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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. @jagsfan Mimi, I too, am sorry to hear about Cooper.😢 @mo&franAs Mimi said, we all are here rooting for you! Good to hear that the Chemo is almost done🙏 I am so sorry about your cousin's prognosis, Dani. Wishing her a successful recovery.🙏
  2. We watched that quite a while ago. We just finished watching "Painkiller", since HBE4's" little" suggested he watch it. I'll be right over, Andrew!
  3. @Momof3gurlz Welcome home, Deb! What a great family picture of your entire family. Love It!! It sounds like you've had quite a busy, fun-filled time. Happiness is.......family time, family fun.🥰
  4. Cheri definitely did! She also wanted both you and Jack to be there together.❤️ You mentioned that we should call our friends that we haven't spoken to in quite some time. Today is my dear friends' Birthday, and I always call her on her Birthday every year...unfortunately, that's almost the only time we talk. The first thing she told me was that she was "old". I told her I'm always older than her, since we're 8 days apart, and we grew up together living next door to each other. Anyway, she has had many health issues for years now, and today she told me she now sees a Neurologist, and he put her on a Dementia medicine. I'm so glad today is her Birthday...
  5. @BonTexasNY I am deeply sorry for your loss of your dear friend Cheri, Bonnie. May she Rest in Peace.🙏 ((Hugs))💔
  6. @sgmn Best wishes for little Isaac. Poor baby! I hope they figure his oxygen problem quickly, both for him, as well as for his worried parents and grandparents. Glad to hear you are feeling better, Sue. 🌹
  7. Great picture of your granddaughter. How cool that she is front and center. Your heart must've been swelling with pride! And so it begins. Ryan will be playing with the HS Marching Band this Friday night for the first Football game of the Season.
  9. My dear friend Lois will be 92 this November. She exercises in her pool, plays bocci, and drinks her wine at 4:00 daily. She is my role model!😊
  10. +1 @Keksie Absolutely gorgeous! I wish you and Pauline a lovely day as well, Graham!! Feel better, Sue. Have you had covid once before? Jim and I each have had it once each. I sure hope it stays that way!🤞
  11. Good for Linda! She must feel wonderful, just knowing that she can now start PT and begin to feel normal again! More great memories being made with your dear friends, Dani. Love the picture; I also love that you don't have your shoes on at the table...lol! that would be me!!😁 I saw that, and immediately thought of you, Graham. Bummer. There's always next year!!
  12. Hi Arzeena! Thank you! We just have one cruise booked, Celebrity Beyond on March 11, Panama Canal. Jennifer and Dave, as well as Graham and Nikki will also be on this cruise, and I'm looking forward to meeting up with them for a drink or two...or three... How is Charlie feeling these day, Marietta??
  13. Phew! Glad to hear you're okay after being checked out in the hospital. I was rushed to the hospital a few years ago when the paramedics thought I was having a stroke. One of the tests in the hospital showed that my potassium level was pretty low. I'm glad Linda insisted you go by ambulance. So much quicker! Good to hear that your knee is responding to your injection and that you are feeling so much better. Isn't it weird, though, what we go through...your knee was feeling better, and then, so not related, you passed out due to something else going on in your body.🤔 We can't make these things up!!!😉 Bonnie, I'm glad to hear that Jack is doing so well and lost 20 pounds and feeling so well! I don't think we ever stop worrying about our spouse and their health issues. Especially when some of our spouses have several health issues...not to mention...isn't it our job to worry??🤔🤨
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