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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. 1 for 3, what's up with that? Sorry I'm late, had to take a phone call, but did watch the NA quietly slip past.
  2. Checking in and I see the webcam is waiting for the Sky Princess!
  3. @StLouisCruisers we need a "WOW" emoji! I've done some cross stitch in the past, so know how much work goes into a piece. I realize you've done others for your family as well, but I have to commend you on taking on such a project for a newcomer to your family!
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Our sweet Sochi is a rescue and every morning when I brush her, I tell her how lucky we are to have found her. Mmm, I haven't had banana cream pie in ages, nor do I have ingredients for one, so will just have to remember how yummy they are. Old stuff is pretty good and lasts longer than new stuff. Our storm hasn't arrived yet, but according to 3 weather sites, it should start snowing around noon. That'll be fun, as we've already got a good wind blowing. I listened to the hourly news and the city has already advised which streets would be priority plowing so people know the best route to take if they absolutely have to be out. @kazuI can't believe the amount of storms your area has - you have to be on the alert all the time, no matter what season! We had hoped to pick up our friend Wayne from the hospital yesterday, but instead, he was admitted and sent to the cardiac ward. Apparently his a-fib is out of control, so they're going to try different medications rather than doing another cardioversion which the doctors feel would only be a short term solution. It appears Wayne may be in at least until Monday, so we'll see what happens. Because of the coming storm, we may not get up to see him as we had hoped. We're glad he has his phone and charge with him so we can keep in touch. The other day when we were out, I happened on some really nice fabric that made it's way home with me, so today I'm going to wash and iron it to get it ready to make more coasters. DH spends hours on the computer working on his music book, so that gives me time to do what I want as well - for now it will be sewing. And watching sail-away from Port Everglades this afternoon. @LAFFNVEGASBon Voyage; I'm looking forward to your "live from" on the Windstar boards. I'm going to pass on the drink, the wine, and the menu suggestion today - none of it appeals to me. With the storm coming, I think I'm going to make a small pot of chili (is there ever a small pot of chili???) and might make a batch of 2 hour buns to go along with them so we have something warm and comforting to put in our tummies at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations, especially those with cruises in the near future! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. I just saw this on another site and it really made me laugh. Hope it does for you as well on this first Friday morning in March.
  6. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! There's nothing quite as beautiful as watching a baby sleep. My heart goes out to all women suffering from endometriosis; I worked with a woman who did and oh my, how much pain she endured was unbelievable. I do like peanut butter, but not in cookies; to me that's just a waste of good peanut butter. It's nice out right now, but it looks like March will come in like a lion. Both the radio and my phone are telling me we're looking at a storm coming through starting tonight and carrying on until Sunday that could see a drop of 35cm (13 inches) of snow. With our cold, then warm, then cold again temperatures, there's been a rash of motor vehicle accidents on slippery streets because of the icy conditions. Adding more snow on top of the ice isn't going to be much help. @aliaschiefwishing you a very Happy Birthday with many happy and healthy returns of the day! Prayers for the family of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney as they mourn his passing. Our friend Wayne called yesterday to let us know he was in the hospital - it seems he was suffering from pulmonary edema and has also been diagnosed with pneumonia. Due to overcrowding in the hospitals, he was in a treatment room in the ER, and would likely spend the night there. It's hoped he'll be released today and we're expecting a phone call from him so we can pick him up and take him home. On our way we'll also pick up some groceries for him and for us so we can all just hunker down during the storm. I'd like to try today's drink because it's Scotch based, would maybe like the wine, and I'm interested in seeing the recipe for today's menu suggestion. It's Friday night pizza night here, so if we pick up our friend and bring him home later in the afternoon, maybe we'll just stop and pick up our pizza to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. What happened yesterday in Gaza was unthinkable; that's all I'm going to say about that. Cheers to all who have celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Leap Day everyone, celebrate it as you wish. I can always do a little digital learning, just wish DH would do the same so I don't always have to stop what I'm doing to help him out of his crisis of the moment. I think I'll have toast with yogurt this morning. It's warmed up considerably from the past 2 days; currently we're sitting at -13C (8F) and it's predicted we could have a high of +3 (37F), but that remains to be seen. The weather here can turn on a dime, so you go out prepared for anything. Yesterday DH was looking for a toque and couldn't find a single one - they were split between our two vehicles, all 8 of them. @puppycanducruise wishing your dear brother a Happy Angel Birthday. @cat shepardI hope your DS is improving after her surgery. @bennybearsending healing vibes to your DGS's companion lab. Today I'm having lunch with a soon to be retired colleague; she wants to get together to talk about travel that she'd like to do with her DH . . . of course, I'll extol the virtues of HAL for her! They've only cruised one time on Carnival, and that was a number of years ago, so I think she'd really appreciate the HAL experience. The drink of the day sounds interesting, one I might try on a BHB if I don't have to pay for it outright and didn't like it. I'm pretty sure I'd like the wine, and would like to try the menu suggestion - love using the slow cooker. Yesterday I froze the rest of the borscht I'd made so we don't have to eat it for a week, so for tonight I've got some ground beef thawing that will be cooked and made into soft shelled tacos that we can enjoy at the kitchen table. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and who just needs a lift. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in just to let you know that I did hear from our dear friends Joy and Allen - I hesitate to put her screen name here in case those in charge put me behind bars as well. They are doing well, Allen has a medical appt today, and Joy has no idea how long her incarceration will last. They are busy as usual, but Joy said she misses her Daily family and sends her love. @aliaschiefgreat photos - but the flies . . . so glad you had bug nets for your hats! I can't imagine going out there without them.
