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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Yay for literacy!! I don't often use the &, but am glad it's there when needed. Will pass on the date nut bread as DH doesn't like dates, so I'd have to eat the whole thing myself. First of all, @smitty34877I'm sending caring hugs and prayers for strength for you and good healing vibes for Lou. Yesterday was a good day, even though we had a storm blow through in the middle of the afternoon. While DH and I were out delivering things to the thrift store, we made a stop at the WM where I picked up a good supply of some brightly coloured yarns for blankets. One was a pretty coral colour and the other was a lovely shade of green, and for the trim around the whole blanket, a variegated coral, green, yellow yarn. The best thing is that they were all on sale! It helped make up for the fact that I couldn't find any afghans that were suitable to take apart at the thrift store. Our older friends from out of town (4 hours away) called last night to say they'd received notification from the vascular surgeon of a follow-up appointment available for Monday afternoon, so we'll be getting company on Sunday. Time to menu plan, as he's still on a lactose and gluten free diet. @kazuI can only imagine how tactful you were in your post on the roll call thread; you have such a wonderful way with words. @marshhawk sorry your A1C report isn't good; I hope you can get it under control. Any word on DH's DB after the stroke? @kochleffelwhen do we get to see pictures of your kitties? Today will be spent tidying up the house (company's coming!), and getting DH to drill some holes in some rectangular pots I purchased so I can start transplanting the succulents into containers that can stand side by side. All those round pots take up so much room! I'll pass on the drink of the day, would like the wine (although the distributor notes should say "soil", not "dirt"), and will pass on the menu suggestion as DH doesn't care for miso anything. It's Friday night pizza night so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals to us and we'll be able to enjoy dinner on the deck again tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially our dear baby Murphy. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I enjoy salami on a charcuterie board, but DH eats more of it than I do. We are blessed to still have great mail carriers. Grandma Moses proved you're never too old to start something new. DH's aunt tried doing the same thing, often telling people she was the "New Grandma Moses". Trust me, she wasn't. I'm not sure when the rain started, but there are puddles in the street and the skies are looking ominously dark blue/grey, so I'm pretty sure there's more coming. I feel for the farmers who are trying to get their crops off. DH and I talked about this yesterday, and there's no way I could be a farmer - the stress of everything being dependent on the weather is immense. We've been to the port of the day a few times on our Caribbean cruises, and enjoyed each visit. We usually take the water taxi over to the main town and wander around through the shops before stopping to have our traditional beer in every port before heading back to the mother ship. Not a lot on the agenda today, but I've got another bag of clothes and shoes that need to be dropped off at the thrift store, so you never know what DH will find that he really needs from there. LOL He's such a shopper. I'm 3/4 of the way through my next blanket, so while we're there, I'll be looking for knit or crochet afghans that I can tear apart and use the yarn to complete this one and make more. I'll pass on the drink of the day, would love to try the wine that starts with "This wine screams value." Pretty sure I'd like today's menu suggestion, although DH wouldn't, so won't put it in the recipe box. Because it's cool and rainy, I think I'll take out one of our little pork roasts and toss it in the slow cooker along with potatoes, carrots and celery and call it a meal we can enjoy tonight on the deck with the windows closed. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially sweet little baby Murphy and her family. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I hate being late and make a point of being at least 15 minutes early for most things. We have friends who are chronically late and when we invite them over for dinner, intentionally tell them it's being served half an hour earlier than it is, just so they make it on time. To me, cheese pizza is the beginning of all pizzas. We try to support charities all year round, not just one day. You know how we've had heat and smoke the past few days? Well, this morning we woke to a temperature of +3 (37F)!!! Didn't see that one coming! The skies have cleared off, but it appears a cold front has moved in, which means we'll only be seeing a high of possibly +17 (62). It'll be a cold start for the kids heading out to school for the first time this year - hopefully they'll have fall jackets ready, but I doubt it. @RMLincoln Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruise, even though your dear friend's passing is weighing heavy on your heart. @grapau27 I'm saddened to hear of Sarah's friend's DH passing. @Crazy For Catsit's good to hear your DM has been moved out of ICU. @Quartzsite CruiserI hope DH has good news at his neuro appointment today. @Lady Hudsoncongratulations on your great-grandson's arrival; what a happy time! @catmandoso good to see a photo of you & @marshhawk; good luck with the stopping smoking - it isn't easy! @marshhawk sorry to hear about DBIL's stroke; prayers for him. Not a lot on the agenda today - DH is heading out to get his hair cut, while I'm meeting colleagues for our monthly breakfast gathering. It's always fun to see who shows up and find out what everyone's been up to. The people at the restaurant now give us our own little room, as conversations can become quite lively! I'd like to try the drink of the day, just to see what it's like, know I'd probably enjoy the wine, and definitely yes on the Margherita pizza! Because it's so cool out, I think I'll make a warmer dinner - we're going to have hot hamburger sandwiches and corn on the cob that we can enjoy on the deck with all the windows closed tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I always tried to bring my manners to work, others not so much. We still have a newspaper carrier who, according to our security camera, delivers the paper around 3AM. About a week ago the paper didn't arrive (apparently it was a printing press problem), so I called to inquire about it and the carrier was incredibly apologetic, she also said she was so appreciative of the handwarmers in winter and the bottles of cold water in summer that we always leave for her in our front entrance. I guess the little niceties are appreciated. I've never created my own spice blends, just went with whatever was in the bottles from the store. Well we've got smoke again - when I got up I figured it was foggy until I poked my nose out the front door. Nope, smoke - thick, heavy smoke that smells like wet campfire ash, just like yesterday. I checked the air quality report and we're still at 10+ on a 1-10 scale, so that's not good. It looks like it's going to be another indoor day for the 3 of us. Initially DH and I were going to head out at lunch to attend a Labour Conference barbecue in one of the parks in the city, but not with the smoke so thick. Yesterday DH went to take out the trash and when he came back in, said his eyes were already stinging and he couldn't have been out more than 2 minutes. Yesterday I did accomplish a lot - vacuumed, dusted and washed floors first, then worked on another blanket while watching our football team (the Saskatchewan Roughriders) beat the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in overtime - yay! This coming weekend will be a grudge match between the two, so it will be interesting to see the outcome of that game. @Sharon in AZ wishing your DM a very Happy Birthday! @RMLincoln I'm so sorry to hear about your friend passing; what a shock that must have been for you. @Crazy For Cats that's scary news about your DM; hopefully she'll be okay! I know I'd like the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, and have never had chicken patties before, but think they'd be quite tasty. I've got some salmon fillets thawing that will be cooked in the air fryer/oven and will be served along with parmesan potatoes and a cucumber/tomato salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! The last time we went to a cinema was in 2018 when we saw Bohemian Rhapsody. I bowled in a league for a couple of years early in my career; it was a nice way to meet people and have some fun. We don't have any skyscrapers here on the "frozen tundra", just a few taller office buildings. It seemed very dark when I got up this morning and I thought for bit that our clocks had stopped during the night. I looked outside and it was very cloudy, but as soon as I turned on my phone, there was an air quality alert - the skies are full of smoke and we are sitting at an Extreme level 10+ which means most of the day will be spent indoors. I had planned on working outside with the plants, but think I'll stay inside and make blankets instead. Or housework, we'll see. LOL @Crazy For Cats and @luvteaching Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruises! @Beckett welcome to the Daily! @kazu I just love Ivan; he looks like he should be wearing a smoking jacket and have a glass of scotch sitting beside him. And his piggy. @RMLincolnsafe travels today! @cruising sister heartbreaking news about baby Murphy; continued prayers for this little sweetheart, and all who love her. I'd like the drink of the day, would be willing to try the wine (hey, I drink Cardboardeaux, so what the heck!), and know I would like the menu suggestion, even though DH wouldn't. I've already taken out one of our small pork roasts that will be put into the slow cooker for the day so we can have pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw for dinner tonight which we'll be enjoying it at the kitchen table instead of the deck because of the smoke. And wine. Prayer for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Bon Voyage Lisa and Tom; thanks a bunch for taking us with you!
  7. @Cruzin TerriI am so sorry, yes, I did intend that information for @smitty34877. I apologize, but it might be worthwhile thinking about for your pain, too. Well I got a couple of plants re-potted, but had to come inside because the smoke rolled in again - it almost seems thicker than yesterday. Guess the rest of the afternoon will be spent indoors. @57redbird we bought a couple of underseat carry-ons a few years ago from that famous online site and have been so pleased with them - not once have we been asked to check them, while many others on flights we've travelled have been asked. Ours are basic black, but this is the very same style, albeit more expensive due to the London Fog brand. I can pack a whole bunch of stuff in these little guys so that we ensure if our luggage doesn't make it to our destination, we at least have some extra clothing to wear. https://www.amazon.ca/London-Fog-Newcastle-Under-Charcoal/dp/B07TFB6JPP/ref=sr_1_26?crid=1J2S0YRUA697R&keywords=underseat+carry+on+luggage&qid=1693682718&sprefix=underseat%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-26
