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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @dfish Your quilt is beautiful! Well I went out and finished as much as I can do wrapping the porch up for the stray cats. I need another clear shower curtain. Yup. that's what the porch is wrapped in. I get them at dollar tree, so I can wrap the whole screened porch (on the outside) for around 6 bucks (since their new dollar is now 1.25) Since I am short, and the ladder wasn't working when I started, and DH paid no attention to me when I told him I was outside on the ladder, I started at the level I could reach. He did fix the ladder, and I finished the top portion where the wind blows in, and I have a little space heater out there, and I checked, it is warmer than the outside world. Very safe heater, if a creature knocks it over, it stops running. But I need one more clear curtain, and right now, they dont have any. I could do a print, but that seems a little over the top. I did buy one at Krogers for 7 bucks, and used that when i started, but I guess I will have to go back and find them again. And then Im done. If the critters want warmth, they will have to get on the porch. Right now, Bubbles sleeps in a box, and Uggles is out on the streets. He had a safe place that he used last winter, but he really has no interest in it since I added a blanket for his comfort.
  2. Last time we were at the Emory Midtown Medical Center, I noticed on the "bizarre news" mention of the worlds largest snowflake. Apparently it fell out in the west of the US, in the 1880's. The flake was 18 inches in diameter, and the was 8 inches wide. That is one big snowflake. I bet it slammed to the ground, if I saw that floating down, I'd run!
  3. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! it's 39 degrees, windy and the sky is clear. Two weeks ago, after I did the decorating outside, the woman across the street commented that it really didn't look like Christmas until we put the tree in the front den window. I used to do that in my OLD house, where the windows were huge, but I really don't remember doing it in this house, and I've been here for 20 years. But DH climbed up to the attic last night, got the bottom half of the artificial tree, and we set it up on a small table, put lights on it, and set it in front of the window. (I usually only use the top half of the tree). The first thing that happened was that Bobagingee went over and start biting the metal branches, and was going for the lights next. NO! DH tied the tree down to the table it is sitting on. If it goes over, it all goes over. Not sure if I even want to put non breakable ornaments on it. Who would know if they were just driving by...Cat tree on the left side, and artificial tree on the right side. Yup, I'm decorated. Our driveway sharing neighbor came over last night, with a huge gift package of tasty treats, and a gift card. She informed us that they were going back to Vietnam in January for two months. I told her that we would watch the house again. (remember last year, the house got broken into) Too bad that our old red jeep cant move, I would put it in their drive. His work truck sits outside, and I am hoping that he leaves it at the office when they go. There is some sort of company regulation that the truck must have lights on it at night, and we have lost our night sky with lights on all the time. @57redbird I am hoping that you are doing better, I see that you posted this morning, and I will go back and read, but I think the hospital let you out too soon. @ottahand7I hope you have a wonderful day-
  4. currently watching the willie Nelson birthday party-at the hollywood bowl. i have been wearing ugly Christmas sweaters all week. Will do so next week too. I love being a goof!
  5. @RedneckBob Welcome Home! I was in the midst of about to drool over @dfish's first picture ( and I don't even like lamb) and BOOM. Power went out again, so we headed out to the store, and got a Whopper Jr for lunch, and then went to the Farmers market. I bought as much as I could to get me through until after Christmas. Besides working every day (except Friday) we are meeting our holiday friends (the other Charles and Ann) for lunch on Friday at the Louisiana Bistro for lunch, and then head on back to the house. DH says he is going to work on Friday night, but in reality this Friday both my campaigns are closed. Same for Saturday, so we are doing dinner with Deb, not ham, she thought the ribs sounded good, corn bread pudding souffle, salad, and she said something about a winter squash, but I picked up two delicata squashes, will thinly slice, throw on some olive oil and roast them. My replacement for french fries. I wanted to get a mix for gingerbread, but guess that will be a trip to Publix, as Kroger never has it, and they don't carry saran wrap either. Only glad wrap. And maybe it's me, but glad seems to stick to me more than what i am trying to wrap up. Again I digress....have a great Sunday!
