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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! DH loves croissants , I love stegosauruses, I might try to draw one today, and I'm all about the escape.....Its sunny and 34 degrees-no warnings listed at all. I worked until 10 last night, took me awhile to unwind after work and coffee all day. Tonight I work until 11. They are not extra hours, they are just Georgia calling California. Our stereo (which was my dad's ) quit working last year. The CD player in the bedroom died last year. I love music, and I love falling asleep to meditational music, so I broke down last night and ordered two CD boom boxes. One for the office and one for the bedroom. DH was not happy, he wanted to order something big and huge, with turntable. I was a DJ for my college radio station, and have lots of albums from the early 70's. I miss the music! But he overthinks everything, and it will be months before anything happens. And now for the first part of the cruise- Our excursion in Mykonos was to the Island of Antiquity. There was a French archeology team working on the island-there were lots of cats (I never saw one cat in Rome) the sea was blue, the sky was blue and it was a perfect day Cleopatra's summer house
  2. Bon Voyage Summer Slope (Dixie & George)! Bon Voyage Sharon in AZ (Sharon & Craig)! Bon Voyage Quartzsite Cruiser (Lenda & Steve)! Bon Voyage dfish (Debbie & Sue)!
  3. I'm not sure if I posted after the concert yesterday, but this is what we did yesterday afternoon. We became members (again) of the Michael C Carlos museum, which is on the Emory University Campus. It is a museum of antiquities. We saw the Americas, and then Rome and Greece (kind of like being in Rome...LOL) and then we attended the concert I had been invited to. Javanese instruments, and music of Java and Bali. It was held in a smaller studio than the big concerts, and because i am short we sat to the left almost behind the musicians. I was next to a window, and while I could not hear the wind howling i could see the effects....plastic Adirondack chairs blowing across the commons. Quite entertaining. The music was interesting, some of the sounds put me in al almost Zen trance, but then the rhythm would change, and snap me right out of it. It was odd though, I recognized one of the themes as the soundtrack for the Dr. Blake Mysteries. 😸 First time adventure of the year, and we both forgot our cameras.
  4. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! The computer says 39 and sunny, that was after the heavy traffic, humidity going up, and temps to plummet showed up. the sky is very clear, and very blue. I have not been to the port of the day. I have never been to South America, and always appreciate the pictures that are posted here. Todays plan, walks the dog, work, take a break at 4 drive up to Macy's and pay the bill, come back, fix dinner, and go back to work until 10. And sometime during the day mail the rest of the bills. Our county water department decided to change to a new system...everyone got new account numbers. But the new account numbers are not on the current bill. They turned off the 800 #, and the local pay by phone wont recognize our original customer ID. So my idea of paying by phone won't happen, as the current reviews state that they have been on hold on the phone for more than 5 hours. Ridiculous! (I am being a curmudgeon) When we finally decided to go to Rome and home, we went to a used book store and bought a Rick Steves, Rome, and a few books on Ancient Greece, so we would at least know the names of some of the gods..and history. I read the Rick Steves book every day for almost a year. But while I mostly researched the old city close to the hotel, there were things that I am not sure he even mentioned, so here are pictures of my last wanderings in Rome. Not far from the hotel, and quite close to the Pantheon was the Temple Adriono. The columns remained, and then a new building was attached to it, and inside they were having a press meeting of some type, and in the lower section they were showing a film on Rome. We should have bought tickets, but we didnt't so we walked around the press conference, down a hall, and then stopped to take one picture of new art, and walked out the back door. We wandered into the Portuguese neighborhood, I wanted to walk to the river, and I had no idea what we would see. We found a church that had so much gold in it. It was well lit by the sun, most of the ones near the hotel were very dark inside. While this church was so beautiful we wanted to stay, our mission was to reach the river, and when we got there, this was the view we got- Mission accomplished, and now to turn around and head back - we find the Museum Napoleon. When I was young, we lived in France. Everything was Napoleon. But DH wanted to visit the museum, and found out that it too was free to the disabled and their caregivers. We would have paid, but she had printed out the tickets, and I'm not sure how much I would have paid. DH thought it was interesting. It was Napoleon's home in Rome, I had no idea he had lived there. Our last night in Rome, and we went down to our favorite restaurant, not to eat, but to take pictures. Right next to some of the best food I had ever eaten was a Starbucks with lines of school kids at 3 all ordering the latest sweet gooey coffee. We stayed away from all that we knew, so no Starbucks for us. The hotel being near the government building -Palazzo Montecitorio had press hanging around all day outside the hotel. The minute someone walked out of the government building the press all ran over. to interview someone. I loved our time in Rome, it did make me more interested in going somewhere for a longer period of time. Next time-the rest of the trip....