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! DH had a beard for a few years, but then shaved it off; he's had a mustache ever since I met him. He also had a pony tail - that's a whole other story. Tailgating isn't something Canadians normally do, but it's fun watching tv programs where they have competitions. Bacon makes everything better. I was saddened to hear on the radio when I got up this morning that Jimmy Buffet had passed away - Margaritaville won't be the same without him. We'll be at Grand Turk in February, so will pay tribute to him then. @RMLincolnwishing you a very Happy Birthday as you celebrate another spin around the sun! @Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary to you and DH; let the love and laughter continue! @Cruzin Terridefinitely try the medical marijuana; many people have found very positive results, having used it. @HeartgroveI love that you do a "practice pack" - I do that every time we cruise! It's a beautiful morning out there for us - currently sitting at 15C (59F), but an expected high of 30 (86) by mid afternoon, so the A/C will be humming away. Right now all the windows are open - we had to shut them up tight yesterday because the smoke was very intense. Even Sochi didn't want to go and sit on the deck at her favourite spot - she went out for a couple of minutes, then scratched at the back door for us to let her in. I sincerely hope this isn't the new normal (although it very well could be) with fires beginning so early in the year and continuing into fall. Yesterday we went to Home Depot to pick up cactus mix so I could start transplanting some of my succulents and discovered an end of season sale on small fountains. We saw one that we both took a liking to, and brought it home - regular price $130 on sale for $30! It's now sitting on a cabinet on our deck burbling away. I did manage to get a few of the jade plants cut down and transplanted, but now have to figure out what to do with at least 5 huge echeveria that are larger than my hand span. I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass - bourbon and cucumber? Strange. I know I'd like the wine, and you had me at lamb! Unfortunately, DH doesn't like lamb, so if I'm going to make kabobs, his should be chicken or pork. I won't have to cook dinner tonight, as the neighbours came back from a 3 day camping trip and called to see if we could come over this evening to help them eat up the hot dogs. They have a fire pit in their yard so we can have an old fashioned weiner roast with them; we'll pick up an ice cream cake (their 2 little boys love them) and will head over for dinner tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit! Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love cats of any colour, would like to have a cherry popover served to me, but will take a hard pass on the tofu. I remember trying tofu once in a restaurant (ate it, but wouldn't order it again) where the waiter said tofu absorbs flavours, to which DH said "so does a paper towel." LOL Much to our surprise, it rained all day yesterday; it started around 8 and continued throughout the day. The farmers certainly don't need rain at this time of the year when they're trying to get their crops off, but the land really does need moisture. This morning we woke to fog and can't see out the windows on the deck because of the condensation. I just had an alert on the phone because we'll be having heavy smoke again - even though it'll be nice (27C), we'll likely have to spend most of the day indoors. @Cruzin Terri Happy Birthday and many healthy, happy returns of the day! @Crazy For CatsI think I'd set an alarm just in case Mona sleeps in. LOL @aliaschiefsafe travels today for you and Sue. @marshhawkI'm sorry you and Chuck had such a bad day yesterday; hopefully the doctor is a good one and can help with a treatment plan. Both of you, get well soon! @RMLincoln and @Crazy For Cats I know what you mean about the last day flurry around the house trying to get everything done and ready for your absence. Wishing everyone a good, safe long weekend as we celebrate our province's 118th anniversary since joining Confederation in 1905. Had a nice time with our friends last night at a new little bar/restaurant nearby. DH had a pierogi pizza (thin sliced potatoes, bacon, green onions in a white sauce), while I had a crispy chicken salad (kale, shredded carrots, crispy noodles, cilantro) and both were big enough that we brought leftovers home. Friday is usually pizza night around here, but since we've got all these leftovers, and DH already has pizza, we'll just enjoy them on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. I just read some important information for any of our Canadian Daily family members who might have Egypt on their itineraries: Canadian passport holders soon will no longer be able to obtain visas upon arrival in Egypt — a new rule that could mean additional headaches for thousands of travellers. As of Sunday, Canadians travelling to Egypt will have to visit Egypt's embassy or a consulate in Canada to apply for a visa before they leave the country, according to Global Affairs Canada's travel page for Egypt. Previously, travellers could get their visas upon arrival at the airport in Cairo, or obtain an e-visa before departure through the online portal. This currently only applies to Canadians, and means a trip to the Egyptian Consulate in Montreal or the Egyptian Embassy in Ottawa to obtain a visa. Yikes!
