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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 69 and sunny. It is. The weather man has been trying to frighten us with impending doom and gloom for the end of the week. They rate the weather between 0 and 11, and Friday is supposed to be a 4. Originally this channel (11) put the numbers out based on the average history for that day, but they changed it, and use the numbers to show a great or bad day. So we have lots of 11's when it is way too hot for this time of year, but they are nice days. @superoma To @Safety Squirrel, @cruising Katie and @Petunia1950- @smitty34877 The view from Tana's window this morning looks lovely. The Atlanta area in the past, gets it's winter in March. We are all waiting...for our winter next month. Our neighbors who went home to Vietnam at the end of December, and said they would be back in February are still not back. The house if you remember has been broken into, and DH put a lock on that door that was crow barred open. I had been moving the furniture on the front porch, there was a metal chicken on the steps, and now that has been stolen. Our storage room off the carport had been opened yesterday, while we were home working. I told DH that when we are home, we really need to just keep the doors locked. @dfishYou had me at sausage, and cheese.. In my need to watch some form of racing, I have found the Winter games of Ski Cross on Peacock. This will have to do until F1 starts this weekend. Well, off to fix something to eat, and go and pay some bills. I did pay off the transatlantic cruise in October Rome to Tampa, and I now have two excursions paid for the Greek Island cruise- in Turkey we are doing the Ephesus, St John's and Virgin Mary excursion, and in Naples we are doing Pompeii -on our own. In Sicily we are doing a cooking class, I just haven't booked that one yet. Have a great day everyone, stay safe!
  2. I did a happy dance tonight, paid off that transatlantic from Rome,!! Yeah.! (sorry it's on Carnival). But still excited!
  3. @cruising Katie I am so sorry, and truly understand you you feel.
  4. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! The computer says it's 59 an sunny. It is sunny, but there is a big cloud bank to the west. The big weather news is that we are going to get "a mighty wind" this morning, starting around 10 and blowing on through until 7 pm. @kazuyour meme about what you want a husband to say, had me think-my first husband would tell me that 4 glasses of wine were not too much. My second husband would cheer me on with my first year of sobriety, with you can do it... And all my mother in laws have said I was amazing to put up with their sons..... and now it's not sunny anymore, must have some strong winds in the upper atmosphere..... wait......it's getting sunny again...Today is breakfast with my old work buddies, and then walk the dog, and then work. And I guess fix dinner, which I should have fixed last night. One meal a day is probably not the best way to go for me.
  5. I was going to post something early this morning, but I didn't wake up early, and I had to spend late morning in the farmers market. Then ( i have no idea why I did this) I took DH out for a late lunch, and we were so full that while watching NASCAR he once again fell asleep, and I got on line and checked my emails. My traveling couple that we have cruised with, and gone to Sanibel with, and I have known since I moved to the south wanted to know when my next cruise was, I told them HAL in May 14 days in Alaska. He wrote back and said, they have done Alaska in May and wanted to go later in the season, but they had no vacation plans for this year. The wife is developing dementia, and has been diagnosed with a terminal lung disease. I told him to check out if there were any cabins left on our cruise, and since they had not been to three of the ports, that might interest them, and he did, and emailed me tonight to see if Dan( the BFF)or Chuck would be upset if they tagged along. That would be a no, they would not be upset, they liked the idea,, called him back, and he is booking the cruise tomorrow morning. Our cruise friends are Charles and Ann....I know it gets confusing, So Chuck stays as Chuck, and I stay as Annie, and it almost works...LOL. She is not very mobile anymore, but she likes to cruise. There was no Vera on tonight, I hope the season wasn't just 4 episodes. We went back to Drive to Survive on Netflix, realized that lunch was so big we didn't need dinner, so we had an ice cream, took our meds and vitamins, and will probably fall asleep by 10. @Cruzin TerriYour tale of no toilet brought back a rather humorous tale in my past. It was when DH and I started dating. I had a two bedroom one bath 100 year old cottage. I had a small ornamental French horn that was hanging on the bathroom door. I got up one morning, and put my robe on, and the French horn went into the toilet, right after I flushed and went on down. I reached in, but could not find it, and figured it was small enough it just had gone into the pipes. It did, but lodged in the pipe, and I did not figure that out until about 5:30 that night. While we were having an ice storm. And I could not find a plumber on a Saturday night in Atlanta during an ice storm. I called DH and asked him if I could crash at his place for the night and he wanted to be all manly and came over to fix the "commode" Well he realized after several hours, that the whole thing would have to be taken apart, so at 10 that night he finally agreed that I could come over and crash at his place (he rented a room from a mutual friend), and then the poor dear went over the next morning and took the whole toilet apart and rescued the horn. I spent the day with the friend.10 hours later DH came back with the the horn. LOL. I could have called a plumber, but DH saved me some major bucks. @grapau27Thank you so much for Father Davids sermon today. Hearing him every Sunday makes a big difference in my life, and I really do appreciate it. Good night sweet Angels!