  5. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! It is 43 and dropping due to wind. Little notes on the bottom of my screen say things like temps plummeting. I need to turn the heater back on for Bubbles on the porch. A long haired solid black cat (who is injured) had shown up over the last few months. He is small. He sleeps on a cushioned adirondack chair in the back. He is very afraid of people, and he doesnt seem to like other cats either. He appears in the car port for breakfast and dinner. And for the last several days a small tiger cat has shown up in the late afternoon telling us that he wants dinner, and he just knows he must belong to us. He will eat all the dinners set out, scream for more, let us pet him and pick him up, and when he finally lets us back into the house, he sleeps on the mat by the door. But he is never here for breakfast. If he was, I think DH would pick him up, take him to the vets, have him checked out and bring him into the house to live. Neither of us are happy with the extraordinary amount of strays being dumped in our "hood". Safe travels to all my cruising and traveling friends! Busy week with the sailors. and now back to Rome- The Pantheon. Everyone in the world wants to be there. And all at the same time. We had passed it on our walks at least twice everyday, and on our second to last day in the old City of Rome, we decided that on this somewhat dreary drizzly morning we would try to figure out how to get tickets, to get in on our last day. We walked up to a sign that said tickets with an arrow pointing to the left, and an arrow pointing to the right, but saw no ticket kiosks. There was a young man who signalled us to come to him, and we walked up. I thought he would be able to answer my question of where are the kiosks, and he said to DH (who walks with a cane) you can come in. And to the couple behind us, who also had canes to walk with, you can come up. He gave us free tickets, let us bypass the lines, and the 4 of us were in. How I asked? Turns out that most of the museums in Europe allow those with disabilities to visit without payment, and without waiting. Oh my. How nice. Not all museums, certainly not the one that is the City of Rome museum, but the Pantheon, ? yes. The interior ceiling is absolutely amazing, we had read that the floor is sloped to allow the rain to drain in the building. I apologize that the picture is blurry, but I wanted to demonstrate that yes, the rain does come in. Sitting down and understanding that this is the oldest church in the world, was a temple, and then a church, is mind boggling. All the history that has passed since the columns were erected, all the people who walked across the threshold, all the time that has gone by, how the world has changed over and over. So we sat. And even though you could hear people talk, in many different languages, it had a calming peaceful feeling about the sitting. My favorite piece of art at the Pantheon- and the ceiling, the way it should look, the rain had stopped, the skies had cleared
  6. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! It's 58 degrees, very cloudy and rain expected today and I guess tomorrow. It was so warm on the sunny side of the house that we opened a window and the two ginger cats spent the afternoon and evening breathing in fresh air, and chattering at the birds at the feeder. After work we had dinner and watch a Midsumer Murder and then started watching the new season of Father Brown. Between our Greek lunch and the sloppy joes, and the new increases of my diabetes meds, my stomach is not happy this morning. Today is work and then out to dinner. Just not so sure what I want to eat. I got an invitation from Emory University to attend a concert of Javanese instruments tomorrow. The musicians are students, professors and locals, should be interesting. It is being held at the the Michael C Carlos Museum, and since I was thinking of rejoining (its an archeological museum-full of mummies and Greek things) we might as well spend tomorrow afternoon there. DH and I need to get out more. We talked about this the other day. We are becoming bumps on logs this year, not good. Well, lets get back to Rome. After our early morning visit at the Trevi Fountain, we went back to the hotel and grabbed some breakfast, and then headed down Via del Corso. Our goal that day was to head to the Cat Shelter near the Largo di Torre Argentina. In other words, go down the main road, turn right, go a few blocks, and you are there. BUT!! there are things to see, churches to check out, places to sit and look at the world.... This was an interesting garden, there was a posh restaurant behind the fountain, and building for the school attached to St Ignazio di Loyola, But it turned out the path did not lead to a short cut. This should be where the Cat Shelter would be. We asked the shops around the area, and no one knew anything about where a Cat Shelter was. And heading back to our hotel, we went into the church of St. Ignazio. And then back to the hotel. (straight ahead)
