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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Looking forward to returning in a couple of hours to join the addicts.
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm all for acceptance of others, no matter what disability or infirmities they might have. Yum on the buttercrunch, and yes to the cheese - but as @kazu said, with crackers, please. It's gradually warming up; right now we're sitting at -15C (5F) which is balmy compared to the temps we've been experiencing this past week. I might be able to go out with one less layer of clothing today! Looking ahead there's a warming trend coming through and according to the forecast, next week Sunday we could see a daytime high of 0 (32F). Go figure! @Vict0riann I was just reading yesterday's FR&D and saw that Pat is also in need of a heart valve; I hope he gets it soon so you two can continue to travel and enjoy life. @rafinmdI'm also sad to see your signature, but understand the rationale; it would be terrible to be disembarked at a foreign port all by yourself. I hope your wonderful cruise memories will bring you happiness. If anyone is interested the former Rotterdam VI - now Fred Olsen's Borealis is docked at Key West. I always look at the PTZ Key West port cam because I love seeing the chickens wandering the streets, and this morning saw a ship docked, so had to check it out. Not a lot on the agenda for us today except for going out and getting a new slicker brush for Sochi. The one I've been using has been losing the steel teeth and I'd hate to step on one that has gotten lost in the carpet. I tossed it a couple of days ago and tried to make do with another brush, but as a long haired cat, it just won't suffice. I'd like to try the drink of the day, would leave the Moscato to DH (he enjoys sweet wine), and would like a serving of the menu suggestion, but likely won't make it, as I know DH wouldn't appreciate it. Right now I've got some sweet/spicy Italian sausage thawing that I'll brown up and put into some spaghetti sauce for a pasta casserole that will be served alongside a crunchy salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Speaking of casseroles, I'm sure like most of you, I've got a number of Corning ware casserole dishes (in various sizes, shapes and colours). What do young people use to cook casserole-type meals in? I can't imagine not having these dishes that literally go from freezer to oven to table. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. Congratulations @seagarsmoker, we knew you could do this!!!
  4. Thanks for the caring my friends, it's nice knowing others are supportive. It is disappointing, but I know things could be far worse, so I will just continue to roll with the punches. @RMLincolnI am sorry to learn of the passing of your friend; it's always difficult losing someone who has been an important part of our past. @seagarsmokeryay for you - I hope you get all you want from this new job! @marshhawkhow is Chuck doing this morning, and how are you??? Another reason for my being a downer this morning is our danged internet kept cutting in and out - I'd be in the middle of something and then the "circle of death" would appear on the screen. I finally did the ultimate and unplugged the router, went and got a cup of tea and it seems to have fixed the issue. If only all problems were so easily fixed! Have a good day everyone!
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! The only potion I'll be brewing is tea today, as I'm sure the cauldron is still out in the snow. I think I still have a good memory . . . Yes, I do love popcorn and usually have a big bag of it in the house for afternoon snacks. The weather has certainly moderated, as this morning we're sitting at a less than hateful -19C (-2F), and a wind chill of -26 (-14), so even with the wind it won't be like hitting an arctic blast when we go outside. I'm sorry for those of you who aren't used to a lot of snow who are getting it right now - and @kazuwhose area seems to get every storm there is on the East coast, no matter the season. @VMax1700sending good thoughts that your DW feels better soon. Well yesterday wasn't the very best - DH had a call first thing in the morning from our doctor (he never calls) to say the tests show that he has a leaking aortic valve and will be looking at a replacement. The cardiologist's office has been notified, so now we wait to see when it can take place - not sure, as it isn't deemed an emergency yet. So, having said that, I had to call our lovely TA and cancel the cruise we should have been taking in only 2 weeks time. I took the countdown off the fridge, emptied the suitcases and put them back downstairs in storage, put all our cruise clothing back in the closets and drawers, and cancelled our FLL hotel. Sigh. We have to get DH healthy so I can start all over again, as I not only love cruising, I love the lead-up to it. I'm going to take a pass on the drink of the day, would really love to try the champagne, but it's hugely out of my budget, and would like to sample the chili. It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so after picking up a new medication for DH, we'll head to a nearby restaurant to pick out something hot and cheesy to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! It