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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @HAL Sailer about Graham's food porn pictures..... @grapau27secretly works for the British tourism cabinet-first he sells chocolate, and then he posts food porn so that we all want to go to England. Tourism there has tripled by hungry Americans and Canadians recently.... @StLouisCruisersSafe travels tomorrow and have a wonderful time with the family. Hugs to you all today and all ways. Did I miss pictures of Shadow aka Little today? It has been a day....
  2. @LocoLoco1 NO walnuts! Allergic. Would you be happy with pecan?
  3. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I heard your thunder last night @StLouisCruisers, we had clouds but no weather other than HUMID! I would have really loved your storms. No plans for today, other than work. It's an 8 hour day, not my usual 3-6. Thursday being the one day totally dedicated to work. I have no idea where the government gets the numbers regarding the unemployed, but I have to admit that I am hearing it a lot. If I talk to 8 people, at least two of them are currently not working and looking for work. Add Covid, our current economy and shake well, and it is hard to sell anything or raise funds for the arts. But then again I'm currently calling folks in KY, and trust me, times are hard there. the pharmacy just called, my prescription is ready. i guess i have somewhere to go today. might end up being a 6 hour day after all.🙂 see how life can change in a moment? I love the quote. If you don't rock the boat, then how can you make waves?
  4. @erewhonGoodness you are up early, or did you stay up late? Nice to see you on the same day!
  5. And a happy Wednesday afternoon to you all!! I did stop in to read earlier, but then ran over to the work computer and worked. We did like the new dermatologist, she did correctly diagnose my problem, and has sent over some prescriptions for me, and she told me unfortunately that most of what is wrong with my skin, is OMG!!!!..... aging. Birthday gifts from God is what she called the spots, the bumps, etc.. She was such a happy chatty person, I didn't get a chance to ask her if God had a return policy on said gifts. The traffic wasn't bad, we got there in plenty of time, the God of traffic lights was on my side, I didn't have to get on the highway, and I get to see her again in a year. DH has to go back in 6 months, so I am assuming that they think they did get all the cancer with the radiation, and the appointments he was having every month are down to every 3 months, and the others that were every 3 months are now every 6 months. Whatever will be our excuse for missing work now escapes me. That and three and a half more weeks of walking the dog. And we are done with that. Monday when the air came on, it dimmed or darkened all the lights. Then yesterday we went without water until about 4, and today we are back to dimming lights again. My boss in TX said Houston had a cold front come through, it was 88. I told her she should not have sent the hotter weather here. 85 % of my house is dark, window blinds drawn, shades pulled, curtains covering the windows, I am beginning to feel like a humid mushroom. Welcome @RedneckBob I actually had a most excellent bowl of grits at Flying Biscuit this morning. Their secret is cream cheese in the grits. There's no need to wait for that special day to celebrate. @kazuYou are doing so much better with Little /Shadow than us cat people To all in pain, may you find comfort. For all who are sick, may you feel better, and for all you dreamers-may you always dream BIG! Good question @Sharon in AZ. There was another way to look at an answer though. When you cruise back to the states, you wont have to worry about running out of money before you get home. Well, I have another half hour before I have to go back to work, so off I go to play one on line game of Mahjong. Thanks everyone for the education you gave me today, and I loved the pictures @bennybear
  6. @Cruzin Terri I think your very orange sunsets must be caused by the same dust that @MISTER 67 has been talking about. And this site is possessed I did not try to make this bold. Wont be on in the morning. DH and I both have appointments with a new dermatologist. Ours (who really took very good care of Chuck and the cancer, quit and moved to TX) So now we get a new one. Its on the other side of town, and I have no idea how to get there. Map Quest puts the office in the middle of 285. ???? We do have water, but I would not recommend drinking it for a few days. The dog's Mom still doesn't have water, has something to do with something she needs to change in her house, so the water company is sending a plumber over to her tomorrow. I just hope that nothing else breaks down and we can get to the doctor tomorrow. Hugs to you all!
  7. I have never found that filling a soul hole with something has been bad, if it's good for the soul. When I got sober, instead of drink, I got cats. Everyone of them a stray or rescue, and "oh, Ann cant you keep it for a while," and the while turns into years, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I think you did the right thing @kazu Little Shadow keeps you busy, and your heart in the right place. Always choose joy, and that line in Make me a Channel of Your Peace,- Oh Master, Grant that I may never seek , so much to be consoled, as to console. or Where there is despair in life, let me bring hope. @kazuyou do that so much for us all here, it only makes sense to do that for Little.