  7. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! My computer is stuck on Earnings upcoming....it's pay day? It said 60 earlier. Yup, it's 60. And cloudy, and they are talking about more severe weather tomorrow. @kazuIm not sure how you hurt your ribs? during the fall on the ice? I do know how painful that is, so please take care. When i was in highschool I tore the muscles away from the ribs, I could not laugh or cry without severe pain. When I got back to the states my doctor suggesting retearing them and attaching them, I turned that down. @ger_77I too was surprised that Maurice came home last night, but glad to hear it, Home is less stressful than being in the hospital. And much more restful as @rafinmd reminded us during his last stay in one. Not much going on today, DH has an appointment with his Primary doc, who he has never seen. In 3 years. He only gets to see the PA. I have dog walking , driving him to his app, lunch out, then home and back to work. Sloppy Joes on onion buns for dinner. I did take the rest of the pork I cooked the other night, sauteed some onions and red peppers, sliced the pork thinly and browned it, then added bbq sauce, heated the whole concoction up and served sliced bbq pork on the onion buns for lunch, added a few bread and butter pickle slices, and it was quite yummy! Todays Rome pics are things that I saw on our walks that visually appealed to me- nothing that says where we were, just things I saw that made Rome even more magical to me. I love the wanderings. It is in the wandering that we find ourselves.
  8. @Denise TI have been thinking about you losing your office. If it was a place for you to meet people, could you do a daily rent at a hotel and use one of their rental business offices.? That way you are only paying an hourly rent not a monthly rent, if it's a place that you don't go to every day? Or set up an office in your home? @Niagarawine I dont think i had a cacio e pepe -what is it? And as far as those pictures of Trevi without the crowds? Very early the next morning- And I mean we got there early! There was a couple next to us that were taking pictures of their morning pastry with the fountain. I really wanted to steal their pastry. The pastry did not like being in the picture. I know.
  9. @ger_77Low on oxygen doesn't sound good. I'm with @smitty34877 call the ER if he is not doing better this morning. I have no room to myself, unless i get up early and come to the Daily. Once DH is up, we share everything all day long. At work in the living room, watching the TV, sleeping, eating, I know I should not complain, but everyone needs some alone time. I need to get that shirt that says "Am I working from home, or living at work". Speaking of shirts, @cat shepard where did you find that great picture of the cat aviator? It must exist somewhere and I would love to get it for DH (air force). Thank you @aliaschieffor the pictures of Easter Island. I have always been fascinated by the stone "gods" and have wanted to go. Unless I buy a lottery ticket, and win, I will never get to go. @MISTER 67I too am a fan of Vera, Shetland, Foyles War, and Death in Paradise. Midsumer Murders is my happy place. Put it this way, if it's on Britbox, it will get watched. I wish Midsumer was back on britbox, i'm currently having to watch commercials (OMG) while watching it on Roku. The only show that I enjoy with American tv is Ghosts.
  10. Good Thursday Morning Daiyites! It is pouring buckets right now, there is still some fog, which is making the sound of thunder almost "bubble". The last time the temp showed, it was at 62, and now it says Record Highs. DH had his infusion yesterday, and took the rest of the day off, since we didnt get home until 4:30 I wish I had said no to those who wanted a call back yesterday. I worked two hours, and not one person who wanted a call back answered. I am burned out with this campaign. I've been with it since the end of September. At this point I am reaching , if lucky, talking to people who have been called more than 20 times. Instead of picking up once, talk to someone, hear the pitch and say no, they let it ring a zillion times over months, and then yell at us regarding our calling. I'm a human, i will call until you say no. But these computerized calls we have been getting from Sarah regarding medicare are still going on, everyday, and all you can do is hang up, because there is not a real person there. I yelled yesterday, and the voice stopped talking. Interesting. Back to Rome After a bit of a rest we decided walk over to see the Trevi Fountain. The hotel is very close the the Marcus Aurelius obelisk, carved with the mans adventure through his life- But the closer we got to the fountain, we realized, a quiet moment with history and beauty was not going to happen- I am not into crowds, so we talked it over and decided we would get up very early the next morning and head back to see the fountain. By the way- the fountain is to the left. Have a great day everyone!