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Thank goodness for pockets, but sadly many pieces of ladies clothing lack them. I appreciate floral design, but am not good at it at all. Stepping out of one's comfort zone is good once in a while. In Canada it's Pink Shirt day - a day to stand up against bullying, so I'll be wearing my favourite pink t-shirt which says: Underestimate me. That'll be fun. I'm a little envious looking at all of your lovely temperatures because this morning we're sitting at -32C (-25F); we've still got a good wind blowing so it feels like -42. According to a couple of weather apps, we should improve by about 15 degrees by tomorrow, so that'll be nice. I didn't think we were going to go anywhere yesterday, but I needed milk to make the spoon bread (which by the way, didn't turn out . . . it was more like biscuits). The roads that hadn't been plowed had been packed down (sort of) by cars, trucks, and whatever, were so lumpy and bumpy, it felt like we were driving on an old wagon train. I couldn't imagine what the settlers must have gone through - truly bone jarring if you think about it. I told DH when we got home I think I might have jarred a couple of teeth loose on the drive home. @superomaHappy Anniversary to you and DH; I love your wedding photo. @Seasick SailorI hope you'll be back with us again soon, you are missed. @cat shepardsending healing vibes for your DS's recovery. Not a lot happening here today, I'm going to get my nails done this morning and DH has coffee with his band mates this afternoon. Hope we still have some shocks on the car after yesterday's drive! I'd like to try the drink of the day, would enjoy a chilled glass of the wine, and I know it's sacrilege in many places, but in Canada we always put beans in our chili. Lately DH has taken a real liking to pasta and yesterday found a recipe for caramelized onion topping which I think I'll put together for us to (hopefully) enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and who just needs a little hug. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I had to look up anosomia and am glad I don't have it, although I'm sure I wished I did when our son was an infant . ... ugh. Polar bears are quite majestic and need to be protected. I don't mind kahlua, but prefer Amarula cream in my coffee instead. Again, the land of contrasts - after having had beautiful weather last week, then the storm yesterday, it continued blowing last night and brought with it frigid temperatures. Currently we're sitting at -32C (-25F), but with the wind it feels like -42(-43F) - I see on my phone there were notifications of warming centres available overnight for those who need them. I'd like to go out today, but with the cold, that's not likely to happen. @marshhawkI'm so glad you're back with us - and able to get back to work as well. @JazzyVI'm happy to hear you're getting a bit more sleep after your procedure; hopefully that continues a little more every night so you can catch up. @cat sheparddefinitely sending prayers to your sister; I hope she's well again soon! Looking outside this morning I see the driveway has blown in again - our snow clearing fellow was out there yesterday afternoon and had everything shoveled off, but it looks like he's going to have to bring in the snowblower to clear the drifts today, as they look big and solid. As soon as he finishes, I'm going to move my vehicle back onto the driveway - before the storm I parked it on the street so when he came, the entire driveway could be cleared, rather than having to work around my car. I told DH yesterday how much more relaxed I am this winter, knowing we've got someone to take care of the snow for us - it means I'm not worried about DH, and I also don't have to go out and do it myself. It's also giving someone else a job. I really like the quote for today, will give the drink a pass, would like the wine, and am pretty sure I'd like the menu suggestion - mmmmm lamb. I did make a big pot of cabbage borscht yesterday, but didn't get to making the buns, so this afternoon will make a pan of spoon bread for us to enjoy with borscht at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and innocents in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Black lives do matter, does Carnival day mean celebrating Carnival Cruise Lines or just carnivals in general? I believe in carpe diem because tomorrow is never promised. The quote, after explanation, is true, and I value my friendships. You all should be here right now - we're in the middle of a really good storm. We can't call it a blizzard because the temperatures aren't cold enough, but wow, there's snow, there's wind and there are drifts everywhere. Our neighbour was out blowing his driveway at 5:30 this morning - why, I have no idea, as he's retired, and there's more snow and wind happening for the next number of hours. We certainly live in a land of contrasts, as yesterday when we were coming home from