  6. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! It's 46 and very cloudy again today. We are not expecting the rain that we so desperately need. The coast is getting the rain. We are just getting clouds until the wind comes in from the west later tonight, and drops our temps by 20 degrees. Yay? At Christmas we usually put up a strand of lights along the garden wall, and while I did get the snowman out, and the topiary tree, and the wreath, I am still fighting with the ants along the wall. I put poison down, and they moved to the right. I put more down, and they moved to the left. I think my ant killer is too old to do anything but scare them. Today is grocery shopping day. The cats pointed out to me, that they are almost out of food. Almost, but it's getting low, and so off we go. We will do the grocery store, and then the farmers market. I've been wanting something besides frozen food. @grapau27Thank you again, for bringing us Father David. It makes my Sunday! @smitty34877How many houses are left before the beeping stops? One of the roads in our neighborhood was closed for a week to be repaved. I'm wondering if all the roads will be repaved, or did someone special live on that particular road. We had a state rep live on the road behind us, and when we had a big snow storm several years ago, her road was the only road in the subdivision that got plowed. about 8 days ago I did some online shopping. There were two things in particular that I actually really wanted to order for two friends. One who is always cold, and the other loves to curl up in front of the tv. I ordered each one of them a "sherpa" throw to curl up in. And then I saw a couple of shirts that DH needed, and some Christmas pins for my friend with dementia, and when I was checking out, the store offered me a pair of diamond earrings for 35. I have never owned anything so fancy so I ordered them. (I told DH that was what he was giving me for Christmas) Everything has shown up except, the two throws that were the original reason for the order. Guess it's time to do a search, as they are both shown as shipped, but who knows from where...
  7. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! It is cloudy, 44 degrees, and I have to be at work in a half hour. Oh, the drive from the den, to the living room office on a Saturday is so hard! @grapau27Stuffed animals are not stupid toys. They soak up the tears of both children and adults, who need a cry, they snuggle with us when we are sick, and they make us feel better. They are the imaginary friends when we are far from the friends we have. They hold our secrets, and never tell a soul. Maybe it's a girl thing, but they are not stupid. IMO. And thank you for this weeks food porn. DH and I finally made it to our restaurant yesterday, we ordered the weekly special, it was beautifully placed on the plate, and we both scarfed it all down. After we finished, I said to DH, if we are going to eat when we are this hungry, no one will know we are foodies like Graham, as we didnt take any pictures! Yesterday we did work on the porch, got half of the screen wrap up, enough to keep the wind off the critters, but we still have the top part to do. Hoping the rain steers clear tomorrow, as I work 8 hours today, and it is too dark out there to work at night. Have a great day every one!
  8. Good Friday Morning Dailyites. Today I am going to try to do what I didn't do on Tuesday. GEt to the bank, get some cash, go to our favorite restaurant, leave off Christmas card with yearly tip. And then I have to add on a doctor appointment. (my vein and heart doc). I go to this restaurant and give a large tip once a year, week before Christmas for two reasons. The first is that they are open for lunch Monday -Friday, And it was the one place that was open early after DH had daily radiation. If he would eat soon after the treatment, and he would eat, but the longer the amount of time there was between treatment and food, the worse he felt. They were open during the time of Covid, (when DH had the radiation therapy) their tables were spread out, it was technically outside dining with space heaters. They kept us fed, during the most trying of times. And they appreciate their regulars. At Christmas, they gave us a free meal. We appreciate them, and they appreciate us. When we were off on our adventure this fall, after we got back the staff all asked where we had been. It's nice to be missed. I loved the cat herding commercial, but to tell you the truth, it wasn't on very long, and after I laughed through the whole thing I could not tell you what product they were trying to sell me. I went out this morning to feed the outdoor cats, and saw Uggles, but didn't see Bubbles. Then after putting all the food out, canned, dry and Temptations, I saw the Bubbles in the big box, white cat asleep on a white blanket. We really need to get the porch fixed for them! So if I cant see them, I cant herd them. Today is just a check up, not sure with this doc, what that means... And about the ham, well I threw out another option, a food that she does not get, and loves, and it changes the whole menu minus one squashy thing that she wants. Ready? RIBS! No ham. And I do a mean rib.
