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cruising sister

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Everything posted by cruising sister

  1. Good afternoon, I am really late to the party. DB is doing better but they are having trouble with the culture of wound. He was on oral antibiotics before surgery which makes it more difficult. The surgeon is working with an infectious disease doctor and they will start a new oral antibiotic until the culture is final and then they will start IV. Baby Murphy likes her new room. Mom was able to hold her upright for the first time since pre surgery. PT was impressed with her strength and holding her head up. She has been on her back for 4 months. Terri, I am so happy you got directed to an ortho UC. It was perfect for his problem. Vanessa, I hope PT and increased Gabapentin helps with the pain. Darn on the tooth problem. Dental issues scare me more than anything. Everyone seems to be having fun on their cruises. You can have fun on any line you choose. I chose itinerary and price when I book now. Everyone have a great rest of your day.
  2. Good late morning, I have a bit of good news. Baby Murphy has been moved to a lower level of care. The parents can stay in the room with her and have a bed and shower. They are weaning TPN and increasing feeds as well as weaning her CPAP. She keeps pulling the CPAP out so they hope to wean her soon. DB had a better night. I talked with him today and he sounded stronger. I encouraged him not to get behind the pain. He is very resistant to pain meds but realized he may need them for a few days. My surgery for my resistant trigger finger was moved up to the 20th. That should give me sufficient time to heal before the GA cruise. This will motivate me to get organized before the 20th for my luggage forward. I am glad to see the care list is much shorter than the celebration and cruise list. We are moving in the right direction. Prayers and well wishes for all. Special thoughts for Graham today. You are never to old to miss your mom.
  3. Good morning, it is a clear cold morning. There were lots of trick or treaters at my DS house which was nice. I think I ate my weight in candy and feel pretty blah this morning. DB had a pretty rough night so hopefully today will go better. I was in Juneau for a 90th birthday cruise for my dad. He always wanted to go to Alaska. He would have preferred a pickup truck and camper but realized this was the only way he was getting there. He was apprehensive about cruising since the last ship he was on was coming back from WWII. I told him he would find this different and he had a great time. I am sad reading how many of our Dailyites are having pain. I hope relief comes soon. I am happy to read so many are off cruising. I agree with @kochleffel boarding in Barcelona was a breeze. Have a great trip. The recipes look delicious. I will surely try one this weekend. I will celebrate vaccines and have seen what a difference they make during the years I practiced. Having Diphtheria must have been awful for Graham’s mom. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day.
  4. Quick update on DB. He called me after surgery and all went well. I was surprised they did not put in his PICC line at the time they did the surgery. He has to go to the local hospital and infusion center and they will do it there. He lives in a very small town in Minnesota. Luckily there is a town 15 minutes away to get his antibiotics. It was a normal 90 minute drive to where he had the surgery which took much longer today due to the snow and ice this morning. Thanks for the prayers.
  5. Good morning, It will be another cold day for Trick or Treating. I will go to DS house and hand out candy while they walk with the kids. I am a fair weather grandma. My DB who is having the surgery loves Halloween and does his yard up beautifully. He is sad that he could not do it this year. His surgery is scheduled for 10 CST. I made it through yesterday better than I thought I would. It was my DH birthday. He and a dear friend’s dad had the exact same birthday. He died this past year from cancer too. Both men were super nice people. I will update when I have information on DB. Every have a great day.
  6. Brrrr from Kansas, It is still in the 20’s at 9 AM. With the wind it feels a lot colder. This is a bit early but we have had snow storms in October before. Molly finally relented and went out to potty. She will get used to it. Good reminder from Jacqui to put in a scraper/brush in the car. I went out and did it when I read your post. The play yesterday was very good. Richard Thomas (John Boy Walton) was Atticus Finch. Of course, there were two very tall people in front of my very short self. I had to sit at a weird angle to see the play. My DH was a list maker. That is something I never got into. I guess I would rather panic at the end to see if I got everything done! Prayers for all and have a safe warm day.
  7. Good cold morning, Yikes it is cold and rainy. They are predicting winters mix in the area. My hopes my area is spared. Murphy struggled a bit getting used to the CPAP but as of yesterday afternoon she settled in. I have not had an update today. I am going to see the play To Kill A Mockingbird this afternoon. It is part of the traveling Broadway series. A friend had an extra ticket. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates. Thanks for the hard work of our contributors. I look forward to the Daily every morning. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day.
  8. Good morning, I have some good news. I talked with DSIL last night and they extubated Murphy and she is on CPAP. First blood gas was good. I hope her night went well. I will touch base later this afternoon. Thanks for the prayers. DB is set for surgery Tuesday. Have a great day!
  9. Good morning, The weather has turned cold. Unfortunately it will stay this way for Halloween. Molly is not leaving my side sapping warmth from me. I may have to turn on the heat today. I have been to Lima twice. We visited a Shanty town and brought school supplies. I will pass on the food and drink. The locals like having their pictures taken when we visited a market. We bought food from the market to share with the residents. Happy Birthday Graham. Bon voyage and continued good times to our travelers. I have no words other than deep sadness for what is happening in our world right now. Prayers for our care list.
  10. Debbie, I think the brown rice was the problem. I love creamy wild rice soup. Being a Minnesota girl i had it often growing up. I will be brave and try with wild rice recipes.