  6. Growing up in NJ during the 60's and 70's Mom had both Harvest Gold and Avocado kitchen decor, she also had "celery" carpet, but the best house was their house in MN. A true MN Vikings fan had not been loan approved before he decided to decorate the interior of the house he thought he would be able to buy. Deep purple carpet, the master bedroom had deep purple drapes, almost like black out curtains. Chandeliers in every room, even the downstairs basement bathroom. My Dad loved this house, but not for the purple. But they bought as is, and never did change a thing. The kitchen was all copper. But they moved before they could remodel, moved back to NJ and they ended up with another Harvest Gold Kitchen. I like my freezer at eye level, the color of my kitchen is almond, and black, with a tinge of red like the tea pot and the can opener. @0106I've read every book on your list. Also add Harry Potter that was banned in the county next to mine. When I heard that, I had to read it to find out what all the fuss was about. Couldn't put the first book down, read it in a day, went out and bought the next two and when book four came out in Hardback, I bought that too. Finished the series, and loved every one of them. Best way to get someone to read a book is tell them the book is banned. Started watching a new Britbox show tonight with the Humphrey character from Death in Paradise. Tomorrow is another Vera!
  7. @4966and556I am glad you said what you did regarding the Pandemic, I am absolutely amazed at what some people say to me when I call trying to sell them tickets to the arts. The wont support the art institution because they were asked to wear masks two years ago. And then tell me -we are the only country that wears masks, and they wont.. Or America is the only country with social distancing issues, or that other countries don't believe that boosters and vaccines are necessary. What rock are these people living under.??? I refer to the pandemic as the time the world stopped being the way that it was. Truly the day the music ( at least live) died. It is very hard to get the arts resurrected. @StLouisCruisersSandi thank you for the kind words. I told the other cats that the job of office manager was open. I had two applicants, neither will work. Furnando came in, jumped on both key boards, and refused to get off the path finder key board, He must be IT, so that was a no, and Tazi came in and climbed in the the old file box, and started shredding paper. Told her the office was looking for a manager, not a clean up crew. Irving did come in, and curled up to sleep on Neko's pillow, since they had been together since we got him, he is the only cat who actually notices that she is missing. And Bob has not applied for the job at all. So it may be quite a while until we have another office manager. Fawn and Bubbles are not acceptable applicants.
  8. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites. It's 53 here and cloudy, and the heat came on this morning for the first time in 4 days. I had the bedroom window open for the last 4 nights, and slept so much better than I had been, plus I took off the mega comforter from the bed, so I was not feeling so squashed. I didn't sleep all night, got up at my usual 1 and 4 somethings, but when i was asleep I could tell it was better sleep than the past few months. Yesterday was, as you know not a great day. We got to the vets at 8:20 and we were the only people there. They took us into a back patient room, where one of my paintings hang, and the vet came in. It was Dr. Prescott, but instead of her usual "we can save this animal " speech, she said, it was time. Neko was starving to death, because she could no longer eat or swallow, and they gave her a sedative, and gave us some time in the room alone with her. I didn't retell the cat about how we found her, and how she was the best office cat, I had told her that the night before. But our lives are sometimes so routine, and maybe it's us getting old, but it didn't seem that long since she was just a kitten found in a box marked -Free Kat. Turns out she was 19 years old. To me that's pretty old for a cat, so I do know while it hurt to lose her, there was no way I was going to let her suffer anymore. We buried her up in the back yard, and put in Grayson, who's ashes had been in an urn since 2020. And then I made sure that we watched Formula 1 and Death in Paradise during any remaining free moments of the day. We both worked yesterday too. I just didn't want empty hours going over in my head that I did the right thing. I know I did, but I know DH was still questioning this decision. I also checked in when I could and caught up with reading the Daily yesterday. Welcome @TAW1963. Do you know about the musician Gregory Alan Isakov? He does a great song about Idaho. The definition of his music is "dusty americana" @dfishIs it possible to make a pot of mashed potatoes big enough to dive in? These all look great. My idea of mashed potatoes these days is a bag of instant.
