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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @XBGuy Hi. You said to correct you if anything was wrong, so here goes-your quote Thank you for being and isle of hope for me, I do believe you meant to say " an isle of hope ", not and isle. @SusieKIslandGirl Fizzies on the tongue, yes to that, the first pop rocks I think were based on fizzies trial on tongue. @ger_77So sorry to read about your DH with Covid. I hope that you stay healthy and he hides in front of a book for 5 days. @Cruzin TerriI do not think that Covid is a rite of passage. People are getting it, because they are with people who have it, don't know they have, or don't care to check if they have it. And they go out and give to every one around them. And speaking of that, I just got an email from Carnival, that I dont have to test before my 10 cruise. I do have to bring proof of vaccine. Masks are my friends.
  2. I have a ton of vinyl. Being the pack rat I am, and having worked at KMAC radio station, and being a music junky, I have my albums from my youth, and some from my parents collection. Unfortunately over the years, Irving cat has felt that album covers make good scratching posts. Arghh! I loved Kool Aid as a kid, and then came that sad part of history with Jim Jones knocking off his "cult" family and I havent had Kool Aid since. Does any one remember Fizzies? They looked like alka seltzer tablets but turned your glass of water into orange, strawberry, root beer sodas?
  3. Happy Friday Dailyites! Yesterday afternoon all the TV channels were warning about severe thunderstorms for the evening hours. There were none. This morning the weatherman said there would be rain later today. Nothing this morning. It's raining. Today is once again bill paying day. It's the day that I have to grow up and say good bye to money. I used to pay my bills when they came in, but after my dad died, I got all wonky with the bills, and that's been twenty years....I really need to get my brain back! I go out and watch for meteors every night, when it's not cloudy. It's going to be cloudy tonight, it has been cloudy every night for the last three weeks. Actually the best and biggest meteor I saw was in a blinding rainstorm in Tucker GA. It streaked across the high way and crashed ahead of us. big bright and very green! @mamaofami I am so sorry that you are going through a day of remembrances and sorrow. Mr. Bubbles cat has realized apparently that since the porch door is open, and there are soft chairs on the porch that he can sleep there and no one will yell at him for being there. I put the food our for Fawn this morning, and was quite surprised when I turned around and found Mr. Bubbles sitting behind me. Maybe instead of meteors, we are actually seeing this-
  4. It's currently between shifts. the potato salad is done, and it is the best tater salad i have ever made. hunger is the best seasoning. we had breakfast and a biscotti today, but that's been it. tad on the peckish side right now. DH is done with work for the day, so he needs the computer-he had a great sale!! hugs....
  5. Good Thursday Afternoon Dailyites! Ok, I misunderstood. I thought you meant jokes that the presidents have made. HAHAHAHAHAHA sorry. @smitty34877please share with Tana- and you....get that night aide in. You haven't been well, and you don't need a rebound either. Done nagging. Last night at work I kept on drinking coffee, sleep was not in my hopes for last night,... I tried the meditation, DH rubbed my back, and he quickly fell asleep, and I was up all night coughing. So, no coffee after 6. He said the only problem with my coughing was that Furnando who had curled up next to him, left. His cat, Tazi, however stayed with me all night. Making it impossible to roll over, or stretch out. I'm loving the pictures today, as always. Cant wait to share something with you all but I've not been to any (except one) port that has been mentioned. And of course I am still waiting to get a new camera. DH ordered one for me for my birthday (april) but he ordered it two weeks ago, and it is on back order. I really wanted it before our cruise in 34 days.... Well off to attempt to work 6 hours. I've got the ribs in the crock pot, the potatoes are boiled and chilling, at break time I'll chop up the veggies for the potato salad, and I'm done for the day. Sorry I am late, but DH and I got up early (not sure up means me, I was awake still) and we went to a meeting and had breakfast out. I should sleep well tonight, but if i'm still coughing, it may be on the couch.
  6. Thanks @StLouisCruisers. For some reason I thought that it really wasn't a port, but more like touring around Glacier Bay. Which I will be doing for the second time next May! Cant wait!
  7. I would love to eat oysters wrapped in bacon. I'd eat a dog biscuit if it was wrapped in bacon...oh wait, I have eaten a dog biscuit...It wasnt bad. On a dare mind you, not because i was overly hungry. Oysters and bacon just sound right together. Thank you all for the pictures today! I have loved all of them. My favorite one was by @JazzyV-the tree. Oh to be young again and climb a tree. I probably could climb, it's the down part I fear. @RedneckBobWhat an experience with the lightening! Please make sure your smoke detectors have batteries. My friend's brother came back from Vietnam with a thing about squirrels and he poured gas on one in her outside utility room and cooked it-now RedneckBob, this is not a cooking show, dont get excited, but even though he put the fire out, a small spark got into the old attic wood, and slowly burned for two days until the house went up in flames! So check everything! OK, another dumb question.... @AV8rix what is ISP? in place of Skagway?
