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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! DH loves apple turnovers - I don't particularly care for them. I've never had a bikini body, and unless I have a complete body transplant, will never have one. I think I was born a size 6x and grew from there. Thanks, genetics! I was never a workaholic - once I closed my office door, I was lucky enough to forget about work until the following day. Everyone is struggling with weather, it's a crazy time of year. We covered all the plants last night (we did lay the papyrus down so they wouldn't break), but the temperature only went down to +6, so we were saved from frost. Frost covers and winter jackets are never truly put away up here. A busy day today - as soon as I finish this post, I'm going to make some Saskatoon berry muffins for friends who will be coming over for coffee this morning. After they leave, I've got to get my wits about me to get things ready for our Summerfest barbecue on Saturday. Time to locate all the table covers, napkins, plates, cutlery, cups, etc., in addition, make sure there are enough glow bracelets and bubble wands for everyone coming. This year our theme is Hawaiian Nights, so everyone will receive a lei with name tags made specially by DH. Tomorrow will likely be grocery day. @summer slopeso sorry to hear your sweet Bailey is going over the Rainbow Bridge today, but know she'll be waiting for you there with her furry friends. {{Hugs}} @smitty34877yay for DH heading home today - that's the best place to recuperate! I'd love to have a mai tai today - I don't recall the last time I had one, but I'm sure it was on a BHB. And hurray for a red wine that doesn't cost a mortgage payment! I'd make today's menu suggestion, but as mentioned before, we're carnivores, so would make it with ground beef. Because we're going to be busy, I'm not going to fuss with dinner - it's time for a chicken Caesar salad on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Independence Day to all my American friends here at the Daily! We barbecue a lot during the warmer months, I don't mind country music - DH doesn't care for it, and occasionally it gets hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk, even here on the "frozen tundra". Speaking of the "FT", I just heard the latest weather report - a cold air mass will come in later this afternoon and there is a "risk of frost" for tonight. Seriously?!? I'm not sure how I'm going to protect our papyrus that are now nearly taller than I am, but we'll have to if we want the yard to look nice for Summerfest this weekend. The other plants are fine, I've got covers for them, but I think we'll have to lay the papyrus down and build a bridge out of bamboo stakes to hold the fabric to provide a safe cover for them. ARGH! Having monthly breakfast with my retired colleagues this morning and found out last week that another has just returned to the city, so will pick her up and bring her along with me. There will be lots of lively chatter, as many of us haven't seen her for a few years and will want to catch up. @cruising sisterI am so sorry to hear about your aunt; may her soul rest in eternal peace. @smitty34877what great news about Lou feeling spunkier; hopefully he'll be able to come home soon and feel so much better. I know he's going to enjoy your home made treats. I'd like today's drink because of the fresh grapefruit juice, would love to try the wine, but my wallet won't support it. I've often made today's menu suggestion into a lunch item by using the bagged Asian salad mix and added in a couple of broiled chicken breasts - it's quite delicious. I have to try to make room in our freezer to start making ice for Saturday's party, and because it's cool out today, I've already taken out some frozen stew that will be heated and enjoyed at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! As a child I helped my mom build a scarecrow out at the farm; it was fun putting it together from old clothes. No need for one in the city. I'll compliment my mirror by quoting Billy Crystal: "You look mahvelous!!" I wasn't a disobedient child, but did take part in some civil disobedience for good causes in my teen/young adult years. We had a good time yesterday at a friend's 80th birthday party; DH used to teach with him and we shared many evenings and weekends together with our young families. It was nice seeing so many of DH's former colleagues at the celebration, but as DH put it "Everyone's looking old." Yes, they're all in their later years, so I guess that's bound to happen. The weather was great for an outdoor gathering with just enough of a breeze to ruffle our skirts and keep the mosquitoes at bay. After we got home around 8PM a cold front moved in and the smoke billowed in as well - I couldn't believe how quickly it appeared, and the smoke was thick like we were sitting directly in front of a campfire. The sun was a giant ball of brilliant orange, unlike any other we've seen before during forest fire season - it looked like a bright orange Lifesaver. I tried capturing it on my iPhone, but the photos couldn't do it justice compared to the real thing. @Seasick SailorI am so sorry to hear about your tumble with Allen; I am sure he was happy to have had you for a soft landing, but poor you! And your toe - I hurt just looking at the picture!! @smitty34877 How disheartening to hear of Lou's setback - I hope the doctors can give him