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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love playing tourist and would like to be one today. We've always made sure to be registered to vote and have never missed voting in any election since we were eligible. I do forgive, but I've got a memory like an elephant. In Canada it's also Chocolate Milk Day which we will definitely celebrate later in the day. When I got up this morning I was surprised to see the streets were all wet and there were puddles everywhere - certainly didn't expect rain overnight! We had a hot (for us) sunny day yesterday and actually had the windows open when we went to bed last night. Apparently DH got up at some point and closed them; when he gets up I'll have to ask when it rained because I sleep like someone in a coma. Re: mammograms, about 3 weeks ago I received a notice in the mail to make an appointment and when I called, the earliest I could get in was November 25. I asked why it was such a long way off and was told that ever since Covid was over, women have been more conscientious about making appointments. Not much on the agenda today - I was going to tackle the leaves in the yard, but with the rain, it's going to be tough going. Yesterday after DH returned from his son's acreage, he blew the leaves off the front lawn into the street and they proceeded to fly off in the direction of our neighbour's lawns. Very neighbourly! LOL @Cruising-along Happy Anniversary to you and your DH; let the love and laughter continue! @kazuI'm so sorry to hear your friend's DH passed away; he was on my prayer list. She's fortunate to have you as a friend and I know you'll do what you can to support her, but remember to take extra care of yourself, too. @smitty34877you and your family continue to be in my prayers as you deal with Lou's passing, Tana's health, and having to search for a new aide. @SusieKIslandGirl I'm sorry you didn't get to go on your cruise but am glad you had the road trip with your friends. I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass, same with the wine, and probably wouldn't make a vegetarian lasagna, but would sneak in some ground beef to the mix. For us, seeing as it's still nice out, I've got some burgers thawing that DH will grill tonight and we can enjoy them along with a Greek Salad on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I often wish I knew more languages, but if we're going to new countries, I try to learn a few words of greeting and gratitude before we go. Yay for Johnny Appleseed. We are blessed to have a good family, but I often say we put the fun in dysfunctional. We had a stop in Freeport on December 28, 1999 when the Carnival Paradise was diverted there to allegedly repair an engine issue. What a joke - there was nothing available for us, so a few kiosks hastily appeared on the dock, while the cruise line arranged for a bus to the casino. The repairs were never made and to sum it up, we ended up on a millennium cruise to nowhere. It's a beautiful but breezy morning out there for us - that means we'll be getting more leaves on the lawn. Just looking at the forecast makes me happy because we're expecting a high of +29 (84) which, for late September, is lovely. It should start cooling off later this week, but unlike @kazu, there isn't frost in the offing in the next week or so. DH is feeling better (which is a great relief), and yesterday drove for the first time. He said it felt good being back in the driver's seat again, although he didn't mind being chauffeured around. His son called last night to say he was going out to his acreage today, so will stop by later this morning and the two of them will go out together. That time will give me a chance to get some house cleaning and laundry done without DH wanting to help. @Quartzsite Cruiser good luck to DH with his tests today; I hope all goes well. @StLouisCruiserssafe travels to you. I'm going to pass on the drink, the wine, and I know I'd like today's menu suggestion, but DH doesn't eat lamb, so will have to get my fix on a BHB. Because it's so nice weather wise I'm going to get DH to barbecue some pork chops for us that we can enjoy along with corn on the cob and coleslaw on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I have great respect for all food service workers - their jobs aren't easy, and aren't always appreciated. It's appropriate that we have World Deaf Day after having Sign Language Day. I haven't read a comic book in ages, but have you looked at the prices of them lately? Yikes! A lovely looking morning already, although I've noticed the sun is getting up later every morning. We're sitting at a +9 (48) and are expecting a great day of sunshine and very light breezes, hoping to top out at 25 (77) which is quite respectable for this time of year. Yesterday I spent some time digging plants out of