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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Does anyone remember TV tag? You had to name a TV show in time not to be "it"? Back in the early 60's there were not that many tv shows, but everyone knew them. Now there are millions of shows on the tube, and you could make one up and no one would know. I love music. In my yearbook from high school, it says by my name, "walking choir". Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian Friends! I hope your time is filled with family and joy! @mamaofamiIm sorry that Sam is back in the hospital, and hope he can get into rehab soon. I really need to make notes while I read so that I remember what is going on with everyone, but even now my memory doesn't remind me. So, love and hugs to all!
  2. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! It is cool here this morning. The computer says it's 50. I think the inside temp is not much over. that. DH is snuggled up in the flannel sheets and comforter, and sound asleep. My new sensors for testing my blood sugar is 20 points off from the actual physical finger stab test but I can tell the new medicine might be worth that 487.00 every three months, but now at night my sensor goes off because it says my blood sugar is too low....which it's not. And once again when I tried to get my prescription filled through my doctors office, the person in charge of prescriptions has taken it upon themselves to not fill the prescription because it is not covered by my insurance. I pay out with my own money, I told them that when I sent in the prescription. Their lack of customer service astounds me. This is the office where the young man went in and shot 4 people back in May. Turns out that he got stuck in traffic on his way there, and he was there to see a doctor about his mental state. When he showed up he was told that because he was late, they could not see him. He went back down to his car, got a gun and went back upstairs and shot and killed several people. While they now pay for a police officer to set outside their doors, they still dont listen to their patients. So once again, I will taking a long vacation without my free style libre blood sugar tester. I will notify the doctor today with a message in my portal. Other than that complaint, we had a nice time with Penny and Jesse last night, I have not seen them since May. I also made a major life decision yesterday. I had to pass it by DH, but I have decided that I will no longer work on Fridays. We miss free concerts, we never can go to the museum that we joined in April (Science), we joined the History museum last year, and never went, and we never seem to find time to see our friends. We need to make time. Life is too short to just work all the time. 6 days a week was more than when I worked full time. I hope you all have a wonderful day! and @grapau27Thank you for the food porn (cruise?) and thank you for Father David.
  3. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! To those of you cruising today! Enjoy and Bon Voyage! It's an F1 weekend, and I'm working today, so will have to watch the Sprint race later today. The F1 channel is on now, I should be making breakfast, and start crock potting lunch, eh, I will start in a few minutes. A week from today, I will be waking up in Rome. I'm excited! Very grateful for Donna to house sit, turns out my pay check was 300 less that it was two weeks ago. We need to stock up on cat food, paper plates, trash bags, cat crunchies, cat cookies, etc. That is one errand we have to do this weekend. We are meeting Jesse and Penny for dinner tonight, and tomorrow we are heading up to meet up with a friend I made on the Holland Cruise. They live north of us, so sort of meeting up halfway. Working for California on Monday, working for Texas on Tuesday, and then, DONE. I laughed at today's quote. Reminds me of the newest philosophy of living. "Just keep swimming". @StLouisCruisersLoved your Isle of Skye pictures. I think Jackie Lawson has used your photo of the Church on the corner, with the curve in the road on one of her Christmas cards. Well off to be the chef!
  4. @Quartzsite Cruiser If I needed a mechanic I'd call you!
  5. Aha! Good afternoon Dailyites! I'm so tired I can't remember if I wished you all a good morning or not. I am going to try for a nap as I slept awfully last night. I'm stressing out over my upcoming Rome to Home trip. I do this before cruises, I dream about playing a game that is part suduko part word search, and the numbers change to letters and the letters change to numbers, and I have no idea what is doing on, but I keep trying to play. I wake up, throw a cat off me, readjust and go back to the same dream over and over. I think total amount of sleep i think was about 3 hours. Then I went to PT and she informed me that I was tense. ummmmmmmmm. Yes. And when my exercises were over she went over what I can do on the cruise in the gym (I provided pictures) and applied serious pressure to my muscles in my back. This was not a soothing or pain free experience. I came home and DH was vacuuming, which made me realize that I should help, so I cleaned off the desk where I am sitting now, vacuumed the living room/office area, and knocked down all the spider webs in the house, they love to move in during the fall. I apologized to each spider. And now to nap.
