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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @kazuI am hoping that you get some pain resolution today. And that it is not a drastic fix! Gentle hug being sent your way.
  2. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 51, that rain will be off and on this morning, it's supposed to be windy, but so far I have not seen or heard any wind event. We picked up the piano yesterday. DH should have brought someone with muscles with him, not me, that top part of the electric piano weighed over 100 pounds, he did the backwards walk (very slowly) while I did the forward walk, and we made it up the hill from Shari's condo. We stopped 4 times for me to rest, and my shoulders are killing me today. Then we brought up the stand, and the bench and it did all fit in the jeep. (Liberty) I was amazed, but we were both done in, and the only thing we got in to the house was the bench. We have been having problems with our dialing system at work. My boss says it's a poltergeist, i think it's someone who sabotaged the system because they were tired of getting calls every day. But then I see the news of Houston and Pasadena TX, and wonder , would you answer your phone from an arts center when you are having a tornado? I dont think so. @mamaofamiI have been thinking about you and your missing glasses. Is it possible that you went somewhere one day when it was cloudy, so you wore them, and then when you were leaving it was sunny, so you put on your sunglasses, leaving the other pair, at where ever you were? @dfishThat third picture looks absolutely fabulous. DH is the chicken chef, but he is shying away from spicy these days, it irritates the inside of his mouth, I will show him the picture, and see if he is interested.
  3. @Cruising-along I hope it is a very happy day-took a short break between campaigns, and even though I wrote down last week that Tuesday was your birthday, well you all know I dont remember things...
  4. Sorry, I just found these and couldnt stop myself- What do you call a typo on a tombstone? A grave mistake. I told my doctor that I broke my arm in two places. He told me to stop going to those places. A bear walks into a bar and says, “Give me a whiskey and…(pause)…… cola.” “Why the big pause?” asks the bartender. The bear shrugged. “I’m not sure; I was born with them.”
  5. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Did we get snow last night? All the houses' roofs are covered in white, so are the mail boxes. and cars...I think it's frost. Very heavy frost. The computer says it's 29 and sunny. We ended up for girls breakfast yesterday, with only two girls and DH. It was nice, but quiet. We talked about Terry's up coming cruise. They are renting a boat, and crossing Scotland on a river. I will need to do some research on her trip. It sounds fun, hey are doing this with their best friends and both. of the hubbys have captain's licenses. The hospital called early yesterday morning, DH's eye surgery is scheduled for February 7th. Mid day. When my friend Shari passed away, her sister came down from NY several times to clean out her condo. She had called me when she was clearing out phone numbers from Shari's phone, and asked me what I wanted from Shari's place. All I could think of was a huge fan, paper fan that my mother had had, and since Shari loved all things Japanese, I gave her the fan when she bought the condo. When I asked for that, her sister got all ticked with me, that I would ask for something I had given Shari, back. And told me that. I asked about the piano, to buy, and she said Terry had already shown interest in it, and left it at that. Yesterday she called and said she was at Shari's and that if I wanted the fan, I could come get it. Since I was working, and DH is between campaigns right now, he went over to get the fan.. When he went over he called after he left and said he got the fan, but that the piano was still there. And the sister said that the price was negotiable. I called the sister, asked if 150.00 was Ok, she said yes, and DH bought a piano. I thought it was a standard upright, but it is electric, can be taken apart and DH thinks it will fit in the back of the jeep. I hope, because our friend who has a truck, has sort of disappeared. Maybe I should say that I have disappeared. Seems i work all the time. If im not on the phones, I am walking the dog. Or at a doctors appointment, or cooking. I need a cruise, and get anxious between pay checks that I wont have the necessary money to do the cruises I have already planned.
  6. @Cruising-along Prayers being sent to your entire family. You have been in my thoughts all day.
  7. @aliaschiefPlease forward to Dear Wife for her Big Day!
  8. I laughed at the painting project, because getting paint on carpet creates color, and it gives me the opportunity to get new carpet, or find my wood floors. But I dont want it on the base boards, unless I am willing to paint the base boards. 🙄 @smitty34877
  9. and 45 minutes later, the sun is gone and the clouds moved in. yuck.