  9. When I paint, it gets in my hair, so it has to be color that goes well with my jeans. Gloves? I didnt know you were supposed to wear gloves. When I do canvas paintings, I put a plastic table cloth down on the dining room table and go to town. I have green paw prints in the living room and hall floors.
  10. One thing our vet does do, is get an imprint of their paw in clay of the kitties we have had, so that we can hang the clay with paw print on the Christmas tree. Which I have never done. I have paw prints in drawers all over the house. The Tucker Animal hospital has been my go to since 1979 when I moved to the Atlanta area. The original vet has retired. During his last year, he hired a young female vet, who's last name is Tucker, and she in turn hired another vet to assist. Her last name is Prescott. Dr Prescott came in with all sorts of ways to cure animals of everything, which most of the time included costs that neither DH or I could afford. Dr Tucker on the other hand understood her patients parents more, so several years ago we requested that all appointments be with Dr, Tucker. after my Mere (pronounced mear) had such an aggresive cancer that her skin burst open. Prescott wanted us to do chemo and surgery, my wallet said no, my brain said cats dont understand this, and DH who has been battling cancer since 2004 said absolutely not. Dr Tucker put her down and called me to say, wise choice, this cat was in extreme pain. Duh. But Prescott has come around I think because more and more people left the practice. DH is out in the back digging a little grave, Neko has refused special treats this morning, and the house is very quiet today.
  11. @Quartzsite Cruiser Actually we will be with her in a room, and they will give her a sedative, then they take the cat away, and euthanize her, so we wont be there at the very end, but as close as we can. Then we will bring her home and will bury her in the "cat garden " at the top of the hill in the back. I guess they dont want crying people out in the office area, but have no idea why the sedative and the euthanasia doesnt take place at the same time. Since Covid, no human has been allowed back into the exam rooms., just the pets.
  12. @dfishYou asked yesterday about the curry soup. It is made in Thailand, by a company called Bright. There is Massaman, Red and Green Curry soup. We prefer the Massaman due to the coconut cutting a bit of the HOT... It used to just be called Massaman curry. Then they changed it to Massaman Curry Soup. Same directions....open can, simmer, then add meat of choice. I have no idea why. We get it at our local farmers market. When we find it, we buy 3 cans, gets us through 3 shrimp massaman dinners. I will admit it's high in calories, and high in carbs per cup, but once you add the veggies and shrimp, well you really dont get that much soup, you get all the rest of it.😸 Also to all my northern friends, stay safe in your terrible weather. the computer says it 74 and cloudy, windows are open, cats are in the windows and it is cloudy!
  13. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Thank you all for the warm thoughts, hugs, and kindness regarding our Neko. We are trying all sorts of broths and kitty soups for her, so that she is not starving. Anything with non pureed food causes extreme stress, and she tries tearing at her mouth. If DH did not want to be there when they put her down we could have just left her off, but because we want to be with her, we had to wait for an actual appointment. He is going to bury her in the back yard which may or may not be legal in an unincorporated part of the county, so he told the vet he wanted to take her to the crematory after the procedure. @JazzyVI was so sorry to hear of your BFF's uncle passing. I know you knew it was coming, but as you said, it happened sooner than you thought it would. Hugs to you both. Condolences to you both and to his family. While I did wake up at 1 something and 4 something, I actually did sleep deeply enough to dream last night. And I slept until 8:30.I dont remember the last time I dreamt. Testing starts in Bahrain today for Formula 1, so you know what I am doing on my day Off? Yes I took a day off from work. And I finally got a sale last night after a two week drought.