  8. Just a note about our day, the humidity is 91 %, no rain. I have to put on snorkel gear just to walk the neighbors dog.
  9. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I love todays quote. I also loving reading Russian authors. But I do have to admit that I too have had a hard time sitting and reading these days. I slept late this morning, and when I looked outside, Mr. Bubbles brother? son of bubbles? was in the car port waiting for breakfast. Neither Fawn nor Mr. Bubbles were very happy. Lots of howling. I put food down, and will let them figure it out. Nothing on the agenda but work today. I was going to make ribs in the crock pot, but they are still frozen solid, will wait until tomorrow. We are getting to be like the tropics in Atlanta, every afternoon at 5:30 we are getting very heavy thunder storms. Additional rattling and rumbling last night at midnight, with a nice heavy rain. The weatherman is saying that we will have near perfect low humidity days on Saturday and Sunday. I did see @grapau27 that you are in for the high heat again this week, so take care. Hugs to all! I tired to find a picture of a lion in a box, apparently while tigers, leopards, and puma will play in the box, the lion prefers this-
  10. OK, I'm going to let you know a secret- Jersey has the best peaches...... I've lived in Georgia for more than 40 years, and I haven't found one peach worth a darn since I've lived here. A Peach should be sweet, and so juicy that when you take a bite of the warm fuzziness, juice should drip from your mouth down your chin. You should be a mess after eating a peach. Just my hungry wishful opinion....I want a good peach.
  11. I want to tell you about one of my favorite books. I am thinking that those who live in Ohio would appreciate it. And Ladies of the Club was a 1000+ page book-it starts the story right after the Civil War. Two young graduates are invited to become members in a woman's literature club. The book follows their lives, the members lives, their children's lives, their grandchildren's lives, their loves, their marriages, their dreams along with the political history of the state of Ohio, plus the history of what was, how things were modernized, so much history and information, there is at least one character, that everyone can relate to. And when I finished it, I was crying like a baby. I did not want to say good bye to my friends (the characters). At the same time that I was finished with the book, and tears were streaming down my face, a friend walked in to the house, while I was at home recouping from having my appendix removed. She thought I was in pain and wanted to call 911. "It's not," I sobbed "from pain, its because i finished the book," and broke down all over again.
  12. @Heartgrove I am so sorry to read of Sam's situation. I hope the meds help. @JazzyVI hate to be dumb, but what does LOTR stand for....you dont want to know what I think it means.
  13. When I get stressed out, I watch cooking shows. I started collecting and rereading Nancy Drew books several years ago, and found a co worker more addicted to them than I was, so I handed them over to her. I loved the Bobbsey Twin Books, my favorite was when they went to Holland MI. I also have no problem sitting down and reading Paddington books or Fairy Tales. A book to me is like a person, you have to care for them. When I was looking into buying a house I saw this one (the one I bought) and fell in love immediately, one whole wall of book cases in the den, book cases in the kitchen for cook books, and one bedroom has all four walls loaded with books and book shelves. ( I did that) It was the perfect home for all my "friends" to hang out. Reality does kick in once in a while, and I think what will happen when I need to go into assisted living, or a senior center, and then a few of them go to the used book store, or the library, and then I stop, because I don't want to let more of them go, and DH reminds me, I aint getting any younger.
  14. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I will celebrate all the days, and I'll pass on the pho. DH loves it. I'm just not much into meals that consists of so much fluid in such a large bowl. I have favorite books, and I love actual books. I want to hold it in my hands, put it down page down, and come back to it. Books don't need batteries, or electricity, a good book, is pure energy. I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy every year. All three books, because the characters and the story are dear to my heart. I love And Ladies of the Club, and while I have two copies, they are both falling apart, so I only read it every three years. I need to find more copies. Book club really hasn't read anything that grabbed me this year, but I am about to pcik up and read my new favorite author-Randy Wayne White, the book is North of Havana. Part of the Doc Ford series.
  15. @erewhonI hope you are liking your cold weather. I cant wait until winter. I saw our Farmer's Almanac states that the southern US will have a slushy winter. Sounds like something I would pick up at the gas station. I hope it's a lime slushy.
  16. @dfishit was your bravery that got me motivated. She said that it was perfect as my hair didn't need to be bleached to white, it was already there...I think she should have given me a discount though. I may do it again before the trip to Europe next year, but it may be old hat there by then, and I really would stick out like a tourist. Plus anything that costs more than 200 dollars really must be thought out, I had no idea it was going to be that much. Luckily DH was sitting in the car, with his debit card, of course I will pay him back for the balance, but I like it, he likes it, so all is well.
