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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I haven't watched a single episode of Sponge Bob, so don't know who Squidward is. I had to research Angelman, only to find it's a genetic disorder which hopefully will be able to be cured soon. I hate childhood cancer - we've known two families who had their children taken by this disease. The warm weather has taken a back seat to the cold that seeped in over the course of yesterday and overnight. Currently we're sitting at -23C (-9F), and although there isn't much of a breeze happening right now, apparently later in the day the wind is supposed to really kick up and this afternoon the radio is telling me we could have wind chills of -37C. I want to get some groceries, so I'd better get out this morning before it becomes very uncomfortable to do so. @MISTER 67Bon Voyage to you! @Mr. Boston will you be able to wave at the Sail-Away Addicts tomorrow? Yesterday was productive for me, as I finished another small blanket (about 30" x 30"), and sewed 3 sets of coasters. I put all my sewing supplies away off the dining table, as I had my "fix" for a while. I'll likely bring them out again in a couple of weeks when the mood strikes me, as I have lots of fabric that I can use up. @StLouisCruisersI can identify with your annoyance at FedEx, because I'm just as annoyed with our stupid Canada Post. On Monday last week I mailed 2 valentine cards to our grandsons in Calgary (386 miles away). As of yesterday they still have not arrived. I'm not a fast walker, but I honestly think I could have walked them to Calgary and delivered them to the house myself in that time. What a disappointment for me knowing the boys hadn't received the cards (and stickers) in time to enjoy with their friends. I'm allergic to penicillin, but because I enjoy scotch, I'd be able to get by with the drink of the day if I tell myself it's a Tylenol or Advil. LOL I'll let others enjoy the white wine today, and do enjoy a nice charcuterie board. The servings from our favourite Italian restaurant are huge, so DH and I will be enjoying leftovers from last night's meal at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, or just in need of a good hug. Cheers to all with celebrations, and happy 1/2 price chocolate shopping today! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Short and sweet today! Thanks Dave, Leanne and all my fellow addicts. Till next time!
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Valentine's Day to everyone; if you're in a relationship, cherish it, if you're alone, do something special for yourself because you are deserving. It might be visiting an art gallery, getting your favourite ice cream or food, just do it because you are worthy. I feel bad for those born with congenital heart defects and hope they can be medically managed. My hat's off to Mr. Frederick Douglass for all he did for the African American community. It's cool and dark out there this morning, we're down to -19C (-2F), and according to the weather app, we are not likely to see the sun at all today with the heavy clouds over us. Maybe they'll drop more snow, who knows? Right now it's 50/50 as to snowfall for today. I'm glad @kazu's area escaped Mother Nature's wrath, although I feel bad for the other Maritime provinces and Eastern U.S. who are still digging out with more to come. @Suslorplease with your DH a very Happy Birthday today! @superoma Happy Birthday to your twins - you must have been a child when you had them! An easy day for us today - I'm going to work on stitching together some of the coasters I was able to cut out yesterday. DH has coffee with his band mates this afternoon, so I might take that time to do some housework without him around. LOL Hard pass on the drink of the day, I know I'd like the wine, and another hard pass on the menu suggestion. I think I'd have a hard time being a vegetarian. Usually on Ash Wednesday I try to burn something for dinner (I'm joking!), but because it's Valentine's Day we'll be ordering in from our favourite Italian restaurant and enjoying that at our kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in poor health, in grief, or in need of a hug. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Good days to celebrate, but not sure about the Desperation Day. If you're so desperate to find someone just so you're not alone on Valentine's Day, you need to give your head a shake. You're valuable, you're enough, go and treat yourself without worrying about having to be with someone else! Go and volunteer at a food bank, help a neighbour, be kind to a stranger, then order in a lovely meal for yourself and enjoy it. Jumping off my soapbox now. We had a good day yesterday - DH worked on the computer while I spent most of the morning working on fabric, getting it ready so I can cut out pieces and make coasters. We went to the hospital in the afternoon where they increased his pacemaker to 60bpm, and came home. I asked DH if he felt any different, and he said there was no change that he could tell. I guess we'll see how he does today. Funny thing (well, funny to me) last night DH was watching a news program while taking his night meds and instead of taking a potassium pill, accidentally took a diuretic. Well, he was up and down like a jack in the box every half hour through the night - you'd think for as long as he's had to take medication, he'd be a little more observant of what pills he's got in his hand. I'm sure he'll be more careful in the future. Not much planned for the day, but there's a fabric store across town having a sale on notions, and I'd like to pick up some different threads, etc., so will likely head out. DH will come with me and depending on how he feels, will either join me in the mall or may just sit in the car and read. I'm going to give a pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and a hard no on the menu suggestion. I dislike dumplings - there's something about the texture that just doesn't do it for me. It's Shrove Tuesday so we'll be having shroves for dinner - pancakes and bacon will be served at our kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, or who just needs a hug. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Darwin; you both led memorable lives. I'll be sure to give DH an extra hug today. Interesting quote, but for some reason it reminds me of the song from Frozen: Let It Go. Yes, my brain works in mysterious ways. LOL It's a cool morning out there, as the temperature has gone down again; this time we're at -14C (6F), but the sky looks clear, so I'm sure the sun will warm things up again. It was a nice sunny day yesterday so I suggested to DH that we go for a drive. I wanted to pick up a floral tribute to deliver to my cousins, as we aren't able to attend my aunt's funeral out of town, so off we went. He came into the store for almost 10 minutes before deciding he'd better sit down, so I walked him back to the car (to be sure he got there without going down), went back and finished my shopping. He stayed in the car while I brought the flowers in to my cousin's, and was happy when we got home so he could just sit and relax. Happy Birthday @MISTER 67 with many happy and healthy returns of the day! @Mr. Boston safe travels as you head off to FLL in advance of the storm . . . wise decision, I think! @RMLincolnI hope all goes well for the removal of one of DH's sutures. Late yesterday afternoon we enjoyed the company of Sophia and Wei, but oh my, their 6 year old twins are busy little people!! I finally went and closed the doors to the bedrooms and computer room, as they were investigating everything! Sochi came out to say hello and quickly retreated to her perch above the printer in the computer room to escape their attention. They left early so the kids could be bathed and get into bed for school tomorrow, so DH and I set ourselves up and watched the Super Bowl. I chose the Chiefs, so DH cheered for the 49'ers . . . yay for my team! What impressed me most was that Usher was so agile on roller skates; it doesn't take much to impress me, does it? This afternoon we have to go to the Cardiac Device Clinic so they can increase the strength of DH's pacemaker from 50 to 60 beats per minute; hopefully that will give him a little more energy. I haven't had a martini in years, so will take a pass on it, will let others enjoy the white wine, and neither of us really cares for lentils, so that's a no as well. I've got a small pork roast that will go into the crock pot in a short while accompanied by a bottle of barbecue sauce and a pkg of onion soup mix and will be turned into pulled pork sandwiches that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, or in sorrow. Cheers to all with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Thanks Dave for the great camera work, Leanne for the thread, and all the addicts for being here to enjoy the snow. Till next time!
  7. Wishing everyone fair winds and following seas as they embark on another week of fun in the sun, sea and sand.
  8. I caught our friend waving, but the camera was panning from the aft of the ship, so they didn't make the cut. LOL
  9. Will watch for our friends again - not sure if they'll be on their balcony this week or not.
  10. A question for my fellow addicts. Am I the only one who has snacks in front of me when watching sail-away? Normally I have a small bowl of popcorn and a glass of coke - today it's Bigelow Constant Comment tea and biscotti.
  11. It's a beautiful warm day, so there are lots of folks on the outer decks for sail-away.
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! DH had a couple of autistic students in his class one year - he appreciated the different perspectives they brought to the room and one still stays in touch with him almost 30 years later. Thank goodness for electricity - how else would I run my air fryer? I agree with the spilled milk thing - you can't undo it, so just keep on going. I'm a little late this morning as I slept in, sort of. I had a bad night because yesterday afternoon and evening we had a couple of sad phone calls. My second last aunt passed away yesterday (age 91), bless her - she was ill and missed my uncle so died last year, so they're together now. The second call was about the husband of a colleague who also passed away yesterday - he was in his late 50's and died from complications of diabetes. What makes this particularly sad is that he was his whole world to my friend, and they had no children, so I don't know how she's going to manage. After making a couple of calls, some of us are getting together to create a meal train to deliver to her every few days over the next month or two so she's got food and will have someone checking in on her after her extended family have returned to their home cities. I woke in the middle of the night thinking about all of this and stayed awake for almost 3 hours mulling everything over - thus the later wake up. @quilty964 Bon Voyage; I'm sorry we won't get a chance to meet on this cruise - hopefully another time! A friend sent this to me this morning as it's her kitty's birthday; those of you with cats in the house will understand immediately. Not much on our agenda today, as neither of us is really interested in the Super Bowl. I would like the drink of the day, green or not, will let others enjoy the white wine, and will pass on the poppers. Because yesterday was Lunar New Year, our almost-adopted daughter Sophia and her family were celebrating with their Chinese friends, but said they would like to bring us dinner today. Her husband Wei makes an amazing shrimp in sweet tomato sauce that they're bringing over along with rice and cold rolls that we'll enjoy with them and their 6 year old twin son and daughter at the dining table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, or in turmoil. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. That's it for me today as well. Thanks Dave for the great camera work, Leeanne, for the thread and screen shots, and everyone for being here. See you tomorrow - maybe will be able to catch our friends if they are on their balcony again. Happy Lunar New Year all!!
  14. Yes, that's why. They sailed without us; I hope they're having a wonderful time, as it's their first trip together.
  15. Please let us know where you'll be so we can find you on the webcam and wave back at you!
  16. It was last Saturday and should be again tomorrow on the Nieuw Statendam. DH had heart issues so we had to cancel 4 days before we were to leave. I had a pity party for myself at sail-away on Sunday last week - ugly cry, tissues, chocolate and wine.
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