  14. Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites! The computer says 62 and cloudy. It is cloudy. I dont believe the temps. @dfishI love the look of the meal today. This is a lot like what our Massaman curry looks like, the can of curry soup comes with some small potatoes, and then we add shrimp or shredded chicken to it. DH loves it on rice, but thanks to you and your veggie information, I put my curry on roasted cauliflower. Yummy! If there are left over veggies in the fridge, I throw them in too, and then serve with sliced avocado and a few cashews. We have this about once a week. Easy peasy since our curry comes in a can. @HAL Sailer How nice of Pearl to start the Prayer chain for you. This is like the man at the BBQ place last Saturday who prayed over DH to heal. He said to me when we left that it is a time in the world for Christians to announce who they are, by actions. DH and I have been having a hard week because we have had to make a hard decision about Neko. She is hungry, but she cant eat, the gums are really bothering her, and the tumor in her throat is blocking her ability to swallow. We knew that we would have to do something, but now it is sooner than later, and I dont believe any animal should suffer, so we called the vet yesterday and let them know our decision, and they still cant see her until Friday morning. Right now we are trying to get her to eat broth, but even that does not stay down. So until Friday, she will be at my work desk demanding love, which i will give her, and tonight we will try a pure liquid meal for her.
  15. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! The computer says rain coming......I just heard on the news that San Diego may see flurries, so I guess something is coming to everyone this week. The last year that I lived in NJ, 1979, I went to a psychic fair and had my cards read. She told me I will never be lucky in love, and that I was going to move far away. That was on a Saturday. On Monday I got into work, and my bosses called me into their office, and told me that I was getting promoted to one of the regional offices, but I had my choice of where I wanted to go. I chose St. Louis, but within a week they closed that office, and I was going to move to Atlanta. My parents had been gone for a few months, and they came home and told me they were moving to Florida. I told them, cool, I'm moving to Atlanta. But that was the end of home up north. @ger_77I love that you and I speak the same languages! I also dabble with "tongue in cheek" but don't have that down completely yet. I slept horribly last night, too much coffee while working last night. Finally fell asleep at 2, but woke up at 4. But I just climb back into bed, and move a few cats around and fall back asleep, Furnando wont let me sleep past 8, HE must be fed.
  16. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 52 and sunny, and then it just switched to earnings upcoming. I wish it said earning going up. Early morning time is time with Furnando cat as while I read posts, he sits in front of the screen and knocks things off the desk. He gets bored after a while, and allows me space to actually type, and now Irving is on my lap, it is never ending cat here. I enjoyed watching the race yesterday, although not too sure if the coverage was that great. I think NASCAR should have it's own channel like F1 does. No commercials. I would pay for that, don't think DH would, he slept through 3/4 of the race. I got the rest of the days in Vancouver planned, sent off itinerary to BFF, he's ok with it. We arrive on Wednesday afternoon, get to hotel and chill, find dinner and go to bed. Figuring the time change will catch up with us. Thursday we walk up to the Vancouver Art Gallery, and wander the neighborhood, Friday we will keep our "excursion" to Victoria, which is 13 hours long. Saturday we will catch the False Creek Ferry from Granville island and spend the afternoon at the Vancouver Maritime Museum, and Sunday board the Neiuw Amsterdam for 14 days. Taking your advice, we booked Tamarind for embarkation day, will get lunch scheduled at PC once on board, and BFF is still trying to decide on the Italian restaurant. And now Bob has shown up for belly rubbing. Who says I don't get exercise? Have a great day!
  17. I too copied the German potato salad recipe, I have to admit i love it, but i usually open a can of it, and have it as a side. In reality if I have enough of it i could live off it all day. Have a great sleep earth angels!
  18. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites. Computer says it's 45 and partly sunny. Outdoor cats who have a nice warm porch to sleep on, chose to snuggle together in a chair outside last night. Today is grocery shopping day, we had great plans to get up early and get to the farmers market, but DH is sleeping, and I hate to disturb him, however hunger may win out, and i will start breakfast and hope that the smell of bacon cooking will motivate him. And I solved the upset stomach problem from earlier this week, it was the hummus! I had some yesterday afternoon, and woke up with the same issues. I did book our hotel for our last night in Vancouver. This time the proximity of the airport outweighed the cost, and we are staying at the Fairmont Vancouver Airport. BFF's flight leaves at 5 am, ours leaves at 6, so knowing we have to get up that early, I figured staying at the airport was the smartest move. We can check in early, and leave our bags off, and maybe get to where I wanted to go to when BFF said we are going on a cruise. So now I have to really study train and bus routes, and figure out what to do during our stay.