  9. @erewhonThe first thing I do in the morning is go to the jacklie lawson advent calendar. I turn on the sound, and I start from right to left to find the animal. I click on the ones so I can hear them and see them run around, Today was wonderful! I loved the paper dolls.....quite the outfits I gave them, and I love the fox! Then i go to the coloring book, and color my daily critter, then find my gift, and then play the match game. I go back outside, and look at all the people and what they are doing..... Then I go to CC. 🙀. Sweet dreams everyone, I see that another episode of Shetland has been added!
  10. My neighbor called out sick today, and her "check engine soon" light came on yesterday, so I dont have to walk the dog again today. That's two days this week, my services have not been needed. It will be a small "pay" check this week. I guess I am doing OK with my fundraising job. I raised 150.00 last week, and 300 yesterday. It's a split shift, so the time at the desk goes pretty quickly. BTW the computer said it was 46 this morning. It felt colder than when it was 33. Brrr. Now something just popped up with a weather alert, I will check that one message out later. Floridians, I see you are about to get nailed with rain, please be safe! Thanks for the tips regarding the ham. I guess dinner will be ham, cornbread pudding souffle, salad, creamed onions, and some type of tater. (the part she is really coming over for is the cornbread pudding souffle by the way). Back to the dollar tree for baking dishes that can be tossed, or filled so that there is a take away meal for her. @Haljo1935You are welcome anytime, as are any of the dailyites! I don't know how to cook your request, but I can read a cookbook, and I know how to make food taste good. And I know how to eat. LOL! Our friend lost her hubby to cancer, during the first year of Covid. She was never a cook. I've known her for about 10 years, and she has never cooked. Her husband cooked everything, baked, etc. She found out last month when she tried to reheat something in her oven, that the oven didn't work any more. It might not have worked for the last 3 years. But since she doesnt cook, I dont think it will be replaced anytime soon. @Cruzin TerriI am glad that you pushed the issue on the biopsy. Too many doctors completely ignore what the patient thinks is going on. They practice medicine, but our bodies tell us, that something is not right. By the way, if any of you cookie bakers have an extreme abundance of left overs....DH and I would be happy to accept them, to you know, give you more kitchen space.🙄
  11. Happy Thursday Morning Dailyites! I am up early because one of the cats chose to barf on the bed in the dark, but mostly on DH's side of the bed, and he wanted to sleep, so he rolled over to my side, and I rolled out of bed. Who needs an alarm clock? I was wishing that energy conservation day would have meant i did not have to do anything, but now I have to do laundry. We are having a dinner guest on the 23rd, and she has indicated that she wants ham for our "Christmas" dinner. Ok, I have no idea how to deal with a ham, unless it's a Honey Baked ham. They now have smaller hams, but 60 bucks? Oh well, when DH gets up I will order it, and pick it up on the 21st in the morning, and hope for the best. In the past, I have ordered one, and thrown more than half out, and that was for a big crowd (another life), so folks, can I freeze leftover ham? Or should I just hunker down, send her home with some, and eat ham sandwiches for a week?
