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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm all for achievers - where would we be without them? The second regarding gross human rights violations and dignity of victims is so important for everyone on our planet. Any violations should be reported asap and actions taken to mitigate the situation. I've had adverse drug events to both penicillin and the opaquing dye needed for CT scans. I spent the first hour and half this morning trying to get our internet working. When I first turned on the computer all was well, but suddenly there was nothing - our security video camera tower was blinking red and the cable modem was as well. Unplug, wait, plug in. Nothing. Repeat. Nothing. Finally was able to contact the cable company via chat on my phone (which is usually useless . . . did you try unplugging and plugging it in again?), and of course, as soon as I finally got someone on the line, the internet restarted. No idea why, but at least I'm connected to the world again. @RedneckBob Bon Voyage! @cat shepardI'm happy to hear your DS is home and that she had a restful night - hopefully the next days will be as successful for her recovery. I made 7 more sets of coasters yesterday before finally dismantling my "sewing station" aka the dining room table and returning everything to it's normal resting place in our computer/craft room. After Easter when the family has returned home and we're all alone, I'll bring stuff out again and make more, as I still have more fabric to use from mask making and will require about 50 sets in total. Today is going to be spent getting the rooms ready for our family - that means moving plants from one of the spare bedrooms into another so they can close the curtains at night. We've set up shelves in front of the windows so we can overwinter the succulents and a few of DH's favourite curly fig trees, but have them spread out in 2 rooms. I have also been using the spare room on the main floor as a "catch all" when I'm not sure where something is going, so will have to do some work there as well. I know I'd like the drink of the day, as well as the wine, and I do like shrimp tacos, so it's 3 for 3 today! Unfortunately I don't have the ingredients for the drink or the shrimp tacos, so we'll be enjoying leftovers from our spaghetti dinner last night and will serve it up with another tossed salad at the kitchen table. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in grief, in pain and in turmoil. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Came back and had to restart - this time it was a "shorter" advert that was only 36 seconds long. It said the camera view would start after the ad was finished. Sigh.
  3. Nope, it was a tik tok video without the "skip" at the bottom.
  4. After buffering, I finally reloaded the PE webcam and am having to endure a 2 full minute advertisement . . . that's crazy.
  5. I know! First thing I thought of was "There's one of the white trucks!"
  6. Checking in. Here's what I saw when I turned on the PE webcam this morning:
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I can understand atheists not believing in religion, as there are also people who don't believe in science. Just because they don't believe, it doesn't make them bad people. I love chips and dip, but haven't had any recently. Who doesn't love a cuddly kitten? While we don't have a kitten in the house, it's a guarantee that I'll have a full grown Sochi on my lap while reading the paper this morning. What a terrible day yesterday - first the deaths of 2 Holland America crew members, then the announcement that Princess Catherine is battling cancer, and later the terrorist attack on a concert in Russia where more than 115 people have died and scores more injured. We just consider ourselves fortunate to have what we do and live where we are. @JazzyVI'm sending prayers and good vibes that the surgery will vastly improve your quality of life and give you lasting relief from pain. @Seasick Sailorsending prayers for your sweet Allen; I hope his skin issues can be dealt with quickly to help him feel better. @seagarsmokerwishing you a very Happy Birthday! Bon Voyage to @lazey1 and @GTVCRUISER; I hope you have a wonderful cruise. @Heartgrovethank you for sharing photos of Sam with us - he's a beauty and I can understand why you're letting your DW and her DS go on the cruise without you. I'd be doing the same. We went to Gardenscape yesterday and left quite disappointed - it's become a much smaller garden show with very few things that interested us. Lots and lots and lots of space taken up with hot tubs and spa pools, 4x4 vehicles and barbecues. The usual special interest groups like beekeepers, lily growers and wetlands advocates were there, but not a lot of greenhouses showing plants. I guess I'll just keep watching for when the special greenhouse that sells papyrus opens so we can get there on the first day to get our plants for the back yard. Not a lot happening here today - I'm going to work on cutting and piecing more coasters together while DH will be on the computer doing more research for his book. Depending on how things go, we may head out to Tim's for coffee and pick up some hot cross buns on the way home. I'd order the drink of the day on a BHB if I had the drink package in case I didn't like it - I could just leave it, rather than wasting the money. I'll pass on the wine, but would like to try today's menu suggestion (minus the broccoli for DH). I'm trying to make some space in our freezer so or dinner we'll be having spaghetti with Italian sausage in the sauce and a tossed salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil. Cheers to all with celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. What a terrible day; first the Princess of Wales reveals a cancer diagnosis, and now to hear that 2 crew members of the Nieuw Amsterdam have been killed in an onboard explosion. Heartfelt prayers for a full recovery for the Princess, and for the souls of those killed and for all who knew and loved them.