  8. I too have a TENS machine, got it to get the broken elbow going again. DH would put the pads on, and then start out very low with the shock....until I could actually feel it. And then I would sit with it on, watching TV, it's not something you walk around with. @StLouisCruisers If you want it, I could hook up with you and give it to you. It does help. I don't use it anymore, but think if i could figure out where to put the pads it would help my back. It was covered by insurance to a point, I paid off the balance which was like 78.00. You would just have to order new pads. Yesterday we had brown outs every time the air came on. Today we have no water. So no shower, no going to the friends pool. And as of right now, no cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. and no flushing toilet! Neighbor is home today, but cant walk. (Sciatic nerve problems) So it's back to the dog and then work, I have to figure out lunch. I was right, she had her mind on something else, one of her friends passed away from cancer two weeks after he was diagnosed. And she is currently a mess. Since DH is watching his favorite show, but starts later than I do, I think at noon, he should go get lunch, bottled water, and then he can work. We did a drive around the neighborhood to find the broken water main, (the one that the water department told DH they were in the process of fixing) and no one is up there at all. There was a fire hydrant blasting water in some one's yard, but that wasn't the break. There was no one working on the break, and a truck at the fire hydrant. So not sure if mid afternoon is the actual estimated time of fix. It'll be a boil water situation later on.
  9. Happy Tuesday Morning ! I could not sleep last night, I know it was 3:05 when I last looked at the clock, and it was 7 when the eyes opened. I tried prayer, meditation, and yoga stretches' for sleep. Nothing worked. I am stressing out over upcoming events, and I just need to say no to a few of them. I just want a day to myself, where I dont (oh this is selfish to say) have to be anywhere, other than where I want to be when I want to be there. I guess that's why I love cruising so much. Especially sea days. Oops, just heard a transformer blow in the "hood". Another squirrel biting the dust... @Rowsby I am glad you changed your mind. Wear your mask, don't hang with folks you don't know, and you should be fine. There has to be a safe way to live, or there is no way to live. Just take care of yourself! @rafinmdYou don't have to worry about running late here. If you don't post, we will come looking for you! One of the reasons we booked that cruise was that it is on a smaller ship. I guess I'm not a bells and whistles type of person, the sound of the ocean, the waves hitting the side of the ship, the stars at night, these are the things that make me happy on a ship. That and the fact that I don't have to cook or clean the kitchen at night. It also was advertised as a Journeys cruise with classes on Astronomy and computer information on how to manage your photographs. Not sure any of that will happen because of Covid. I certainly dont want to be in a big crowd in an enclosed space. @0106the first salad you show would be great on hummus and a couple of slices of pita. Yum. I like the quote today, and I love ice cream sandwiches. DH loves the chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches at Disney. It's been quite a while since we have been there, maybe I could make him one with some Pepperidge Farm cookies, and coffee ice cream. Have a great day everyone-
  10. @cruzn singleI am sorry to read that you had to cancel your cruise. We just need to find you a cruise where the getting there isn't as hard on you. Also glad that your sister is doing better, but what are they doing about those abrasions. DH slipped while holding on to a bucket (dont ask, it was the cat litter bucket) tonight and sliced the skin right off his arm. He washed it and put on a BIG bandage, but since he is on blood thinners I do worry. @smitty34877It's late, but my prayers are with you before I go to sleep.
  11. What a joyous day today was! Pauline joined the "family" I guess she was an "in law" until today. Father David was reinstated as our spiritual advisor, and I handed in my notice on the dog walking. The note went something like this...I know you have a lot on your mind but you forgot to pay me this past week. I am retiring from dog walking beginning in September. It has become a burden due to dr's appts and scheduling with my real job. Also after that fall this week, I realize I am too old to be doing this. I am giving you notice in advance as you will need to find someone else to walk her, or put her in puppy camp. She got home. She may have read the note, she was outside on the phone having a smoke, and stayed outside for an hour. I was on a zoom meeting and could see her outside. She doesn't smoke in her house, even though she is the only one there. She did not call me, she did not come over to pay me or talk to me. If the locks were changed tonight I would be over joyed. I have been doing this every day for a year, except for our weeks (2) in Florida, and two days when I knew my surgery would be longer into the afternoon. 2 days, in a whole year, that she had to work from home. @dfishGreat to have you home! Glad you had a good time, and I am sorry about Sue's luggage. I hope they find it, and when they do those new sweaters are still in it! I had to laugh about the passport location. @StLouisCruisersI am glad that they think they have solved the problem with your leg. I am very glad it's not a blood clot from flying, or Covid. Physical therapy is fun, you get to make new friends who torture you. And this is what the email said. A moderator pitching in on the HAL forum removed the post and asked for a management review. We have reinstated the post to the topic. As you can see it was copied and pasted.
  12. @smitty34877 I am so sorry you are all ill. I marked your comment "like" , but that is because there isn't a hug emoji.🤗
  13. It wasn't a troll who took Father David off, but a new monitor. Our complaining had them rethink, so all is well in the world. (got an email from the powers greater than ours)
  14. @Sharon in AZ Thanks for the heads up on the daily prayer. I did attempt to join, they said they would notify me, if accepted. I am terrible about the book of the face, as my bosses read my posts and I usually steer clear. As the church is closed today, I may hear something tomorrow. I hope.
  15. I have one that was hidden also. I think it's because I said a bad word. And because I think we are currently being monitered.
  16. If mobility is an issue I would say, got to HMC, the tenders are good at moving wheel chairs. But once there, except for the shops you are on sand. Better shops at the pier area at Grand Turk, but in the ocean you go from sand to a significant drop off. If there is no issue, I wouldn't stay on the ship at either one., If you like a soft sand beach with no drop off, then HMC would be my choice. However if you like snorkeling, Grand Turk is great. It's true that over the last 10 years of cruising to HMC, the beach gets smaller every year. Welcome to global warming.