  12. I had just finished catching up with reading the daily this morning, and had switched over to my jackie lawson advent calendar game, and all of a sudden there was a huge POP, and the power went out. DH had just gotten up so I nagged him to call the power company. The power company acknowledged that there was a power outage. It would be fixed by 2. But it wasnt the power from a transformer, ( I was expecting to go outside and find another fried squirrel) but it was the cell tower about a half mile from the house, and when the power went, so did the phones. Our cell phones. After DH made the call, we had nothing. We could get messages, but we couldn't send our bosses messages. And it got fixed quickly, power was back on by 11:55. Which is good, because it was still in the low 30s outside and was not warm at all inside. I lit some candles, for cheer, and the two fur boys cuddled up with me. Not next to each other, but one on each side. The thought of packing is the last thing I want to do. I got an email from our local clothing charity and they are looking for clothing donations. That I can do. Once the drawers get full, it's time to give away. and right now, I am having to stuff things in the drawers. Otto by the way kills me when I am trying to text. I've learned to keep it as direct and simple as possible. And then I see that it does the same to my bosses, so enh. One of my bosses never proof reads before hitting the send, he sent us two weeks ago our SHIFT SCHEDULE and left the F out. Which also fit our schedule. Have a great evening, I hope that @RMLincolngot to Texas safely. @1ANGELCATI am thinking of your friend and sending prayers to my higher power for her. And now for my weird question of the day.. I have been seeing on the news, and the googly news that there is a new variant of covid. How do the tests know what to test for, when covid does it's own thing in order to survive. And if we all isolated again, how can it survive, if we dont give it new hosts to live off of......You know I wont sleep well tonight..................
  13. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says the temp is 33, and sunny. Felt colder when I fed the strays, but it is sunny. DH says that the reason he has been sleeping so much is that he needs 9 hours of sleep. He went to bed at 11, I stayed up to unwind from the work. When I went to bed at midnight, he said he was short of breath, so I took the oxygen machine in to him. It is small and makes a very loud noise when in use, so after a while he turned it off. I could not get him up yesterday until 11, so our lunch plans, bank plans were cancelled, which threw off the menu here for the rest of the week. Today, when we have no plans, he set the alarm which has been going on and off for the last hour. I went back to the bedroom and told him to turn it off. Nope, no luck. I really need to talk to his main doc at his next appointment. A lot of the extra sleeping is due to depression, and perhaps the cancer. This time of year is hard on him. Todays plans? Walk the dog, work a 3 hour shift, then take an hour off, and then work another 3 hour shift. Then being off. I swear when I got up this morning I heard something under the sink. I am not about to find out what it is when I am the only person awake. @cat shepardOh my, on those tiny tots with their eyes all aglow......I will have visions for ever when I hear the song, and when I eat them......scary little tots! I will celebrate Cocoa day, especially with added whipped cream, and I love the quote. Years ago, in another life, my boss and I had been working on a form design for the sales agents to use on line for the insurance company we worked for. We apparently had forgotten to add some major information, and the big boss called us into his office. The big boss yelled at my boss- Tom!! How stupid can you be? And Tom replied, I dont know sir, I'm not sure if I have been thoroughly tested on that. It was a priceless moment. DH decided what he wanted for Christmas this year. He wants slippers, so I got him to be specific, to check out some that I saw on line, and we ordered what he wanted. When I was entering the information the screen said that they would be delivered on the 19th. When I finished the order, the screen popped up, thanking me for the order, and that the slippers would be shipped out on January 3rd. I told him he would get a box for christmas. He asked what did he get me, and I replied a pair of diamond earrings that I already paid for on my store-card. How could you afford diamonds? Well, I ordered so much they offered them for 35 bucks. Oh. ( I hope they fit). We do Christmas strangely here, and we are the ones who go out for Chinese. @grapau27Thank you for all that you bring to the Daily, Happy CC anniversary. @0106Thank you for the information regarding Drake. Not so much a gallant hero. But I will check out the book. Thank you.
