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Everything posted by chemmo

  1. The coffee E+ perk should be available from boarding to exiting the ship… Agree they are confusing the E and above cocktail hour drinks (not available day 1) and the coffee E+ perk available for the cruise…
  2. I think the confusion could be coming from there are no free Elite/Elite+ beverage drinks first night of the cruise. Unfortunately some staff on board have not realised that there is a speciality coffee perk for E+ independent of this…
  3. Having followed the points many cruisers have made on this post my summary would be…This post is less about Celebrity’s marketing and more about the attitude of cruisers young and old to each other… Most cruisers are inclusive and tolerant. They take individuals as they find them. They find interest and novelty in people of all ages, just as they would enjoy conversations with people of all nationalities and creeds….They don’t appreciate poor behaviour from any cruiser (regardless of age) but more frequently will shrug it off with a smile rather than a frown and certainly will not let it spoil their cruise. Most cruisers are more interested in what they are doing than in the activities of others… However, there are a few cruises who are blinkered to their personal preferences. They want the cruise line to go in the direction of their personal likes and dislikes…If they enjoy loud music in venues they want loud music in all venues, if they don’t like loud music they will want and expect all venues to meet that brief… In his initial post the OP expressed There is space, staff and venues a plenty for us all to enjoy each and every cruise! The fact that all of us have chosen Celebrity, regardless of our ages, indicates we all appreciate the ambiance the cruise line provides…. From an oldie to a younger guest, long may Celebrity be a cruise line that celebrates diversity of age!
  4. I guess it depends to some degree on how much work the remaining butlers do and how much is delegated to other teams. For example, mini bar refills may be done by a member of the bar team, in suite dining by members of the room service team…Since room service is now a payable option for other than suites I have wondered how many of that team were jobless…Probably cheaper for Celebrity to just have a few members of staff as butlers but delegate some of their roles to others on probably a lesser salary… It will be interesting to see if other ships report similar reductions….
  5. Early. We usually book higher suites and in our experience they are the rooms that can go quickly (only a few of each) and having monitored over many years they tend to go up in price…
  6. Murano is quite a long experience with table side preparation of some dishes and a relaxed speed of delivery. We find it best enjoyed on evenings we are not too exhausted from hectic excursions so don’t get too tired on your Grand Cayman trip and don’t succumb to too much lunch either, a good appetite is a must!
  7. Sincere best wishes for a wonderful cruise! We are over a year until ours and I am excited already.
  8. Greetings! We have communicated on the roll call! I hadn’t spotted this! We have booked this cruise not expecting the ship to be upgraded but if it is it will be a bonus. I did think that the best we might get was a refresh of soft furnishings from the dry dock. I have mixed feelings about them upgrading the Retreat lounge as I have a soft spot for the M class Michael’s Club and much as I have liked the look of refurbished lounges we have actually found them less comfortable…The addition of a Retreat Deck would be nice if it happens. More bothered about having nice furnishings on my balcony though…
  9. Luminae is open for breakfast every day…Remember in a suite you still have the option of room service too.
  10. Another vote for Murano. Not only for the food, they are used to making occasions special! On a couple of occasions we have seen them produce arranged gifts from under those silver domes! They will also arrange for the ship photographer to be around to capture special moments if you speak to the M’D…
  11. We have cruised and enjoyed holidays in this region at this time of year and the weather is very mixed. You can have pleasant sunny days or torrents or rain and a strong wind…In our experience you would be very unlucky if you saw no sunshine but very lucky if you saw no rain…As rain is often accompanied by wind and the temperature is still warm you are much better with a light showerproof jacket or a $ poncho than an umbrella. After saying this we do love the region at this time of year. Much less crowded and much less hot. Again in our experience the major attractions of each port will still be open, although, if I remember correctly some close earlier from the 1st November. I suggest you look on line at opening times for the places you want to visit. Also if you look at Celebrity excursions (even if you don’t intend booking them) it will give you some ideas… The only thing we did find was some of the tourist shops and bars were either shut or shutting for the season. Never a problem as there were always plenty still open…
  12. I suggest you pop into the area as you board, they will show you the facilities.There are tiled loungers, sauna and steam rooms and a large rain shower. In our experience first day of cruise they are unlikely to be fully booked. If you do like it you could then decide. The area is include at no additional charge for aqua room guests. All other guests pay. You can book a pass for the cruise or just book day passes. As you say, sea days tend to be busy so you may prefer to simply book a port day near the beginning of your cruise then if you do enjoy book another one… Re worth the charge? Most people who book Aqua rooms do so to get entry into Blu, the restaurant for Aqua guests rather than just for the spa access. Personally I enjoy for an hour or so once per cruise and that is enough…
  13. So pleased…Mistakes happen, nice when they are sorted without any issues.
  14. We haven’t had many poor holiday experiences but those we have seen as ‘sub’ were usually a combination of small cumulative issues rather than one major disappointment…I guess we all go on vacation hoping to switch off, relax and unwind and little niggles prevent that. So pleased you have had a better experience. I am so pleased you gave them a chance to ‘put things right’. Hope the rest of your vacation goes smoothly.
  15. On boarding head to the two restaurants you have booked and explain your daughter is vegetarian and autistic. Not only will they arrange vegetarian options they will listen to you about your daughter’s sensory needs. For example, Le Petite Chef as you are probably aware, is a show with lights and sound. You may prefer to be nearer the door then if she is a little overwhelmed then it will be easier for you to take her out if she needs a break. In Murano service is slow paced but they will speed it up if requested. Also some seating is more central and if your daughter finds noise distracting your family may be better by a wall. That is my preference too! On the morning of your dinner just pop by and remind them of your special requests…
  16. Was the cabin he booked capable of having 4 guests and they have moved him to one that only has 2 max…Only reason I can think of for Celebrity moving him
  17. There frequently seems to be a Mr and Mrs Grumble in the Retreat lounge…My favourite memory was of a couple complaining to the concierge that their visit to Lisbon hadn’t been that good ‘…because everyone spoke Spanish’…?!?! It would have been funny enough if the lady had said Portuguese! Sincere best wishes to you and your family for a fantastic cruise on Silhouette, our favourite ship. Such a pity she is not cruising from Southampton next year. PS please don’t send the ‘young at heart’ oldies like myself off Celebrity and onto Saga!
  18. Sounds like fun, especially on longer cruises.
  19. Photography classes and cruises definitely seem a good combination…Sea days learn something, port days put into practice what you have learned…
  20. The only free cooking classes I have seen were more of the ‘demo’ type. I have never tried either of the others. Did you? Were they any good?
  21. I think lots of people would be interested in different classes, especially on longer cruises with lots of sea days. The cooking one seems an obvious with the number of chefs on board. I also think iPad/phone ones could be popular. You could even get a discount for the class if you bought your iPad on board!
  22. Any new ideas of your own? I started this thread, lightheartedly, to consider thinks that we payers may enjoy and that may give Celebrity a $ or $$…It is interesting that may are things that have previously been tried and discontinued. However, I think there are a few things that could be resurrected in a better way. A quality burger stand in the MDR (perhaps a full BBQ offering?) and Brunch on sea days in Blu both seem very doable with little additional outlay to X…
  23. ….and such a shame that breakfast finishes so early when many of us could enjoy a lie in and then a breakfast/lunch in a nice setting.
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