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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Welcome @wdw1972. I may have said that earlier, and I forgot, (that's me) but I mean it, nice to meet you!
  2. @DeeniEncinitas Guess I should take up wook blocking, for 12 cats! Plus I never should wear white, I wear most of my food as memory keepers.... Just saw this, loved it, need to live it and now, to stay out of trouble, off to investigate the Oosterdam deck plans
  3. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! We had a heck of a night last night. I had just done a sale, it was around 5:20 , and I sent it through, notified my bosses. and was just about to call my ADA person back, and BOOM! we lost power. I called my boss to see if he could reach my patron, and he said -cant you call when your power comes back on? Um, no. It was lightening, thundering, pouring rain, the wind was howling, um, no. I texted him all the info, and left it at that. Battery was low on the cell phone. I texted him, that he was awesome, and that we had received news that the power would be on in two hours. But that didnt happen. Because on the street behind our house, a huge tree had fallen and taken out more power lines, so DH and I went to get dinner, and came home to a very dark neighborhood. We opened the windows, because it was now cooler outside than in, we sat with a few candles lit, and the rechargeable lantern on, and I said, this is ridiculous, why don't we just go to sleep. We were tired, but the heat was oppressive. So we listened to the the outdoor sounds. At 10 we heard something make a woofing noise, it sounded like it was right outside our window, earth creature or flying creature? the sound moved down the street, and then to the back of the house. MIght have been some weird owl call. Then after dozing for about an hour, we both heard an animal screaming, and heard the coyotes going in for some kind of attack. (Now I really know why Roofus climbs up the dogwood to get on the roof at night) I heard the porch door slam shut a couple of times, and then woke up at 3 to the sound of the TV, the air conditioner, felt the ceiling fan moving air, and the lights came on on the ones I had not turned off. I got up, closed the windows, turned off the lights. and the TV and went back to sleep. Got up this morning, checked my cell phone, and my boss had said that my patron was AWFUL. So I dont know how that was resolved, if at all. We did not get to the museum yesterday, but had a lovely breakfast, went to WM to get cat food, which I have to stack today, 4 cans per meal, feeds 12 cats, ( the 8 inside, and the 4 squatters outside) times 2, and thats a lot of cat food to buy. I just finished reading yesterday, and I am now ready for today! And now I can say I have 3 days off.
  4. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Its sunny , the computer is not showing the temperature right now, but yesterday I had to run to the pharmacy at Krogers and pick up a tv dinner, as I was working late, and had nothing planned for dinner. When I got back on the road, and got to Memorial Drive I looked at what the car said the outside temperature was. 100, then up to 101 and then up to 102. I think if the turn light had not gone green, sitting on the road it may have gone to 103. We scurried in the house and back into the air conditioning as quickly as possible. The weatherman says that our temps will be in the low 80s after the holiday weekend. I had the craziest day at work yesterday. I had been working with a woman in CA to try and get her an ADA seat in the same box as her friend. But with working with my boss, we learned that the box her friend had -had no available seats. The woman started yelling at me, how can that be, my friend brings me all the time, and the seat is always empty! Turns out her friend owns all the seats in the box, and is free to bring whoever she wants with her. But perhaps she didnt remember that she owned the whole box. Any way my customer said she was going to call her friend, to see if the woman owned all 4 seats (and didnt remember) and I still have a seat on hold for her. She said she had to use the bathroom, she would call her friend from there, and I told her I would call back in 10 minutes. I called back, no answer, left a message, tried again, no answer. 15 minutes went by, no answer. And because CTG is holding a seat for her, I have to complete the sale, or release the seat. So my boss told me I had to work today to finalize or close the account. So much for 4 days off. But that will be later in the day. I told DH I would take him to First Watch for breakfast, and then we are going to head to the Michael C Carlos museum, and visit the mummies. Last time we merely wandered the first floor, today, we will wander the second floor. I do have to admit that the last two days, it has been nice not to have to walk the dog. It would have been nice to have had the money she owes me for M-W, but she apparently has forgotten. Again. And this morning, she is gone again.
  5. Every year on August 30th, the world observes the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. This day highlights the grave injustices faced by countless individuals and their families around the world and calls for action to prevent such atrocities in the future. Established by the UN General Assembly in 2010, the day aims to draw attention to the fate of individuals who have been forcibly disappeared, often by state officials or with state complicity. Keep reading to learn about actions you can take today to directly help disappeared individuals, their families, and communities. What are Enforced Disappearances? Enforced disappearancesopens in a new tab occur when individuals are secretly abducted or imprisoned by state officials or others acting with state authorization or support. These individuals are often held in secret, without any legal process, and their fate and whereabouts remain unknown, placing them outside the protection of the law. This practice violates many human rights that are enshrined in international law, including the right to liberty and security of person, the right to a fair trial, and the right to family life.