pots and putting them into the compost bin - some of which were looking incredibly raggy. DH spent the time downstairs in the spare rooms going through bags, boxes, etc., to make room for the plants that will over-winter indoors. Oh lordy, who knew we had so much stuff? It's amazing how large Rubbermaid tubs can hide things. As a result, later this morning the back of our Ford Escape will be filled with bags and boxes filled with everything from bubble machines to clothing and shoes that we'll be dropping off at Salvation Army for them to distribute or sell. It was hard saying goodbye to the little step-stools and the travel booster seat we had for our grandsons, but they've outgrown them, so there's no point in keeping them any longer. Might as well let someone else get use from them. @ocean sounds Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruise! I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass, would like to try the wine, and if I was to make the menu suggestion, would include beef or chicken instead of the tofu. We bought some really good bacon the other day, so DH has asked if we can have toasted bacon/tomato sandwiches for dinner tonight. How easy is that? Looks like we'll be enjoying sandwiches and crudites on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We have a bunny rabbit that comes around our yard once in a while - it's always sweet to see him/her. I love cherries jubilee, but don't remember the last time I had any; perhaps it was on a BHB. While I've never gone hunting, I've certainly been fishing and even though some of the outings have just been giving the fish their appetizers, it's always been enjoyable. Fishing isn't always about catching something, it's often about the peace and serenity of being out on the quiet water, enjoying friendships. While we don't have rain in the forecast for the next 10 days, we do have an overcast and rather gloomy looking morning. It's going to be typical fall weather with the morning starting around 8C (46) and we will likely reach a high of 23 (73) which is quite comfortable. Yesterday morning I went out and bought a new comforter for our bed - a king size for our queen sized bed. DH has suddenly turned into a blanket hog and I find myself clinging to an edge of it in the middle of the night. I figure there should be lots for him with the extra size; last night I wasn't fighting for it, so I may have solved the issue. @AncientWanderer I laughed out loud when I read that your DGD wouldn't let you tame her curls and it turned out to be photo day! @kazuI'm so sorry to hear about your hydrangea being ruined; I hope you might be able to take cuttings from it to root for future plants. @marshhawk congrats on the extra sale - your telephone presence must be very sweet and convincing! @smitty34877 I'm happy your neighbours are helping you through this difficult experience. @Lady Hudsona good idea to get DH to his regular doctor when you return home. @RMLincoln this is an exciting time for you - I'm so glad you found a place you feel will be comfortable for the two of you and close to your family as well. @StLouisCruisers be sure to bring an umbrella, sunscreen and lots of water if you're going to be able to watch the entire game today! Not a lot on the agenda today, just some tidying up and DH will work on the computer, so it'll give me more time to work on blankets. I've got another 8 finished and when I reach 12, I'll bring them over to the donation centre. I'd like the drink of the day, am sure I'd like the wine, and would definitely like to try today's menu suggestion. Because we went out with friends for dinner last night, the portions were huge, so we both have leftovers for tonight. We'll be enjoying baked lasagna (me) and 4 cheese fettuccini (DH) on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I only know one thing in sign language, that's the sign for I Love You. Oh, and one other, but we won't get into that. I haven't left DH a love note for a while; will have to stick something in his jacket pocket in the next day or two. Teal Talk day is so important - I lost a favourite cousin to ovarian cancer, and one of my retired colleagues has just finished radiation for her diagnosis which came the week before Christmas last year, and 3 weeks before her husband died suddenly. Arg! Super late to the party today - our neighbours (3 houses away) look to have taken their trailer for an extended long weekend, leaving their 18 year old son at home. It seems he figured last night was a good night to have the guys over for a party - cars all over the street, lots of noise, much laughter, and for us, no sleep. The last vehicle left at 3:30 and was the quietest of all, but still noticeable on our rather sedate street. When we did get up this morning, we realized we had to head over to a nearby grocery where they had lean ground beef