  11. Good morning, Rain rain rain. It will be a soggy week here. Good for my new grass seed I put down. I talked with DB yesterday. He will need six weeks of IV antibiotics after the amputation. He told me if all is well they hope to extubate Murphy and go to all CPAP by end of the week. Prayers that all goes well for both Murphy and DB. It is so sad what is happening around the world and in our own backyard. I pay for peace and the end to suffering. I am feeling good this morning with minimal effects from vaccines. I am sad to report that I tried the chicken rice soup with the milk and it was awful. I actually threw it out. I tasted it before adding milk and thought the brown rice made it taste like cardboard. Adding the milk made it worse. Oh well, it is fun to try new things and they are not always hits. Now off to try to get Molly to go outside in the rain. This involves me standing outside in the rain insisting she got potty. Have a great day.
  12. I am sure he would have gone that long too. Ocular melanoma is awful and no good treatment.
  13. Good morning, I have only mild aches and pains after my trifecta of vaccines yesterday. I am sure it is from the covid shot. RSV arm is not sore at all. All of my tests are done and my yearly physical is in November. I now feel better about preparing for my January cruise. Roy, there are great treatments now for advancing prostate cancer. My husbands PSA never went to zero and he traveled for the 11 years post diagnosis and would have traveled longer if he did not die from his ocular melanoma. He did do shots for low bone density. I got bad news about Murphy’s grandpa my DB, he will need his fifth toe removed due to infection. He has Sarcoidosis and diabetes secondary to long term steroid use to control it. That poor family has been through so much. I will be making one of the chicken and rice soups today. I will report back on how it goes. Prayers for those on our list and happy travels for the lucky Dailyites.
  14. I understand your no interest in reading after DH died. A friend started me on audible books and I am able to do that to pass the time. I always listen to the sample narration. I can’t stand some of the narrator’s voice. I listen to a number of different genre’s depending on my mood. Many are readily available through the library.
  15. Unfortunately pharmacist give vaccine advice that have no factual basis. I read where someone was turned away because the pharmacist said there need to be 6 months between last booster and new one. Completely false. I go in knowing I will have to stand my ground. One time I told them to look up the CDC the ACIP recommendations for the next person who comes for vaccines and I went elsewhere to get my shots. Funny that next time I was in the pharmacy I heard the tech tell someone they could get multiple at once. They must have done their research.
  16. Good morning, The weather here is fickle. I got up in the night and turned off the heat and turned on the air conditioner. It will be warm the rest of the week and then cold again just in time for Halloween. I passed my stress test with flying colors according to the cardiologist. I am sure she ordered it to appease me. I felt the last year I had no energy and had a ton of PVC’s and PAC’s. I told her I did not want a heart attack on the Great Barrier Reef. The hardest part of the test was getting the IV. I am a horrible stick. I plan to get triple vaxxed today. RSV,Flu and Covid. Might as well suffer one time. Our immune systems are smart enough to handle all 3. I hope I don’t eat my words tomorrow. I like the quote and will be interested to see the recipes. Happy Birthday @Overhead Fred and happy cruising to the lucky ones. Prayers for care list and those suffering around the world.
  17. Good afternoon, I am late to the Daily today . I had a stress test early today and had to hold all caffeine for 24 hours. I was craving chocolate all day yesterday. They told me one M&M would ruin the test and I would have to reschedule. I was crazy reading labels yesterday. I like the daily format. I rarely comment on the previous day but I do go back and read what I missed. The soup recipes look good. I will try the last two for sure. I like the quote and I had the best MIL. I actually had two and both were great. I hope my DIL feels the same about me. Terri, I am glad you made a decision that was right for you. I always held my breath until we were on our way not knowing how my husband would be doing. Denise T it is nice to see you are back. Life gets busy and time flies by. I hope you had a good time in Colorado. I always enjoyed the meetings and the new places I got to explore. Prayers for those on the lists. No news on Murphy I am sure I will hear something in the next day or two. Have a great day.
  18. Good morning, I am exhausted but a good exhausted. I had fun with the grands but definitely need a rest. I have been to today’s port in 2018 on the Zuiderdam. I agree the Vasa museum was a highlight especially for my DH. Happy belated birthday Lady Hudson. How special to celebrate with twin. Prayers for all. The list never seems to shrink. Bon Voyage and happy sailing. I am glad that list seems to grow. Have a great day,
  19. Good morning, It is a good weather day. I am taking DGS to the Paw Patrol movie this morning and then helping at DGD preschool this afternoon. I have set the limit if I have the. All day they go home to sleep. It helps to have a little alone time to recharge.
  20. I had good luck posting my problem on their Facebook page. I made sure I only posted the facts without being mean. I also wrote to the email listed for MBayley and got a quick response from both. Everything was settled satisfactorily. Please do both.
  21. Good afternoon, One of my favorite cruises was out of Chile. I remember Valparaiso for the murals and dogs. I am busy with grandson today so this will be short. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day.
  22. Good morning, Thanks for the Daily. I don’t know how you do it Rich. I really enjoy reading all the fun facts. I like today’s quote and meal. I have an update on baby Murphy. They are doing cpap trials and she is tolerating short times off the vent. They are taking it very slow. Both parents are working remotely and it seems to be going ok. It is probably good for both of them to have something else to think about. School for DGS is out starting at noon today for the rest of the week. I will have to plan out fun things to do. Lots going on with our Daily friends. Prayers and well wishes for all. Have a great day.
  23. I agree the big advantage is find the cabin you want and pay for the lowest level and have the free upgrade. It was well worth the money for me. So often TA’s and HAL employees don’t know how to do it and people just think they are paying for the bag and priority seating and dining room on ships that have a dining room. The first time I did CO the special was pay for OV and free upgrade to balcony. Then add CO and I had a great balcony cabin for the price of OV.
  24. They could reprice to lowest level cabin and keep the cabin they have for the free upgrade with CO. Did they not have the CO line for the dining room for quicker seating on the Volendam?
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