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We love to eat outside (well, on our deck) whenever possible. I always bring trail mix when we fly in case there are times when DH needs a snack. Some memoirs are really interesting to read, while others are all Me, Me, Me. We've got lightning, thunder and some rain right now, but looking at the weather radar, this system will pass by in about an hour or so. I hope the grass guy doesn't show up this morning, or we'll have clots of grass left behind the mower, as we prefer to mulch rather than bagging. @Sharon in AZ my condolences on the passing of your dear Aunt; even when it's expected, it's still sad. @Mr. Boston safe travels to you and DH as you enjoy your European adventure. I'm happy to hear that our Daily friends are safe from Idalia's wrath, although the destruction is scary to see. I'm such a chicken, I can't imagine trying to ride out a hurricane in one's home. I forgot to mention about Saturday's wedding - it was quite lovely. After the ceremony, the couple left for photos and everyone returned to the venue around 4:30 for a Chinese tea ceremony. At that time the bride changed into a gorgeous red silk dress (not the traditional Cheongsam), and everyone presented their little red envelopes and was given a thimble full of tea. Following that, the bride put on her white gown and they returned for the reception and dance - lots of good food and music flowed until midnight. We left around 9 after they'd had their first dance, as DH was getting tired. It's always nice to see a young couple starting out with stars still in their eyes. I know I'd like the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd appreciate the wine, and would love the menu suggestion - with the addition of chicken or even cold sliced steak. Today though, our friends have invited us to join them at a new little bar/restaurant that opened not far from our house for drinks and appies around 5. They have a glassed-in outdoor deck where, even if it's raining and cooler, we can enjoy getting together for food and great conversation. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! A gentle hug going out to all for whom grief is a constant companion; hoping each day brings a little more sunshine into your lives. We love the beach at Half Moon Cay, and we often try to touch other's hearts with small kindnesses. Well yesterday didn't turn out as I'd thought - in mid afternoon DH suddenly said he became very dizzy, a spell that lasted about 4 minutes. I called the medical help line who said because he needs a pacemaker, to get him to the hospital. Well I've driven this man to the ER 3 times in the past with his heart issues and learned my lesson to never do that again, so called the ambulance. Was he ever upset - like a wet hen who just had another pail of water dropped on her! He didn't want the neighbours to know, was embarrassed, humiliated, all of those things. Like I cared. LOL The paramedics arrived, and took him to the ER where I followed in our car. After 10 hours in a holding area (it was ridiculously busy there), being hooked up to eleventeen different monitors, many tests were performed, and it was determined the dizziness was not caused by his heart, but rather an inner ear issue called DPPV; thankfully it isn't life threatening or earth shattering. We came home at 2:30 this morning, but feel better knowing at least his heart isn't stopping and needing to have emergency surgery. I have to tell you the paramedics (who had to stay with us until he was either released into the hospital or discharged) were unbelievable. DH couldn't have anything except ice chips, but they brought me sandwiches, tea, jello (oh joy!), cookies, and best of all, warming blankets because the ER is kept at the temperature of a warm meat locker. Today is going to be a "down" day for us, after yesterday's excitement, so DH is going out to have coffee with his music buddies and I'm planning on doing something really exciting like laundry. LOL And watching TV to see what Idalia is doing. I KNOW I'd like today's drink, although after a couple of them, I'm sure you'd get pretty sick of the sweetness. Or not. I'd like the wine - a red in my budget, and I do love fish tacos, although I haven't made them in ages. Tonight we'll have those pork chops, potatoes and salad that we didn't get a chance to make yesterday. Our temperatures have dropped a little, so we can enjoy our dinner at a leisurely pace on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone in the path of Idalia, Franklin, and whoever else is out there causing trouble! Cheers going out to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Bats are great at eating mosquitos, but not when they're in your house or cabin. Just a couple of days ago it was reported that a rabid bat had been located in an area across the city from us. When our dear departed kitty Punkin was alive, she frequently brought home bats for us, and 2 of them tested positive for rabies. We had to self-quarantine her for 4 months both times. I've always cooked using minimal amounts of salt; my Dad had a heart condition which meant he was on a low salt diet, and