something to bring him back to good health again. So glad your DS was able to come and help you out with the family. @kazu Sad to hear Ivan's had more health issues, but am so glad he's got you as his Mom to take good care of him. Take care of yourself too, though. Not a lot happening today, but the cooler temperature will make working in the yard much more pleasant. We're only expecting a high of +20 (68), so it will be quite comfortable, as I think we're going to clean the barbecue grills (DH) and I've been tasked with cleaning and scrubbing the foldable camp chairs. I'd like to try today's wine, but it's out of my budget, and as for the drink of the day, who doesn't like Pop Rocks??? We always have some on hand when our grandsons come, as they're just fun! I'm sure we'd like today's menu suggestion, but don't have any shrimp on hand. DH said once the grills are cleaned, he wants to fire the BBQ up again, so I've got a couple of pork chops thawing that will be grilled and served along with a Caesar salad and baked potatoes on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! It seems I'm the memory bank in our house, so if I forget things, we're toast. I've said this before, but when UFO's fly past planet Earth, they lock their doors. I wish there were more accessible recreation areas for those with disabilities; you don't realize how few there are unless you have family or friends with a disability. Well we hit our daily high of +36 yesterday, but even though it was hellishly hot, I was able to get all the windows on the deck cleaned. After going through a full bottle of window cleaner and lots of paper towels, I decided to try a magical cloth I'd purchased at the dollar store a couple of years ago called "Miracle Glass Cloth". I wet it in a basin of water, wrung it out and it indeed did perform miracles! I won't be buying glass cleaner any time soon, as this silly little cloth did the job without streaking, and I can save the planet a little longer by not using paper towels. After the windows were done, it was time for a shower, then DH and I drove across town to an indigenous run gas station that was having Canada Day celebrations. They have crafts (purses, jewelery, t-shirts, bunny-hugs, coffee mugs, etc.), and were providing a free barbecue for anyone who stopped by. Although I was tempted by the gorgeous purses and wallets, I did resist them, but managed to add a couple of native designed t-shirts to add to my wardrobe. We hadn't had lunch, so were invited to join them for some, so outdoors we went where there were misting stations, large umbrellas, and picnic tables so we could enjoy a tasty smokie while listening to fiddle and guitar music provided by some of the locals. It was fun. @rafinmdthe horrible shooting in Baltimore was on our CBC national radio news this morning - when will it end? Today we're heading out to get a number of keys cut for our new front door - for our family, and to give some to trusty neighbours in the event we ever get locked out. Then this afternoon we're going to a friend's 80th birthday celebration, where I'm sure there will be treats galore. His children have rented a small hall where we'll gather and there is a barbecue to follow, so I'm relieved of making dinner again tonight. Darn! LOL Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian Daily family members! I like chicken wings, especially the salt & pepper ones. DH never used to tell jokes, but in the last few years when on cruises, he had a joke for the table every night at dinner. Devotion to Duty Day is interesting; I took it to mean put your whole self into whatever job you were involved with. Maybe it's to do with the military? The hot temperatures brought in a line of thunderstorms last night. We had lots of lightning and thunder, but just a few spits of rain, while on the other side of the city, streets were flooded as the storm drains couldn't handle the downpour. We're looking at another +34 day, so thunder and lightning will likely come through in the later afternoon or evening as well. I hope it holds off long enough for the public fireworks display - the city shuts down one of the bridges and sets the fireworks off from there while people line the riverbanks and enjoy the sparkles. Prayers for @luvteaching as she goes through the painful process of losing her DH, for @smitty34877's DH Lou for better health to come, for the family of @57redbird's cousin who passed away, and of course for dear baby Murphy. I would like to try today's wine - it's a little stretch moneywise from Cardboardeaux, but it is a Rioja, so I could do that. I'm going to give a pass on the drink of the day - cold cucumbers in alcohol don't do it for me. Today's menu suggestion is one that I make on a regular basis, as it's one of the easiest to put together and takes just a few minutes of cutting up the tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers and red onions and feta cheese (no olives for this girl). My basic dressing consists of red wine vinegar, canola oil, salt and oregano, nothing more. I'm going to be making it today as a side dish that we're going to have with burgers DH will grill on the bbq for an easy dinner on a hot July day in the pergola. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need (and those I've missed above), cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. @57redbirdI'm so sorry to hear about your cousin Chris. May God bless his soul and all who loved him.