  6. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! It's currently 75 and sunny. The sun has not actually come up over the hill, so its shady here right now, so I opened the two front den windows and getting some fresh air in before it gets too hot. The weatherman said that today the temp will get up to 96, but with the humidity it will feel like it is 102. Whoopee. We actually had a power surge last night before it got dark. I guess everyone had just come home and turned up their air. I saw this ad this morning on the computer, and I just had to send a copy. What with Christmas coming up, forgive me if you think it is too rude. after watching most of the show- departures, I asked DH of all the countries the two young men have been to, which one appeals to you the most, and he said "Iceland". Oh my, two months ago he said he never wanted to go there. BFF and I have always wanted to go there. And then last night, at work I talked to a woman, who had just come back from Iceland, she said it was fabulous, like earth at the time of Dinosaurs. Without the dinosaurs. Who knows, I may get there one day. The other place he wanted to go was New Zealand. Not sure that will happen. @DeeniEncinitas I also spoke to a man who had moved from Florida last week and was now living in Hawaii. I asked about the past storm this week, and he said it wasnt bad, but the new one coming in was going to be more of a direct hit. Please take care, and be safe. He told me that he had left FL because of the hurricanes, but it appears that he brought them with him when he moved. He said he wanted to apologize to everyone for bringing his "friends" with him. I love when you post pictures of your art. You are a fantastic artist, and the pictures of your art always bring me joy. Donna is off today and tomorrow, so no walk the dog, but I will work from 9:30-11:30 in FL, then 12:30 to 3:30 in CA, and then at 6 go back to work in FL. and then, I am off until Tuesday! I am not sure what my individual rights are, but I thank those who put the rights of others ahead of their own, when it came to COVID. Salt is tricky. You need to get salt, but then there is so much salt in canned foods, so the only way to actually monitor salt is read everything, or only eat what comes from the ground. I cut down my salt, and then after being extremely severely low was told I had too little in my annual tests. Well I said to the doc, you told me to cut down...there has to be a daily life scale....balance in life is everything. . north of Vancouver
  7. I totally disagreed with the quote today. Some artists are so bad at understanding the meaning of life, they name their art- Untitled. I've been painting on and off for years, and I dont understand any of it. I have never done an Untitled.
  8. I think i am about to go down for a nap. during lunch I got completely and utterly exhausted. Lungs doing ok, of course, i have to quit smoking. its the sane thing to do. but the mass is not back, that I had last spring, and the nodules are doing things like normal nodules , and not gathering for summer fest. my breathing test was the same he said, but i have no idea what that same is, but back again in 4 months for another one, and next july another x ray on the lungs. An hour of sleep should help.
  9. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! It was 84 degrees last night at 11 when I got off work.did my end of day report and went to bed by 11:30. It is currently 74 with a heat index for the next two days hovering at 100. Too warm for me. Yesterday with the two front windows open for the cats, ? even they got too warm and spread out through the house where the fans were. We have appointments this morning with the pulmonologist, so its walk dog, go to doc, go to pharmacy, get lunch and go to work at 4. I was going to work two shifts today, but I need to take some stress out of my life, and the best way to do it is to not over work, enjoy the hour or two off. St Lucia is on my wish list, not for DH, he wants to see England. Right now the only island in the Caribbean he wants to visit is Guadalupe because Death in Paradise is filmed there. Time to fix breakfast!