I just got used to it. I always put the salt & pepper on the table for others to use and am not offended when they do. Motorist consideration day - hmmm, that's a good one. The morning started off dark - it's getting dark earlier in the evening, and later in the mornings already. While the temperature is only 13C (55F), we're looking at sunshine (and smoke) and a high of 35C (95F), so the A/C will definitely be humming along today. It's supposed to cool down over the next couple of days, but will head up into the 30's for the weekend, which will be nice for Labour Day weekend. Heard from a young friend of ours - she and her husband were flying to Puerto Vallarta when a fellow passenger went into cardiac arrest. She's an LPN and along with another nurse and with the assistance of a police officer also on his way for a vacation, got the young man into the aisle, performed CPR on him, and with the aid of an AED, were able to bring him back and stabilize him. They deplaned in Albuquerque with a few others, as the medical equipment onboard was not sufficient for the number of passengers, so they were given the royal treatment that evening and flown to PVR the following day. She has subsequently heard from the young man who had a pacemaker installed and he is doing well. So glad she was on that flight and could provide life saving assistance! @Live4cruisesI do hope your DH is recovering from his fall; that's frightening! @kochleffel sorry to hear you fell - glad it wasn't more serious. Saying lots of prayers for baby Murphy and all those around her. @Sharon in AZ prayers for the gentle passing of your Aunt. @StLouisCruisers congrats on achieving 5 Star status!!!! Not a lot happening here today - have to head out to get DH some new shorts, as the ones he's been wearing are in their last season, and he'll need something presentable for our February cruise. While we're out we'll stop at the Salvation Army thrift store, as I've got a couple of bags of clothing/towels, and a box of mismatched glasses and coffee mugs that I've been wanting to donate so others can make use of them. I'll pass on the drink of the day, not a fan of ginger beer, would drink the wine if there weren't any reds around, and know I'd like today's menu suggestion. I haven't made beef kabobs in ages, so will have to take a closer look at the recipes @dfish has provided for us. Now that we've got lots of pork in the freezer, and because it's hot out, I'll have DH to grill up a couple of thick cut pork chops for us. I'll make a batch of dilled potatoes and a side salad to accompany them and we can enjoy it all on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in the path of the hurricanes. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  14. Quick check-in this afternoon - just saw a post from the PTZ webcam folks on another site that a hurricane warning has been issued for Port of Tampa. I checked their webcam and it all looks fine - for now. Stay safe, everyone!
  15. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I don't often race my mouse around icons, as I use only a couple of specific ones. So many of us have beautiful memories of our furry family members who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Woo hoo for Red Wine Day! It's another cool and overcast morning, with a temperature of only 10C (50F), but it looks like things are going to clear off and give us an expected high of 30C (86F), meaning we still can't put away our shorts and sandals - yay! Like @kazu, DH and I spent some time yesterday taking stock of which pots we'll have to start clearing out, and what plants will be brought in to spend the fall/winter/spring in the basement windows, hopefully to survive and be brought out again next year. I have a lot of succulents, but will have to repot many of them to give us room to store them all, but that also means a trip to the hardware store to pick up cactus potting mixture to keep them happy. @DeeniEncinitas I'm happy to hear you're safe; thank you for all you're doing to help others. @smitty34877I'm sorry that both Lou and Tana had difficulties yesterday, but good that your DS was there to help lighten your load. @cruising sister how sad to hear our dear baby Murphy isn't doing well - we've all got such high hopes for that little fighter. Prayers continue for Murphy, her parents, and the medical team caring for her. Not a lot on the agenda today except the aforementioned trip for potting soil, so it'll be a day we can enjoy the heat and maybe sit in the pergola with a drink while watching all the birds at the water stations in the yard. I know I'd like to try the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, and am sure I'll be having some lobster tails on our next BHB, but for today, DH is planning on barbecuing some burgers for us. I'll make a potato salad and cook some corn on the cob that we can enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in the paths of the storms. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'll get DH to bring his guitar out and play on the deck this evening - the neighbours always enjoy it. We should try to speak kind words every day; it would make the world a better place You have to admire the strength of the horses and the stamina of the Pony Express riders as they made their way across the country carrying mail. It's a beautiful August morning out there today, clear skies and sunshine - but I've noticed already the more orange colour to the morning sun, a sure sign that fall is on it's way. The mornings are cool, 12C (53F), but the afternoons warm up considerably - we expect to hit a high of 27 (80F) this afternoon, so it'll be a nice day with a bit of a breeze to keep it comfortable. Sigh, all too soon though, it'll be time to tuck away the shorts and sandals and bring out the jeans and runners again. Having said that though, we don't have hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanoes, or tropical storms, so I think we're doing well. Prayers for @DeeniEncinitas and DH for safety from the fire. Bon Voyage @lobsternight!! I know I'd like the drink of the day, and who can resist a "sultry" wine? I especially love wines that say "drink now". As much as I'd like today's menu suggestion, it's definitely something I'll leave for a cold winter's day when we need to carb load. LOL This afternoon we're headed over to our friend Wayne's where he is preparing a barbecue for us as a thank you for doing the legwork (keyboarding?) arranging their flights and hotels for our upcoming cruise. I'm not sure what we'll be having, but he's a great cook, so I'm sure whatever he serves (especially his garlic laden hummus) will be delicious, accompanied by great conversation. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in the path of Mother Nature's bad mood. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  17. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Many Daily friends have dogs and I think they're all so sweet, even though I'm a cat person. Yay for toilet paper - I think we still have more than eleventeen packages of them downstairs (DH hates the thought of e-v-e-r running out!). Women's equality still has a way to go before we achieve total equality, and that's all I'm going to say about it. Love the quote from Zsa Zsa. The skies look relatively clear and the sun is shining over the roof tops onto the trees in our back yard, so I think it's going to be a nice day. Temp should reach a high of +27(80F) by late afternoon, which will be nice for a day in late August. A busy day today for us - I have a wedding to preside over at 1:00 a short distance out of the city, then we're invited back to the same venue for the reception and dance around 5:00. Normally I never go to the festivities, as I don't know the people, but DH is a relative of the groom's late grandfather, and they don't have many relatives, so he wanted his family represented. @Oceansaway17 Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruise! @Mr. Boston if you're leaving on Thursday, yep, it's time to get packing! @kazuOMG, like you need a hurricane after all the rotten weather you and Ivan have been dealing with! I hope you get help moving things, rather than risking life and limb to do so. @mamaofamigreat news that Sam will be coming home today! Time to get moving - tidying up the house, shower, then heading off to the wedding venue. I'll pass on the drink and wine of the day, would love the shrimp scampi, but will enjoy whatever the dinner is placed before us at the reception this evening. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  18. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We rarely argue, so don't need to kiss and make up, and neither of us has had a banana split in years. I have fond memories of camping in Glacier National Park several years in a row when our son was young, and am grateful for those who thought parks were important enough to save for future generations. It's another cool, grey morning out there for us, but I don't think there's rain in the forecast. I saw on the news last night the torrential downpour that happened in parts of Ontario - flash flooding, etc - yikes! Sad to hear of the loss of life of the truck driver due to a sink hole opening up. @0106 Tina, I'm adding my voice to those thanking you for the stellar job you did providing us with menu ideas while @dfish was enjoying her holiday. Greatly appreciated. Welcome home @dfish and @StLouisCruisers, glad you had a great time! @kazu in reference to yesterday's mention of the sauce on the shrimp cocktail, I'd honestly forgotten about it, but remember asking our waiter if he had more, as I'd like to have it poured all over me. Now I'm going to be searching for a recipe for a white sauce like it!! @marshhawksorry Chuck's in so much pain, but hope it's short-lived and that the icing gives some relief along with pain killers. Good luck with your endocrinologist appt today. @Haljo1935welcome to the Daily; we're a friendly group here, and yes, I'll certainly add you to my prayer list for your medical appointment today. @kazu I hope Franklin doesn't bring too much rain and damage your way! I had some good news yesterday - a week ago I took the Canadian version of the Cologuard test for colorectal cancer, and got a letter in the mail which read : Normal Result Notification. Yay!!! Always a relief to get that information, even if that's likely the only thing normal about me. LOL Yesterday DH and I drove across town to a store that had full pork loins on sale for $1.99 per pound and picked up 3 of them - heavy things they are! Brought them home, cut them up and vacuum sealed 52 thick cut pork chops and 8 small roasts; not bad for a $50 investment, considering what you pay for a tray of chops alone. A busy day today - I've got a hair cut this morning; I've been telling people I'm rocking this shaggy dog look because my groomer was on holidays. Then at 12:30, DH has his eye appointment, and we had a call yesterday telling us that our replacement front door (the original was dented) is available and will be installed late this afternoon. I think I'd like to try the drink of the day, will take a pass on the wine, and have had lasagna roll-ups; they're delicious. It's Friday night pizza night here, though, so after the door is installed, I'll head over to a place nearby and pick up a pizza for us to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  19. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We like restaurants, iconic or not. While we've seen Mt. Vesuvius, we have a healthy respect for all volcanoes. If you want strange music, you have to see this - the Vegetable Orchestra make their own instruments out of vegetables . . . DH was supposed to have his eyes checked yesterday but the clinic called to say the optometrist had a family emergency and postponed the appointment to Friday. I did get my nails done though, and find it much easier to type without hitting a couple of keys at once. @smitty34877I'm sorry to hear that Lou doesn't want any more chemo, but he knows how hard it is on his system; hopefully there is something else that can help with his battle. I'm sure this is almost as hard on you as it is on him. Caregivers suffer along with those being cared for. @marshhawkI hope you can get your work straightened out - at least you're not having to travel! Sorry Chuck's having such a tough time; I do hope the pain and swelling are short lived and he's feeling better again soon. Not much on our agenda today, just sorting through things, as I saw in yesterday's newspaper that September 9th will be a curbside swap day. We were out of town the last time it occurred, so this time we want to be prepared. I know there's an old exercise bike that hasn't been ridden in years that will find it's way out as well a few boxes of things DH used when he was making bird houses. I'd like to try the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd like the wine if I could afford it, and think if I made some modifications to today's menu suggestion, DH would enjoy it. Because it's cool and rainy (seriously, it's beginning to look like fall with the ash trees starting to turn colour already), I know I've got a package of porcupine balls that will make their way into the oven to bake and we'll have them along with corn on the cob and a tossed salad in the kitchen tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  20. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We won't be riding the wind today, nor will we be able to find any daffodils, but I will definitely hug my sweetheart - I do that every day. It rained off and on all day yesterday and through last night as well. The past couple of days have reminded me of usual summer days in Vancouver, rather than on the prairies. Grey skies, intermittent rain and cool temperatures. . . I'd rather have our constant sunshine and heat, thanks. Well it was interesting trying to get our friend's flights booked yesterday through HAL's website and Flight Ease. First I went on their PC, but we couldn't get into the FE part of the site. Several tries later, I suggested we try their laptop. Same thing, but I kept on. Finally I decided to call Flight Ease - well, that was an exercise in futility. I'm sure the agent "Amir" was doing what he could, but it took forever to be able to identify myself to him for verification, then for him to understand I was calling to book someone else's flights. I thought I'd gotten through to him what I wanted, including giving him our friend's booking number, but he said he needed to check on something and put me on hold. He never came back and the line finally disconnected. While waiting on hold (which lasted longer than 15 minutes), Wayne came out with an original iPad that he'd forgotten he even had, and said maybe we could try this. Guess what? We were able to get through without a hitch and a few minutes later, their flights were booked! Yay!! @POA1 thanks for the info on the Sun Trolley - they've been taken over by FLL's community shuttle program, so I'll get in touch with them regarding stops, etc. @Sea Viewerthank you for mentioning ride circuit, but it's out of the area we want to start from - near Harbor Shops. I guess we could take an uber to one of the stops though, if we wanted to use it. @marshhawkplease wish Chuck good luck with his eye surgery today. @Vict0riann Happy Birthday to you and many healthy returns of the day! @HAL4NOW Bon Voyage! A few things on the agenda today - this morning I've got to get my nails done; they're so long I'm making multiple mistakes on the keyboards the past few days, and this afternoon DH has a eye appointment. I would like the drink of the day, am sure I'd enjoy the wine, and I do love chicken shawarma - there's a food truck that always appears at Food Truck Wars in town, and they serve delicious shawarma! We've got lots of leftovers from the rotisserie chicken we bought yesterday, so because it's cool and rainy, I think we'll be enjoying hot chicken sandwiches at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  21. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I can try to be an angel, but it just doesn't take! LOL We haven't had the Tooth Fairy visit in our house for many years. Hoodie Hoo to those living in the Southern Hemisphere; I hope the weather is warm enough for your to shed your heavy garments! BTW, here in our province we call hoodies Bunny Hugs. The rain began last night around 9:30 and continued gently all through the night. This morning it's still coming down and there's water running down the street, something that hasn't happened in a long time. I only wish it would rain on the all too many fires in Canada and the U.S. @superoma wishing your DH a very Happy Birthday today! @grapau27 Happy #42 to you and your lovely Pauline! @aliaschief I'm saddened to learn your DBIL has passed away, but know many prayers were with him on his journey. @smitty34877 were either of the medical people who saw Lou yesterday able to help with the eating situation? Well our friend Wayne has booked on to the same cruise as us in February, which will be great for all 4 of us. He was quite excited when he called yesterday to say he had a booking number, and asked if we can come over today to help them arrange flights through Flight Ease. You don't have to ask me twice! We'll head over there after lunch, as this morning I have a pre-wedding with a couple whose ceremony I'm presiding over on Saturday afternoon. I have a question for @POA1 - can you tell me if the Sun Trolly is still running around FLL? We have great memories of trips on it in the past and would like to use it with our friends in February. And this time we're definitely going on the Water Taxi. I think I'll pass on the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and the Shrimp Taco Salad sounds delicious. It's going to be a busy day, so I think after we're finished over at our friend's, we'll pick up a rotisserie chicken and some potato salad that we can enjoy on the deck this evening. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  22. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! My mom loved spumoni ice cream; once I got used to the little fruit bits, I didn't mind it. I've never really thought of myself as a senior citizen, but I guess I've been one for a couple of years now. Poets, like most artists, don't usually make a lot of money, but put their thoughts and emotions into their work for others to enjoy. After high school, a friend of mine worked for Burroughs Business Machines. The forecast says 40% chance of rain - well it's raining now and seems to have been raining for some time, by the look of the street out front. I heard that we could get rain from the remnants of Hillary later this week, so this is just a warm up. The farmers don't need rain right now, darn it! Yesterday was a productive day for me - while DH took it easy, watching tv and napping, I finished a blanket, finished knitting a long sleeved shrug for myself, and sewed 10 gift bags. Today I can drop the bags off where they will be filled with hygiene essentials and extras such as socks, gloves, toques, etc., to be given to those in need. And to top it off, while I was finishing my shrug, DH and I watched our Sask. Roughriders win against the CFL's #1 team - woo hoo! I thought some of you might like this, although I'm sure I'm Cardboard O positive. @Denise Tgood luck to you as you go through your dissertation today! I like the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and we haven't had nachos in a very long time. I've got hamburger patties thawing in the fridge that I thought we could barbecue, but if it's still raining, I won't make DH stand outside to do that, I'll simply cook them in the cast iron pan. We can enjoy our burgers and coleslaw on the deck tonight (with all the windows closed). And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, particularly those dealing with floods and fires. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  23. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Yay for the honey bees! I listen to the radio every day; I like it as background and for the hourly news. Mosquitos - interestingly enough we had so few in our yard this year. DH said he only had 1 bite, and I might have had one, but it could have been a no-see-um. I know parents in the city were complaining about the swarms of mosquitos as they were watching soccer games, but we seemed to be free of them for some reason. As I walked out onto the deck to turn on the fountain this morning, the first thing I thought of was "And suddenly it was fall." We've got a temperature right now of +6C (42), but it should get up to +22; I can see the trees along the river are already starting to lose their green and take on colour. It's always a sad thing to see the season change so quickly, as our summers are so short. I won't be putting away the t-shirts and capris just yet though, because we could still see some much warmer weather before the cold really settles in. Not a lot happening here today, but I have a blanket that needs finishing, so will be working on that. I also have some cloth gift bags to make for a charity group for folks in need, so I can get my sewing machine working again as well. I saw this and thought my Daily friends might get a smile from it : I like the drink of the day (love sangria!), pretty sure I'd like the wine, and really like today's menu suggestion. I don't have any shrimp in the house, but know the small bags are on sale at a local grocery, so will head out later this morning to pick some up. I love fast and easy dinners and this one looks like a winner to me. It's looking like we'll be enjoying creamy Tuscan shrimp with a side salad and crusty buns on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone in need, especially those who have been impacted by wildfires in Canada and the U.S., and for those in the path of the hurricane/tropical storm. Cheer to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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