  6. The therapist says the best way to help the olm nerve is to stretch and move. Apparently getting older and not as active as I used to be didn't help either. When I was cutting branches with the huge cutters, I was fine afterwards. When I was using the small cutters (like wire cutters) for the vines, I tingled for two days! I was on the computer for 8 hours today, and I'm tingling. Pinky has a mind of it's own. Tomorrow morning is PT at 9 a.m.. I should be good for two and a half hours on the phones.
  7. @JazzyVIt might be the meat. When I cut back from eating red meat (which I love) and then eat red meat, it does not love me back. Not until I have conquered it, by continuing to eat it. Which right now, it's pricey to do. I hope your tummy feels better soon. I've currently been on a chicken, fish and pork diet. But I know I will hear a steak calling out to me on the cruise ship. Since we have reservations at the steak house. I hope the day after is a sea day. I have a name for the pain in my arm now. It's a pinched olm nerve that runs along the arm. I have begun to notice that when my hand is doing nothing, and i hold it out, the pinky will not be still. It twitches all the time, and I can't feel it move, just see it move. The therapist squeezed my arm yesterday, and said she could feel the tenseness of the nerve. Whoopee. Too bad she can't feel the pain too. Then she would understand how awful being in pain all the time is. @sailingdutchyI love your woodland pictures, and the turkeys. We headed out to Long John Silvers tonight for fish and slaw. The food is good, the service is terrible. How can you be a fish place, and tell the customer, that since we ordered fish, it would take a few minutes. And when i need extra tarter sauce, the counter attendant ignored me 3 times.
  8. My doctor recommended the pneumonia shot for seniors, check, the flu shot, check, no mention of the RSV shot, when I asked about the Covid booster, she said they "don't have it, and it will cost me at Walgreens", and she recommended a shingles series, after the cruise, again not covered, and a tetanus shot. Now. I asked her if she was worried that some old iron church steeple was going to fall on me. I am pretty sure if one did, a tetanus shot would be the least of my concerns. Today is one of those 8 hour work days, that I can work with. Work two hours, off two hours, work four hours off two hours, work for two hours, watch Midsomer Murders, go to bed. And about dinner, I forgot to take the meat out of the freezer, so I guess it's a run over to Popeyes for dinner. Or fast food fish! Yum. @Cruising-alongThank you for that moral support that I needed. When someone says to you, how many cats do you have after they have been feeding them for 20 days? we were a bit concerned. Well, concerned a whole lot! And the fact that he has been caring for them for the last 10 years..... I do hope that they forgive us, but I coudnt turn down that offer. Donna will feed them twice a day, she will follow directions, she does feed the strays too, and she knows we only have 3 who live indoors. I'm glad that @rafinmdmade it to terminal 30 !, have a great cruise part 2 Roy @Quartzsite Cruiserplease send rain this way! (not that the driveway needs to collapse more, but it is VERY dry here.