  10. I think the last time we cruised with Platinum, we could use that drink voucher at the coffee shop. Since we dont drink, it was a good option for us. And I agree with @johnboy036, the laundry is the best perk! Even if it's a 5 day cruise. It's nice to go home with clean laundry, then know that's the first thing you have to do when you get home. Have a great cruise!
  11. @4966and556 Feral fawn has been having the same ear issues. But our vet said that after their last attempt to see the cat, when she jumped out of the carrier, clawed the assistant and then jumped from her head trying to get into the ceiling, that Fawn is NOT ALLOWED ever again at that vets. I think I will just call instead. Maybe they can just sell me some meds. I hope that you have more luck than I do with cats at the vets.
  12. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I like pie, pretty much all pie, and if I don't like the pie, I put whipped cream on it, and then I like the pie. When I was a kid, I hated pie. Didn't like the crust, now I appreciate a good crust. Ahhh....maturity. The computer says it's 38 degrees, and it's sunny today, it just wont get warm. I used to have good handwriting, now it seems to be mood sensitive, it leans to the right, and then leans to the left, and sometimes, it's just straight up and down. I used to work in insurance fraud, matching signatures from the original application, and those reinstatements that mysteriously appeared after a customer had passed away. Right now, I wouldn't be able to pass that signature test. It has changed from being my own, then looking like my mom's and then my dads and then sometimes my brothers, and then now, I cant read my own writing. This morning is girls breakfast out, but because Penny has to take Jessie for a Proton radiation therapy check up right after breakfast, , she is bringing Jessie, and then DH found out that Jessie is coming, and he wanted to come, so that when he orders a pancake or a muffin, it would still be warm when he ate it. And then I called Terry and told her if she didn't mind to bring her hubby Marshall. I have not heard back from her. All 3 hubbies have had cancer, each one a different type.
  13. My neighbors are back in Vietnam again, for two months, they left two weeks ago. Tonight I keep seeing a car, come up the street, stop at the drive (we share a drive) and then go back to the top of the street. I hope they aren't casing the place. I have gone over and moved the front porch furniture, I should hang a plant out (if it wasn't so cold and rainy! ) Maybe a fake fern? But this time, their car is not pulled in all the way, and it's quite obvious it hasn't moved in a few weeks. @kazuWhen I broke the tip of my elbow off, and had the surgery to find the tip ( i knew where it was based on the fact, that I had a lump on the other side of my arm) I really didnt do anything but sit on the couch for two months. I slept on the couch, I ate on the couch, I became the couch. To me you are doing a fantastic job.! If you have the cash to do so, hire yourself a private nurse, to help bath you. I truly enjoyed two things for those first two months, DH washing my hair, and scrubbing my back, as I was not allowed to get the cast wet. When I got to wash my hair for the first time, using both arms, I was so happy!!!! (\__/) ( *.* ) />😸
  14. @RMLincoln Welcome to the daily! A most loving group of instant friends, and spontaneous family. I also meant to welcome @cruising sisterthe other day, but unless I write things down, they are in my head, and then gone. And when I do write things down, I lose the paper I wrote on 75% of the time. Please forgive my tardiness, and WELCOME!
  15. @Cruising-alongYour nieces' life and health has been very sad, but from what you have shared about her, she lived in joy and made others feel her joy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Annie
  16. @HeartgroveWhen we were on a Carnival cruise in September, our muster was not outdoors, nor stuffed into a room, we had to go to our muster station, check in, watch a brief instruction class with only about 150 people in the theatre, and then were released, this went on several times during the day, and we had to wear masks in the theatre. It was not like the old days, when we stood outside one behind another waiting and waiting. Have a great cruise!
