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Everything posted by dreaminofcruisin

  1. Just off the Emerald last week. We were told there were 2666 passengers. Capacity ( I think this is double berth) is 3080, so that would be about 86%.
  2. Sadly, just off the Emerald. For the Plus package, for white wine in Vines, there were NO additional wines by the glass available than any other bar on the ship. ☹️ Nor were there any I could 'upcharge' to from Premium package. I really hope this is better on some other ships and Emerald is an outlier....
  3. Before my recent cruise, someone had posted to log off the app when you get on the ship. Then log in using your stateroom number and birthdate. We tried that and it also appeared to make a world of difference!
  4. When this happened on the Emerald last cruise, they sent out a note to each stateroom indicating masks (that were recommended) were now required in all indoor spaces and crowded areas. I was quite surprised that there seemed to be about 90% compliance the first day....though it did drop some as each day went by..... Did they send out a note requiring them?
  5. Is the balcony windy? On some ships it seems the more forward balconies get a lot of wind and as a result there ends up being a lot of creaks and rattles in the room. What's your experience with that been? TIA
  6. That was pretty much what I was thinking....I would pay the few dollars more upcharge. However, in Vines especially, the menu I saw, the only by the glass wines were the generic listing: Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, etc. The rest of the wines were all by the bottle. I don't know if this is true on all the ships or it varies? The menu was a booklet though, so it led me to believe it was intentional. I just don't know what Princess is thinking. The server in Vines said he had all kinds of bottles that weren't on the menu that he couldn't sell and yet there were bottles on the menu that he didn't have. It really sounds like a mess. I don't know if Princess plans on doing anything about it, but just hope that everyone who is frustrated will be commenting on it in the survey....as I certainly will be. If you drink more of a variety of wine than I do---both Reds and Whites, you might find a few that you can upcharge to, but I still think it is pretty limited. ☹️
  7. We are just off the Emerald Princess on Thursday. We had a WONDERFUL cruise and while not everything went perfectly, we really enjoyed ourselves. For reference, we are a couple in our 60s and traveled with another couple in the same age range. There were 2666 passengers on the cruise, with around 1100 or so being Americans (as we are). EZ Air – Traveling by air these days is really challenging. Twice in the last few months, one of my flights was cancelled. The most recent being the weekend before we left. The cancellation was the return flight and I reached EZ Air on a Monday morning fairly quickly by calling as soon as they opened. I was on the phone with the rep for almost an hour as she and someone else tried to find a flight for me. I ended up on Iceland Air and while I don’t think it was ‘up to’ the level of Business Class I had paid for on Virgin Atlantic, it got me home, so that is most important. All of our luggage made it both directions. Embarkation / Disembarkation – We had an 11:00 time, though not sure anyone cared. We got there shortly after 11 and never sat down. We just moved from one area to the next, answering questions, showing documentation and walked onto the ship. Really awesome! For disembarking, we were taking a Princess bus to LHR. We got to our meeting place 5 minutes before the time and they told us they were already ready for us to leave! Wow! Again….never stopped moving….out to the bus and there was a bus just filling up for terminal 2. We were the last ones on it and off we went. The Captain – I cannot say enough about the Captain of the Emerald Princess, Christopher Lye. He is my new favorite captain, even beating out Captain “Bye Bye” Tuvo. He gave long informative messages on the ports we were visiting and the things that might be viewed on the way during his noon and sail away messages. He also kept us informed on the status of an engine that went out resulting in us arriving late into Cobh, but was able to be repaired, so had no other repercussions. He also mentioned that there might be a few ‘blemishes’ on the ship as the Emerald Princess was one of the later ones scheduled for dry dock (this fall), since it was in better condition than some other ships after the shutdown. Although we saw rust spots (this is a ship on salt water, after all), this certainly did NOT detract from our enjoyment. Dine My Way – I was able to make dining