  9. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I get random poetry every day. I call people all day long, and I hear things on the answering machine like This is Paul, thanks for the call. I cant get to to the phone right now, leave a message if you can somehow. DH and I made a hard decision yesterday, which probably cost us a friend. And it is all down to finances. We had called our cat sitter two days ago, and got no answer, no call back no response. I told Donna (the woman I walk the dog for) that I was worried that the cat sitter was not up to the job, and she offered to take over the job. For Free. Now of course I will pay her, but free is a wonderful offer. I texted the cat sitters wife, and said that we were going to have Donna baby sit. And within one minute the phone rang. I told DH it was probably the cat sitter. Sure was. He told the cat sitter that Donna had offered to take the job, as I had helped her out so much over the last three years. And free was free. We both felt bad about not letting him earn some money, but we also realized that we have not been happy with his past cat sitting. He shows up when he wants to, plays our guitars. Watches the tv, and told me after our Alaska trip, he had no idea how many cats we had. We always buy enough cat food before we go to last the entire trip, and yet when we get back, we have over half of the cat food cans still sitting there. So we know he wasn't here half as many times as he said he was. And the neighbors confirmed, that they didn't see him. The wife texted me later and asked why I was doing that. I explained that free was free, and with us having to pay for the driveway to get fixed, insurance didn't cover it, to pay off the rest of the repairs post the tree falling on the house to met the deductible, we were accepting the free offer. I feel guilty because they are such good friends to us, but my fur babies come first. We are taking them out to dinner on Saturday, and now i'm thinking they wont show up. Then Theresa one of my old book club friends emailed me last night, telling me they were going to start their trip, and i emailed back telling her I was going to call when i got off my shift. Realized I had not seen them since we got back from Alaska. Oh my, I have been living in a bubble for the last 3 months. All I do is work, walk the dog, visit with the daily for my dose of humanity, go to dr's appointments and grocery store. I am hoping that this cruise will snap me back to reality, and make me realize that I dont need to work so much, that I need to take more time for friends, and myself, and learn to find joy again. But for now, off to work. Hug yourselves for me, you are all wonderful!
  10. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Before I forget everything I have been meaning to say for days- @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope your DH is doing better. You gave me quite a scare the other day. I hope his head ache is gone. I am hoping that the future is less stressful. @bennybearYou posted a photo two days ago, that pulled at my heart, it was water flowing over rocks on a small stream, truly beautiful! @smitty34877You are in my prayers and thoughts every day. I am hoping that Tana's new assistant is a keeper! @0106 Flight cancelled! ARghh! I am hoping that all is resolved soon! @Smmessineo, @AroundWithMAPTravels Welcome to the Daily! It is addictive, and it's a great bunch of people to be with all day! @StLouisCruisersI think Taco Day, is on Tuesdays. Normally, unless it too has it's own day. DH says he will go to PT with me this morning, so that we can get Tacos today, and finish running the errands we didnt get done yesterday. He is the king of procrastination. I'm the queen. Older women are Queenagers. Todays quote, well good for Poe, I thought it was a line from a Moody Blues song.🙄 And if you remember, it was me, at age 7 who put a rock through a stain glass window at the church in Villefranche. My mom bought paintings from starving artists when we lived in Europe, and I look at a painting of Villefranche every day.. 8 days from today, and we fly to Rome. I am getting nervous. I called the cat sitter yesterday, and got no answer. I called his wife, who was out of town, and she said he hasnt answered her either. She was on her way home from Baltimore, stuck in traffic and about to miss her plane. I am hoping that she made it home last night, and that all is well with her hubby. My back up is my neighbor. I am hoping that DH and I survive the flight, and that once we land, we have a stress free 30 days, where the only thing we have to worry about is whether we should eat on the lido or the main dining room.
  11. @Cruzin Terri I am hoping that the two of you have a joyful and stressless day!
  12. @JazzyV I hope you have a wonderful birthday! A pain free birthday! And a time to dream and reflect birthday. And that you get CAKE! Hugs!
  13. Good Tuesday morning Dailyites! I stayed up late, printed our boarding passes for the first cruise and paper work for both, and I can print the boarding passes for the second part of the cruise on the day we fly out. Worked until 11:15, and started into the paperwork at midnight. ARghh, tired, DH has an eye appointment this morning. Stopping in for a donut before hand.
