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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I will definitely honour Gold Star Spouses and will include a gentle hug for each. Some days you just have to give it your all and go for broke. Ever wonder if some folks just don't have a conscience? The skies have cleared and the sun is coming up, but I see we've got wind again, which in itself will help tame down the glaciers. Looking at the computer it tells me we should expect a high of +14C (57) which is fine by me. Yesterday it began raining around 10 and carried on until almost 5; it was great to see water running down the street again. Today on the radio people are talking about how attitudes in rural areas have changed dramatically with the rain, and I can understand why. @NextOne wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many happy and healthy returns of the day! @lobsternightBon Voyage! Today DH and his son and daughter will head out to the son's acreage just to do a check on the property. On the way they'll stop at the lady's place to drop off our income tax information so she can work her magic (fingers crossed) again this year. While he's away I'll do some clean up around the house and will likely head over to WM to pick up cat food and a couple of incidentals as well. We were with Ollie yesterday as she made arrangements for the venue for Gord's celebration of life. Unfortunately it will be next week while we're away in Calgary - the only time she could accommodate her brother from Ontario. Normally we would have cancelled our trip, but we traditionally go to Calgary to celebrate our oldest DGS's birthday and we don't want to disappoint him. Also, it's just going to be an hour of people sitting together reminiscing - there's no real service to speak of because that's what Gord wanted. I told Ollie I would script our message so that someone else could read it on our behalf and she was comfortable with that. She knows how close we are as a family, even though she and hers aren't, so wasn't bothered that we couldn't attend. We know she'll be surrounded by family and friends, so although we feel bad about missing the service, we know Ollie will be alright. I'd give the drink and the wine a pass, as well as the menu suggestion, so it's 3 for 3 today. Yesterday I looked at the recipes and decided to make the first one shown and it was delicious. I used plain white rice without the chicken broth, and didn't have fresh thyme, so used dried instead, but it turned out nicely. That's definitely a casserole that would be great for breakfast guests! For us it's Friday night pizza night, so when DH gets back this afternoon we'll check the online menus and order something hot and cheesy to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars not of their making. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Jeep 4x4 riding can be fun, but the topless days are limited here on the "frozen tundra." I will honour all victims of violence, and clearly remember the day MLK was killed. We usually have oranges in the morning, so that takes care of our vitamin C - if we feel a cold coming on, we pop a couple of tablets throughout the day. It's cloudy out there this morning and according to the forecast, we "should" have rain for a few hours around lunch time. I don't mind it at all, because it means it's not snowing and blowing. I'm sorry to hear about the storms in the US and Canada, and feel for everyone in their paths. Today is a day for gathering up all our income tax documents, packaging them and making arrangements to deliver them to the lady who performs her magic annually. She's a farmer's wife with amazing accounting expertise, and over the years has saved us literally thousands of dollars. She lives about an hour out of the city and we're more than happy to make the drive for her service. I don't know if we'll get there today or tomorrow, but the sooner the better in my mind. I'm happy to hear our Daily family and extended family are safe in Taiwan after the earthquake. Also pleased to hear that Tana had a better night - continued prayers for her, @smitty34877's whole family, and particularly Tana's son. @dfish I'm glad you went to get your eye checked yesterday; at least you know what you're dealing with. @Seasick SailorI am praying Allen's biopsy results come back favourably, and that the cream helps quell the itching. @Nickelpennyyou are hesitant to get a knee replacement; you sound like my DH who complained bitterly about his until he finally relented and went for one. 3 months after the surgery we were walking all over the streets of Tokyo and he was so pleased he had the surgery. It's worth thinking about. I'd like to try the drink of the day (will add it to my list), will let others enjoy the white wine, and could get into today's menu suggestion. I grew up eating leftovers - we didn't have much money, so any food there was, was eaten. My darling mother was very creative with leftovers so every meal looked different, even though it might contain the same basic ingredients. For that reason, we're definitely having leftovers tonight. I'm going to slice up cold baked potatoes, fry them in a little butter with green onions until browned, then heat up the ham and will make a coleslaw for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars not of their making. