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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. You and Susan are awesome grandparents!πŸ’• Me also. One of the reasons I've been going to PT for a couple of weeks now. My neck and spine are what you could call a clusterf***
  2. God Bless your dear friend Ginny, and her awesome zest for life! Prayers for her good health.πŸ™ She sound amazing!!!
  3. @lenquixote66I'm glad to hear that all went well in the ER this morning. Enjoy your Special Day on Sunday. Happy, Happy Birthday, Lenny!πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰
  4. Yup, they sure are cute. I hate them for what they do around here, though! Glad to hear the weather's not sweltering for you today!
  5. If it weren't for those darned mosquitos, I'm sure most of us would stay out much later in the evening. What good are they, anyway???πŸ€” You are amazing, Dani!!🌹 +1MJSailor!!!
  6. Thankfully, no foundation issues, but all around the door was totally rotted. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUSSIE!!!! I cannot believe I responded to your gift from your dad, without wishing you a Happy Birthday yesterday. My bad!!!!! Welcome, Robyn! Me also, Greg! I was going to respond, but then thought better of it!
  7. Speaking of things coming in 3's. My turn. 1)Last week we had the dishwasher repaired (luckily repaired, not replaced) 2)Carpenters finally showed up, and while taking bricks down around doorway, found much more damage than previously thought. 3)Refrigerator died. Luckily for us, even though delivery won't be until the 30th, Appliance store had what we wanted in warehouse. End of Story.
  8. Sorry you daughter and SIL tested positive, Bonnie, hopefully your grands will not. Great news to hear that your ankle is totally healed!!! Awesome!! Just knowing that you can begin PT must make you feel that you are getting closer to the finish line. You can do this, Bonnie!πŸ˜‰
  9. I stopped flipping people off years ago. I was stopped at a red light many, many years ago, when the car behind me was honking their horn at me, and wouldn't stop honking, I finally flipped my finger. A week later, I was at my nephew's Christening, when one of his relatives came up to me and laughingly in a loud voice, told me it wasn't very nice of me to flip him with his young son in the car.
  10. Thank goodness Eric is comfortable sleeping in his recliner. He won't be able to move around as much as he would if he was in the bed. Good to hear he should be feeling better in two to three weeks. I hope it goes quickly for you both!
  11. Wow, it's been a while now, Dani.☹️ Here's hoping it will soon subside, and you begin to feel better.πŸ™
  12. Thank you so much, Deb!πŸ₯° We sure would!!! OB, my daughter said she believes Taylor Swift moved from RI?? We're all pulling for your daughter and grands, Marietta!🀞
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