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Everything posted by amurray88

  1. Their rules are pretty clear... The problem is - some of say "we will bring a bottle of wine with us" and some people say oh that's shocking, you should follow the rules. Then you show them the rules and they say ahhh but that doesn't apply to me, ahhh but that's different. Stones and glass houses...
  2. 🤣 You mean, you follow rules that suit you to follow and that you're happy to follow.
  3. I understand that ..but people say they follow every rule. They don't mean that. They mean they follow the rules that suit them on the whole. In the nicest way, you don't/won't follow EVERY rule. Most rules? Yep, not every rule. I also follow rules, but I pick certain rules to not follow. Nothing major, not to hurt anyone. I'm not sure I believe anyone who would say they follow every rule.
  4. We break rules all the time. Please don't tell me you've never walked on the pool deck without flip flops on.
  5. Very concerning that you skip dessert.
  6. Gutted about the daily planners...will make sure to pick them up each day at reception. It's sad...but I keep them. When friends come round and ask about cruises - "stuck on a boat all day", "nothing to do" ...or even "what do you do during the day", I bring these out...
  7. I think they were saying that the couple didn't talk to each other. I can partially get it - I'm a quiet guy but will still always talk to my wife during a meal. 😅
  8. Unfortunately no GUAR cabins when I booked... had to go for a normal inside. Presumably no chance of an upgrade. Raging! .... just joking 🙂
  9. I've heard great things about Tebay 🤣
  10. Thanks! We're travelling from Glasgow in a few weeks time! Where did you stop off? We were thinking ~Penrith and ~Warwick before an overnight with friends in Abingdon. This would leave us with an hour's drive on the morning of the cruise. Did you book your shows on the app when you got on the ship? We've never been on Virtuosa before - done Seaview a few years ago so if you have top tips please let us know 👌
  11. Hi all, I went to find out info on the Baby club for upcoming Virtuosa. MSC says baby club is temporarily suspended, is that correct? If so, is there a restart date? If it is running...how do you go about booking it? Thanks!
  12. That's helpful. I checked for Virtuosa on a few sailings (both for this year and next) and there was no sign of any GTY cabins at all - all gave a cabin number at time of booking. My booking has a cabin number too so I'm guessing I'll not be in luck but you never know - hoping it changes!
  13. It seems free upgrades are more or less random. I've had one before, some have had several, some none. If you've had it before, when did you complete online check in? Is it the case that if you do it first then you get first dibs of upgrades? Or later when they know the likelihood of selling those cabins?
  14. That's exactly what I wanted to hear 😁 thank you!
  15. That's great news thank you! I'm a money saver so why buy lunch when you can get it onboard? 😁 #Showmethepizza
  16. Perfect thank you! Check in time is 1:30 but fingers crossed we can get on around the time you say.
  17. It's on Virtuosa, UK boarding only so it'll be all off/all on.
  18. Has anyone got informatino on the West Quay one? I can't see a daily option on their website? Thanks!
  19. Hi All, I like getting on the boat AEAP. What are they like at Southampton for this? Does anyone have experience of it? At Marseille our time was 1pm, we arrived at 10am and were on the ship by quarter past 10....so just checking. Thanks!
  20. In my situation MSC don't win or lose out of it. If I get it on at £1 a beer, I'll drink it. If I don't, I will do without. I understand the rule, I get why they do it but glad that some people see sense and don't enforce it unless it's a lot
  21. I'm going for it - 100%. Pack of 6 beers - £6. Potential loss - £6 Potential saving ~£60 Bottle of juice Potential loss - £2 Potential saving ~£20
  22. Thank you! I know every port and cruise line is different... I got the feeling in Tenerife in January that the port didn't care at all as long as it wasn't dangerous. They let us in and out all day with drinks etc. We're leaving from Southampton so will be different P.S. we are not big drinkers but realise that gives the impression we are 😂
  23. I'm planning on bringing a couple of bottles. If it's taken off us then fine 👌 worth a try.
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