  14. To you all, and especially for those who had a rough day today p.s. it's way past my bed time...
  15. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! It is clear and the computer says it's 63...62....63... any way it's nice. The author of the quote is not one of my favorite people, he does do spectacular things, creates wonderful things (all for his own personal purposes), but he does tick off a lot of people, so I guess he is saying-you have a grudge? Get over it. Name my cars...hmmm. My first car had belonged to my grandfather, I named the car Heathcliffe. Grandpa lived in Vermont and Florida and the car had a lot of rust damage. The tie rod broke when I was driving it, and all the wheels went into different directions and landed in a neighbors front drive. The next car was a chevy Monza, lemon yellow, and it was a lemon, and was named Lemon. Then came a big old white van, to be used for camping at Road Atlanta and driving 20 little ones around. I filled it with folding foam sofas and would take the Kindergarten kids out to the parks. (Would be totally illegal today). The van was Moby, then a blue van, named Big Blue. My red jeep that is sitting in the back, undrivable, is named Puddles, (my writers name when I was in charge of pond building and pond plants for a garden center) and then Puddles began leaving puddles, so it is still appropriately named. For the last 7 years, I have been driving DH's jeep Patriot, and I named him Sid Carter (from the old Father Brown) Cars like having names, it's much better than calling them names. @dfish I loved the pictures from your walk yesterday, deer in the forest, and a blue heron, how lovely! I find I am printing more and more recipes. Not that I find the time to cook. @StLouisCruisers Baby Elliott Rose is so cute! @rafinmdI hope that you are being spoiled on your cruise, and that you are enjoying your time on board. @lindalerBon Voyage!
  16. @CrabbyPatti While clearing even more tree "dust" from the back yard, I too saw a wooly bear caterpillar, but it was all black. The Farmers Almanac did say the south would have a rough winter, but heck if it snows an Inch in Atlanta, the whole city goes into lock down for 5 days. From a response I received yesterday, I get the feeling that I offend some of you. I'm sorry if you have felt offended, but this is me, and I can change me, but personally I dont want to😁.
  17. Happy Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit Sunday Morning Dailyites! Coffee, the food of the Gods..... My trip starts in 12 days. I packed last night. I will unpack and do it again, but I managed to cut out a lot of unnecessary stuff. and forgot of course to put necessary stuff in. I keep telling DH to pack for one week, with a special shirt for Halloween. We get free laundry service on the ship, we don't have to dress in formal garb, and we are at that age and philosophy, that we don't care if we wear the same pair of jeans or shorts for two days in a row. It is our cruise, our trip, our vacation. I know that currently Rome is the same temperatures that Atlanta has which means summer garb during the day, and a sweater at night. Packing is easier than packing for Alaska. I do not know what temperatures are like crossing the Atlantic in November. Elderly? Well I am beginning to realize what I can't do anymore, can dream about how what I would still like to do, and try to make a happy combination of both. Lots of chores to do today. Pay a bill in person at Macy's, cut back the shrubbery from the back side of the house, so that the insurance person can check out the roof tomorrow morning, make a couple of necklaces, and grocery shop. There is nothing to eat now in the house, without getting veggies to make what is in the freezer last another week. The most important thing is there is no breakfast food at all! DH will be the breakfast fairy as soon as he wakes up! I am concerned about Frugal Fun. Does this mean have fun without spending too much? or does it mean to only have a little fun, to be frugal with the time you are having fun? So I looked it up- and found out the following- Do you think you can have the time of your life without breaking the bank? Look no further, because this year’s Frugal Fun Day on October 1 is the ideal day for you to enjoy all the fun in the world without breaking the bank. Frugality, which implies spending money wisely, is a trait that may be looked upon due to its “cheapness.” However, in today’s fast-paced world, when everything is becoming more and more costly by the minute, everyone should aim to be thrifty. Frugal Pleasant Day invites you to enjoy yourself by spending no more than $5 on a fun activity. It’s even better if the activity is free. The purpose of the day is to make people realize that money does not guarantee a good time; it is up to you to have a good day. In other word- PARTY!!! in my own way of course. I used to be sad having to pay bills, until someone pointed out that I should be happy because I can pay them.
  18. @StLouisCruisers gentleman will be added to prayers, does he have a name? I hate to be vague with God. It has lead to problems in the past.
