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Everything posted by purduemom1

  1. Kat, I bought the dill pickle seasoning. It’s ok but I doubt I will buy it again. Also tried the dill mustard. It too is just ok. Wonder if we will see more items like this as a summer seasonal feature.
  2. Melody, I hope your August visit turns out ok. Maybe you missed your calling? We haven’t heard from Debbie in a long time and I too hope she is ok. Sharon
  3. Sherri, sounds like you will have some “me” time while DH is away. Enjoy! As a nurse the scans make sense to you. I would have no idea what I was looking at and just might think the whole thing looked bad and of course then I would worry. Although I think most of us wonder if anything was missed. I too watched the hearing and I agree with you-pretty scary stuff.
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