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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. No worries, Greg! I have been, and likely will be, behind everyone on here with Bravo. I really like Capt. Lee. It's always sad to hear when someone loses a child. We've unfortunately had several close friends go through the tragedy of losing a child.
  2. Are you talking about Capt. Lee losing his son? I've been watching BD on Peacock, I just finished Season 6 BD in Tahiti, where Ashton got his foot caught in the rope and was being dragged by the boat. Capt. Lee was pretty distraught at the thought of what could've happened.
  3. What a great sand sculpture! I believe I had read a while ago, that a Mall had been closing at 7pm due to not enough salespeople?? It seems to make sense, since stores, restaurants, etc. are so short of help.😕
  4. Good afternoon in North East England, Graham! It is 72 this morning in South Jersey, and will be going up to 88 degrees by this afternoon. Enjoy your sunny day!!
  5. PT has to be slow but steady, Bonnie! I'm halfway through my appts and my neck and upper back feel stronger. I'm hoping the feelings in my lower back and legs could go away. How are your daughter and SIL feeling? Are the kids still negative?
  6. Are you booked on Oasis prior to the Bella cruise? Jim and I will be on Oasis for the first of our B2B on March 5th, then will get to meet everyone on the 12th.
  7. @grapau27I am bummed to hear that you and Pauline won't be joining us on the Bella cruise. I would have loved to have met you both. @Ocean BoyWelcome back!
  8. We had lots of lightening, thunder, and pouring rain here a little after 5 o'clock. I sure hope your AC is running as it's intended to do when you arrive home, Debbie!
  9. Perfect gift for the perfect host!! It incorporates your love of Christmas as well as your love of entertaining! I had a collection of Nutcrackers for years, but got rid of them prior to our big move to NJ.
  10. Happy Birthday Lenny. I know you will have a wonderful and memorable day today with your family and many friends to help you celebrate. Keep on walking around your neighborhood with your walker, and you just may be celebrating your 80th while on a Cruise. Mazel Tov, Lenny!❤️
  11. What a fun day! I would love to see a Waterfire Festival. What time did they light the baskets? Do they wait until it gets dark outside? Can't go wrong with a Beatles Tribute band! (I wish I had half the energy you and Susan have)
  12. That's so crazy. We have birds in our yard who sound like cats!!! Who knew??😁 Good afternoon, Graham. It's another scorcher here today. 94 degrees. I'm waiting until around 4:00 to go into our pool today. Interesting. Beautiful, although I for one, wouldn't want it anywhere near me!
  13. There really is so much kindness in this World. ❤️ On another note, your pictures of Singapore were awesome. Thank you for sharing!😉
  14. I'm only able to go on the floataway on my Chromebook. I can go on this thread on both my Android as well as the Chromebook.😊
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