  19. @Cruising-along This is what they (bosses) would do. Remember I worked in an Arts center. Most people in Box Office Division were part time employees, and the other half of their lives were being in theater or the music world. It was very easy to see "Hey, I'm playing so and so at the "fill in blank" theater. And then they would realize that the applying employee would not be available to work nights, 362 days a year. And week end matinees, and dates of rehearsals. A few of our employees were in our own theatre, which was good, because we knew where they were, but a run of 4 weeks, gave us their days but not evening show times. People who actually worked weekends, and nights and day times, were me (havent performed in years) my friend Penny, who works on the campaigns with me now( she was a film projectionist) when we had a film series, an actress who worked childrens' shows (day time hours) and a dancer/film dancer, and an online gamer who analyzed the Zelda Universe. And a young man who was in a Heavy Metal Band that played around town. They were all lovely young people, they were not looking for a full time job, they had great expectations of a fabulous career. Panny and I are both old, we had worked through our dreams, and we were ready to sit for awhile. The one who worked childrens shows blew up like a balloon during Covid, the rock and roller is now a father of teenage boys and manages a theatre on a college campus, the dancer, I hope is still dancing. Miss Zelda universe has made a fortune from being on line...but they all had their own ads on the book of face, and some of them really had to make a decision to give up some of those dreams to actually be able to pay the bills. In reality I always thought this was a much better place to be than there. (on that other site) I have always felt that if I wanted to let someone know I just bought a pair of shoes, I didnt need to tell every one. Just pick up a phone and tell my friend. That said, sorry I babbled, was that the young lady who was Zelda Universe was the only vegetarian I knew. For years, no meat, no chicken, no fish, and then one day, one of the big bosses brought in some millionaire bacon......need I say more? And she hated hugs.
  20. @smitty34877 I hope that you are closer to getting a new aide for Tana. @Quartzsite CruiserI am hoping that you got a good night's sleep, and your DH is dealing well with his pain. To me, the darkest hours are right before dawn. (I turn on soothing enya music) And the pain is always worse, the day after you get home. If you are not sleeping well, maybe ask a neighbor to watch over your hubby,for a few hours, so that you can get a nap. @Quartzsite Cruiser Oh, you posted while I was posting. I am so glad your hubby got a good nights sleep, and that he is staying ahead of the pain! @HAL Sailer I hope that you are finding some calm in the midst of this current storm in life. You are in my thoughts and prayers. @JazzyVI hope that you had less pain, and that each day gets better. please note that none of these pictures were taken by me. I'm more this speed with a camera.-
  21. Happy Saturday Morning Dailyites! I have to admit that except for watching MidSomer Murders on Roku and Formula 1 I have not watched TV or listened to much news in the past 3 weeks. I know it is flooding in NY, and in the tri state area, so for all of you there, I hope you are well and safe. I caught up with reading the end of yesterday. If there is a meet and greet on my next Carnival cruise, I will never know about it. All participants these days seem to be on the book of face, where i do not go. I found out years ago that our bosses would base their hiring and promoting on what people posted. As you all know I sometimes rant about things, and God forbid they should read that and decide what my future would be based on a single moment in life. Now I dont work for that company any more, but several of my bosses now came from there, so I remain quiet. DH says that's ok, we always make friends on cruises, and most folks we meet dont even know about Cruise Critic! (silly people). The tree man showed up, cut up the tree, threw all the wood in a chipper and left, all for 400 bucks. Not bad, but he didn't take any of the trees that the pine took down. When questioned he said that the quote was for the pine. So I still have to deal with the squashed camillia , the totaled crepe myrtle and the 60 year old muscadine vine. I have not been back to the mosquito infested backyard to see if any of it was cut off from the fence. I think DH said the quote was from the wall to the house. I wish there was a breakfast fairy, that would just place some bacon and eggs in front of me. Oh wait! I'm the breakfast fairy! I think I'm on strike.