  17. Instead of blue eyes crying in the rain I'm blue hairs driving in my lane....
  18. Currently on a break between jobs. Lots to catch up with! @sailingdutchyAbsolutely wonderful pictures, thank you so much for sharing. @grapau27Thank you for the food porn. It is you that is eating all that steak? Right? @atexsixI'm so sorry to read about your Dad's condition. I hope that you are getting breaks, and that someone will come in and help you out. I was my fathers care taker, but he ended up in a nursing facility, where he was quite happy and well taken care of. But he only lived for three more weeks after he was placed there full time. My heart goes out to you. @4966and556 Perhaps your neighbors didn't like you leaving the veggies on the hot tub lid because they didn't like steamed veggies? @StLouisCruisersSadie is running around to celebrate International cat day. That and the fact that she's a puppy. Bless her puppiness. @dfishYour previous hair coloring was an inspiration for me. This is what happened. During the first two years of Covid, when my hair was getting too long, I would pull it up in a rubber band, and then another rubber band, and then a third rubber band on the top of my head. Cut at the third rubber band, and if it was still too long, the second rubber band. I guess the other day I couldn't find the top of my head, and when I cut, I cut all the front of my hair, and some from the top, but nothing from the back. I looked like one of the three stooges. So I put my big girl pants on and headed to Super Cuts. I told her what I did, and took my hair down, and she said "oh my." Plopped me in the chair, and said "I haven't seen you in two years, weren't you going to add some color? " I said yes, but our cruise was cancelled, and since I sit at home, I don't really need the color. "When is your next cruise?" 35 days, And out came the color. I said just the tips, and she said of course, and now, I have blue hair... and once she was done with the coloring and the wash, and then came the rest of the hair cut, I ended up with a BOB of blue hair. Dh promises to take a picture so that I can post it. I think everyone deserves a good laugh these days. I am sorry that my picture of Fawn was sideways. We live on a hill, but it's not that extreme. My BFF took the picture when he was down here in May. If he didn't send me pictures, I would have no way to post them. I am loving everyone's cats today (and every day)
  19. Happy Monday morning Dailyites! I love the fact that there is an International Cat Day, not sure about celebrating closing date on the summer Olympics, as that happens every 4 years, just not this year, and no one in this neighborhood is going to sneak anything on this porch, or any porch.... off your porch yes, on? not so much. I had a very nice afternoon yesterday, I called Penny, who has the new pool, and asked myself over-she said I could come over anytime, I took her up on it. It was cloudy, and not too hot, and we just got on the floats and the two of us floated around. And talked. Yesterday was a day when I needed to listen and let her talk. Her hubby went in the house (he doesnt get in the pool) and it was girl friend time for 3 hours. This is something that I really missed over the last two + years. Plans for today, get that hair cut after I tried and failed. Grab some lunch and work. We were contemplating a walk, not sure if DH is going to want to do that, but he needs to. I think I told him i was cancelling the plans for a walk because of all the other stuff we need to get done. I think i will let him sleep, since the pain in his mouth is back, and sleep is his only respite.
  20. Yesterday at the grocery store, I ran into a friend, who since Covid, I have only seen her at Krogers....she is off on an Alaskan cruise in a coupe of weeks. We told her about our Alaskan cruise next year. She is cruising Princess, for 10 days, and she said they must be hurting, as they gave her everything- all included, all packages, even upgraded her to a suite for 3800. I forgot to ask her if that included air. @HAL Sailer thank you for your story today. It is hard to come into a family when the family is so established. My mother in law was and still is best friends with my DH's first wife. So when we visit, I feel a "ghost" in the room all the time. His brothers on the other hand, include me as sister, and did so before we were even married. Trust me @kochleffel I am not laughing at your pain, but the packing skills. The minute we get suitcases out, the cats move in. All clothing quite furry by the time we get to where we are going. I start packing in an empty drawer now and then throw it all in the suitcase the day before departure. DH just packs the night before, with a lot of help from me. I used to think that he could do it by himself, but now every piece of clothing must have a second opinion. I keep telling him to create a list, how many days, what he will be doing, does he want to dress for dinner? Too much work he says, so I sit there in the bedroom, saying things like, do you have enough socks? Undies? Shorts, T-shirts, what will you wear on Gala nights? around 11 p.m. when we need to hit the road by 7a.m. Ahh life.... I find that traveling on Sundays is the worst day to travel, not because of traffic, but because every Cracker Barrel is full between point A and point B and getting a simple breakfast takes more time, and we end up getting to place point b later than when we should. Oh well, it's not that important, but i wonder what day you guys hate to travel on?
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