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've never seen a fan dance, would love to see a rainbow because it means it would have rained, and what would movies be without the film score? Today's quote rings true for many individuals in public life. Bon Voyage @SusieKIslandGirl and DH Loren - have a wonderful time! @smitty34877I'm sorry to hear Tana's condition has deteriorated. Will continue prayers for the best possible outcome for her. I'm so glad you finally had a night of sleep. @JazzyVspeaking of sleep, I don't know how you manage; I'd be a zombie if I tried getting along with 2 or 3 hours of sleep nightly. @RMLincolnI'm happy to hear DH's eye has settled and there's hope for saving his sight! @summer slopesending prayers for your friends Mike and Sue; I do hope he's able to be released from hospital so they can make their way home. @dfishif your eye doesn't get better, maybe drop into a medi-clinic to get it checked out. The sun is starting to shine and looking and the forecast, we're starting to get out of the winter temps. Currently we're sitting at 2C(35F), but the predicted high is for a whopping 19C (66), which should really make the glaciers recede a foot or two from the back and front yards! Not a lot on the agenda today except a trip to the family physician for DH's bi-monthly blood check up, etc. Still no word from the valve replacement clinic, so we just bide our time. Maybe the doctor today can get some info for us, we'll see. I'd love to have one of the salted caramel martinis - sounds like a great dessert drink! Today's wine would be acceptable - and I think the description meant it was nice to have a glass outdoors in the evening under a cozy blanket. I like today's menu suggestion, but have never been successful at cooking steak - nor has DH, so as a result the only time we have steak is at the Pinnacle on a BHB. We've got leftover hard boiled eggs from Easter that need to be used, so I'll be making them into egg salad sandwiches that we'll have along with some turkey soup(from the freezer again) at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars, not of their making. Special prayers to the people of Taiwan and to the innocents in Gaza. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Our first ever cruise was July, 1989 to the Eastern Caribbean on Carnival's Jubilee. Ports over the 7 days were Nassau, San Juan, and St. Thomas. I was hooked from the beginning.
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I find ferrets too wyley and cunning, and they're awfully quick - much prefer cats. We have pretty good produce managers at the grocery stores near us, but nothing competes with the farmer's market. Love peanut butter and jelly - it goes on anything flat: crackers, bread, toast, waffles, pancakes . . . . Thank you all for your beautiful words of condolence yesterday; they were so appreciated. I'm not that great of a person, just that when I see others in need, I'm willing to help in any way. I'm blessed to have such a sweet support group like you to help buoy me up in dark times. Having re-read yesterday's post, I have to apologize for the lengthy diatribe; I could have simply said Gord had passed away and I was there to support Ollie, end of story, rather than going into detail. The house is quiet, but yesterday I did get all the beds stripped, some of the laundry done, and all but a few fingerprints wiped off the coffee tables. I'm almost hesitant to take the last of them off, as they are a great reminder of the little people and their presence. Today is a day to finish the laundry, do a once-over with the vacuum and to relax - there might even be a nap in the afternoon for both of us. LOL @smitty34877I'm sorry to hear Tana had a bad night; I'm glad you've got a call in to the hospice nurse, especially when you know the cough sounds different. Prayers that everything turns our alright for her, and please try to get some rest when the aide is there. I'd like to try the drink, but seriously, how many bars carry lavender syrup? Pretty sure I'd like the drink, and a healthy French toast casserole? Sure. We'll go with that. I like breakfast casseroles, but don't care for the flavours of almond or oat milk, so will continue to make them (as infrequently as I do) with regular 2% milk. As for us, we've got leftovers from Easter dinner to work on, so it'll be warmed up ham and baked potatoes along with freshly cooked asparagus (it was on sale, and I bought WAY too much!) at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Special prayers to the aid workers killed in the air strike in Gaza - as if things there weren't horrible enough!!! Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! No tom foolery happening here today, and I hope April Fool's day is a quiet one for everyone. The quote is pretty cynical; how unfortunate that she was seeking the happiness that was just so elusive. Yesterday morning started with shreiks of delight as the Easter Bunny made his appearance and left treats all over the house. We got the kids settled with breakfast, then I started getting things together for our early dinner (4:30PM). I had just unwrapped the ham and was putting it into the roaster when the phone rang; it was a number I didn't recognize, but thought I should answer it. It was the social worker calling from the hospital asking if I could come in to support Ollie. I hastily tossed the ham in the oven on low, wrote out a few cryptic notes as to what should happen for the rest of the meal and drove over to the hospital with my wheels barely touching the pavement. Gord had not progressed at all, and the CT scan showed extreme damage to his heart; combined with the fact that he had not had a heart beat for 12 full minutes on Thursday at home meant that there was no hope for his recovery. I stayed at CCU with Ollie, talking to Gord, reminiscing about the times we spent together, and generally being there for both of them. We laughed, we talked, we cried, and we prayed. And at one point Ollie said to me "Do you think it's time?" I replied that the decision was hers as to whether or not she wanted the medical interventions to cease. She did, but couldn't tell the nurses, so I relayed the information for her. From the time the machines were disconnected to the time he took his last breath was less than 2 minutes. So sad, as there was still so much they wanted to do as a couple, now Ollie is on her own. I drove her home and offered to spend the night with her, but she declined, saying she wanted to be alone. On my return home, the kitchen was bustling with activity - getting the ham carved, retrieving the baked potatoes, vegetables, etc., and the table was already beautifully set. DH and our lovely DDIL Noriko did a great job of pulling it all together for us. My sister in law arrived, as did DH's adult children, so there were 10 of us around the dining table for Easter Dinner. This morning the family got up, packed everything up (the back of their SUV looked like the Clampitt's moving to Bev-er-lee!), and started on their way back to Calgary. Now the house is eerily quiet, but we'll be heading that way in less than 2 weeks, as we always go to Calgary to celebrate our oldest DGS Logan's birthday - he'll be turning 9 on the 11th. @ottahand7sending you virtual hugs as you struggle to get through today. @kazuI'm so pleased that you've got care for Ivan taken care of; what a big burden off your shoulders! Today it's laundry, getting the house back into shape, doing a bit of vacuuming, and just breathing. Late in the day we'll head over to Ollie's to see how she's doing and to see what we can do to help. Although we've got lots of leftovers, we'll be picking up roast beef sandwiches and Tim Horton's coffee to enjoy at Ollie's kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, and in grief. Cheers to all who have celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Easter to all who celebrate; for those who don't, I wish you a Happy Sunday so you can enjoy the day. Gosh, I haven't used a bunsen burner since high school chemistry. A big salute to Czesar Chavez for his work as a civil rights advocate. I'm a hugger, but don't know any medievalists. I wish I had better news about Gord, but there isn't any today. Yesterday the doctors were hoping to lessen the sedation to see how his body would tolerate it, and it didn't go as well as hoped. Late yesterday they did a CT scan and by evening there weren't any results, so Ollie went home. Upon arrival, a nurse called to say they would like to have her come in for an appointment this morning at 10; I'm dreading it as much as she is. I will drive her over there and will stay as long as I can. Ollie does drive, but Maurice and I feel that's one thing she shouldn't have to worry about, since at least one of us can take her there. She always takes a taxi home, as she's never certain when she'll go home. We've invited her for Easter dinner today so she's not alone all day; sometimes just being in the company of others can lighten your heart a little. I have to be careful walking on the main floor, as the Easter Bunny paid our house a visit last night. Our son was out with friends, so I got out our stash of Easter treats and put them all over the kitchen, living room, dining room and hallway, and when I got up this morning I saw there were many more in different places. It's a fun time and I really can't wait for both boys to get up. @sailingdutchyBon Voyage; enjoy your cruise! @kazuFingers crossed that today's interview goes well. @kochleffelsorry to hear about your tumble; hopefully you're not too sore today. @Seasick Sailorhow is Ollie today? Hope he doesn't have any side effects from that darn placker!! Busy day today, I have 3 pies to bake, then the ham, I'll do a bunch of baked potatoes in the air fryer, then get the table set, etc. I'll enlist the help of our DDIL to do some small things, as she won't do anything unless I ask. I think she doesn't want to interfere with a well oiled machine. LOL I'd love to try the drink (putting it on the list for our BHB next year!), despite the high falutin' name of the wine, it isn't pricey, and it's red, so yes!! Think I'll pass on the menu suggestion, but I know we'll be enjoying a nice baked ham dinner with 10 family and friends who have become family around the dining table tonight. And wine. Lots of wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. @summer slope I saw this and immediately thought of you.