on sale so we could stock up the freezer for the coming months when prices will go skyward. Friends that we will be cruising with in February called and asked if we could meet for coffee at 1, so off we went, and later this afternoon we're picking up a different couple (he's suffering from post polio syndrome), taking them out for dinner, then back to our place for dessert and so they can see our yard all lit up. Now that it gets dark around 7, we don't have to worry about having company over till 10 or 11 just to see all the lighting that DH has so lovingly installed. Yesterday I did my final measurement of the papyrus; #1 started at 28" and topped out at 68", #2 began at 31" and is now 85", while #2 started at 33" and is now 78". It's funny how they all received the same amount of sunlight and water, yet their growth isn't the same. I guess they're just like people. Here's a shot DH took of me before I got the stepladder out to measure #2. I'd like to try the drink, am pretty sure I'd enjoy the wine, and today's menu suggestion is one that is a slight variation of something I throw together in the middle of winter - a real stick to your ribs kind of meal. For us though, we're dining out, so I don't know what we'll be having, but someone else will prepare it, and I know I'll enjoy it. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've never met a hobbit, but then I've never met a leprechaun either. Yay for Business Women - I try to support them whenever I can. I've always loved elephants and appreciate their family relationships. Happy last day of summer - the colours and temperatures are telling me that fall is definitely here. Already many of the trees along the river have lost their leaves and those that are left are a shabby brown colour. The remaining Virginia Creeper from our back fence that are climbing through the neighbour's trees are bright orange-red; they're camouflaged when everything is green, but wait till fall! Today we get to go to our family doctor where DH will have the staples removed from his pacemaker incision. He was delighted (as was I) when he could finally shower yesterday morning. We should hear from the pacemaker placement office in the next 6 to 8 weeks for a follow-up and hopefully that will be it. Yesterday he said for the first time in months, he didn't have any angina . . . not claiming victory yet, just happy for the reprieve. It was funny, yesterday we were talking about our February cruise and what we should bring, etc. We both like to dress comfortably but nicely when we travel, so DH said he's going to wear his grey sports coat, a black golf shirt and jeans. Almost the identical outfit I had planned on wearing, except mine is a grey knit blazer. We're not going to be looking like the Bobbsey twins, so I'm changing my jacket to something with colour! LOL @smitty34877seeing Fred on the rug and knowing you were beside him brought me to tears. My heart goes out to you and your family as you deal with Lou's absence in your home. @Haljo1935 I hear you on what your DH does or doesn't tell you about his medical appointments. I make a point of being with DH for all of them now and simply tell the medical personnel that he has short term memory issues, will likely not remember most of what took place by the time he gets home and I need to know what's happening. @kazu hopefully the pain meds and broth will help Ivan feel better. Love the photo of him cuddling his stuffie! Not much happening here today, just stopping at a garden centre to get some insecticidal soap to treat the plants coming into the house for winter. No need to bring in the bugs and spiders as well. I'll pass on the drink, the wine, and not sure about the halibut - maybe if someone prepared it for me, but I likely won't file the recipe. It's Friday night, pizza night so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals to us so we can enjoy it on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for Baby Murphy and her family, and all involved in fires, earthquakes and wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. @kazuI think if a bunch of folks got together, the Oasis makes sense, but for just 1 or 2 couples, no way. Even the cabanas are now out of our budget, but that won't make or break our stay on Half Moon Cay, we'll still enjoy our time there.
  8. We're going to be on Half Moon Cay twice in February and thought we might book either a cabana or if our friends wanted to join us, book a Villa for our visits. Yikes - when did the prices go up? Currently the price for a Cabana is 699, the Beach Villa is $999 and to book the Oasis is $1999. None of these prices include butler service. I wonder how many of these facilities will remain empty when you consider the length of time people are actually going to be using them? I guess we'll be enjoying a lounger in the shade on the beach!
