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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @Quartzsite Cruiser Prayers for your DH that the surgery goes well, and prayers for you to be able to go through today without too much stress. For your DH-
  2. Happy Monday Morning Dailyites! Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian Friends! I've read the Harry Potter Series several times, and can't remember that line at all. Maybe by the time that line shows up in the book, I am more sympathetic to Professor Snape. I saw the rice dish being made on the cooking movie from Netflix, SALT. I have arthritis in OMG my middle fingers on both hands. When they lock up, typing becomes hard, and it looks like I am shooting everyone the bird. In other words, I kind of stay home on the bad days. There is a new documentary on Netflix, Inside the Mind of a Cat. Turns out, they do love us. Cat lovers should watch this one. Fawn cat had a new friend who moved into the yard several months ago. He would eat meat out of my hand, he finally let me pet him last week, and then he disappeared on Friday. He was injured and not well to begin with, but he had a bed here, and had come home every night until this weekend. Fawn is now a lonely cat, and has been traveling back and forth from our yard, through the back 40 (total wilderness in the back yard) and over to the neighbors, but no Bubbles. This morning she started eating canned food again, and wanted her breakfast by the door, not out in the driveway. I guess she understands he is not coming back. I will be amazed if we see him again.
  3. Before I forget, @0106 Thank you for the recipes today. I have no patience at all that things that are involved, folded, or sized when cooking, but I could eat a heck out those little fellers! I do think that DH does look over my shoulder at times, cause he asked for spaghetti casserole this week. Every time I have told him I was considering making it, he said, " no I wont like it." But low and behold, it was on the menu for the Dailys this week, and now he wants to try it???? So that is dinner tomorrow night. Prep work in the early hours tomorrow, assembly at lunch time, and I can throw it in the oven to bake when I start the third shift tomorrow. For all of you who realize that I work way too many hours a week to be part time and retired, you will be glad to know I am taking Friday off. The whole day. I will go to a piano recital, I will have lunch and dinner out, and I will not work. (I feel so guilty, and yet I still end up with 35 hours of work)
  4. Good afternoon Dailyites! Happy Sunday @grapau27Thank you so much for sending Father David to us. DH even enjoyed the talk. I got up early enough to watch the F1 race (F1 Channel, I can watch over and over) and we hooked up with our friend Debbie, for breakfast at the Old Hickory House in Tucker, then we went grocery shopping, she had to go to a City of Atlanta planning committee meeting. She is involved with politics, we are so different in so many ways, yet we are buddies. After her hubby died in 2020, she has stayed involved, which I think helped her get through his death. But she, like me, doesn't have a lot of "girl friends" to hang out with. I work, and she does politics, and we hang out together when we can. We met years ago at a book club, both left the book club and she, her DH and an ex employee and her DH and Chuck and I formed our own book club. Over the years, we lost three members, so we don't meet as often, but Deb and I love to eat, so we get together and go to restaurants. There's just 5 of us now. Next Book is the first Harry Potter book. Ok, I love pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I'm in with the pie share there. @XBGuy I could eat PIE for infinity. Really.😸 @bennybear I love that moon picture, when I first saw the sandhill cranes down in Florida, I asked my dad, why there were emu's by the side of the road. Now each spring and fall I await hearing their calls. The last time I saw them was Christmas eve two years ago, flying against the moon. Thank you everyone for the great pictures today of St. Kitts and Nevis. I have these islands on my wish list, but as @kazu pointed out, I'm between saving and you only live once. And right now, after my clothing purchases, my hotel reservations in Vancouver and my excursions in Vancouver, and paying for the round trip flight and the excursions on the May Alaska cruise, I'm living once, broke. I need to start a go fund me, to just GO. To my Canadian friends, happy Thanksgiving! Just, a stupid post note...On the farm that my dad grew up on in VT, there were actually druid stone circles (small) not like Stonehenge, but if you sat in one, the sun came through the slit on the equinox, and he believed, as do I that someone before Lief discovered America. However since very little grows on rocks, they probably moved back home. @StLouisCruisersI just saw Elliot Rose! She's beautiful!
  5. Happy Saturday Morning Dailyites! I love the Emerson quote, but what lies behind is what made you what you are today, and what you are today is what you have to face the future. I have to do something today that I hate doing...returning an item I bought on line. Way too small. That will be my lunch time adventure via telephone. My computer tells me it's 55 and humid? With no chance of rain until maybe Thursday or Friday (the two days that I have places to be beside being on the phones). @kazuI love the picture and quote of the woman by the fire-stuck between saving and only living once. @0106Thank you for filling in with the recipes, I really do appreciate it. (tummy is growling now) @StLouisCruisers Thank you for the pictures, I used to want to go to Russia, but not anymore. Have a great day everyone!