  17. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Thanks for sending the storms up this way. I enjoyed the thunder and lightening at 4 something this morning. And 5 something this morning, and 6 this morning, and then it got quiet, and the rain is gone. BUT the computer with all of it's knowledge says "rain off and On". Of course it will. And then as @StLouisCruisers said we will see the big bright orb for two days, and then get rain again. @grapau27Thank you for bringing us Father David each Sunday. DH and I both enjoy listening to his message. @dfishI'm glad that the Saturday Farkle Birthday Bash went well! I made brownies last night, the regular kind, of course from a box mix, and I cooked them the time that the box said, and they came out, and were all gooey and wonderful, but DH likes crunchy brownies. So how can I crunch up the cooked brownie I love the Anne Frank quote. @MISTER 67You can be mad at HAL if you want to be, but this in reality is a Cruise Critic thread, and we don't care if you are mad at HAL. We do miss your posts when you are not here. I haven't had a chance yet to be mad or glad, my first HAL cruise is in May. I'll let you know when I get home. I try to answer all my cats questions.
  18. Years ago in another life, I went to a black powder gun shoot. I dont shoot. But the contestants were to dress in period pieces to match their guns. One guy showed up all in fur, all from road kill. Coon skin cap, kilt made out of deer, but his coat was made of coyote. He looked like a poorly put together stuffed animal. I see more road kill up in the GA mountains in the spring, but they are all skunks. Between the cat food and the bird seed, I feed all the squirrels and racoons in the neighborhood. I am so appreciated that the birds flock around me when I put out seed. They get first dibs then before the squirrels. And yes, our power problem with the house this winter was caused by squirrels. @Overhead Fred I love your white squirrel! Winter camo. Supposed to get some serious cold rain tonight. Computer says Heavy rain soon. Fawn is asleep on the porch, the vermin have come and dined on the extra cat food, and I'm thinking about going to bed. Lots of errands to run tomorrow. Groceries, bird seed, and sundries for the house. @kazuI think this year, you have had 3 bad things happen already. so maybe you are past the 3 bad things..if things happen in 3's, and the year started last year.... @HeartgroveHave fun on the Legend. My favorite part of the ship is the front of deck 3, there is a room that goes around the front of the ship, with huge round windows, it's a quiet place, seats to read and contemplate. Lots of family folks named Roy, my grandfather was LeRoy. No one ever called him Roy. (but it 's sort of close) and it wasn't Lee Roy, it had a french accent . Le Roy. But no one can pronounce our last name at all.🙀
  19. Happy Saturday Morning Dailyites! It's cloudy and 41 degrees. FYI, when I woke up earlier due to leg cramps the sun was out, but it was just rising, and I finally could go back to sleep and since I was wiped out from being in pain, I slept, Until 8:45. We went out for BBQ last night and brought back the sliced beef and sliced pork (it was a 3 meat plate) then we stopped at the store, and bought some gravy and instant taters, and will have the rest of last nights dinner, for tonight. We both work until 6 so that is my easy peasy dinner. I do have to admit that the Cacciatore looks better than my left overs! Feral Fawn could care less about squirrels, even though they sit in the bird feeders and munch all day. She seems to know the difference between a tree rat, and an actual rat. She will kill rats. I love the quote. I am not sure if we went to Cannes when I was little, I know we went to Nice. I know I am getting older, I'm losing the memories. I hope you all have a wonderful day. I have to listen to a radio recording before I start work. Which to me is work....
  20. Good evening. I'm back. My first goal this morning was to go to Walgreens, it's 3 blocks from my house, to get computer paper. They did not have any, and Dollar Tree does not sell blank paper. So tonight I get to print 3 days of work. I picked some up at the grocery store. I walked the neighbors dog, fixed lunch and went to work. And made a larger sale than yesterday. (2 times bigger) People want box seats at the bowl, and they don't even know what they will see yet, as the season is not announced. I wish that when calling for donations, more people had faith that their money would bring great things about. Thank you all for the information about MDR and Lido. I think our BFF has made reservations for Tamarind on embarkation day. If the PG will be open for lunch we may try eating there at lunch one day. My men folk love pancakes of the blueberry persuasion, being a diabetic it's no longer something that I search out, but I noticed they have buckwheat pancakes on the MDR menu. My favorite breakfast is a hard (very well done ) boiled egg, and some form of meat. I think I may try one of those English breakfasts, so I will understand @grapau27's pictures better.😁 I hope you all have a great evening !For those of you who are feeling poorly, or a family member or friend feeling down, I'm sending a gentle virtual hug your way.