  10. In my Roku quest to watch all of the departures series, there is a commercial that uses this great song. If you get a chance, take a listen. It's called Find Your People. I found mine right here. https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=yfp-t-s&ei=UTF-8&p=find+your+people+song#id=2&vid=69eeca20deb638684cfe5ecf7bbaed66&action=click
  11. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! 10 am and 85 degrees. I went across the street to walk the dog, and it has been so dry that the worms are climbing out of the earth, but are committing suicide on the pavement and street. Tomorrow will be warmer, and the day after warmer. ICK! Last night was crock pot BBQ pulled pork with homemade coleslaw. Very yummy. Breakfast was an eggo with giant blueberries on it, and a small sausage patty. Again another yummy Which brings me to the carrot dog. I had my first hot dog in 2 years this past Sunday, and to make it worse, it was from a gas station rolling machine. Not familiar with this style of cuisine, I didnt know that the condiments that were normal were on the other side of the stand, so I put glow in the dark "Chicago" relish on it, but when I realized i could not find the mustard, I was told to go to the other side of the stand. Ah, real relish, and mustard. I put more relish on it, and DH and I took our bounty to a shady parking lot on the way home, and reminisced about all the times we did this during the first year of Covid. It does bring new meaning to dining out..But when I was done with the dog, I said to DH, the next time I will just get the bun, and have the two relishes on it with mustard. If the flavor of the carrot is smoky, the texture not mushy and not too crisp and I can put relish and mustard on it, I'm all in for trying it. But we have not had a grill for the last two years. DH makes all our steaks in a cast iron pan, guess I can buy some liquid smoke. We were lucky enough to go to Kusadasi last year on our Rome to Home trip. We started with the Church of St. John, that if it had been completed it would have been the largest church in the world, but it was not completed. From here we loaded back up on the bus, and headed up into the mountains to the House of the Virgin Mary. I know I might have missed a lot, and by now my main goal was to find a ladies room. and then on to Ephesus- we came back down the mountain and the bus left us off on the northern part of the historical city, so we did walk from one end to the other, on somewhat slippery slate streets. DH who is walking with his cane on this trip is not speedy, and as I am his eyes I was not speedy either, and our tour guide seemed to be in a bit of a rush -perhaps to get us to the parking lot/shopping area...but these are pictures from the walk through town- a smaller theatre by this time, we had lost our group--- a larger theatre- By the time they tried to shuffle us in to a rug shop, I just told them I felt ill, and had to go back to the ship. No rug for me, and how true it was that I was ill. I had no idea that this would be my last good day on a 25 day cruise. This port is a must, and I thought it the most beautiful port we stopped at. I would love to go back.
  12. When it comes to someone's bad news, sad news, I try to make them laugh, or at least get a giggle. I want to say I am sorry that so many of our dailyites, their families, their friends, and the fur babies have been having such a hard time these days. So please forgive me when I say the following 1. Please feel this- Now fix a big bowl of this or this then wrap yourself up and feel the love that is here You are in my prayers Tomorrow is a new day, rest easy and sleep well
  13. @Cruising-along My pharmacist told me today the NEW Covid shot comes out in September. I got home and read that the NEW Covid shot is aimed towards the newest strain of Covid. Gettin mine in September.
  14. @grapau27 A day late, but thank you for bringing us Father David again this week. When I was watching, I saw to my right on the screen, a youtube video of your Church Choir, so I watched. Somehow I was thinking it would have been church music, only to find out it was pop music. Good choir. I appreciate your pictures of the sea every day. With or without food. 😸
  15. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I slept on the bed last night, and after waking up 3 times, and finally got off the bed at 7:10 I realized that the bed is too soft, and I sleep with less pain on the firmer but smaller space on the sofa. So I guess until I buy a new mattress that's firm enough for me, the sofa is my friend. Its 71 degrees, and the weather folk are talking about temps being very high by Wednesday.. Lots of chores to do today before I start work. I start at 4 and will work until 9. Will make crock pot pulled pork, using tenderloin, which will feed us for several meals. And make coleslaw. I tried to find a card from the cats for National Dog Day, apparently this is not a day that cats celebrate. @CrabbyPatti @jodi58 RE: the quote. Does it equal Ignorance is Bliss, or does it allow us to learn something new everyday? If I know nothing, then I can learn everything. However with my brain, I can learn today, forget in an hour, and relearn tomorrow. Which is why I write everything down, and then loose what I wrote down, and I rewrite it again. I learn through repetition. LOL,
  16. My day was not a total day of binge watching, I actually went out and filled the bird baths, opened a new bag of bird feed, and filled 3 feeders, opened a feeding tube of seed, hung that up, and put out special food for the woodpeckers. I also volunteered to give the mosquitos both of my elbows and the back of my knees as a sort of blood sacrifice for allowing me to refill the plastic ponds in the back, where I found the cutest little green lizard hanging out on the plant leaves. It appears that I drowned his home. (sorry) We have had no rain, and not much humidity for the last two weeks, the last time I checked I had tadpoles in one of the ponds, no one was there now. They either frogged out, or boiled up , but the pond was empty of wildlife. And more than half empty. I really need to clean them out, and get a new pump. Another item I have put off purchasing, as I want a Danner pump, but no one seems to be carrying them, and I really didn't want to have to go see my old evil bosses from 20+ years ago, but it appears, I must. Still watching departures, and there was a season 3, and I really dont remember it, but they are going to Russia, and we just left Siberia, and heading to Sri Lanka.