  6. I walked to school in Kindergarten and First grade...I would walk across the street, through my friends yard, and I was at school...second and third grade we were living in France then, and I got the bus to go one hour to school in Paris, and an hour back. fourth, fifth and 6th grade, walked more than a mile to go to middle school, and then I went to private school that was about 10 miles away, and took the bus. We dont have many kids in this neighborhood, but they all ride the bus, I dont even know after living here for more than 17 years, where the schools are near me. They aren't near me. You can hear a smile, even if the person has a mask on. I had a boss who gave us all small mirrors to place in front of us when we were on the phones, just to check ourselves and make sure the smiles are on! DH went bald after years on chemo. (he was going bald anyway, but didn't want to believe that). He looks good bald. He has the right head for it. I think anyone who has gone through chemo and lost their hair is more than beautiful.
  7. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Another early morning for me, off to have a bone density test. Because we get to go past the donut place, DH has offered to go with me. The alarm was set , and had buzzed, and then the Tazi cat who was sleeping on the bed started hurling, which got me out of bed, no hitting the alarm again for me! Current temp is 52, clear, and an expected high of 83. I finally got the reservations done for the Vancouver hotel next May. Oddly enough when booking I was looking at the pictures of the hotel and realized we had stayed there the last time we were in Vancouver back in 2016. I asked for the quote in American dollars, and she send me the confirmation in Canadian dollars. I asked for two rooms, one with one person in it, and the other with two people in it. Both rooms show 2 people. Apparently doing the reservation over the phone didn't help me with someone actually understanding me. The crown that fell out yesterday was not painful...until I breathe in cold air. So my iced coffee is off for at least a week. @Cruzin TerriGlad the clouds parted! It's an F1 weekend, racing in Japan. The time difference will allow me to sleep and watch at my leisure. I wont be up at 1 am to watch a race. I still have some sanity left...? Have a wonderful Friday!
  8. I hope you all have a great time and cruise. I hope to meet all of you some time on a cruise. This is when CC friends meet up-Have a great evening!
  9. My day is not going that great , I flossed a crown right off. Caught it before it went down the sink, called the dentist, he can see me regarding the crown on 11/21. I said, well i have an appointment for next week, cant we just switch which tooth? The receptionist said she would warn him, come on guys...its mildly painful... And in regards to my earlier weather update, this was just posted for our area- Special Weather Statement issued October 06 at 11:23AM EDT by NWS Atlanta ...HIGH FIRE DANGER CONDITIONS THIS AFTERNOON INTO THE EVENING FOR PARTS OF NORTH AND WEST AND CENTRAL GEORGIA DUE TO LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITIES... Relative Humidities of 25 percent or less can be expected for 4 or more hours this afternoon into the evening. Winds will be from the W/NW at 5 to 10 mph. With dry fuels, high fire danger conditions can be expected. Please refer to your local burn permitting authorities whether you may burn outdoors. If you do burn outside, use extreme caution.
  10. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Its a sunny 49 degrees, and we have a predication of getting as high as 81 today. I get winter and summer in one day. The computer flashed humid, once...we have not had rain here since 9/11. Not one drop. It drizzled for half a minute last week. All my potted plants died while we were gone. It's so dry the bird bath dries up in a day. And the worms have left the earth in search of water and died in the drive way. I call this the Stone Mountain drought. The weather man calls it a fire zone. High risk. Working full time in a part time job is beginning to show the wear and tear on the house. DH is still putting in a couple of hours a day still working on his brakes, and I realized that dinner tonight will be left over rice with Massaman (curry) gravy and half a can of green beans. I need to shop. I talked with my BFF last night about our HAL cruise, and he asked what hotel we were staying at before the cruise. I narrowed it down to two locations, and then figured since we wont have a car, that the closer to places we could walk to would be better than depending on cabs, so I called to make reservations. Yes, it was after 9, but I thought I would get someone, no, I was told that we could text, but I would have to wait if I actually wanted to talk with someone. So, I waited, and then got a recording that someone will call me back as the next agent became available. Sometime after 10 the phone rang, I listened to the music, finally someone picked up, and then ... hung up on me. So that was a waste of an hour of my time. I will try again today. I would normally do this on line, IF it was just for 1 room, but I need two rooms, one with 2 people, and 1 with one person. In the past when I have tried that on line I end up with one room for three people, or two rooms for 3 people. Once I do that I can make the reservation for the Butchart (sp) garden excursion and then I am done. Well, except for booking the hotel for the night that we disembark.
  11. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! And Bon Voyage for all of our traveling Dailyites! Who ate kale 20 years ago? All of a sudden , it has become the super food, and I have yet to meet anyone who says that they love kale. My friend Tom (who passed in 2020) used to make a baby kale salad that I loved. Lots of spicy pecans, crumbled blue cheese, with a cheesy vinaigrette dressing. There was so much flavor on top of the salad, I don't think I've actually tasted kale. But I loved his salad. However, I was the only one who did. So it is not served in this house. I am not good with words. I never know the right thing to say, when things are bad for someone else to help them. I try to be upbeat, with humor. I try to do something nice for someone every day, but in truth, doing the right thing everyday is harder than being nice. I learned long ago, there are no atta boys for doing the right thing. The cats need to be fed, breakfast needs to be made, and the bosses are giving me morning hours now. I had my first sale in the Asheville campaign, and totally screwed it up. And then I had a second sale, and got it right. Then on my last call last night in the Louisville I got another sale. My boss did not give me a thumbs up, because I forgot to text him when I started work. Makes for a long day when you don't get a "good job" for doing a good job, but as I aid earlier, there are no atta boys when you are doing what you should be doing.
