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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. DH 's camera shots tell you when they were taken, but mine dont. I have to rely on memory.... so I have no idea what year we were in Juneau. It was 2018, as it was our 9th anniversary- We did the same excursion that @ottahand7 did, but since it was Carnival it had a different name, Salmon is Alaska, Hanging Gardens and Mendenhall Glacier. At the fishery when we arrived we scared off a seal that was climbing the ladder to get to the salmon that were headed home.... The indoor stuffed bear- View of the runway from the hilltop of the Hanging Gardens See-same flower Inside the green houses The glacier It was cloudy every day except for Glacier Bay (sunny, but no camera batteries) and in Ketchikan.... We went back to Alaska in 2023 on our first HAL cruise. And I would love to go back again. No good news for DH. for yesterday and again today I am still not ready to talk about it (it would take too long). Will catch up later.
  2. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!
  3. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! It's 64 cloudy, and may I say humid. Rain expected today. The docs added some lab tests for DH this morning, so we are going in to midtown a bit earlier than expected. @RMLincolnI am sorry that your DH's second eye is not doing as well as hoped, and I hope that the drainage is working better today, that he is not having pain, and you both can make it through another hard day today. As you say, one day at a time. Hugs being sent your way. @smitty34877I hope your shoulder is feeling better, and that the aids have shown up to care for Tana. The kittens seem to be doing alright, we do, as grand cats, worry. The remaining stray cats are developing an almost decent relationship. Clown has learned to jump from the "dead" jeep up onto the roof. (I'm impressed) Butter and Collard Greens are no longer fighting, and both are sleeping in the car port. Chumley sleeps under the ivy in the back 40, and comes out when food is placed in it's proper spot. The other strays have moved on. Momma cat has settled in well with living on the porch. I need to get pictures, but I also need some decent light. The babies eyes are now open, and they are crawling around everywhere. So I dont want to use a flash. I need some afternoon light, and the time in the afternoon to get a decent picture. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday. @0106 the #3 recipe looks really good. I actually may be able to sneak that cauliflower rice in with that one. Stay safe everyone!
  4. Its mid afternoon, and today did not go well. Hoping to get DH off all the meds, and have a nerve block. Doc wouldnt do it, said he was scared that inserting a needle would push more cancer closer to the brain. Or cause bleeding near the brain. So we have to figure out something else. He did mention meditation, mindfulness and that DH could get free acupuncture through Windship, as long as one of his docs were with Winship. And while we were in that appointment, another one of his dics office's called and told him the doc wanted to see him, we went over there (to Winsdhip) she was not available and wont be until June, so what is he supposed to do with the hole that has now appeared in his face and goes through his cheek? Any way, once the front desk saw him, and the tape that he has to wear so he can swallow, they called, and he has an appointment tomorrow . And then the very early one on Wednesday. with the cancer dermatologist. At this point Mose surgery is not an option, and the cancer seems to be inside his nose. Long day, work tonight, long day tomorrow, work tomorrow night, long day on Wednesday, work Wednesday night....Please keep CHuck in your prayers as he has run out of options at this point, besides the immunotherapy which does nothing for the pain.
  5. Good Monday Morning Dailyites-just a few more chores to do, and then out the door to DH's Pain appointment. Popping in to day "hey". Hugs to all.
  6. @ger_77Your hot dogs sound like last weeks Taqueria del Sol's Taco special. I think that is a great way to serve hotdogs..
  7. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Computer says its 64 and sunny...a minute ago it said 65. I wonder where my weather actually comes from.... @grapau27Thank you for bringing us Father David. I knew that we had an early appointment tomorrow morning in Midtown, but DH told me at 11 last night, that he had a 7:40 appointment Wednesday morning on the north side of town which takes a REAL hour to get to. Especially since one of the bridges that crosses over the highway is under repair for 3 months, and everyone who uses that bridge will be using the one that I need to take. Add that to working until 9 the night before, I am trying to harvest as much sleep as I can. But right now him seeing this doc is VERY important. So a late start today. I told the furbabies to let me sleep until at least 8, and they did. I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and if you are in the path of the storms, please be safe!
  8. @ger_77Thank you. Kevin is adorable ( I too thought of Up) both of my oranges are sound asleep. I will show them the picture in the morning.