  21. We are on N. Amsterdam, and have been told that Club Orange would not be worth it for us. BFF chose any time dining (after my last experience with that I changed my next carnival cruise to assigned) . But he did not want to do that, because of excursion times. It's an Alaskan cruise, I was hoping that there would not be too much having to dress up. I know about dinner dressy, but besides arriving in my PJ's how dressy do we have to be for breakfast and lunch?
  22. Friends, I have HAL questions...and of course it's about food. Is the MDR open every day for breakfast? Do you prefer the Lido buffet? When is the MDR open for lunch? (that may be a dumb question, but I dont know) Would you book a specialty restaurant on embarkation day? What is your favorite meal on a HAL ship? Inquiring tummies want to know.
  23. Good Friday Morning Daiyites! The computer says its 42 and sunny. Yesterday was so warm, with a warmish wind, that I opened the den windows and had fresh air come blowing into the house. Cat fur flying everywhere! We had a bit of a cat emergency yesterday. Both DH and I sat down to start work at 1, and in about a half hour the office manager cat, Neko starting getting very squeamish, and started howling, and tried to put a paw in her mouth as if she wanted to dig something out of her mouth. DH said we should take her to the vets, as she really has not been eating well. I called the vet, and they could see her at 3:30 yesterday or Monday at 10. We stopped work and got to the vets. She took a look, and came back and said, that the cat had some kind of either infection behind her last teeth, or a tumor, but they couldnt tell because it was so swollen. She said to the cat it felt like s bad sore throat. They gave her a shot of steroids, and an antibiotic, and she goes back in 2 weeks to see if it's a tumor, but they couldn't verify yesterday due to swelling. They were amazed at how the cat was so friendly and purring, and DH and i looked at each other, wondering if they were looking at our cat... New rules at the vets, fur parents are not allowed in the examination rooms. If you miss an appointment, they will charge you 25 bucks, if you are 15 minutes late to your appointment, they will cancel you. We got home and I went back to finish my shift, and then "went" to my other job. There were still problems with dialing, but I was getting through to folks, and then I get a text from that boss that I need to sign off and quit for the day. Well the other boss said I could go back and work -they didnt care about phone problems, and lo and behold, on my first day back after a year with the campaign, I got a 1500.00 sale.! Wow! On the other hand, DH's campaign ends on Saturday. My coordinating boss (my boss who hired me years ago) texted about David Crosby, wanted to make sure I was OK, as I was a very and still am a huge CSN fan. He was also surprised that DH hadnt been added to another campaign, as he had been told that he had.. from the same boss who transferred me last year telling the new boss that I was completely free to be transferred when he knew I worked for someone else. Sorry I know, too much stupid info. Any way... When there is tofu in something, I give it to DH. I love penguins, and I'm not sure what buttercrunch is, Like a Heath bar?
  24. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! The computer says 60 and cloudy. It is island storm warm this morning when I took the food out to the cats, and it is VERY cloudy! DH's eye infection is actually caused by the dropping lower eye lid, the surgeon explained the surgery, the care time, and how the surgery will effect his face and vision, He is scheduled for surgery soon, by mid February she said, but they will call when the day is, and the surgery will be at one of the closer Emory hospitals. Which is good. Since he only has the one eye that actually sees, it will be a rough few days following the surgery. @Mr. Boston We will be in Kusadasi in October on our Greece and Turkey cruise. Thank you for all the pictures! Both DH and I are working split shifts today, and we will be off for one hour at the same time. Dinner gets started by me and gets finished by him. No turkey. Chicken, and half a sweet potato. I'm dreaming of a day off vacation day. Last night when I got on the phones to call, the problem that I had reported with the phones dialing, and was ignored, was now a major problem through out the company. The phones were NOT dialing. I got 1 complete call for every 10 that I started. Failed to dial was the response, and after awhile it just was a futile experience. I am starting a new campaign at 1 today, so I hope that they got that problem fixed! Have a great day!
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