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I wish we had International Peace Day every day. I am grateful for so many things every day, one of them being this safe space for all of us to rant, rage, commiserate and celebrate. Haven't played miniature golf in years - we still have 1 mini golf course left in the city that does get lots of play. Yikes, it's cold out this morning - wasn't expecting to wake up to +2C (35F); if I'd known it was going to get that cold, I'd have hustled outside and covered the plants. As I look into the back yard, it seems they are all okay - we live in a slightly lower section of the neighbourhood and always get frost before others. Today I'm going to bring out the step ladder and do a final measurement of the 3 papyrus plants before the frost gets them and they begin to droop. It's also time to get the lower level bedrooms ready to bring in the plants we're going to over-winter. I have to line the bookcase and shelves with boot trays that will catch the extra water that always seems to seep out, even though we try to be careful. DH said he put the trays away somewhere, but can't recall exactly where . . . oh great. LOL I think I see a trip to the dollar store in my daily plans. Speaking of dollar stores, can any of my Daily family tell me if the Dollar Tree in the US still sells plastic cutlery? We can't buy it here any longer, and we need to get a supply in for our Summerfest barbecue next year. I was hoping to hit the Dollar Tree near our hotel in FLL when we're there in February and pick up a few packages. The lawn guy is coming this morning, but we're going to tell him that it doesn't need cutting, and he now only needs to show up every 2 weeks. Instead of doing the lawn, we're going to have him blow out / clean out the gutters again so they're ready for winter. DH said he could do it to which I said "you wish" and that pretty much ended the conversation. @kazu sorry for the pain you're going to be experiencing, and oh wow on Ivan stealing the cheese. Hope he doesn't get too sick from it! @marshhawk how I wish we lived closer so I could help with your tree issues - you've got so much on your plate! I'm giving a pass on the drink of the day and the wine, but think the menu suggestion would be great for a dinner party, so will tuck away the recipe in my file. Tonight we're going to have air fried salmon, parmesan potatoes and green beans that we can still enjoy on the deck. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. A quick check-in before taking DH to meet his friends for coffee. @grapau27 I'm happy to hear you had a good report from your skin cancer check up. @HAL Sailer wishing your DH a very Happy Birthday; I do wish for him better health and more birthdays for the two of you to celebrate together.
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I like pepperoni pizza, but prefer it as a starter with everything else except olives and anchovies on top. The only time we ever have/make punch is during summer, and that's now behind us for this year. What are we getting ready for? Although our next cruise isn't until February, I've already taken a look at the clothes I'm going to bring, so I guess that's getting ready. We had an orange sunrise this morning so it means there's still lots of smoke in the air. Again last night we had to close the windows because it was so intense; when I went to get the newspaper, it didn't seem as heavy. It's definitely cooling off though; right now we're sitting at 6C (43F) and only looking at a high of 19 (66) - I'm glad I picked up a new puffy winter jacket at WM yesterday when we went for Sochi's food. DH's recuperation is going well - I removed the dressing and was pleased to see the wound wasn't terrible, even with 10 staples which will have to be removed on Friday. Yesterday we went out and DH said he felt quite fine, although he knew to favour his left arm when it came to carrying anything or putting things into the cart. This afternoon he's having coffee with his bandmates, so I'll drive him over and one of the guys will likely bring him home. @rafinmdI'm so glad to hear you're going on the cruise - hopefully it will help with your recuperating. @mamaofami such good news that Sam is coming home! @Lady HudsonI'm happy DH seems to be improving - let that continue! @kazu the amount of stuff you get done never ceases to amaze me - you're definitely going to need that cruise just to get some down time! I know I'd like to try the drink, will probably pass on the wine, but oh, does that menu suggestion ever sound good, especially that last recipe! Because DH is having coffee (and it usually involves treats) with the guys this afternoon, he's not going to be too hungry for dinner, so I think we're just going to have cold roast beef sandwiches and crudites on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, with special prayers for sweet Baby Murphy, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. I'll play! Sharkbait Cackle Swashbuckler at your service, mateys!! Arrrrrrr!