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! God bless the doctors in our world - what would we do without them??? I thought Earth Hour was last week, but maybe we can convince our household it's Earth Hour at 8PM and everyone will go to bed. Yeah, right. LOL There just might be some laundry folding here today, as a certain 4 year old spilled a glass of juice on himself and a good portion of his brother yesterday. Thank you for your prayers and concern for our friend Gord; at this time he's stable, in an induced coma and on a ventilator. The doctors said yesterday they may try to reduce the sedation to see how his body tolerates it, and if all goes well, may extubate him tomorrow. We keep our prayers going for his recovery, and for our sweet friend Ollie as well, as she doesn't have any family close by, so we're stepping in for them. @summer slope I'm glad there aren't any new aches for you today; treat yourself gently, as your body has been through quite a trauma. I forgot to ask if your DH was injured in any way? How was your golf cart after the incident? Wishing a very Happy Birthday to @Suslor and @cruzn single, with many happy and healthy returns of the day! Bon Voyage to @ocean sounds, enjoy your cruise! @kazuI hope the stress of finding a dog sitter for Ivan is quickly brought to a close so you can relax again and look forward to your cruise. Speaking of cruises, I'm delighted to be a part of so many Daily-ites going on the trans-Atlantic in 2025; it will be lovely to put faces and voices to the names we're so accustomed to seeing here on the boards. Quiet time right now as the rest of the house is still asleep. Soon little feet will be running down the hallway to find me and it'll be time for Grandma's special breakfast again, and lots of fun and games. The boys want to take us out to their dad's favourite burger place for lunch, so we'll go there and enjoy burgers and milkshakes with them. Following lunch DH and I will head over to Ollie's and take her to the hospital so she can be with Gord for a few hours. After that we'll be colouring Easter eggs, something we haven't done in a very long time. I think I'm looking forward to it as much as the boys are. I'm going to take a pass on the drink; I'm a purist when it comes to beer. I'd like to try the Cava, as I do enjoy a sparkling wine from time to time. Today's menu suggestion is one I'm tucking away for another day, as it's both quick and easy, my kind of cooking. For us it's porcupine balls, mashed potatoes, green beans and chocolate cake at the dining room table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in wars not of their making. Cheers to all with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Wishing those of the Christian faith a blessed Good Friday. Most days are virtual vacation days thinking about time spent on a BHB. I've never seen a mermaid, but have you ever wondered how do they pee? Fewer and fewer mom and pop businesses, but we do try to patronize them when we can. Our family is here! They couldn't start until around 4:30, so that brought them to the house at 11:30 last night - of course both boys napped part of the way so they were like little excited puppies when they arrived. We had lunch, then DH and I said we were calling it a night at 1:30. We'll be dragging a bit today, I'm thinking. While waiting for the family to arrive, around 7PM the phone rang - it was our friend whose husband has post-polio syndrome. She was crying and all she could say was "I think Gord is dead, can you please come over?" I didn't stop to ask details, just said we were on our way, told DH what was happening, we tossed on our jackets and flew out the door. Thankfully they only live about a 5 minute drive from our place. When we got there, all emergency vehicles were on site - police, fire, and ambulance, so we walked to the door and were greeted by what we assume may have been a supervisor. As we passed the living room we could see them doing compressions on Gord, so we just shuddered. The fellow told us we couldn't come in right now, but we could find another way into the house and Ollie (his wife) would let us in and we could be with her. They worked on him for about a half hour, then ambulanced him off to the hospital and we followed quickly. I went in with Ollie (telling them I was his sister, as they were only going to allow 1 of us in) and we were ushered into a quiet room where a lovely young social worker sat with us. After a couple of hours a doctor came in to say Gord had been stabilized and they were taking him to CCU and Ollie could see him shortly, but that I would have to leave as the place was very crowded. Ollie and I understood, so we hugged tightly and I went to find Maurice in the car somewhere on the big parking lot. Whew! This morning is already busy with 2 grandsons up and raring to go. I've had a request for Grandma's Special Breakfast (eggo waffles topped with ice cream and M&M's), so that's where I'm off to next. I'm delighted that @dfish is also going to be on the TA and hope that @Sharon in AZ might be joining us as well! I'd like to try the drink, and the wine (but $$$), and the salad sounds good. Tonight's menu is porcupine balls, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables and a Caesar salad that we'll enjoy at the dining table. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! As a child I remember the whole school being trooped off to mass on Holy Thursday morning and nobody was to crack a smile on the way there or back, as it was a very solemn day. Neither of us is a real sports fan, so opening day doesn't have any meaning. I've often thought it would be nice to have a hot tub, but then think of the maintenance and extra costs associated and am glad we don't. Audrey Hepburn was a lovely lady with a great attitude. It's cloudy and windy this morning but we're only at -8C (17F), and according to the computer, we should hit a high of +3 (37) which will be nice. The warm temp along with the wind should help bring down the glaciers in the yard. Although we haven't had a bad winter this year, when it gets to the end of March, I'm more than ready to have the snow disappear and get started on selecting plants for the yard again. @summer slopeI'm sorry, but not surprised that you had a bad night and are stiff and sore today. Often the day or two after an accident are the most difficult as bones and muscles settle back in from the trauma. @0106I'm happy to see you'll be on the cruise with @marshhawk and us as well - I haven't even thought of a roll call because I figured it was too early to have one started. I'll check in there after I finish this post! @kazuI'm sorry Ivan's alternate home is no longer available; I do hope you're able to get a suitable replacement . . . more stress that you don't need!! I'm going to ask my Daily family for a quick prayer today; they're presenting Maurice's case before the panel to determine whether or not he qualifies for the aortic valve replacement. He's becoming progressively weaker and I know he's starting to get frustrated with himself, as he's always been so active. Just sitting around isn't his cup of tea. Thanks in advance. Today will be spent getting the rest of the house ready, baking some of "Grandma's special cookies" from Mr. Pillsbury, and getting groceries to have all the goodies on hand when the family comes. It seems they won't be able to get away early, as our oldest DGS Logan is at a day camp and they won't be returning from their excursion until 4:30 this afternoon. That means they likely won't be here till midnight or 1AM. Praying for no issues on the highway, and no encounters with deer along the way. I'd like to try the drink, would probably like the wine, but not the price, and I've written down the middle recipe for today's menu suggestion. DH said not to worry about dinner tonight, as for the next number of days I'll be in full on cooking mode, so he's going to head to Tim's and pick up a couple of turkey bacon club sandwiches that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you weren't seriously hurt! Please do be careful though, because you might find aches and bruises in the next number of days. I do hope the lady's insurance will take care of any costs involved in you getting to the hospital, tests, etc., as it was her fault. And an expired license . . . . I hope her family is made aware of this and they remove the car before she kills someone!
  13. Thank you, yes I did see the Canadian flag - thanks!! I'm afraid I won't be around for sail-away for the next number of days as our family is coming for Easter, starting tomorrow night, leaving on Monday. Wishing all the sail-away addicts a Happy Easter, see you after that.
  14. Gah, cleaning house and I missed sail-away! I hope a few of you waved for me!
  15. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We frequently contribute to the Red Cross and appreciate all the work they do for disaster relief. I've always had good handwriting, but notice lately it's deteriorating; must be a sign of age. I'll appreciate Scotch whiskey but will leave the rye and bourbon for others. I wonder if Ponce de Leon knew it was Florida because of the number of Diamonds International stores? Another clear and chilly morning out there again; we're currently at -17C with a wind chill of -26, but are expecting (hoping?) for a high of 0 today. We'll see. The boys next door were home from school yesterday and were enjoying the mounds of snow in their front yard, turning it into a sliding hill that ended on their driveway. It's amazing what you can still do with some snow and a cardboard box. My heart goes out to all in Baltimore - what a terrible thing to happen. Blessings on the first responders and prayers for the people who lost their lives. I don't know how many times we watched the bridge collapse, but like @Seasick Sailorit was in my dreams last night. @kochleffelI've been meaning to ask how DaVinci and Mona Lisa are doing - are they becoming more sociable and accepting of you as their staff? @aliaschiefdid they actually cut and serve the jackfruit/durian? I'm surprised it was even allowed on the ship, as it's such an odiferous fruit! Well we now have a countdown started . . . in 585 days we'll be boarding the Oosterdam in Barcelona for another trans-Atlantic cruise. I took advantage of the HIA Early Booking bonus and booked us on the itinerary that includes (hopefully this time) Casablanca, Morocco. The bonus includes the Elite Bev Pkg, Premium Wi-Fi and Crew Appreciation, which is nice. I told DH once we get him fixed up, we're good to go, and if a good deal appears, we can take advantage of it, but this one's happening for sure. This afternoon DH has coffee with his band mates so I'll take advantage of the time alone and do some house cleaning. He tries, but doesn't have much energy, so after he runs the swiffer around the living room, he's finished. As a result, in his absence I'll vacuum everything and dust and do the glass surfaces as well. I try not to do too much while he's here because he feels badly that he can't help, so when he's out of the house I have to go like mad to get things done. I'd like to try the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the white wine, and am not a real fan of Hollandaise sauce, so will pass. Because I'm going to be going full steam cooking for the family for the next 4 or 5 days, tonight we're going to do fast and easy. Currently I'm thawing a batch of turkey soup that we can enjoy along with cheese croissants(DH will pick those up on his way home) at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  16. @AncientWanderer wow on the Scarlet Fever - I haven't heard of anyone having that since I was a child. I do hope the new antibiotics will take care of it quickly. Healing hugs to your little DGD Coco.