  9. @ger_77Congratulations for the whole family with the adoption of Kevin. Pictures please, I have to show the oranges they are not the only orange cats in the world. @Cruzin TerriMy oldest friend in Atlanta has dementia/Alzeimer's...we were supposed to go up North to Block Island, and she would not go. Her hubby was heartbroken. He became worried that he would not be able to travel anymore. However she has no problem going to Cedar Key Florida because they will drive, she doesnt have to be in a crowd, and she understands that we are all going to be together except at bedtime. It was the flying that she did not want to do to get up north. So their vacations will be via roads. She hasnt driven in years, doesnt know if she has an email address, and doesnt go on the computer anymore-too scary for her. I understand your recent disappointment, and hope you two can find things to do to keep you both happy. I have been thinking of you and your situation. @bennybearI have always loved your pictures, as I enjoy seeing @DeeniEncinitas's paintings. I think you both should make books. I would have you both on my coffee table forever. he he
  10. Hoo? loves @bennybear's owl Pictures? I DO!🦉 @Seasick SailorOliver is a cutie and deserves to be pampered! @StLouisCruisers your grand pups are also adorable! Dont want to show any puppy favoritism...LOL. Well, I think I have homes for 3 of the kittens. I know DH wants to keep the runt, and I want to keep the momma Munchkin. @Cruising-alongI love lilacs. That is one thing I really miss from living up north. They do not grow in the heat of the south. Lovely vase.
  11. An important announcement to all wind drinkers. Due to the terrible weather and temperatures that we have had over the past 3 years...grapes are not growing well, and the price of wine will be rising. Of course neither are peaches, pears and apples. (In fact Georgia lost 80% of last year's peach crop) * Expect prices to rise. Rising prices for inferior products. How am I supposed to eat healthy? *More peaches actually come from one county in SC, than all the peaches in GA.
  12. Good Saturday Morning Daiyites! Its cloudy and 61, I did hear the weatherperson say it would get up into the 70's, but I really wasnt awake....and I had to feed the cats. There must be another stray in heat, because the number of cats I am feeding seems to be decreasing. I am off on Saturdays, so far...but DH has to work. I really see a nap in my future. Currently creating breakfast. I will have my favorite, bacon and peanut butter sandwich. Since I have been working the late shift, Lunch has been the main meal, and DH has been heating up soup for dinner. I guess if i get the absolute split shift going, it will be salad for dinner, and soup for lunch. Maybe we can live off gelato. Devil dogs were good, but always a bit dry to me. I wish my parents had taught me how to save, and I would love a small dog that is pampered, but the cats are enough. Trust me. Several years ago I had an idea of keeping a journal, and I bought a blank book, and pout quotes on every 4th page, to inspire me to write. I found the empty book last week and shared the quote of the day (today) with DH. IT was the 5th quote in the book. Guess I can use the book now. @StLouisCruisersI love the pictures. Looks like a long walk! But beautiful. @0106I'm glad that you found a way in, but I'll help anytime you need me to. Have a great day everyone, and for those in the middle part of the country, I hear your storms will be worse today-please be safe!
  13. Just heard from Tina, is any one having problems with CC being a white screen? Nothing else?
  14. OMG! We are out of Gelato! Dessert is now Skinny Dipped Chocolate Almonds.....
  15. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Yesterday was a hard day for both DH and I, life things, and his health things. Being a pawn on the chess board of work I was told yesterday morning that I would rejoin CTG in 3 weeks, once the "real": employee came back to work for the opera. Mid afternoon I found out that the "real" employee was not going to take this job, as it only offered 20 hours, and that I could not work for both at the same time. But by last night at 10, my hero boss for an east coast job, saved my day, and will work with me on weird hours in the mornings. DH and I were going to go to Emory tomorrow to hear Verdi's Requiem, but feel that with the college unrest, and the demonstrations going on there, we are better off staying home. We did not lose money on tickets, I am often invited to events for free. It just would have been nice to get away from the our daily problems. In my last day of "celebration" we are heading out this morning to mail some items, go to W-M since we didn't get there the other day, and have lunch at my favorite Thai restaurant. Its a ways from home, but near a W-M. And I need to pay the water bill. Problems still exist with mail delivery in the Atlanta area. I am trying to catch up with what happened yesterday, but @RMLincoln condolences on the loss of your DSIL. @JazzyVglad that you are getting more sleep and are achey, not incapacitated with pain. Al Roker is talking about bad weather in the middle of the country-be safe everyone!