  13. @Seasick Sailor yikes on your sister's car! So glad she wasn't injured!!!
  14. Ahoy mateys, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I haven't had butterscotch pudding in years; maybe it's time to get some and enjoy it again. Dance day - it might be a slow dance day for us since DH is still recuperating. @mamaofami wishing you and Sam a Happy Anniversary as you look back on the day you were wed. @kazuI'm sure Ivan's been a big help to you while cleaning up the yard. LOL I can't imagine you heading off to a cruise without being prepared, you're pulling our legs. Yesterday the smoke filtered into the city around lunch time and totally covered us for the rest of the day. It didn't seem too bad until around 7PM when we had to close the windows, as it smelled like the next door neighbours were having a bonfire in their yard. They weren't. When I went out to get the newspaper this morning you can still smell smoke, but not nearly as bad as last night. We're sitting at 8C (46F) with a predicted high of 19 (66F) and clouds for most of the day. Provided we don't have showers, it'll give me a chance to scoop up the leaves all over the back lawn again. But first, I've got to get my nails done - one of my gels came off a week ago and I've been babying it ever since until the others needed filling as well. I know I'd like the drink of the day as a dessert on a BHB, would definitely like to try the wine, and think today's menu suggestion sounds great. I've got a small beef roast that will go into the slow cooker along with root vegetables to make an easy dinner that we can enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  15. @smitty34877Oh Terry, you and Lou have been on my heart and my mind ever since he came home. I was hoping you'd have more time with him than you did, but am glad he was where he wanted to be, surrounded by love and care. Take all the time you need to gather your thoughts and do what needs to be taken care of over the next little while. We're here for you with love and prayers.
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I do love a good cheeseburger and rarely have a burger without the cheese. When our friends came last week I wanted to make a dessert that was gluten and dairy free, so I made rice krispie treats but substituted corn flakes instead as my Mom used to do. I also added dried cranberries and sunflower seeds to the mix and the entire 9x13 pan was eaten up before you knew it! People should respect one another every day, not just once in a while. We've got another nice day in the offing - yesterday we reached a high of 31.4C (88.5F) and broke a 60 year record for high temp for the day. Today won't be quite as warm, but we're still expecting a high of 26 (78) which is still decent for this time of year. We're also looking at an air quality warning again because there's a breeze coming from the north west that will be bringing in the smoke later in the morning and hanging around until some time tomorrow. Around 7:30 last night before the sun went down, DH and I took a stroll to the park at the end of our block (5 houses away) just to get some fresh air and to look at the changing colours along the riverbank. It was nice to get out with him and walk a bit - he really enjoyed it. @kazu I'm glad you, Ivan and your house stayed safe during Lee's visit. Don't wear yourself out trying to get all the debris picked up at once though! Not a lot on our agenda today, although I have to run out to WM and pick up some food for Sochi. We're down to the last can of food that doesn't cause stomach issues, so it's a necessity to get more. Trust me, you don't want a Ragdoll with tummy troubles! I had a thought about the drink of the day - if you tossed all the ingredients into a blender and added ice, it would make a great slushie! I'm pretty sure I'd like the wine today, and would order falafel in a restaurant, but am not likely to make it at home. As it's still so nice and warm in the evenings, we're going to have chicken Caesar salads on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  17. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've been involved in a few citizenship ceremonies - they are always full of excitement. Your American Constitution certainly has been in the forefront of the news people over the past few years. Who wouldn't love to have a red panda; they're bear-cats. A quiet, sunny morning out there for us; although it's only 8C (46F), we're looking at a wonderful 29C (84F) later in the day. That's pretty typical for this time of year when you never know from one day to the next whether you'll need a sweater or shorts. Often we start with sweaters and end up in shorts! @SusieKIslandGirl Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruise! @kazu I'm happy to hear you and Ivan did alright through the storm. Yesterday was pretty much a wash - I had plans to do a bunch of things, but I think the stress of the previous couple of days just took it's toll on me. After lunch I thought I'd go down for a 15 minute nap and didn't wake up for 2 full hours. As a result, the yard work is still waiting for me, in addition to a few other chores that didn't do themselves while I was sleeping. Thankfully DH also slept in the recliner at the same time, so he got some much needed rest as well. Today I'll take the dressing off the surgery site to see what damage they did to him, as well as getting things together so he can have a sponge bath. As for the drink of the day, I'd substitute vodka for the bourbon, will give the wine a pass, but do like the menu suggestion. I've got some frozen ground beef that I'll thaw, but will run out for a couple of other things like tortillas and green peppers so we can enjoy a simple meal of tacos on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  18. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Great respect for Legions of any country that has them for providing a place for past and present service members to relax and socialize. I'm not a rock collector, but DH seems to pick up rocks/stones/sand wherever we go. I became a step-mother at the ripe old age of 22; what doesn't kill you only makes you drink more wine. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes for DH yesterday - I'm sure they helped. We arrived at the hospital at the dot of 6 and he was whisked away to surgery at 8:30; a little over an hour later he was back in his room and spent the next 8 hours under close observation and we were home by 6. The technician who came in to check the device said it was working beautifully and she didn't expect to see him for about 8 or 10 years when he needs a battery change. Yay! @CrabbyPattiI'm so sorry to read about the passing of your dear Dad. He was so fortunate to have been in the comfort and care of those he loved when he transitioned into the next realm. @marshhawk yikes on your eye - please let your neighbour know that you sustained a dangerous injury and have that person contact their insurance company!! If your sight is blurry, please go to an urgent care clinic and have it checked, don't wait till next week. @kazu I wish we lived closer, so we could help you and Ivan ride out the storm. @Haljo1935Bon Voyage! We'll be laying low for the next little while because DH can't drive for a week, or lift anything over 10 lbs for the next 3, and his chest is pretty tender. I'll remove the dressing some time tomorrow, but he can't shower or bathe (only sponge baths) for the next 5 days. We had some wind blowing through that tossed a bunch of leaves on the back lawn so I'll head out there when the dew burns off to rake them up and put them in the compost bin for collection. I'd like the drink of the day, will pass on the white, and am pretty sure neither of us would appreciate the menu suggestion, as we're definitely carnivores. I've got a couple of pork chops thawing that will be pounded and made into breaded pork chops, served along with parmesan potatoes and green beans that we can enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Happy Rosh Hashanah to all who celebrate - may you have a wonderful year ahead. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  19. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Living on land-locked frozen tundra means I only get to enjoy crab when on BHB's. As for cream filled donuts, I know there are a number of bakeries around the city who can fulfill that craving any time. I try to be quiet, but sometimes my inner voice escapes. A clear but chilly morning for us (5C, 41F) with an expected high of 18 (64), but that's typical for this time of year. Yesterday we had another plume of smoke blow through that covered the city in a brown cloud for about 6 hours. It was strange, as right around lunch time the sun was shining and suddenly it became very orangey-yellow and then it was totally obscured. We had air quality warnings on our phones, so decided it was best to stay inside once our social interactions with friends were over. Bon Voyage to @Heartgrove, @Lady Hudson, and @Mr. Boston!!! @smitty34877I'm pleased that Lou is home; I'm sure that will bring him great comfort, even though it's difficult for those around him. Know you're in my prayers for strength to carry you through the days ahead. @kazu I do hope Lee veers off and doesn't hit you too hard; I can't imagine all you're having to do by yourself to prepare for the storm. Please stay safe. I did a screen shot of the Bermuda PTZ webcam this morning as workers were taking down the canvas coverings from the structures at the pier. It's looking wild already! Today DH wants to head out and pick up a couple of foldable saw horses so we can have additional storage for our plants over the winter. We'll set them up downstairs in one of the bedrooms so the plants can over winter there. In spring they can all be put outside and the saw horses can be used in the garage for other projects. He's got a number of things he wants to do today, as tomorrow he goes in for the pacemaker implant and will be out of commission for a few weeks. He's especially annoyed that he won't be able to drive for at least 3 weeks, but I'm sure he'll get over it. It'll be an early morning for us, as he has to be at the hospital by 6AM, so we'll be up at the crack of dark to get up, showered, and to the hospital on time. I'd like the drink of the day if it was made with decaf, will pass on the wine, and neither of us is a fan of ratatouille. Tonight we'll be enjoying the remainder of the rotisserie chicken DH brought home (I knew he would!) yesterday, and it'll be served alongside some potato salad and crudites on the deck. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those involved in floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and wars. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  20. OMG, just saw the best door decoration ever over on FB !!!