  17. Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in. @AncientWandererI'm sorry to hear your DGD might have chicken pox . . . while rare, it is still possible to get them even after being vaccinated. Depending on the age of the child, (our son was 13 when he got them and had been vaccinated), a doctor may prescribe something to help lessen the outbreak. Sending prayers for your DH and his cardiac appointment today - an aneurysm is nothing to fool around with! @Vict0riann I'm happy to hear your DD's fracture is minor, but as others have said, it needs to be taken care of in order to heal properly. I hope DH's issues won't prevent you from taking your cruise - you certainly need a break from being the chief caregiver in your family. I had an email from one of my Daily friends asking for a photo of the blankets I've been making, and it was suggested I post the photo here. This morning I counted them up and was able to take 32 in to be distributed to children who are going into crisis or foster care. There isn't a particular pattern I follow, I just figure it out as I go along and quit when I think they're big enough. Watching the TV for further updates on the bridge collapse - sadly, I can't imagine a positive outcome for those who ended up in the water. Prayers for them and for their families.
  18. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Diabetes and epilepsy are two diseases that should be recognized, as they affect so many people. I think we all hope to live long and prosper. Jonas Salk's vaccine saved many from the ravages of polio. Our friend got polio before it became available and sadly, now suffers from post-polio syndrome. First thing I saw this morning on my news feed is the bridge collapse in Baltimore - oh my gosh, how awful! The latest is that it is still a search and rescue, but realistically the water and air temperatures are such that any chance of finding anyone alive are exceedingly slim. Prayers for all involved, the victims and the first responders who will do their utmost to find people. It's a cool one again this morning; although the sun is shining, we have a strong wind bringing the wind chill factor to -25C (-13F). For what it's worth, we heard a crow the other day, and DH said yesterday he heard the finches back in the spruce tree beside our bedroom. Better remember to fill the feeders so they have something to keep themselves warm over the next week or so until the temperatures smarten up. Spring on the "frozen tundra" is like that. @kazuthank you for your beautiful photos of Maverick - what a gorgeous creature he was. I can see why you loved him so much. @Seasick SailorI'm sorry Allen's test results weren't great yesterday; prayers for better health to come his way soon. He's just so fortunate to have you as his wife and health advocate. Extending Happy Anniversary wishes to @LAFFNVEGASLisa and Tom as they celebrate 47 years of marriage today! Today will be spent with a little more tidying up around the house, getting it ready for the family's arrival later in the week. I'm also going to pack up and deliver the blankets I've made over the past couple of months; I haven't counted them yet, but I'm thinking there are at least 25 in this bunch. I've always got one on the go so I have something to do while watching TV in the evenings. I'd like to try the drink of the day - I think it would be quite refreshing. The wine? Yikes! Sure, if someone offered me a glass I'd take it, but unless I win the lottery, there won't be a bottle sitting at our table any time soon. Not sure about the menu suggestion, as it looks like a lot of work just for the 2 of us; I'm all about fast and easy. While making some space in the freezer the other day I found a container of beef stew that is currently thawing in the fridge and will be heated up for us to enjoy with some fresh-bought crusty buns at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil. Cheers to all with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  19. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I remember the bed-in for peace that John and Yoko held; it made the front page of our newspaper. If someone were to try it today, they'd likely end up with bedsores before peace around the world actually came to pass. Hurray for Greek independence, and Happy Holi to everyone who celebrates the festival of colours. It's clear and cool again this morning with a temp of -14C (6F), and we're not looking at thawing temperatures until possibly Thursday when we'll creep above the 0 mark to +2. I've already told our grandsons to make sure they bring their winter jackets, boots, and snow pants, as there's lots of snow to play in when they get here on the weekend. It could end up being sloppy wet by Sunday when the forecast is telling me is will be +5, so I'd better make sure to have the bag full of gloves ready to replace the wet ones. That's something I'll bet not everyone has in their house - a bag full of gloves in various sizes. We also have a basket of slipper socks so guests have something to wear on their feet in the house in the winter after taking off their boots. @cat shepardwishing your DS a very Happy Birthday and good luck with her recovery. @smitty34877I'm happy to hear Tana was able to take a few steps to the kitchen - hopefully she'll get stronger bit by bit and be able to venture farther. Thanks for your kind words about my coasters yesterday - as I said, I'm not very good at sewing, but figured I'd try to make use of the fabric I had on hand. BTW, the size of the coasters is 5"x5" if anyone is wondering. Initially I'd seen them on Pinterest, then went to YouTube and found a tutorial, and the rest is history. Not a lot on the agenda today, laundry, and maybe heading out to the Salvation Army with another few bags of things. After cleaning out one of the the spare bedrooms, I realized there were 2 bags in there that hadn't been donated in a previous run, so we'll get them taken care of today. The drink of the day sounds like fun - the name made me laugh - and I might order it on a BHB. I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy the Cava, and today's menu suggestion sounds tasty - I particularly like the idea of pistachios in the last one. DH loves sunflower seeds, so I could see putting that in instead. I've got a couple of pork chops thawing that will be pounded, breaded and turned into schnitzel and we'll have that along with parmesan potatoes and asparagus at the dinner table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  20. @dfishI don't know who to feel more sorry for - River or you and Sue. All 3 of you have to deal with little River's trauma and try to get her through the tantrums. Poor little girl. I know she's in the best place possible with the 2 of you guiding her for the next week. @superoma, @sterling2 and @quilty964I'm attaching photos of just a few of the sets of coasters I've made. Now, please be kind - I'm left-right dyslexic, so sewing by instructions is a challenge. And I'm a novice sewer, so if you see the imperfections, just remember I'm not perfect . . . at all. I found the pattern online and have followed as best I can; I've been able to use up a bunch of fabric I'd purchased when we were in lockdown that I used then to make surgical and fitted masks. @Quartzsite Cruiser you asked about DH's book. It's being written/compiled in conjunction with the University of Sasktchewan's Music Dept in that when it's finished, he will turn everything over to them and if they choose to publish it, they have his full support. If they don't publish it, it will stay in their archives as an historical reference document for others to view. As a lifelong educator, he enjoys research and music in particular, so this project was right up his alley. The book is in 2 volumes - the first (around 80 pages) contains a paragraph or two of anecdotes on various musicians throughout the ages. The second volume is strictly statistical in that he has the names of musicians - defined as "anyone who has music in their hearts". The volume will contain their first and last name, the year of birth and year of death. The earliest musician (including singers, composers, directors, etc), date back to Aristotle, right up to present day. He gets most of his information from the internet, but I was able to add one from here - our own @marshhawkagreed to let her name be allowed in the book, which pleased me to no end! If there are any other Daily-ites who play instruments and would like to be added to the book, I'd welcome an email at ger underscore 77 at yahoo dot com Currently the second volume has over 58,000 entries - all of which DH has done himself. I keep telling him this project is keeping him off the streets and out of pool halls!! LOL Have a great evening, everyone!
  21. That was good - thanks Leanne, Dave, and my fellow sail-away addicts! Till next time . . . . .
  22. It's actually very clever to bring the big hand along - it really stands out. It would be even more noticeable if it were a bright colour against the white background of the ship.
  23. Redneck Bob and apparently his twin Redbob Neck. LOL
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