really does help when people get to know their customers - it often results in greater sales and happiness on both sides. Maintenance Day - does that mean I have to dust as well as vacuum? I think if we go out today I'll treat us to some gourmet coffee for a change. Well our balmy weather was short lived; Mother Nature can be very fickle at this time of year because right now we've got a strong wind blowing which brings the wind chill temperature to -41C again. It was nice yesterday not having to wear a t-shirt, sweater, fleece vest, scarf and downfilled jacket while going out, but it's looking like we'll be layering up again today. I've never minded the snow, but the cold is really annoying. @Quartzsite Cruiser I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your 2 friends; it's hard to process one, let alone two at once. May their souls rest in peace and may your memories bring you comfort. @seagarsmokerGood luck with your 3rd interview today . . . you got this!! @kazuI'm glad you finally bit the bullet and got help with your driveway; you shouldn't be taking this on all alone. The cost involved is minor compared to the damage you could do to yourself, plus it gives you peace of mind knowing someone else is taking care of it for you. We had some difficult news yesterday; a fellow who was a great help to us during the making of DH's historical video was going into palliative care. He'd been diagnosed with bone cancer in his spine in September, and hasn't responded well to any of the treatments. He's been at home since early December, but has been virtually bedridden for the past 3 weeks and is declining rapidly. Sad, as he was such a big, vibrant, energetic man. Cancer sucks. I'd like to try the drink of the day (another one to have while sitting on the deck of a BHB), would appreciate the wine, and we love garlic mashed potatoes, but don't think we'd make a total meal out of them. We've got leftover beef stew that we'll be enjoying in the warmth of our kitchen tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all who have something to celebrate today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Benjamin Franklin was a man of many talents; Betty White was a great actress/comedian who lives on in our memories. I love riding in cable cars, DH not so much, as he doesn't care for heights. I could get scared, but I put those thoughts out of my mind and just enjoy the ride. Well the temperature has moderated quite a bit overnight, so today when we go out, the air won't hurt my face. It's currently -21C (-5F), which is a dramatic change from yesterday, thank goodness! We went to 3 different locations to show our support for the province's teachers who were walking the picket line in -46C weather, bringing several coffee boxes from Tim Hortons to each - we know they were greatly appreciated. @marshhawksending good vibes for you and Chuck today as he has his angioplasty. Our friend had the same procedure on his legs a few months ago and saw the difference in only a couple of days after the surgery. @ottahand7wow, the effects of the steriod are frightening!!!! A couple of things on the agenda today, DH has a weekly coffee meet up with his bandmates, and I get my hair cut and coloured this afternoon. It isn't too bad yet, but with our upcoming trip, I wanted it freshened up so it's easier to manage in the heat and humidity. I would like to try the drink of the day; I think it sounds like it would be very refreshing on a hot summer's day, or on the deck of a BHB. I'd like the wine, and I've never had chicken stew. I do have some stewing beef thawing in the fridge though, and that will be put together in the crock pot so we can have a steaming hot bowl of stew to enjoy with crusty buns at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all who have celebrations going on today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'd really appreciate dragons today, am grateful for book publishers because I love reading, and yes, it's definitely a good day to eat something hot and spicy. The cold has certainly got a grip on us and it isn't expected to release until at least the weekend. Right now we're sitting at -35C(-31F), and the wind chill (how it really feels) is -50C (-58F). Ugly cold and we're getting tired of it. @bennybearbeing stranded on your tropical island isn't a bad thing right now - enjoy every degree of heat and sunshine you can absorb! Even though it's mind numbing cold, life still goes on - today DH has a chiropractor appointment at 9:30 and at 10:30 has to have some blood tests done. We'll see what the blood tests reveal, as he hasn't been feeling all that well lately. I've got laundry to do, and then will make a grocery list to fill in the blanks in our cupboards. I'm glad @ottahand7 is out of quarantine; hopefully you can kick RSV to the curb! Today, even though it's as cold as a witch's kiss, the teachers of Saskatchewan have scheduled a 1 day strike to showcase the terrible state of our schools. Classes of anywhere from 30 to 45 in every grade (including the littles), extra curricular activities, etc., and no teacher prep time. I support each one of them, as I know the hard work they have, and we'll be bringing coffee to at least 3 schools where we know teachers. The government needs to supply more teachers and teacher associates to