  12. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I love the quote. When you go places that are about to do a prayer, and the leader says, let us have a moment of silence....if the moment of silence is less time than saying "lets have a moment of silence," then I know that the person is not comfortable in their shoes. OK, I know that sounds weird, but being able to be quiet means that you are OK with yourself. DH always talks to himself. He says he is just asking for professional opinion. Sounds like half of the dailies will be on the same cruise. I hope you all have a wonderful time. News update of our friend Jesse. He got approved for the proton radiation therapy (the kind DH had). Because it is so centralized, they build a mask of mesh that forms to the face, and mark the spot that needs the treatment, and then they have you lie down, 30 minutes a day for 30 days (except Saturday and Sunday) and they blast the area. Jesse freaked out, and ran out before they could start the treatment. Totally claustrophobic. Rationalizing with him about the fact that this was so much better than injecting radiation didnt work. giving him sedatives didn't work. But he bucked up and went back, and asked if they could cut out the eye area, and the doctors approved that, and he had his first proton radiation treatment yesterday. We were down there yesterday too, but it was a follow up. His wife called us last night, and she was so happy that they could accommodate him and address his fears. Since this is going to take a while, I think at this time we can put him on the rotation list @rafinmd. My new meds...I didn't get. $579.00. Nope. Now to let the doc know I cant afford them and she can apply for some type of grant to get them for me. There is no generic, and I don't want to use a needle. My fear.
  13. Showing what is left of the Sanibel lighthouse before the storm
  14. Good Monday morning. DH had an early appointment and we were running late even though we got up at 6, but I keep forgetting that there is traffic out in the world now, actual rush hours. Why they call it rush hour is beyond me, you can rush all you want, but you still just sit there. We get to the docs, and th first hing they said was , we have new software today, this may take a while. Chuck's nurse said, the heck with that, grabbed Chuck and just wrtote every thing down. The doc came in, and Chuck complained about the pain in his mouth (this was the radiologist who has told every one, that there is no way the radiation attacked the inside of his mouth) . A long appointment, went to the grocery store, and came home, prepped the meatloaf for dinner. About to walk the dog, and yes , she gave me a healthy raise. Dh is going to cook a steak for lunch that has been in the fridge, maybe one day too long, but I dont want to throw out a T bone. I will chomp down lunch, and then get to work....I really just want to sleep. Oh well, maybe next Sunday. I will plan a nap the day away day.
  15. DH is doing his brake marathon, and I haven't done squat, but sit on my butt and look at the destruction on Sanibel. mysanibel is the web site. The three places I have stayed over the years, are pretty much toast. Oh, and I've been here, and I went to the store, made the bed, and done nothing...listened to nascar..... I wont be in Corfu, but Santorini., I see all of these great beach excursions, I check the average temps for the month, and then wonder why there are so many beach excursions, then think, well maybe they are lying about the temps...
  16. @ger_77 I am so glad your DH found your earrings, and so sad about the nail! I hope your foot feels better soon! @grapau27Thank you for posting Father David this Sunday. I appreciate him more and more every week. Corfu, is Greece...will it be warm enough in October to go to the beach and swim? I am thinking of doing that as an excursion in Santorini. Please remember, I am no longer a yankee, I'm a southerner now and not as thick blooded as I was 40 years. um 45 years ago.... PBS had a great series about a family that moves to Corfu...does anyone know the name of the series?
  17. Happy Sunday not morning anymore Dailyites! I always name my cars. That way when they don't behave, we can talk to them as if they were a friend. The red Jeep (my old car) I got when I was working at the garden center teaching pond building. I wrote a monthly news letter under the name Puddles. I named the car Puddles, and that is the name on the license plate. Now the car is old, and it has puddle issues. The black Jeep that I drive now, DH's jeep, I named Sid Carter after the character in Father Brown, a bit of a trouble maker, but with good intentions. It now is also becoming a puddles. I love the quote. Years ago I told a friend who was always down and depressed that you cant see the stars unless you look up. DH and I sit out at night to watch the sky. We went out the other night to see Jupiter, and a huge very close meteor tumbled out of the sky. To me it looked like it was across the street! DH said no, it was probably miles away. Because i saw parts of it fall off, it really did look close. Not big on uncooked fish. If God had wanted us to eat meat raw, he wouldn't have given us fire. Just finished watching F1, my favorite driver won! Yeah! Now to get dressed and face the day. Still very cool in the house, have to run an errand, and DH is out working on the brakes again. He keeps misplacing things, like his glasses, and with his vision problems has to call me out to find them.
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