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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. Today marks 43 years since my Dad died at the age of 61. He was a Foreman working on the 2nd Avenue Subway project when he fell down 25 feet, head first. He was a very healthy, strong man who never smoked in his life. He remained in a coma for a week before finally passing, which was a Blessing, due to his extensive injuries.
  2. Our hotel in Rome also had a very small elevator. Just the two of us and our two pieces of luggage fit inside.
  3. @jmh2006 Jen, my heart goes out to you, Dave, Zachary, and your sister Martha. I know how close you were to your Dad. You talked about him to me during our Beyond cruise. Btw, you look just like your Mom. (((Hugs)))❤️
  4. With all of the posts about Christmas Cactus', Easter Cactus', I've been silent about my experience with my Cactus years ago. It was really weird, but the Cactus I had had never, ever bloomed. Not one bud. It lived on my kitchen window sill for a very, very long time. When my daughters were Freshmen in High School, I found out that I was pregnant. I was 40 years old, and was taking College courses while working in the school system. My daughters were elated, while I at first was beside myself. I couldn't believe this was happening, but I then accepted this and actually began to look forward to it. When I was 12 weeks pregnant, I unfortunately wound up in the hospital where I miscarried the baby. It was pretty upsetting, not only for me, but for Jim and the girls, also. When I got home and walked into the kitchen, my Cactus not only had buds, but it had flowered. I know God was letting me know that He is here for me.
  5. You seem to be a bit of a risk-taker, Mark! Any misfortunes after visiting Otto's Robert the Doll? I sure hope not! When we were in New Orleans years ago, one of our daughters asked us to pick up a "mojo bag" for her, which we did!
  6. Thank you for taking us along on your cruise, Sue! Safe travels tomorrow!✈️
  7. I am so very sorry to hear that you must leave your World cruise. Your pictures have been awesome, along with your commentaries. I showed my DH your pictures of Viet Nam. Jim served in the Army there during the Viet Nam War. He was very thankful to see your pictures. Best wishes to you with regard to your family situation back home.🙏 Safe travels.
  8. Wow--that's awesome, Greg! I'm so glad to hear that you no longer have knee pain while walking! How is Linda doing with her PT?
  9. @firefly333 I sure hope all works out for you, Jane! You need to get away without all of these worries!🛳️
  10. I agree with you 100% about how Hunter must be an awesome teacher. What a great guy he is! He's going to be quite the "hero" in his school, if he hadn't been already. I feel the same way about Soda. Having worked in Special Ed, I can see the kids in her classes totally loving her. I once worked with a teacher who was similar to Soda. Kids need enthusiastic and loving teachers. They've always been needed, but I think even more so these days.
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