deal with the problems. Off my soap box now. I'd definitely like to try the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd enjoy the wine, but will give the Swiss chard a pass - neither of us enjoy it. Looking at the recipes right now has me thinking I'm going to be making a big pot of hot & sour soup that we can enjoy with some crusty bread at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who has needs, are in grief, are struggling with health issues, those who have difficulty just getting through the day, and the innocents who are in the midst of wars. Cheers to all with celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Great respect for Dr. Martin Luther King and his efforts in the civil rights movement. We don't have sororities at Canadian universities - at least none that I know of. It's definitely Blue Monday - parts exposed will turn blue in minutes! Will certainly be brewing up a lot . . . of tea today. Yep, it's cold. The weather network tells me it's -35C (-31F) and the wind chill - how it actually feels when you're outside - is -46(-50.8). Listening to the radio, there are so many school bus cancellations that instead of listing them all, they told of the 3 that are still running, or planning to. I know thousands of parents are scrambling to get their children to school, or trying to make arrangements for their care while they're at work. Yesterday DH went out to start my car, but it was dead. And it was too cold for him to be out there putting the battery charger on it, so he just left it. His SUV is in the garage, as it's the one we most often use in the winter, so if we need to go anywhere, that's what we'll use. We just like to keep mine going as a back up. Perhaps if the sun comes out later today we can put the charger on mine, but we'll see. Not much on the agenda today except keeping warm. I feel bad for those who are affected by the storms - if you're one of them, please be careful! I'd like to try the drink of the day but would substitute something like vodka for the rye and bourbon because, well, chocolate. I'm sure the wine would be nice, and we had chili last week. I found a recipe for something I haven't made in a long time, it's for a chicken pasta bake that I'll put together so we can have a body warming meal at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. That's all I can do for today; but even watching the rain is much better than dealing with the bone chilling cold we're currently experiencing. Stay safe, stay warm everyone. Thanks for today, see you next time!
  11. The pilot isn't letting any seaweed grow beneath the keel today!
  12. Not a very pleasant day to be out on one of those little sailboats!
  13. I'm sure the cold has turned my brain to ice, but I seriously just laughed out loud when I saw this and thought I should share it:
  14. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm grateful for Caesarean sections, otherwise our son wouldn't have made it into the world. A little too cold for kites today, although there's a stiff breeze blowing. I tried putting a Christmas dress on Sochi one year - she was not impressed. As I alluded to previously, there's a good wind out there and that's bringing our -38C temp to a bone chilling -52C (-61F). The furnace is going full time but it wasn't enough to keep our bedroom a comfortable temperature, so I brought up one of the electric heaters yesterday afternoon and had it plugged in until we went to bed. Well, you can guess where Sochi was - curled up directly in front of it. I felt like moving her over so I could lay there on the floor. @sailingdutchyBon Voyage - have a wonderful cruise! @Seasick Sailorwelcome home to you and Allen! @summer slopeI'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but do hope the MOHS surgery will take care of the problem for you. I mentioned our weather, but last night we had a message from our son in Calgary that the province of Alberta was warned of possible rotating power outages because of the extremely high demand on their system. They were asked to limit the use of household appliances, lights, and not to charge their EV's if they had one, and even to limit plugging in the block heaters on their regular vehicles. The premier of our province came to their aid by diverting a good amount of power into their system, and thankfully this morning I see that the warning has been removed. I don't have anything on the agenda today, so I think I'll either make another toque or two, or just start another blanket and watch silly movies. I'm usually a news junkie, but sometime you just have to take a break and watch something mindless for a while. I'd love the drink of the day (hey, it's healthy - the vodka will kill germs and the cranberry juice is good for your urinary health), would probably enjoy the sparkling wine, and would like to try the menu suggestion some time. I've got some pork chops thawing that will be baked in the air fryer with a brown sugar glaze that will be served alongside some baked potatoes and green beans at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  15. Well folks that does it for me today. Thanks Leann, Dave, and the rest of the Sail-Away Addicts, till next time!
  16. Most of the people must be inside lined up for early seating.
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