reservations for each evening at different times prior to the cruise for the 4 of us. We usually dine based on sail away time as we like to be on our balcony for sail away, so generally reserved a dinner time sometime after that. Most days, this was around 6 pm, though occasionally it was 7 pm. All reservations were in the DaVinci Dining Room as that was what was available pre-cruise. When I got on the ship, all of my reservations had duplicated in the Michelangelo Dining Room, so I had 2 reservations each night. We decided to stick with Michelangelo and deleted the other reservations. There was only one line for dining each evening and I think the longest line we were in had 3 groups in front of us! I don’t know if a lot of the British passengers eat very late or they skip the dining room all together? Since this was such a port intensive cruise, it might be that people wanted to eat more quickly in the buffet. We had great service in the dining room and the 4 of us always were done within an hour and half and often just over an hour. We did have one dinner in the Crown Grill which was included in our booking. I was able to make that reservation pre-boarding in the app and it “knew” to take ours and our companion’s free dinners, so it didn’t charge us. We did both get a notice in our stateroom that a reservation had been made for us in Sabatini’s and included our free coupons, but we talked to Customer Service and they could check and see that our reservations were intact at the Crown Grill, so we just ignored that notice. Plus Beverage Package – This worked out fine for everything except wine. There was very little choice of included wine by the glass anywhere on the ship, if you are a dry white to medium dry white wine drinker. There was one chardonnay, which I wasn’t fond of, so I generally drank the one pinot grigio available. I found this especially disappointing in Vines. There were NO other wines by the glass available in Vines than at any other bar for a dry white wine drinker. This was probably my biggest disappointment on the ship as many of the wines I have tried at Vines in the past have become favorites that I will then buy at home. Princess newest ships do not include Vines and I guess that’s just as well, as it’s not really a wine bar any more than any other bar now. There were also no wines by the glass that I could pay the up charge for, so having the Premier package wouldn’t have done me any good either. Although I finally did get a paper menu, there was no QR code like other bars and the menu pretty much listed mostly only bottles of wine. I was talking to a server there and he admitted that he was also frustrated as he couldn’t make his customers happy. Instead of wine, I drank more mixed drinks than usual due to the lack of wine selection. There were a lot of beers on the menu, but DH was disappointed that there were only 2 draft selections—Heineken and Newcastle. It seems like in the recent past, the Wheelhouse bar used to have more draft selections, but I guess that went away? We had no problem getting drinks with the package and it’s nice that they now allow you to pick up 2 bottles of water per person at a time. They also had no problem with us ordering 2 Bloody Marys and a beer to split between us at the same time (called a chaser or a snit here in the Midwest). DH also could get a double shot of whiskey. We never came anywhere close to the 15 drinks a day limit, but I think we could still justify the cost of Plus, but not Premier. We were once charged for a bottle of water in the Dining Room, but I went to Customer Service and they immediately corrected it. Also, just FYI, there were straws on the ship readily available. They were paper and I was fine with them as I do like a straw with my Bloody Mary…. Medallion App/Internet – We really struggled with this when we first got on the ship. It did a lot of locking up and spinning. I had seen other posters that said to log off and log on using your room number and birthdate. DO THIS AS SOON AS YOU GET ON THE SHIP!!!!! It made a world of difference! The internet wasn’t fast, but I was able to go online, check email, read my hometown paper etc. I didn’t try streaming anything or uploading as I found Princess T.V. had a lot of choices of Movies, etc. We did do a couple of WiFi calls home to deal with a minor issue. One of them we successfully used WiFi calling. The other one, we tried WiFi Calling, but had a bad connection, so switched to using Whats App. That seemed a bit better. I think most of our issues with that was that we were not in port at the time and likely there were a lot of others using the WiFi as well---just a guess. I think there is room for a lot of improvement with the internet, but we were