  22. @JazzyVI am so hoping you can find an end to this pain you are going through. I am quite good at sleeping sitting up but not on the bed- too squishy. We were supposed to go to Portage Glacier when we were in Anchorage, however as I said, they did not start the tours until mid May, and we were there the first week of May. Our excursion in Valdez was cancelled because the pass still had over 300 feet of snow on the roads, again, maybe the first week of May was too early. The tree man was supposed to come this afternoon. DH thinks the tree man is confused 95% of the time. he said 2. it's now 3, he said 400, but it has to be cash. maybe the tree man has an assistant with a problem, who keeps answering the phone? I went and got the cash, but there is no tree man. My two red cats are in the front windows watching butterflies and green lizards wander by. They are so cute. The cats, not the lizards. I only worked two hours today, giving one campaign 18 hours, and then tomorrow I go back to calling California and will end up giving them about 19 hours for a total of 37 hours....and this is part time?
  23. @smitty34877I hope you can find some assistance for Tana soon. @cat shepard You are so spot on regarding the health and worry of the health of a spouse or loved one. When DH had his first surgery on his cancer, his doc came out and talked with me. He said that if the cancer hits the brain, he's gone. This was back in 2008. DH was not told that, as he was recouping in the hospital for more than a week, but I came home every day, and have known every day since, that I have today, and I have no promise for tomorrow. When DH went into spasms while getting out of the car back in 2017, he fell, and lay there on the pavement, with his head bleeding, totally out of it, and the ambulance came, and took him to Crawford Long (because his doctors were there), I thought, this is it, but he sprung back. He's not the same, as there was some brain damage. Thing is, what the caregiver needs is some caregiving given. A hug, a card, a call. I have no family to speak of, adn DH's family is far away. No one asked if they should come help. My MIL asked if she could hire a house cleaner for me. I'd make sure he had what he needed for the day, would head out to work, and cry at the end of the day. And then put on the happy face when I came back home. When I read what each and every one of you goes through with your spouses, and loved ones, I so get it. I may not always know the right thing to say, because sometimes there is nothing I can say. Just to let you know that I love all of you and understand what you are going through, and send a virtual hug to each and every one of you each day. DH's cancer is now getting close to the brain. I take each day, a day at a time. He now understands the seriousness of his illness, which does create some hefty mood swings. This is the reason for this big Rome to Home trip. I think his docs know, and they are really anxious for DH to go and do this trip of a lifetime. We really do only have today, so hug the ones you love.
  24. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! @Cruzin Terri I love the way the house looks. I like nice open spaces, and that you can see into the kitchen from the living room. I do love that lamp too, with the star fish on it. While we are nowhere near an ocean, we named our house Beach House, and each room has art depicting ocean, beach, salt water marshes, and lighthouses. And sea birds... @HAL SailerI do hope that your DH can pull through this. Pneumonia is a hard illness to fight as we get older. I am adding you both to my prayers. @StLouisCruisers It was 59 when I sat down at the computer, is is now 58...sky is so clear today! Another port, Anchorage that I have actually been to, and it was May of this year. Our original tour was cancelled, due to the fact that the tour company didnt start until a week after we got there. (poor planning on Holland's part.) But BFF Dan got us moved to do the Anchorage tour with the airport museum. Which was DH's first choice to begin with. The city itself was downright depressing, full of homeless people camping in tents in wet marshy areas, or passed out on park benches, or sleeping on the ground on school playing fields. The remaining snow on the ground was filthy, so maybe early May is not the best time to go. We started the tour by going out to Earthquake Park, and got a shot of the Nieuw Amsterdam from across the harbor Anchorage from across the harbor- And then on to the museum the view from the back of the museum, and yes that is ice on the lake some aircraft and then on to our final stop, the tourist candy store, which had a great cairn outside- I guess this is the Stone Man What we saw at the museum was fascinating, and we learned alot about WWII activity that took place on the islands, I even bought a book, which is huge, called The Thousand Mile War, which I am planning on reading on this upcoming cruise. The candy that we bought was lost on me, as within 48 hours, I was sick. And the thought of eating it, didn't even occur to me. DH and Dan thoroughly enjoyed it all.
  25. im confused who was @quilty964? hospital are cold so germs dont grow.......?? @Quartzsite CruiserI hope the food and room service is good. back to work, hugs to you all!
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