  11. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Its currently 49 and cloudy and drizzling. I'm not into drizzle. Unless it's chocolate on ice cream. i like rain. This way the wipers on the car don't get confused. And the sound of rain is so nice to sleep to. BUT I did sleep last night. Until 9 this morning! Wow! I should have contacted you chefs yesterday. We were going for pork tenderloin, the store did not have any unless it was prepacked and extremely salty, so we bought a boneless pork roast. Cut it in half, and then I read the online baking instructions from total strangers...sometimes this works, but not last night. It said 350 degrees for 20 minutes per pound. The package said 2.48 pounds. If cut in half that would be about a pound and a quarter, so I stuck it in, and cooked for 30 minutes, it was rare. I put it back in for another 20 and it was still medium rare. I like my steaks done either way, but not with pork, so any helpful hints for the other half? It is currently waiting in the freezer awaiting instructions. Beer cans...in college I had two friends who drank Heineken in green cans, they never threw them out, they were everywhere, under beds, in the closet. They said they were collecting them so at the end of the year they would now how much they drank that year. I guess paper and pen was too hard, but at Christmas, I made a Christmas tree out of them, and found a Michelob gold and put it on the top. It was about 5 feet high. I think at that point, they gave up on the counting.....but the tree stayed up until May. I love the quote! I have not been to the port, so back to Italy. Day one, the Museum of Rome. The museum had been originally the home and "castle" of one of the famous families, and he, the original owner, had been the mayor. In all the places we went in Europe people spoke English, but not here. No paper work to read, and a few small notes under the paintings. Names of people are names of people, so no translation needed. The building was very old, and some halls just were dead ends, but as usual we had fun. Sculptures Busts Ceiling- when we were looking at this the other night, we noticed a hand held phone in the tree. It's a hook for hanging the chandelier I loved this sculpture, she was either a fairy, or an angel who's wings hadnt grown yet, but the thinness of her winds were incredible. If you look out the window, you see scaffolding, the whole museum was covered in it. Not sure they were working on the building, or it was being held up by the scaffolding. I had read that the museum had a great restaurant, we were hungry, and so we ate there. It was an old review. Homemade Lasagna. But when it arrived, it was frozen. They had microwaved it. But not enough. I sent it back. It came back warm. I gave up. I was hungry-but I felt like this- Which was my favorite piece in the museum. We wandered back to the hotel, and relaxed...I'm sure that Gelato was involved at some time during the afternoon.
  12. Everyone seems to be getting the health services they needed today. I wanted to be done with work by 7 so I am taking an hour break vs a 3 hour break and will work for 2 more hours. DH has his tri weekly infusion tomorrow, so that will be a day off...but I had several folks ask for call backs, so I set them for late in the day. Every day this week is like that. I really need to make some me time. @RMLincoln Thanks for keeping us in the loop. In recovery sounds wonderful! @Cruzin TerriA much better outcome than what you were thinking! Allergies develop at all ages, so welcome to another one. Glad you are home safe and sound. @smitty34877Tana really has been having a rough time these days, I hope you show her some of the memes of the dailies, I snorted coffee this morning! Laughter is the best medicine. It does not do much for pain, but it makes the "hollow" go away.