DH's heritage group meeting, we drove in brilliant sunshine and clear skies - literally the calm before the storm. I looked out around 8PM and saw the snow had begun, and it kept up overnight, with the wind starting around 2AM according to DH. I checked the highway hotline and all roads leading out of the city are classed as "travel not recommended". I've seen some photos people have posted this morning, and visibility is near zero, so I can't imagine why they're even out there. @summer slopesending good vibes for your Mohs surgery today. Not much on our agenda, especially with the storm, so we'll be hunkering down in the house and staying warm. @dfish I do hope your heating issue in the living room will be an easy (read cheap) fix! I'll be passing on the drink of the day, would like the wine, but it's a little pricey, and would try the menu suggestion if someone else made it for me. With ugly weather outside, I think it's a good day to put on a pot of cabbage borscht and whip up a batch of buns for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and just needing a hug. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! If eating right includes chocolate anything, I'm in! I remember a road trip to the West coast when our son was about 13 when we stopped at a little roadside restaurant somewhere in Oregon and had the most amazing clam chowder. Outside the restaurant was a mountain of clam shells that were waiting to be picked up by a recycling company - we were astounded at the amount of shells there were and still remember how good the clam chowder was. Thank you all for your offers of help yesterday in my search for meclizine; this really is an amazing community. I've been in touch with @57redbird who has ordered some and will try to get it to me - if that doesn't work, I'll put out the all-call again for a second try. We used to be able to get meclizine under the name Bonamine, but a number of years ago was discontinued for sale in Canada - I have no idea why. @Lady HudsonBon Voyage; I hope you have a wonderful cruise! @Haljo1935I'm sorry I didn't mention your brother yesterday; sending you hugs as you continue to process his loss. Today we're driving about an hour north of the city to a small town where DH's heritage group is having their AGM. The current president is unwell, and another fellow is stepping down from the executive, so it is necessary to look at the future to see whether the group is still viable or not. Hopefully some people living in the area will take up the mantle and encourage visitors to enjoy some spectacular scenery and learn of the history of the area. DH is a past president and said due to both his age and health, he's unable to do any work, but will stay on in a consultant role. I would like to try the drink of the day, would probably enjoy the wine if it was nicely chilled, and have had the menu suggestion as a quiche, not muffins. After the AGM it's tradition for the executive to go for dinner, so I think we'll be heading to a little restaurant on the highway where I know they have the best Monte Cristo sandwiches, and I'm sure DH will order their veal cutlets tonight. Because we're driving, we'll have wine when we get home. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief and in wars. Cheers to all with something to celebrate. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. Thank you for the suggestion - they're both good. They were OTC here, but we just don't have them any longer in Canada.
  14. Update: I went back on the amazon dot com site and decided to put in a US zip code, rather than using Canada as a shipping address and voila, it is available, but only to folks living in the US.
  15. Oh my gosh, you're an angel; I'll email you in a few minutes! Unfortunately we can't get Bonine or meclizine in Canada; they used to sell it a few years ago, but not any longer. That bottle is the exact one I had and gave half to our friends who recently cruised without us, and the other half to one of my colleagues who just left Saskatoon for their cruise in Europe. If you notice though, it's currently unavailable. Oh wow, I'd forgotten you were in Hawaii; thank you for the offer; I'll check with @57redbird, as she was also very kind to offer her assistance. This is seriously the best place on the internet; everyone is so supportive and helpful.
  16. That's it for me as well. Unfortunately I won't be here to watch tomorrow, so everyone wave for me, okay? Thanks Leanne, Dave, and all my sail-away addict friends!
  17. Unfortunately all I found there was non-drowsy natural ginger Bonine, none that contained meclizine. They do, however, have a plethora of barf bags for sale! I'm now regretting having given all of mine away to my friends and not keeping a few for myself. I know Costco in the US carries it, but they also won't ship to Canada. And unfortunately the nearest Walgreens or CVS is around 600 miles away. LOL
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