  17. Currently treading lightly with my posts. @Paw13 Welcome to the Daily! I've seen your face most every day that I have been with the Dailyites! Very pretty face! My name is Ann (along with a bunch of Ann's, most of us are avid cat lovers too). I am very much unlike my screen name. Unlike the hawk, I'm pretty blind, cant chase things, hate to fly, and I think I need my wings clipped. You are already family here, but I bet you knew that!
  18. I was checking out recordings of Make me a Channel of Your Peace, and found this, filmed in India during the time of Covid. I hope you enjoy it. These are not pure voices, they are voices of the pure.
  19. I found said sermon on the book of face, and watched. I also added on the song that goes with the sermon, and once again felt the Grace. What a wonderful person Father David is. @StLouisCruisersI did email the management in charge this morning. If you look at last night, it was (when I last looked) the address at the bottom,, but not last post.... it does in a way give us a way to have our say.
  20. @srdancer I have been spanked a few times, but it is best if you don't mention it here. Hugs to you. I did write this morning to the powers that be. Expecting face slap. @Paw13 I will ask DH this morning if he will do this for me on his phone. (when he wakes up). Thank you.
  21. @grapau27 My cell phone is only for work, so that wont work. How do you see him on Sundays? Is there a web site, or the "book of face" ? Of course, to get that live I would have to stay up most of the night.... @kazu Shadow is so beautiful. How old is she? I have a calendar with dogs on it, and this month's calendar has a picture of Cirneco deli' Etna, one of the world's oldest dog breeds, same ears as Shadow. She must come from royalty.
  22. Happy Monday Morning Dailyites! I kept waking up, so decided it was time to get up, I fed the cats, made the coffee, turned on the news, and I'm once again ready to go back to bed. I really do miss not having my Sunday fix of Father David. If it keeps disappearing then someone is complaining. I too agree with @rafinmd I wish you had spoken up. Thing is, anyone can complain, they can be trolling or they could be a first time reader. Who knows. I wonder if the majority of us complained to the powers that are, if they would reverse their decision. @grapau27 Would your wife be willing to create an email group, and send it to us that way? I have no problem giving you my email address. Let me know. I love your new avatar. Now every time I look at it, I will remember Villefranche and the stained glass window I broke.... The dream for today was to go walking this morning, the reality of the day is that I bought a pair of shorts for DH for our next cruise, and a pocket has a hole in it, and I have to go back to the store and either get a refund, or let him pick out another pair. I have decided to retire from the dog walking gig. You did all tell me I charged too little, and after last weeks fall, I have decided that I am too old to put up with a bad dog that is not mine. Five days a week I cant do what I want to do, because I have to walk that dog. We rush home from appointments, I miss an hour a day from a job, and I cant make plans that include being gone past 1 p.m.. I understand she wants her dog walked, but I also noticed this weekend she was never home. I will continue to walk the dog until September. And I will give her notice today. this gives her one month to figure out what she wants to do. (she does have the option at her job to work from home). I appreciated your opinion, feed back requested.
  23. Good Evening Dailyites. I have not been able to get on all day, of course it was F1, then pay bills, then mail bills, then get lunch then go pay two more bills in person, then go grocery shopping (and I left the list at home) and my friend Penny wanted me to come by and swim at her pool, and my old boss (and friend) called, and well that was my day. I didn't make it to the pool. I told her I would be there on Tuesday morning. I think i've read everyone's posts, was there a Father David today? How did I miss the info from @dfish ? About Sue losing the luggage, and @kazu I loved your earlier memes today. I remember song lyrics from the 50's 60's and 70's, but cant remember what I had for lunch. (to me the music died in 73.) @AncientWandererMy next cruise is on Carnival but it's a Journeys cruise in the Caribbean. Key West, Amber Cove, Grand Turk, Grand Cayman and Cozumel. All places we have been to, and the goal is to do something new, except for Cozumel. The year before Covid, we were on a cruise docked in Cozumel and we went to Isla Passion. It was April, and my birthday, and it was too cold to even think about going in the water. It was a lovely day, in a lovely place, and DH said he wanted to come the next year for his birthday. So I booked a cruise that would put him in Cozumel for his birthday, and along came Covid, and we changed the cruise, and changed the cruise etc, and our other cruises, and combined a couple, and came up with this 10 days Journey cruise for November of 2020, and then changed it to 2021, and finally going this September. Alaska is next year on my first ever Holland American Ship, the Nieuw Amsterdam, and I am very excited about the cruise. My BFF chose the cruise, and is paying for the cruise, as a pay back for out taking him to Alaska September 2016. I get to pay for the hotels, and the excursions. And my air fare. 14 days, and yes, it goes to Skagway. DH and BFF have decided they want the train excursion up to the Yukon. I have no idea if Canada is going to let us in or not on that excursion. Still researching. Well DH just put a bowl of peppermint ice cream, covered in hot fudge in front of me, I must go now....
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