed by each guest at least 24 hours before your cruise). - Select an arrival time to the pier on the MedallionClass app. For the health and safety of all, do not arrive prior to your assigned check-in time or you will be asked to return at the correct time. - Guests ages 5 and above who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 do not require pre-cruise COVID-19 testing for this voyage. To be considered fully vaccinated a guest must have completed their final dose of an approved vaccine at least 14 days prior to embarkation. - Guests ages 5 and above who have not been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 are required to take a viral COVID-19 test within 3 days of embarkation and attest to a negative result. Self tests are accepted. - Review vaccination and testing requirements at https://*****/pcl_teststan.
  14. Obviously, no one QA'd that survey. No surprise there. I kept thinking....."Did I miss them asking if I did a land tour?" One would think they would test it out a bit....but as we have seen with the App, that doesn't happen. I just marked the land tour in the middle and moved on since it wouldn't let you go further otherwise. I did make a comment in the comments section about how they need to fix their survey. Hopefully others do also.
  15. Note that there are reports that pub lunch is back, but you have to look harder for it. See this thread:
  16. I don't have luggage tag holders, but I do print them on card stock paper. This makes them a bit more durable and have never had them tear off. I bring a little 'tot' stapler to attach them and don't put them on until after my flight.
  17. We were just on the Emerald in August and had a wonderful time. I think you will find plenty to eat between the buffet and the International Cafe. I am one who prefers the older grand class ships (like Emerald) for the walk-around promenade deck, Skywalkers which has nice views from the top and the Outrigger Bar on the back which is often one of the quietest places on the ship.
  18. Is Pier 27 from Holiday Inn Express Fisherman's Wharf walkable for enbarkation? It appears to be about 0.9 miles if Google maps is correct. We will be pulling luggage, but have walked longer distances than that pulling luggage. Thoughts? Thanks!
  19. Sorry this is such a pain.... yikes... 😔 If you go to Princess.com and logon to your account, Go to My Account Click Upcoming Cruises Pick the cruise Click on Payments Click on Booking Balance Scroll Down.....Keep scrolling until you see a Grey Box with Credits. (It kinda looks like you have ended Payments as there are more options before you get to Credits---poor design). Below the Credits bar, it should detail the Credits for the cruise. One of them should say "Shareholder Benefits". If you got OBC from your TA, that should be indicated here also. I hope that helps or your TA figures it out....
  20. ...or perhaps having their website ready to go with all the information that will answer everyone's questions....
  21. I found it in Princess.com: My Account Profile Information Receive Offers and News Phone: Yes Email: Yes Mail: Yes
  22. Are you including: Your Name Ship Name Booking # Sail Date AND attaching a copy of a fairly current statement from your brokerage showing the 100+ shares of Carnival stock? Are you sending it to sbpcl@princesscruises.com Very odd that this is happening when you have already been successful in the past..... Did you check your booking and see if it got applied even though you haven't received an email indicating this? Really a strange thing....that's all I can think of....
  23. I think in the presentation they stated 29 different dining venues. However, someplace (?) else I read that it was 29 different restaurants and bars. Including the bars in that count makes it a totally different thing....
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