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Everything posted by SilvertoGold

  1. This is amazing! Very informative and helpful. Thanks!
  2. I did just that in Australia several years ago. I had no honey-containing cough candies at that time an certainly no food. The Quarantine Officer said the same to me then as to you. Thanks!
  3. That experience would have made me weep! 1. OK, I looked up the NZ Passenger Arrival Card. Two categories I think would be relevant: 1. Animal or animal product (but honey cooked into the candies?) and 2. Medicines (are these candies medicines because they have "Medicinal ingredients?) See my post 32. Declaring is the best idea for sure. 2. Is it OK to put to non-prescription items like aspirin, tylenol, gravol (seasickness med) in labelled tiny plastic bags to save room? The original pill bottles are huge and take up so much room in luggage!
  4. This is great info! Thank you. I have cough candies with medicinal ingredients of menthol and eucalyptus essential oil; non medicinal ingredients including honey and corn syrup. Standard and generic brands, OTC. These should be declared?
  5. Could someone comment on how similar New Zealand is to Australia about bring in food, medications, etc.?
  6. I am sorry to say we saw this type of behaviour a bit on HAL this past April to June. No consideration is right! No brains either.
  7. Thanks, Sharon, that is a plus for the WC! BTW: love your Blog and want to thank you for the editing :)
  8. I expect the Explorer Lounge will be renovated with an added bar. Given its size it would be better than the Pinnacle Lounge as a pre-dinner lounge.
  9. An related question: is Verifly mandatory for airline flights?
  10. Usually the second day before Hawaii is much warmer and the day before is bordering on hot. Have a great cruise!
  11. 20% off? HAL must really need the money! This is not a deal that will encourage me to spend all my OBC on HH!
  12. We have found it cheaper to book through FlightEase. You get the air booking number and the airline locator number and can see everything on the airline website
  13. Some thoughts on topics on this thread recently: HAL fits a lot of categories. Older guest abound, certainly. Alaska cruises and cruisetours attract a lot of young/extended families to HAL. Mexico cruises have tons of home port guest, older and younger as these are 7 day cruises (San Diego), R/T Hawaii have many older guests, as do most longer (+ 16 days). The +35 day Tahiti/South Pacific ones get many retired guests (no work to finagle vacation time for). Caribbean cruises appeal to anyone who lives in Florida and also have a really broad array of guests. I don't think you can categorize HAL or any line, except maybe Disney. I have no idea how the ships are scheduled but of course historical loads are a factor. Booking + size of ship matters in the equation. HAL's larger or newer Pinnacle class (2800 pax) ships are being positioned in the premium and high load markets, it seems. Pre-pandemic HAL had a good brand which has now been impacted by supply line and staffing issues. One of our cruises in 2022 did not receive two container loads of food at embarkation and went a week before supplies could be picked up, not the easiest situation for the Exc Chef! Getting crew back was not easy and many new people were hired and are still being hired. Reorganisation of positions is ongoing within the line. Many changes are happening on the ships and crew/staff/officers are working hard in not the easiest of times. Getting the bottom line stabilised is obviously a priority if cruise lines want to survive the two years of paying out money for staffing and ship upkeep while bringing in no funds.
  14. Anyone who doesn't like the lightstrip on the floor under the closets can put down a bath towel folded just right and block it completely. HAL has had a lot of supply chain problems since start-up. Most lines probably have had some, too. Food portions on HAL are smaller than pre-pandemic for sure and quality has been somewhat affected, too. As well, HAL was using the same menus fleetwide this summer/autumn and it got old fsst when doing 6 weeks of different cruises. Not sure if Carnival Corp is trying to fade out HAL, as suggested, maybe combine it into another line?
  15. Julie I understand what you are saying. Thanks for the explanation. I've never seen those really bright lights in the bathroom. Luckily the nightlight in the bathrooms I have seen have been very low light and so, fine for me.
  16. Enjoying your posts immensely. The overall Dining Manager was called the Restaurant Operations Manager on the Noordam in September. In reading your description of boarding I had the feeling that it was not quite "as usual" for a WC. Not as organized with no real welcoming as before. I think Gerald Bernhoft did a lot of prep work in the past before the guests started arriving at the terminal to board and did a wonderful, detailed job. I remember seeing photos of him (and Captain Mercer, some Head Office people) with Dolly, you and many other Presidents Club guests in the terminal. I wonder if someone ahs been appointed to replace him? Best wishes for an outstanding cruise.
  17. It used to say on your boarding pass how many "Formal/Dress" night there would be on your cruise. Our last cruise in October 2022 did not have this info. Has anyone actually had it noted on the boarding passes lately?
  18. Julie Wonderful review! Very interesting and informative. About the bright night light IN the bathroom? The photos shows a light in the hallway so I am a bit confused. I know the Vista ships have a nightlight in the bathroom, but with the door closed it does not impact the main part of the stateroom. The one on the Noordam was very low light and was great. Did you have the long photo-eye night light strip on the floor under the cupboards?
  19. We did 5 back to backs last year and I did only the first online check-in. Nothing else was asked for.
  20. Brilliant description. Even if things have changed a bit for drop-offs for the shuttle , this is really good for orientation, with walking times a huge plus! We planned on the gardens first and then walking down, but read another thread where there was an amazingly long line for the cable car up. We will be late March with apparently only our ship in port should be OK or, with your walking times, we can reorder the route around the area easily :) Anyone like to comment on what weather we might expect? Many thanks, Julie.
  21. Long nails: I know how that doesn't work! Another reason not to use the phone for emailing (for me)! Wellington: shuttle into town, 2 stops? Where? Have a so-so map of the cable car, gardens, Beehive area and Te Papa Museum. Not sure how close these are together. So far looking to do a route of these three in the morning and could use suggestions on in what order. Thanks for your offer of assistance :)
  22. Phenomenal info which is very interesting and educational to read about. Very much appreciated
  23. chengkp75: such good info. Thanks. How long do the different types of anti-fouling paint last? Do cruise lines always redo this paint in drydocks?
  24. Wonderful! Thanks very much for doing another great blog! Most enjoyable and informative, a very well written fun read! Have a great cruise!
  25. Julie: agree with MM and sympathise about your phone keyboard. I could never do what you have done on a phone! Even considering doing posts with a phone gives me a headache! Thanks for this thread: it has been a big help in my planning.
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