  17. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! F1 was on this morning, glad I made DH check the F1 channel. He thought the season started back next week, but there was too much chatter on googly news, so we woke exactly at 9, ran down the hall and got DH and we got to watch the race. It has been cooler, but starting today temps will begin to rise again. @StLouisCruisers it will feel like TX when you get back tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, safe travels @Cruising Terri, have fun with your visits and hoping for non invasive help with your shoulder. @rafinmdRoy thank you for the recommendation. I was able to get DH an on line "shrink" to talk with through his oncologist, but for some reason this doc while, he says I am a saint *, has no recommendation for me. I meet a lot of people at the Winshiip center who's doctors say that when one part of a couple is sick/has cancer it means that their partner does too. But DH has decided not to pursue Dr's at Winship but to stay with Northside, and they cant get an appointment for a dementia diagnosis for a year. My doc is too young to understand any sort of problems that older folks suffer through, so if you know anyone who is studying to be a doc-tell them that they should become a specialist in "older" / senior patients. * I am currently nowhere near being a Saint.
  18. It's not 11 yet, I finally made it back here. Of course by the time i hit send it will be past 11. This entire post will be stream of consciousness, apologies in advance regarding yesterday...I know its a new day Cuban sandwiches are wonderful when the bread is fresh and crispy and the pickle slice inside is a good pickle. remembering to add mustard not mayo helps too. If you have a Publix near you, then go to the sandwich deli area and have them make one for you. They do have them repackaged, but the bread is no longer crunchy. @Cruising TerriYou went to your DH's doc to talk about what is going to be happening in the future. The problem with any disease that affects the brain, is neither you, your doc, nor your DH knows when or to what degree he will no longer be able to function on his own. Perhaps he didnt want to go, is that he doesnt want to know what will happen in the future. It is not a pleasant vision, what will you do if it's something that he needs to do to get out of the house, and you cant make him move. When my DH had his 'Incident" two weeks ago, I couldnt get him out of a car that was heating up to 110 quickly! DH is currently doing better, but has to be monitored all the time. And with me working, cooking, and helping with his health care I find that I dont remember to do everything when they should be done. It will take a toll on you. So get him used to having someone come in and give you a break, just getting the break will help. My traveling friends are already having issues. The wife has dementia, and is now incontinent, but refuses to wear pads, or depends, her hubby says its a real "poop" show at their house, but he like you, doesnt want to put her in care. But he has to plan every day that he is not available, or has to go into to work to have one of her daughters stay with her. He has not mentioned the situation to the doctor, because he is afraid that he might have to place her somewhere. But she used to turn the stove on, and forget about what she was doing. Because we don't see her but every 3 or 4 months, we notice the changes immediately, but he who sees her every day does not. He says now all she does is sit in her jammies and robe, and watches TV. When DH left the hospital two weeks ago, he wrapped up everything that wasn't tied down in bed pads put them in a plastic bag and brought them home. They have remained in the car, and he asked me today what i was doing with them. I told him what he did and of course he didn't remember it, but without unwrapping that package, I can tell you that he brought home scissors, tape, bandages, and whatever is wrapped in those pads, is VERY heavy. And he has taken to calling me one of the cats names, and not mine. It does not get easier. Work is my escape. If you have the resources, then start getting someone in at least every other day, so that you can get him used to having someone there, so that you can at least not feel rushed doing the things that need to be done. I do worry about you. The last two days have been nice, high 80's ;low in the 60's at night. Really getting used to sleeping on the sofa with the fan blowing on me. Momma Munchkin is using her litter box, she is skipping meals but will eat Bumble Bee tuna, and she cries because she is still in heat! Arghh how long will this last! ? Its not that she can get pregnant, but she is glued together and kitty "rape" by the two neutered males is not something she needs. We got the window open in her room, and she is enjoying spending her day in the window sill. I had a Harvey Wallbanger once, my college house mother made one for me, but since I drank it after spending an afternoon in a bar drinking tequila sunrises, it just reminded me of something you would drink when you wanted to settle your stomach, and I never had another one. Views from a swimming hole outside of Seattle-BFF enjoyed the swim, but when I saw plastic bottles at the bottom, I was not going to swim with garbage. Lovely spot near the airport.
  19. @dfish @Crazy For Cats @Sharon in AZ Have a wonderful time! Bon Voyage!
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