able to do what we wanted on it. I did try and use the Medallion app to order drinks a couple of times. The first time was a total failure as I ordered a Diet Coke and it went to the Preparing stage, but never got to the Delivery stage. After about an hour it self-cancelled the order. I don’t know if they figured out that I gave up and went and got it or what? This didn’t give me a lot of confidence, so I didn’t try it again until the last night of the cruise. We were sitting on the back of the ship near the Outrigger Bar. It was later in the evening, so that bar was closed. I decided this was a good opportunity to try ordering a drink on the app again. I ordered a glass of Pinot Grigio and it showed up in about 10 minutes. Yay! Maybe I’ll try more on the next cruise…. The Crew – Wow! Just wow! Best crew ever! I can only guess that we must have had some extra staff on board that were training or something? I’ve never seen so many of the crew who were just standing in the buffet ready to pick up your plate as soon as you finished. They were right there any time you sat down asking if you needed a beverage. The International Café was similar. I have never seen such outstanding service! Our room steward, Joao, was also great! He serviced my room always when I was gone. I used the little lights to request service or ask for privacy outside our door and I think this really helped him know when we were gone for a while. Covid – The cruise started out as ‘recommending’ mask wearing. About ½ through the cruise, we received notice that there were covid cases among passengers and staff, so they were changing it to ‘required’ mask wearing. Surprisingly, to start with, about 90% of people complied with this. It waned more as each day went by and I didn’t see them enforcing it much except I did see they had masks in the buffet they were handing out at least the first day or so. The entire cruise they were strongly encouraging people to use the sinks and wash hands. We even saw short lines at the sinks on occasion. We didn’t start out wearing masks much except in crowded areas, but after it was required, we complied. Their ship, their rules. Of the 4 of us, so far, 1 just tested positive after getting home. Entertainment – This was a port intensive cruise, so the entertainment was not as important to us as on some itineraries. However, for the most part, it seemed like Princess is perhaps struggling to find good entertainment? In the piazza, on a couple of occasions, there was a plate spinner. I haven’t seen a plate spinner since I was a kid watching Ed Sullivan. Unique, I guess. We watched a comedian one night and weren’t impressed. One of the people with us knew all his punch lines, so the jokes were pretty old. The piano player in Crooners was playing ‘show tunes’ the night we were there. All the songs were written before I was born…..and I am in my 60s. We left when we could find an appropriate time and went to Skywalkers for a bit more current music. Gracie’s Secret was the party band and they were pretty good. The one exceptional act was a group called MOBO. We had missed them in the theater, but just happened to be in Explorer’s Lounge when the room started to really fill up. Apparently, others had seen them and really enjoyed them. They were very good. We did watch one production show in the Princess theater which was “Sweet Soul Music”. It was ok. Ports – I’m not going to post too much about ports as many others have documented what they have done. We learned a lot especially with a private tour in Cobh and a private tour in Belfast. The difference of opinion between someone living in Ireland and someone in Northern Ireland was quite interesting. We really enjoyed seeing all the many ports in the British Isles and Ireland. Overall, the cruise was great! We really enjoyed ourselves and were so happy to be back on Princess after about 2 1/2 years. We bought 2 FCDs each and are looking forward to our next cruise! If anyone has any questions, I am happy to try and answer them.
  8. We also just got off the Emerald Princess and had an outstanding cruise! Not everything was perfect, but yes the crew was exceptional!
  9. As much as it's fun to joke about the PRIZES.....I do find it interesting to hear people's analysis on why they are upgrading to Premier. Some of the reasons likely would be why I could see Blue Card (new) cruisers would go for it. As a stockholder, if it helps Princess 'get back' financially, I think it's great! For us, Plus just barely works, but glad there are different options for different folks and the way each likes to cruise. ☺️
  10. Are you past final payment? Some reports showed when there was just the Plus package that it went up in price after final payment.