  14. DH and I got off work at 10 tonight. No sales, no donations, some good talk, at least with my patrons. Ya know, sometimes you just have to listen and take notes. The arts these days are supported by more "mature" people, and we need a lot more of ADA seating in our theatres if we want people back in. It seems that people over 65 appreciate the arts enough to make a commitment to a subscription, and IF i had any ADA seating left I could have made a sale. The Alliance theatre in Atlanta spent millions rebuilding the seating in the theatre. There is no leg room. None, and I'm only 5'3" and if my knees touch the seat in front, imagine how DH feels at 6'1".The ADA seating is in the middle of the theatre, if you cant do steps, you traverse the outside of the theatre in a darkened hallway. And I dont see in the dark, so I understand what my patrons are going through, so after losing the sale, I marked it as a no, and for a reason I put Customer Service issue. She was a customer, and now she has issues with the new seating layout, and this by the way was for California. Not here. I digress. I'm sorry. @Cruzin TerriWaiting 3 months to see a doc is ridiculous, you probably could take a translator and see one in another country before you see one in Florida. @JazzyVI hope those pills work and that you can get your body to relax enough to sleep. Hugs to everyone tonight-may your dreams be sweet, your pain disappear, and you have joy and peace when you wake in the morning.
  15. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Temps say 30 degrees and another completely blue sky. Usually at this time of year, we are watching Christmas movies non stop at night, but the older I get, the more I realize, "didn't I just watch that?" The years go by more quickly. And for the rest of the week, I will be working night shifts. No movies. I love gingerbread....the cake kind, with whipped cream. I like butternut squash, I like curry, and I like chick peas after they have been made into hummus. Would not like them all together. For some reason I cant just eat a chick pea....texture. Yesterday I found out that one of my jobs will be cutting hours during the week before and after Christmas. That's nice. Have not heard of any change in the CA job. I texted my old boss, one that had been let go right before Thanksgiving. She has a Masters in Hospital Admin, and has had two interviews with a hospital that is 5 minutes from her home. They told her yesterday, that she is over qualified for the job, and that they could not pay her a respectable salary. She told them that she would be doing online teaching to make up what they don't pay. Isn't some kind of job better than unemployment? She does want the job, she needs to be close to home, because she lives with her elderly mom, and is her caregiver. Her mom who is in her late 80's also works for the same company that I do. So it's true, I can work until I fall over. Today is walk the dog, go to the bank, go to the post office to mail bills, have lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant, and leave off our Christmas card, with Christmas tip, come home, work in the yard, and then at 5 go to work. I hope that everyone is feeling a bit better today, I do worry about @JazzyV and @smitty34877 and @Nickelpenny and @Cruzin Terri and @dfish. I hope that you are doing a bit better today. I was having one of those nights with leg cramps, the kind that make you get out of bed and wander the halls. I didnt have my glasses on, but on one of those wanderings I went into the kitchen turned on the light and looked at the clock. I swear it said 8:30....but I was still tired, and it was SO DARK that I went back to bed. I thought maybe I had slept through the whole day, but then an hour later I woke again, wandered down to the kitchen/den, and it was darker than it was earlier. Looked again at the clock, and it was actually 5:30. So I did learn that it is always darker before the dawn...and went back to bed.
  16. @0106The bread in the box, does make the best french toast ever!!! That's a Christmas breakfast! with sausage. I never find it at the grocery store, but have seen it at Walgreens recently. @Cruzin TerriI hope that you start feeling better soon. by the way, depression causes fatigue, and fatigue causes depression-watch funny things , and go to bed early. dont close the blinds, wake to the sun. I read all that, DH sleeps until 11 a.m.. Doesnt matter when he goes to bed. I on the other hand, force myself to be cheerful 98 % of the time. The other 2% I am a terrible person. Britbox is showing Cary Grant films in conjunction with thier new series, Archie. Watched Charades tonight. @StLouisCruisers We also need a Yummy, and Awww.....button and a hug button.