  16. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Its 55 and sunny-the weatherman said it will go up to the upper 70's. I can turn the heater off on the porch, and let the indoor cats sit in the window sill and chatter at the birds at the bird feeder. However, DH pointed out to me that we need to make a trip to W-M to get laundry detergent, and dishwashing detergent, but no dog walking! Donna is off for the next two days! Yeah! In fact I looked out the window and she is out walking her dog right now! @smitty34877I am so glad that the NH family came down and gave you a hand this past week. I hope you were able to catch up on some sleep this week, and that something was worked out with the night time assistance for the future. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Santorini-When we booked out cruise last year, this was one port that we decided that due to DH's vision, and the amount of stairs I kept seeing in Dailyites photos, that we would go into port, and stay in port. There were 5 major cruise ships in port and two smaller ones, and port and town were packed with people. From the tender-the mule and walking trial, with the gondola to the left These building were along the water line - Where do these doors lead to? And how do you get to the doors? I know this is not a scenic picture, but I am always amazed how Mother Nature can make something grow, any where she wants Looking back to the top of the island
  17. Its now very late in the day. Dh's appointment was at 10:20, and we didnt get out until 2:40.And then because this is now traffic time (buses and schools let out) it took more than an hour to get home, (we swallowed down some mickey D food, and bought more litter for Munchkin,) and was working by 4. Good news on the cancer, it has been stopped growing and might be receding a little-BUT the stent in his leg is showing some aggressive need of being replaced-SOON! @Cruzin Terri you should ask the doc about addictiveness, but is it the addictive that can be lived with if you monitor the meds? will it improve Jim's way of feeling and being? Is this a lifetime thing, most drugs lose their ability to perform after a while. Speaking of drugs, DH's wrists and hands have started hurting-turns out it is a side affect from his immunotherapy drug. And his pain drugs are getting out of control, so the oncologist is sending him to pain therapy. We will then discuss a nerve block. The ointments for mouth pain are being over used, and right now he is doing more damage with multiple applications. It's and endless cycle. @Haljo1935I hope you dont think my laugh post was out of line, it's just that you and I kind of think alike. Crap day, but the sky is blue and you see the joy in the simpler things. My whole day was meeting others demands, and that's how I felt when I saw your blue sky with the helicopter (addressing a tragedy) just joy at the sky. So thank you. @DeeniEncinitas I love your paintings! I really need to get back into painting. I give most of them away, but have 20 sitting in the back unused bedroom aka the library. Years ago after I lost a job, I prayed for God to tell me what to do. I got the answer, paint. And I did. For two years. And then....after a cat left green foot prints all over the living room floor, I gave it up. Hugs to all, I know I missed a lot today here, but you are all always in my thoughts.
  18. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 55 and sunny. DH has his immunotherapy appointment in Midtown Atlanta at 10:20, so we are both up early. Dinner at Red Lobster was good, the menu has been changed, but Tuesday is still crab legs for 20 bucks. The menu has been cut down a lot, and one third of it is drinks. The endless shrimp that seems to have doomed RL is on Mondays only. And for your birthday they no longer let you choose your dessert, they give you a bowl of ice cream. So I got the ice cream, and gave it to DH. I start work today I think I remember at 4, my new boss contacted my BIG boss and told him I was not available for the next 3 weeks, and I have to miss training this week. Talk about being a pawn on the chess board of life..... @StLouisCruisersYour post was not too long! I loved the pictures! Thank you. @JazzyVI hope you got another great nights sleep, I figure if you could sleep the hours you lost over the last few months, you would sleep until mid July,. Be safe! @RMLincolnI hope the doc says "good to go" and that you have a great day visiting with your friends. @grapau27Thanks for the knowledge. I would hate to watch my ghost walk by, but I am still confused about St. Mark. Why is this attributed to him? When we were at the farmers market selecting a couple of bottles of NA wine, we noticed that they were also selling NA tequila, NA coffee liqueur and NA whiskey. Tempted, but did not purchase. @cat shepardI love the opposite universe. Have a great day everyone!
  19. It's been a long day today, what with training (that was easy) but then i was sent another way to sign my rehire papers, and that took more than an hour, with me, then DH, then the boss and me, then the boss and DH trying to get it done. I didn't charge them anymore than 15 minutes, because when it came to the other 45 minutes, it was purely DH and I being computer stupid, and one shouldn't charge for stupid. @RMLincolnInterpretive dancing for joy! that all went well today for your DH, and hoping for GOOD tomorrow! @JazzyVNow lets get you to sleep ton8ght, the way you slept last night
  20. @bennybear DH and I just checked out your sunset pictures! Wow! Especially on the Green Flash.
  21. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! It is currently 45, but 30 minutes ago it was 42...the day is getting better. Sunny, and I'm on the daily spending the morning with friends. Thank you all for the well wishes on my day of aging. I really think starting a new job, and being re-trained, is a good way to get older. @dfishthat first dinner looks really good. But we are going to Red Lobster for the 20 dollar crab leg dinner tonight. And an early lunch at Taqueria del Sol, after i walk the dog. The kittens are now a week old, we should see by the end of this week, their ears uncurl, and their eyes open. So far, all we have seen is them sleeping and eating. Tigger went to the vets yesterday for his follow up, surgical site is good, but he has been running a fever for a week, and they don't know why. So they gave him an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory shot yesterday, and when he came home, he played. Fever was back up last night, and he stayed in bed all night long. Our bed. Along with Tazi and Furnando. It is getting very crowded in bed.
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