  11. I've been looking for more specific cabins lately and have noticed Princess is very inconsistent on their numbering of cabins. I have even seen that on the port side vs the starboard side it isn't always consistent. Don't overthink it. Just find a cabin you like and book it by the identified number. ☺️
  12. We saw this on Carnival on Embarkation day, but have never seen it on Princess.
  13. Interesting. I hadn't seen this before. So, is the "complete wine list book" readily available?
  14. Sooo....it would seem like it wouldn't be too hard to tell you the brand.....and it would make people much happier. I like Chardonnays, but that doesn't mean I like ALL Chardonnays. Maybe if I knew what they were going to serve me, if I don't like it I would pay the upcharge, but to just serve me 'pot luck' is pretty annoying.....
  15. Yes, you can store your suitcases either in the closet or under the bed. Regarding the Medallion, you might want to do some reading here: https://www.princess.com/ships-and-experience/ocean-medallion/
  16. A positive test result no more than 90 days ago at least 10 days after the result, should be what you need. This does result in additional screening, so if you can just get a negative antigen test, that would be easier.... https://www.princess.com/plan/cruise-with-confidence/cruise-health/frequently-asked-questions/us-cruises/ Guests who have recovered from COVID-19 within three months from the date of their cruise departure or cruisetour departure (whichever starts first) do not need to take a viral test before embarkation if they are at least 10 days past their COVID-19 infection, have no symptoms and produce documentation of recovery from COVID-19. Documentation of recovery consists of the following: Paper or electronic copies of the positive viral test result from a certified laboratory (dated no more than 90 days ago) or A valid digital COVID-19 certificate (DCC) or a document issued by an official health or government authority showing confirmed previous infection Guests who present these documents will need to go through a secondary screening at the terminal, and boarding will be approved at the medical staff’s discretion. Guests who are unable to provide documentation of recovery that fulfills the above requirements must take the required COVID-19 viral test and show a negative result.
  17. I'm in the same position. My missing medallions are likely with yours! 😁 My date is the same and status is the same. Also cruising on August 13th. Guessing you are on the British Isles sailing? Although it would be nice to receive them before we go, if not, we won't be alone as there will likely be many from the UK on this cruise and they will ALL have to pick up their medallions at the port as I believe Princess only ships them to US addresses.....
  18. I still can't believe how tacky this is of Princess...even some pretty one-horse town bars now list the brand of the wine. SMH So, has anyone seen a report from Vines lately? I mean, seriously, could you really call yourself a Wine Bar if your menu gave a choice of Red or White? Sheesh.
  19. If you and DH are booking with the Plus package and Auntie would not be.....you might want to be in the same cabin with DH when booking and put Auntie in a separate cabin, regardless of what it ends up to be on board....
  20. In the past, you could only order one drink at a time or you would be charged for the 2nd one. However, there have been reports from people on recent cruises that they are able to order multiple drinks at a time in their cabin and using the drink package and just having the drink package tally the number of drinks. I have heard the number as 2 or 3. I don't know if this is something that is only true if you are in your cabin?
  21. Kinda. As I understand it....disclaimer....not on a ship until August.... You "should" be able to log onto the app on your phone as DH, order your drink and log off. Then DW can log onto the app on same phone, order a drink and log off. The server will be looking for each person whose logon ordered, and 'charge' that logon and they find you using the medallion.
  22. Wow. This is new to me. How ridiculous. That is just asking for Customers to be ticked when they don't understand this. Whatever are they thinking?
  23. Congratulations! Is this cash or OBC and if OBC---refundable or not? Just curious.
  24. We're booked on Enchanted in January and I saw these cabins and decided to book one. They are farther forward than I normally like to book, but they looked really interesting! Thanks for all the insight and to OP for starting the post. Makes me think I made a good decision.
  25. The post listed below is being done by someone who just got off the Emerald. He has posted Patters and the Embarkation Day Patter is in Post #109. It appears that the dining rooms are NOT open at embarkation....unless I am mis-reading it:
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