  13. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Being just a bit further north than @StLouisCruisers, we are at 39 degrees, very cloudy, and it is raining lightly. Furnando is on the desk next to me, knocking things off as he finds them. Ahh cats. There are no birds in the feeder so I am the next best thing to be with. DH says that his leg is really bothering him, so I need to wake him at 9 to call the doc this morning. Grocery shopping is going to be mandatory today, so it's lunch out. We had a chat with the vet assistant on what to do with the feral cat Bubbles. Either massive surgery or let time heal him. DH asked for a pill that would calm the cat before we bring him in, and they said that we needed to bring him in to get weighed before they can give him a pill so that they don't under dose or overdose him. i'll go with time, and if there is no improvement, in a couple of weeks I'll just take him in. He does need antibiotics. So must apply. Back to Rome (as I have not been to the port of day) Once we settled into the hotel, we wandered a bit around the area, but we were both very tired, we found a place for dinner. Our first meal in Italy was pizza and a salad, and bottled water, and we pretty much ate here for every meal. After we ate, we went back to the hotel (the restaurant was just around the corner from the hotel) and slept for 16 hours straight. This was the night that I realized that our room was haunted. I woke around 3 am to see a green light covering the ceiling, I think I may have said a bleep word, and the light disappeared and shattered into a thousand little green dots, and I was bleeping again, but DH slept through all my bleeps, and i had a hard time explaining the next morning what I saw. Since our window faced a wall, and the light was coming from behind the bed, which was nowhere near the window, it was impossible that it was lights from the outside. There was one other incident in the room, but I didn't feel threatened and if ghosts want to wander around in a hotel, I'm OK with that. The next day, we got up and started out wandering. First stop was Plaza Navona, and the fountains! We stopped in a church that was open and enjoyed a few minutes out of the sun. Unfortunately there was going to be an event at the church, and it was going to close in 3 minutes, so we basically did a quick walk around, got a few pictures and went back out to the Plaza, Piazza... The plaza had filled with people, it was getting close to lunch so we headed out of the piazza towards the museum of Rome. I had read that they had a great restaurant. Thought I would try some lasagna.
  14. @Cruzin TerriBest of luck tomorrow! Itchy sometimes means it's healing, but itchy can be SOMETHING else. Are you legs or feet swelling? Discoloring? Sending healing wishes to you.
  15. @StLouisCruisersI need neighbors like you! And about 20 cop cars in this neighborhood. AFter we got home from the vet's we decided to go get lunch from Chick fil A-saw a car speed up, go around a stopped car, run the red light and fly into our neighborhood doing about 80 in a 25 mile zone. I looked at DH and said, I bet he runs the stop sign too. A perfect place for a cop to be on a nice day like today. I say nice day, as it is still somewhat sunny, and a whopping 48 degrees. Get out the bikini!...not. Just a few more pictures of the hotel, and a place to dine-and then i'll get into the artsy fartsy stuff (which I love) The hotel room, on the bed are two of our gnomes. Actually these gnomes are our gnomes pets, but they were smaller and easier to travel with- you do know I'm a bit weird...right? There was a breakfast buffet on the lower level every day, and this was my favorite breakfast. It reminded me of the Swiss finishing school I went to in my teens. ( I was thrown out after my second summer there, so I am unfinished) But the bread....OMG!
  16. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Its 27 degrees, and the computer days mostly sunny, I haven't looked yet, because here, it is still mostly dark. I like cauliflower, much more than broccoli, but I do like them. Especially since @dfish introduced me to roasting my veggies. Today is walk the dog early, take Tazi cat to vet, and then fix lunch and go to work. I got in trouble at work because I didnt use the right method of filling out the new work "time clock" forms on Saturday. Oh well. DH helped me load my Rome to Home pictures yesterday. So I will add a photo a day, with a little bit of commentary if you guys dont mind. I know it's months late, but since we were in all weekend, hiding from the cold, I thought, well it's now or never. from October- We have arrived in Rome. We stayed at the Hotel Nazionale-highly recommended by several Dailyites. We were not disappointed. We were on the first floor, (up one level) and had a room in the back. Across from us was a room where security hung out and kept watch over the government building in the same piazza. There was always a sign on the door that said "we were unable to clean your room" . At first I thought it was a honeymooning couple, but there was never any food delivered. LOL To the right of the hotel (facing hotel) if you walked down the street was Rome's most popular Gelato place. There was always a line to get Gelato. We found if we went in and sat down, we got a waiter, and great service. So why stand in line? I have no idea. Dh loved the pistachio and chocolate combo, I am more of a pastry and coffee person. But on our last night in Rome, my dinner was Cream Vanilla with Black Cherry Gelato. If it's ok with you, I will add a little each day. Hugs to you all!