  17. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! The sky is blue, the temp is 33 and while it's not going to warm up too much, hopefully some sun coming in the windows will warm up the house a bit. You all know that sometimes I have a tendency to stretch myself too thin, and I do complain about walking the neighbors dog. When walk time was at noon, it made it hard to schedule appointments, even make plans to go out at lunch time for a treat (I dont like to drive at night) . When our neighbor cat sat for us while we were gone, she changed her work schedule, and now I walk the dog at 10 am. So I woke at 7, and it was dark out, and I thought I'll just go back to sleep for a half hour and then get up, and face the day. I slept for an hour and a half, and got up. Hit the on button for the coffee, opened the curtains in the front (our sunny spot) and saw that my neighbor was home today. She decided it was too cold to actually go out and go to work. So I may or may not have a dog walking job this winter if 32 is too cold to go to work.... @Cruising-along end of movie? huh? I'll be there for you. Why I kept watching was that the producers were the Obamas. But it was very thought provoking, and really made me think. @57redbird best wishes for a successful outcome on your surgery today. You are in my thoughts and prayers. @Mr. Boston My sympathies on the passing of your Aunt Roberta. I hope you can hold memories of her for as long as you can. @smitty34877Sending you hugs and love. @Ichiban Nekko Happy Anniversary and I hope you have a wonderful cruise! I got no response from my text to my neighbor regarding still walking the dog, so I guess I am off today. I noticed that Bobba was sitting on the dryer looking out on the car port. There was a new small cat, not eating, but checking out an old fallen bike. Hmmmm. She saw me and ran off. Seems someone had a litter about 5 months ago, because these "kittens" have been showing up every once in a while. Have a great day everyone!
  18. This morning when I posted I swear the weatherman said that the rain was done with us today, and moving to the east. They showed the map, and @StLouisCruisers was still in the "green" area. And yes it did stop raining, we got the wreath up, and plugged in, we got the heater plugged in (however no strays have shown up, not even to eat) because it's pouring out! But the temps are dropping quickly. In the last 10 minutes it's gone from 51 to 46 ....with rain. If it keeps on dropping, and I am still getting precipitation, will I get snow by morning? I can only hope. We just watched Leaving the World Behind.....good thriller, but why do the end of the world movies always come out near Christmas?
  19. @SanDiegian I love your pet's picture. I apparently destroyed all the animals rights in this house today. I vacuumed. Bobaginegee is hiding behind the washing machine, which is on right now, and cycling heavily. I wouldn't hide behind it. Tazi has moved from under the futon, to under the cover on the futon. This is an improvement, as I don't have to climb on my hands and knees to find her, and then pray to be able to get up off the floor. @ger_77I too want to know what killer coleslaw is. I love most coleslaws, but don't want to eat one that will take me out. I had ribs last night, my favorite food. I would have made a good cavewoman. I like food I can eat with my fingers.
  20. @Quartzsite CruiserI love the pictures of the whale shark! This is one place I have wanted to go, but we get into the logistics. and it seems that going west will mean a long relationship with San Diego. DH loves that area, has lived out there, and wants major reminiscing. I just want to get on a ship and head south.
  21. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! The computer says it is 57 with rain, but the rain is gone from the north part of Atlanta, looks like @StLouisCruisershas a bit more coming her way. @grapau27Thank you again for posting Father David. His message seems to be for the whole world today. @Vict0riannThank you for giving me the correct nerve word yesterday. I do have hearing problems, and my PT person speaks with a strong southern accent, so I probably have been "mishearing " her for months. Todays menu , um , no to lamb. But the plans are to have baked salmon curry with shrimp, and veggies for dinner tonight. (I will throw the shrimp in last, as I don't want the curry to taste like shrimp, but like curry.) DH bought me a new flat cooking pan last night , and it will be french toast this morning! Yeah! French toast without Teflon attached to it. Bon Voyage to all the cruisers today, I hope you have calm seas, and great adventures! Today's chores are -put the giant wreath up on the front of the house (this usually involves taking things off the front of the house, things that get yellow jackets and ants living in them) making sure that all the lights work on it, get batteries for the smaller wreath by the door, and plastic wrap the porch so that the out door kitties have a warmer place to sleep at night. We put a space heater on tiles out there for them too. So I vacuum the porch from all the cat fur out there, arrange the porch furniture so that there are no accidents with the heater and cats, and hope that they understand that the porch is for them to use until April. Last night I checked out on the carport to see who might be eating all the leftover cat food. I usually see some raccoons, or a small possum, or another cat, but last night there was a possum so large that it could have been someone's pot belly pig. It was huge.