  19. @RedneckBob I meant to mention the other day, that your Valentines Date sounded spectacular. I love Sonny's and they have closed all of them in the Atlanta area, and Macon area, and south of Atlanta area, so when we are in Florida, we always stop. Followed by DQ? OMG how romantic! I told DH how great your date sounded, he looked at me, smiled, and said, to me, " yup, you're a redneck.". Tonight in our favorite BBQ place which we frequent (at least once for breakfast, and once for dinner a week,) a gentleman walked up to DH, told him that he was a Christian and asked if he could pray for him, to ask God to make him creatively well again. And so he prayed over Chuck, and then took the check the waitress had left us, and paid our bill. We were speechless. And I remain so. HIs name was Michael. Angel on earth. @erewhonI am very happy to hear that you are well, I thought you had said something about a vacation a couple of weeks ago, but then Mother Nature hit your island, and I figured you were away. Glad to know you are OK! I have some research to do regarding our Alaska cruise. I guess Dan will call me tomorrow if he was able to book the Butchart Gardens when we now stop in Victoria, and that we can use that money from the other excursion, and I can get some money back. Still have to eat in Vancouver for 4 days.. @Cruising-alongYour fur grand children are so cute!
  20. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Computer said, when I sat down to start reading ,that it was 33, now it's 30. But sunny! I love Saturdays and Sundays! I still work on Saturdays but I don't have to split my day up to walk the neighbors dog. My entire day is mine, even though I have to work. I got a call yesterday from one of my old bosses (last year) and she wanted to let me know that I was going to be working on the Arizona Opera again. Yippee! While it's one of the smallest campaigns, as in limited hours, people in AZ are very nice. Or is it the opera fans that are very nice.....Not sure. Because every one I talked to knew way more about opera than I did, and they had no problem educating me.😸. Last night we watched the new Death in Paradise episodes that Britbox uploaded yesterday, and we cant wait for the new Vera that will upload on Sunday. @Cruzin Territhank you for the pictures of Guadalupe where Death is filmed, and @grapau27Thank you for the pictures of Vera that you posted this past week. I dont know what station will be showing the NASCAR race this weekend, but I know that is also on the agenda for this weekend, along with grocery shopping. Right now I need to get moving, make breakfast and start that grocery list. I need to create a menu for the week, where not only I cook, but DH can cook too, so I need to have him tell me what hours he will be working, before I make the list and menu.
  21. @grapau27if you look closely at the cloud in the middle of the bottom of the pict7ure, it looks like a pig's head, so it is true that pigs can fly. and yes, I do need new glasses.....' @bennybearFantastic photo! Well DH just got off work, and needs the computer, so night all, have peaceful dreams.
  22. Before I go back and read what has happened during the day, @kazu picture actually happened to us today, of course minus the snow I took a break from the phones and walked into the den, and noticed that the back door from the car port was open, and there were two cats in my house....that didn't live in my house...Feral Fawn and Bubbles had wandered in after the wind (which was really blowing today) had blown the back door open. I have no idea how long the door had been open, I sit in another room with a view of the wall. I do think that DH might have felt a breeze, but who knows...so there they were, and I said, OH NO! and they ran out into the car port. I was not upset that they were in, but who might have made an escape!!! So I had to do a cat search, all were accounted for (the indoor cats are wimps), only Bobagingee was curious. and he was in stalk mode! I think Fawn would have been OK< but not Mr. Bubbles. Tonight, Fawn is on the porch with the heater, Bubbles has disappeared and the indoor kitties are all safe and sound.
  23. I did go back to bed, and think I could do that again. My tummy was making all sorts of strange sounds, so when Furnando snuggled up next to me, he thought that Tazi was growling at him, but he couldn't find her, and figured it was just me, with a strange purr. Temperature has dropped more than 10 degrees since I posted this morning. I had turned the heater off on the porch, but will turn that back on for Feral Fawn and her side kick, Bubbles. I do need food, so about to make a very early lunch, I still have to walk the neighbors dog, and then I will decide if I am going to work or sleep.
  24. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Computer says rain coming......its been raining for hours... maybe it should say rain coming down. Temperatures will be dropping, all day down into the 20's tonight. I was supposed to go the the doctors office for blood work this morning. My stomach had other ideas. I called and cancelled, and told DH to turn off the alarm, we aint going no where. He has not turned off the alarm, but I am seriously thinking about going back to bed. Too many long days, and working late was bound to catch up with me one day, and I guess today was the day....and the spicy hummus I ate during the zoom meeting. I need a vacation....
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