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Everything posted by Arzeena

  1. Definitely take it try it out. Sometimes their left hand says something and the right hand gives a different story.
  2. Not anymore or I shall i say very uncertain. I used to carry it over every year from the shorter Anthem cruises to the Serenade or Jewel. But since last Nov was told that it cannot be carried over. I could not carry it over on the Odyssey. It also could depend on the ship (?) The Anthem baristas in the WJ said I can carry it over. The ones in the Promenade said no carry overs now, have to use it up. So I tried on the Odyssey and it was no carry overs. They took the old card, tore it up and gave me a new one, charged $31 plus grats.
  3. Thank you. I am glad I helped. Yes the white vendor tents are there. You can catch many tours from there. The ferry dock is exactly where you described it. It seemed much closer to walk to than in previous times....but I am sure that is just my imagination. 😉There is a ticket office where they give you a wrist band as your return ticket. Very helpful workers to guide you. I saw an "amusement park ride" in the parking lot beyond the ticket office, which opened in the evening. And the public restrooms in the port area were immaculately clean (at least when I went). I did not have to deposit any coins to use the bathrooms.
  4. We visited Martinique on the Celebrity Equinox in the end of October. We have been there many times before and have always loved it. This time we first walked around town. Most stores were closed. Some restaurants and cafes were open or opening up since this was early on in the morning. The local guides informed us that most will open for lunch and if we keep walking past their McDonald's we would come to something like a restaurant/cafe row. We will try that next time. We walked to St Louis Cathederal and there was a Sunday mass going on. The mass was in French. It was great hearing a mass in French and not quite understanding but feeling one with the people. After that we walked around a bit, looked at some historic buildings and browsed around a grocey supermarket which was quite "up to date". We then walked back near the dock and got on to the noon ferry for Trois Islet. The ferry was packed like sardines. It seemed like an "Equinox exclusive ferry" LOL. We got off at the Marina and walked around town there. Love the ambiance of that town. More things were open. Lots of cafes and restaurants, lots of tourists. Most stores that I asked at accepted US dollars. We walked up to Hotel Bakoua and to use their beach. We have had great memories at the Bakoua. We then had a delicious French lunch buffet at their terrace restaurant. They had a lovely Caribbean band and people were dancing. The views from the restaurant were excellent. Had a great relaxing day. Then back to the ferry. There were local guides for help, and all types of tours can be booked right at the port.
  5. I loved it. It was bliss. It was very comforting. Now I don't know about the couples, I booked one for myself.
  6. I saw that! Hop on board Debbie! And you have a great Thanksgiving too!!!!!!🥰 We got the Key on this cruise because it was $18 but when I check in my CP the current price of the internet is what I posted before.
  7. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for checking in. We are all here and wishing you the best.
  8. I just finished reading this very Deeliteful review. 😁Thanks for taking us along.
  9. Thank you for the picture. My cabin is way back in the aft section. Not an aft but three or four cabins before.
  10. Jane, I am happy to read that you are feeling better. What a lot of things to deal with at the same time! I thnk you need a nice cruise to recoup and recover.😉 Take care!
  11. I am not quite "at home"😁 with the new actress portraying Her Majesty. I loved Olivia Coleman playing the role. I hear you about the disclaimers.
  12. On "sale" for $18 and $ 23 according to my cruise planner for next Sunday's sailing.
  13. Hello hello, long time no chat! I was just telling RJ that our Bermuda cruises have never morphed into NE or Bhamas cruises even in the worst storms. Knock wood and not going to jinx it.
  14. Catching up on 158 new posts due to binge reading GenerationX's Beyond review.😁 Congrats Debbie and Eric (and Chris and Donna). Congrats to Owen. Love your pictures Andrew! Happy Birthday Charlie! Deb and Greg and Linda hope you all are feeling better now. Lucas (who loves to cruise) I didn't know you changed your screen name. Hope all is good with you. OB you are wearing sneakers!!!!!! It must be getting cold😁. Love the feet pictures! Sorry if I missed out anyone. New season of The Crown is on.
  15. Just getting current on this reading. Love the pictures! Where and when is the next cruise? Very sorry to hear about your friend.
  16. Ted you have my email. Drop me a line re your cruise 2023 schedule or deals. Our cruise timetable is busy but I may have room to play around. And MKing (Henry) too......keep me updated. Thanks!
  17. I have never regretted that. Even with the waves! Used to book very last minute (for the best deals) in the past going out of NY or Bayonne.
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