  9. That's terrible news; please keep us posted!
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I don't feel young, but I don't feel old, either. Mentally I think I'm about 40 or thereabouts. I remember buying daffodils to support cancer research - they're such a sign of spring when we finally see them around here. Being retired means you can goof off whenever you want! It sounds like very few of us are having good weather today - although it's clear and sunny, it's still cold at -18C (0F) with a stiff wind bringing the "feels like" to -28 again. Despite the cold temperature, DH and I are heading out today to "Gardenscape" where we'll see a profusion of flowers, trees, and various things to put in your yard and garden. It will be a nice break from the cold and my favourite thing is to stand and inhale the scent of hyacinths that permeates the entire venue. Other years we've purchased plants to bring home, but with the cold temp, I'm not sure today is the best day to buy them, as they might freeze just bringing them out to the car. I feel bad for all our Daily family members who are in pain - I sincerely hope each of you can find some relief from it, as pain can be all consuming. Thankfully DH's condition isn't painful, just troubling. We don't know how long it will be before his case is brought before the panel to determine if he qualifies for the transplant, so we just live each day and are grateful for the time together. I know I'd like the drink of the day, but would want someone else to make it for me - I prefer to make easy drinks; I'm lazy that way. The wine sounds nice and although I haven't tried it, I certainly would. Cake for dinner? Sure, why not? Add a slice of cheese and you've got a protein source! After Gardenscape we're going to stop for take out pizza for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars not of their making. Cheers to all who are celebrating something today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I think we've all known some pretty incredible kids. The Big Bang Theory is just that - a theory, no one really knows how we came into existence. A big salute to companies that care, and a large raspberry to those who don't. Well it's cold again; this morning we're sitting at -23C (-9F) and looking out the window I can see we've got a stiff wind blowing as well. Brrr, but that's usually what happens here on the "frozen tundra" in spring - we get a few warm sunny days and then back in the deep freeze for a while and back to warm again. Looking at the forecast for the next 7 days it doesn't look like we'll be above 0, so we can't put away the heavy jackets just yet. @bennybearI'm happy to hear your DS's defense of his Masters went well! @Heartgrovehow is Sam doing? @aliaschiefthe laser show is quite spectacular. Try to be on one of the back decks and see if you're followed by a drone - when we were there on the Maasdam a drone followed us out rather close and the Captain came out to see what was going on. He told us it wasn't one of theirs, so . . . . . Absolutely heartbreaking news about the PA family in the fire; prayers for all involved, including the firefighters who could do so little with the water situation. I'm going to pass on the drink, might enjoy the rose and would definitely like the menu suggestion, even though turnips aren't my favourite. I often toss a beef roast with vegetables into the slow cooker along with a container of beef broth and let it cook throughout the day, then thicken the broth into a gravy and we have a full meal (with lots of leftovers) with very little effort. I do brown the meat before putting it into the slow cooker, though. Looking through the freezer I realize we have way too much salmon, so tonight we'll have panko crusted salmon, parmesan baked potatoes and asparagus at the kitchen table for dinner. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in pain, in need, in grief and in general turmoil. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm a Capricorn; when I searched for the motto it came up as "I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to" and "Capricorn is like the mountain goat, sure footed and ready to conquer any peak." I'm okay with both. The other day we were to act happy, today we get to enjoy all the happiness, yayyy! Thanks for the explanation of Dogs In Yellow; very good information. It's cool out this morning (-13C) 8F, and only getting up to -7 (19F), but the skies are clear blue which means the sun will still help get rid of more of the snow. Our son messaged from Calgary yesterday to say they were expecting a significant snowfall - when their city issues that kind of warning, you believe it. I've checked the traffic cameras there this morning and it doesn't look bad yet, but the snow is expected to continue all day and tomorrow as well. @bennybearI think you're in the path of the snowfall as well - be careful, as I'm sure it will be wet, heavy snow. Today DH has coffee with his band mates, while I have to go and get a gel nail fill. In the past 2 days I've had 2 nails crack and one of them split off entirely - I don't know if they're using a different type of gel or whether they weren't cured enough, as I've never had that happen before. @kazuthinking of you as you get your x ray results today. @bennybearsending positive vibes to your DS for his dissertation today. @Vict0riannI hope your DD gets good news from her ortho appt. @JazzyVI'm sorry to hear your leg pain has returned. @smitty34877was Tana able to rest more comfortably in the new bed? I'm going to pass on the drink - the tossing of extra absinthe seems like a waste of money; although the wine sounds like it would be good, it's out of my price range. The menu suggestion sounds good and is one I'd order in a restaurant or a BHB but likely wouldn't make at home because DH doesn't like broccoli. We have a couple of large peppers in the fridge that will be stuffed, baked, and served along with a garden salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine; Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, or in wars not of their making. Cheers to all who have something to celebrate today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. @marshhawkYou're definitely an empath; the world needs more like you.