  21. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm not superstitious, just a little stitious, like no hats on a bed, toss spilled salt over your left shoulder, etc. We haven't had Chinese food in ages, so no fortune cookies, but they're always fun to read out loud when at the end you say "in bed". I like peanuts in the shell, coated in chocolate, or in peanut butter. I just turned on the news channel and was so relieved for all my PA friends that the escapee has been captured. You all must be breathing a sigh of relief! @CrabbyPatti I'm saddened to hear you had to make the decision for your sweet Dad; it's a difficult thing to do, but know you've done the right thing. I'm so glad your colleagues at the hospital are so supportive for you. Prayers as you go through this, and also for a peaceful transition for your Dad. @mamaofami I'm sorry to hear Sam is back in the hospital; I hope they are able to stop the brain bleed from progressing and he's back home with you soon. It's a cloudy day out there for us this morning - last night around 8 we had a great display of lightning, thunder and a couple of bursts of heavy rain which of course, knocked down many more leaves from our neighbour's trees. It looks like we had even more showers overnight as there are puddles on the street and the the perimeter wall around our yard is looking very wet. I literally just received a text message from are code 678 (Atlanta) that said: Good morning, can I offer you a job? While I'm intrigued and would like to find out what type of employment they were interested in, I deleted the text and reported it as junk. LOL An easy day ahead for us - I've got lunch with a friend and DH has coffee with his band this afternoon. I don't have to cook tonight because DH said he'd pick up something on his way back from coffee, so whatever it is (I'll bet it's a rotisserie chicken) will be enjoyed on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  22. Oh my gosh, I didn't know the owner of the garage was inside!!! The news reports made it sound like the guy snuck into an open garage, took the rifle and ammo and left. What a story the owner has to tell on coffee row! Please stay safe. @aliaschiefyikes on the bear - that's one big bruin!!!! I hope they'll be able to trap and relocate him, rather than euthanize such a beautiful creature.