  17. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I slept late this morning, because I stayed up way too late. There is a space heater on the "bubble wrapped" porch, and while it is somewhat comfortable out on the porch, when it gets this cold, I like to help keep it a little warmer. I have two small shelves out on the brick wall, and I put little tea candles in empty Oui yogurt jars. But last night I put two votive candles out in the larger jars, and thought, well, they are good for a couple hours, so I'll stay up until they go out, and then go to bed. BUT one candle kept on burning, two hours, 4 hours, finally went out at 6 and a half hours. I was up until 2. When it finally went out, I went to bed, and still could not get to sleep. When I got up it was 16 degrees, but an hour later, it is now 21. What a warming trend! It is sunny. We are supposed to get out of the freeze today, and as @StLouisCruiserssaid, it will get warmer, but it will be raining starting Wednesday. Raining for the rest of the week. I wonder if that will help our drought? It should help the static electricity here, and our fire danger notices every day. DH was very achy yesterday. Of course he didnt rest as the Dr's notice said to do, so today I am letting him sleep in. He is the indoor steak chef, so that is dinner tonight, steak and instant taters and some kind of veggie. The breakfast or lunch menu is eluding me. I love my cheesy socks. I am currently wearing very pink socks with mercats on them. Like this @ger_77You got me thinking. DH's docs have always warned me, that I would "go" first, because I worry so much about him, that I dont take care of myself. But something to think about, my neighbor Donna had been paying the bills when her mom was still alive, and her mom had the set monthly rate on her gas and electric bills, but then she decided that since her mom had passed away several years ago, she would put the bills in her name. And the gas and electric company said that since she was a new name on an account, they would have to charge her the normal rate for one year, and if she was a good customer, they would consider her for the set rate. So I am thinking of adding DH's name to the bill and hopefully they wont jack up the prices. The ginger cats have loved the wood burning stove. Tazi still is hiding in the back room. I am looking forward to getting out of the house soon! Besides feeding the strays, and the birds, and several runs to the store on Friday I have been inside for three days! But I have been able to feed DH and he has not complained about the food choices. If I mention the word "tuna" however, he will take me out to lunch this week. LOL. I would eat the meal, if you took out the pasta and just served me broccoli and italian sausage.😸 @Quartzsite CruiserI think you asked me yesterday about what other types of wine that NA Fre makes. All I am seeing at the farmers market are whites. I had a nice sauvignon blanc two weeks ago. But I prefer reds. And I have not seen them for a long time. Since you live out west, check out Ariel Wines. NA. They wont ship to the east coast during the winter months because since there is no alcohol, they wines will freeze flying out to us. But you should be able to get them where you live. They used to have more variety, but this year are selling a Cabernet Sauvignon and a Chardonnay. Have a great day!
  18. Fre makes a Moscato. I saw it at the NA wine section at the farmers market. I thought it was Mexican, but I guess i was thinking Mojito. I might try a bottle of non alcoholic Moscato wine. @ger_77You are cooking today what I made yesterday. I forgot one item, but it was good, and will feed us for days. Guess I should freeze some. Off to get dressed, make breakfast and feed the birds and outdoor cats.
  19. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Currently 15 degrees and sunny, The weather man said yesterday it would be sunny, but not to expect that the sun would give us any feeling of warmth. He was right. I am still trying to figure out where the drafts come from. We had a fire in the wood burning stove, and I guess one of us should have slept in the den, to add firewood, but it completely burned out. Not one spark in the ashes to get it going this morning. I got a call from my friend Theresa yesterday, DH took the call, she wanted us over for dinner. I said no, as I got up yesterday and started the pasta "potion" and I had run errands yesterday after I cooked, walked the dog, and was running off to work. I did not want to leave the house again. Until Monday when we have to take Tazi to the vets.( I will talk to the vet about Bubbles when we get there too) My arms were full of laundry and DH's doc, didnt want him to do anything for a week. (of course he brought in fire wood when I was on the phone with a patron and couldnt yell at him) I called her back but she did not answer. I hate turning down a free meal, especially when her hubby cooks, but I did not want to throw out what I had started yesterday. Everything was very close to the "expire" date. The Dakar race is over, guess I will have to make do with Nascar when it starts up. The other day when it was Gourmet coffee day, I had to pick up somethings at WM and saw that they had a creme broulee coffee. I bought some, and cant wait to try it! (my idea of gourmet) and I also had a heck of a time lifting the big box of cat litter into the cart. I need to work out more. The woman who scanned the litter asked me how I was going to get it into the car, I told her that I would lift and throw it into the back of the jeep. When I got home I found a "trolley" and pulled it into the house. But a good back massage is needed at this time. Have a great day everyone, stay safe, warm and feel hugged! I'm thinking that when I get off from work today, I might have to have a Lord of the Rings marathon...
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