  14. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! A huge shout out to all nurses - you are amazing people. I guess you could say I've had international "clients" in my courtroom . . . . DH enjoys it when I read news stories to him that I think we'll both find interesting. He tends to read only the scientific or international news, while I read the paper from front to back and fill him in on things he's missed locally. Happy Spring!?! I know time is passing quickly, but to lose 2 whole days in a lifetime is getting serious. We used to celebrate spring on March 21st, not the evening of the 19th. I guess we can chalk it up to science, I don't know. All I do know is we've still got glaciers in abundance in the front, side and back yards, and it looks like they'll be there for a while, since our temperatures are still in the mid minus teens. @grapau27how unbelievably cruel Sarah's mother is; I'm so glad Sarah has you and Pauline in her life to be her surrogate parents. This morning we're heading off to the Salvation Army where we'll drop off a couple of bags of clothing and household goods. I went through a closet a week ago and found more clothing that I haven't worn in ages, so decided it was time to let someone else get use from them. I know when we get new immigrants to the city that the Salvation Army thrift shop opens it's doors so they can come in and pick out whatever they think they'll need without charge. I'm more than happy to donate to a group like that than one who simply profits from donations. I'm thinking the drink of the day is a powerful one - we've had a few of those lately - so I'd either order one on a BHB or when I'm not having to drive after consuming it. I'll pass on the wine, and would like the menu suggestion, minus the polenta. It is taco Tuesday, so I've got some ground beef thawing that will be made into tacos and served along with crudites at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them, and even for those who don't think they do. Cheers to all who have celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  15. THAT'S the rock!!! That's the one where neither DS nor I could remember exactly where we were, but I told him it was holy, to touch it, and pray. Thanks @sailingdutchy! @smitty34877I'm so glad Tana's new bed arrived - how fortunate your DSIL was able to assist in dismantling the old one, as well as transferring Tana into the new bed. @bennybear Happy Angel Birthday to your DF and DGF. Stay well everyone!
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I usually don't have to act happy, as I'm normally a happy, upbeat person. We do a lot of recycling - everything from kitchen composting to donations of clothing. This year our city has decided to go with 3 different sizes of trash bins and we've put in a request for a medium sized one as our large bin is rarely even half full. On the other hand, our recycling and compost bins always have lots in them. If the Goddess of Fertility shows up, I'm going to whack her with a frying pan and send her packing! A little late to the party this morning; DH had a very restless night. He was up and down like a jack in the box - trouble with his CPAP hose coming apart, needing a drink, needing to piddle, getting tangled up in the blankets. As a result, I didn't sleep much either, so I'm thinking a nap is in my future for this afternoon. It's bright and sunny out there this morning and it looks like we should have warm temps (+7) which will help the glaciers recede from the front and back yards. Today is the only warm one we'll get this week, though, as the rest of days we're back to below 0, so we'll take what we can get. @seagarsmoker how's your new job going? @NickelpennyI'd have been in tears as well, but what a thoughtful thing for your young fellow to do for you. We were in Ashdod - Jerusalem in 2009 with our family; I recall a very long day of touring and when we arrived at one religious site, our son asked "Where are we again?" to which my response was "Honey, I can't remember, but I know this rock is holy, just touch it and pray." LOL Another drink that would be one and done; I'm not sure I could walk straight after finishing it. I'd like the wine, but oh my, not the price! We do love pot roast, with both of us enjoying the carrots and celery, but that's what we grew up with, so it's comfort food for us. We've got leftover chicken from last night's dinner and more asparagus that I'll put in the air fryer that we can enjoy with coleslaw at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  17. Hoping everyone has a fabulous cruise!!! I'm out of here for this week - thanks Dave, and Leanne for the camera work and for the thread. Thanks to all the rest of the sail-away gang, too. Till next time!
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