  23. Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! If I do order a milkshake, it will always be chocolate. Haven't played a lot of video games - does Bejeweled on FB count? It's always good to encourage someone to do well. Late to the party today, and missed yesterday completely. Our friends arrived from out of town on Sunday evening. Yesterday morning the ladies took off for some retail therapy while the gentlemen stayed home and talked about fixing the world's problems (they're both retired educators with majors in social sciences and chemistry). Later in the afternoon our friend had his follow-up with the vascular surgeon after having had an angioplasty in both legs and came out with great news - all is well and he doesn't need to come back unless he experiences problems. Yay! This morning we made a big breakfast to get them on their way and although they left a couple of hours ago, just received a text that said they were finally leaving the big box parking lot. I'm sure the back of their vehicle is loaded to the hilt! I've done 2 loads of laundry already and a third is ready to go in as soon as load #1 is dry. DH has gone out to blow the leaves off the lawn, as we had a good wind overnight that deposited a lot of leaf litter in the yard, and he likes to try to keep ahead of the game. @puppycanducruiseplease wish your DM a very Happy Birthday from me! To everyone in PA, I'm frightened for you with that escapee still on the loose, especially now that he's armed. Seriously, who leaves a shotgun and ammo in an open garage? I guess maybe the same kind of people who leave keys in their vans. Scary stuff. Not much on the agenda today, just tidying up, putting the deck table back to a 2 person size, sweeping up and that's about it. I'd like to try the drink of the day if someone made it for me, but won't be buying an entire bottle of peanut butter whiskey just to try it. Pretty sure I'd like the wine, and I know I'd like the menu suggestion - anything with a peanut sauce is good in my books. For us, though, it's looking like we're having leftovers of barbecued pork chops, dilled potatoes, grilled vegetables and tomato pie - yes, I made tomato pie again and it was a real hit! With the temperatures starting to get a little cooler, we'll still be able to enjoy dinner on the deck, but will have the windows closed. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  24. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Grandparents Day to all the grandparents here, and those who take their place in young lives. Although I'm not a great sewer, I've had a sewing machines all my adult life and have made great use of them. This forum is a great place to swap ideas - love it! We had sunshine a few minutes ago, now there are clouds blocking the way - hopefully they'll move along and we can reach our predicted high of 22 (72F). There wasn't any more rain overnight so that means the fellow can come back and finish the side and back lawns before our friends arrive later this afternoon. I see most of our US television channels have college football - that to me, is a true signal of fall. I don't know how your favourite teams fared yesterday, but in the CFL our Saskatchewan Roughriders failed dismally with a 51 - 6 loss to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. This is the same team they beat last weekend in overtime. What a difference a week makes! Heading out in a while to pick up some fresh fruit, then back home where I'll run the vacuum over the floors and wipe the ever present dust off the deck surfaces, and we'll be ready to relax when our friends come into town. I'll pass on the drink of the day, as I'll be making Aperol spritzes, and the menu is looking like barbecued pork chops, dilled potatoes and Greek salad that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially our Daily family members and also today the people of Morocco. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  25. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We still have a couple of teddy bears in the house; they reside in the guest bedroom and get cuddled when the DGS's are around. Yay for wonderful weirdos - my kind of people, as they tend to be so creative. While I don't do Sudoku puzzles often, I always have a small book of them in my travel purse to pass the time in airports, rather than focusing on electronics all the time. @smitty34877 what a gut wrenching decision you've both had to make - please know you and Lou are in my heart as you face the coming days. I pray for peace and pain-free times for Lou, and strength for you and your family. @marshhawk and @catmando, a very Happy Anniversary to the two of you! @rafinmdsorry to hear you've tested positive; hopefully it's short lived and you'll be feeling fine soon! It's a cool morning out there, but that's what our fall feels like; right now we've got a temp of +7 (44F), but I just heard on the radio that a place about 400 miles north of us had frost and a temp of -3 already. It's coming, and there's nothing we can do about it. Hopefully we'll have a long autumn, without snow until at least after Halloween. Last night after it got dark, DH and I spent some time putting things out on our lawn for the city wide curbside swap. Many things were from DH's mad scientist workshop and garage, very little from the house - lots of solar lights, lanterns, motors, fans, craft pieces from birdhouse making, etc. About an hour later when we were going to bed, I looked out and more than half of it was already gone - yay!!!! I'll take a pass on the drink of the day, am always up for a glass of Prosecco, and have never cooked quinoa, although I love the quinoa salad from the big box store. I don't have to cook tonight because we've been invited to the house of a former colleague who is celebrating the 10th anniversary of his having survived a serious brain bleed - definitely cause for celebration if ever there was! Apparently he's smoking a brisket and we'll have something from his husband's native country of Ghana, so I'm sure it will be delicious. We'll be joining them and a few others on their patio for great food and relaxed conversation. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need - especially those affected by the earthquake in Morocco, our sweet baby Murphy, dear Lou, and all others with life threatening conditions. Cheers to all with celebrations, particularly Annie & Chuck. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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