  22. I am loving all the pictures, I do remember most of what you have shown, except for the markets, the stores, and the streets. But bridges, tunnels and very narrow roads are definitely in my memory! @kazu I am sorry you took a tumble this morning, I hope it was a soft landing? and that nothing was hurt. I would much rather crash on snow, than ice.
  23. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! I had way too much Vietnamese Iced Coffee last night at dinner before the concert, and then came home and had coffee gelato, and the fact that I knew I had to be up early, as I have an early shift, and I did not sleep well at all. I also know I have a zillion things to do today, before the rain takes over, and the cold comes in. The weather person says that we will not get out of the 50's next week, and our cold temps will be in the upper 20's. This is Atlanta in the winter months, warmer when it rains, and colder when the sky is blue. Right now, the sky is rather a yellow gray, and the rain has started but is in stop mode right now. Computer says its 54 with light rain. We were in Funchal, Madeira this past October. I had had the IV taken out of my arm, and was able to get off the ship that day. Since I had no energy at all, I thought that I had chosen wisely for an excursion-See the Island by bus. It was quite a long excursion. We drove, and drove and went up higher and higher, and through a forest on the mountains, and came to the Statue of the Virgin Mary, It was cold up there, and very foggy, and I stayed on the bus. DH went out and took a picture of the Statue, and I refer to it as Mary in the Mist. The gentleman on the other side of the bus aisle who also did not get off the bus, looked the history of the statue up, and it turns out there is a twin statue erected the same day, somewhere in the US. Perhaps if I had felt better I could remember where it was and visited the statue there, but I forgot where he said it was. We visited a bar, where everyone was given a rather hefty sample of an alcohol made there, a type of rum, but as DH and I no longer imbibe, we ordered two coffees, and when we tried to pay for them, they would not take payment. Making a cappuccino, the bartender said, cost them way less than the booze. It must have been a strong drink, because pretty much everyone was wobbly when they got up to get back on the bus. DH went in to use the restroom, and the lock on the door got stuck, and he could not get out. The tour guide had to get a key, get the owner to pass it through the bathroom window, so that DH could unlock himself out. They also took us to a shopping area, but while I got off the bus, I wasnt strong enough on this day to walk down hill, and shop. In fact, we were either headed up a hill, or down a hill at every stop. It was a beautiful island, and several people spent their day researching available housing to purchase. I dont think I have any pictures to share, but I will ask DH if he has free time to go through his and post.
  24. I wish I was cruising with you all. Let me rephrase that. I wish I could be with all of you that are cruising, ah heck, I just wish I could meet all of you in person, but right now, I don't want to be on a ship. The Atlanta Master Chorale concert tonight was wonderful. I hope they put on youtube their Musicology of the 12 days of Christmas, they start with day one in Gregorian chant, and move through the music ages until they get to Souza on day 12. The conductor did say that they currently have 32 or 33 youtube videos, so if you like music, check them out. I spent my afternoon fighting with Medicare, who in their wisdom, or someone's wisdom decided that since I had hurt my right shoulder in 2014, that the same company that provided PT in 2014 for a torn rotater cup(or is it cuff) should be the same company billed for the awl nerve....because the word shoulder was used in the description of why i needed PT. Now if they could leave that word out of the description of my pain, tingling and numbness, and general discomfort, I bet Medicare would pay. Something that goes like this, Ms. Annie has a pinched awl nerve, that disrupts her daily life style, The nerve runs from the right pinkie to the neck. Leave out the word shoulder and I'm covered. Now why after paying for the therapy for 4 months did some idiot decided that the word shoulder was used 8 years later, and re approach the original PT company for payment due? Idiots. The babbling gentleman said that in some states that the PT is for your life, but since his computer really wasn't working today, he didn't know if Georgia was one of them. It wouldn't matter, it's not the same problem. And how can your computer not work, when you can pull up my account, forward a letter to the original PT company, and check my medical records. It's basically my problem he said.
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