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We enjoy heading out into the countryside to watch the Perseid meteorite showers in August, but don't want to rush summer away! Handshakes are making their way back, but we're still cautious, even with several jabs and pokes. Yay for National Organization for Women, giving us a voice. It looks like a typical summer day starting out with clear skies, just a hint of a breeze and an expected high of +34 (93f), so that means the windows will stay open for about another hour or so, then we'll close everything up and likely turn on the A/C around mid afternoon. I'm sorry so many of you are experiencing HOT as Hades weather, and poor quality air - I hope that changes soon for you. @smitty34877please wish your DH Lou a very Happy Birthday and hope he can enjoy a treat, even though he's in the hospital. @bennybear wishing your DH Happy Birthday as he celebrates another trip around the sun. @kochleffelHappy Retirement Day to you - a couple of days ago I celebrated the 9th anniversary of closing my office door for the last time and I don't regret a minute of that decision. Wishing you a long, happy, healthy retirement. @kazu beautiful photos of your flowers, as usual. I didn't know that deer won't touch peonies! @Denise T that sounds scary, having to get security cameras and having your property line re-surveyed! Had to call the door guy to report there are 2 small dents in our new door that I didn't see initially. When I look at the photo taken just minutes after they left, you can definitely see one in the middle between the two panels and another just off to the lower left. Off to get my nail fill, then DH and I are going to start working on cleaning the windows on the deck, a few at a time (there are 16 large panes). It's a thankless job, as most cleaning tasks are, but a necessary one if we want to see out when the sun is shining on the glass. After that I think it'll be time to peruse the online menus because it's Friday night pizza night and I'm sure we'll be enjoying it in the pergola instead of the deck. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Just a quick afternoon check-in. @JazzyV how sad to learn of your DF Ruth's situation; I pray for a peaceful, pain free passing from this plane to the next. @smitty34877I do hope the transfusion will help your DH's outlook and will assist with his recovery from surgery. @1ANGELCAT I'm sorry Houdini's bloodwork wasn't good - it's a difficult thing when our fur babies are unwell and we can't do much except stand by. The wind is picking up and we might be getting some thundershowers later tonight . . . we'll see.
  9. @StLouisCruisers I just received an email from Shutterfly re their 4th of July sale for free unlimited photo book pages - I'm sure you're going to be a busy lady!! Forgot to mention our new door and sidelights were installed yesterday - it was seamless from beginning to end. The 2 fellows were fast, efficient, courteous, and cleaned up everything, including wet mopping the inside floor area. It doesn't look terribly different from our old, but with privacy glass, I no longer have to worry about curtains for the sidelights. And they installed a peep hole viewer, since we can no longer just look past the curtain to see who's out there. Yay!
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! With our smart phones, we've not used a camera for a very long time. Our DS still has his DSLR professional camera, but when they went to Japan, only took his phone and the quality of photos he took were amazing. I'm a hugger, so today is a great day for me - I had to teach DH how to hug, as he didn't grow up that way. There's nothing to compare with the feeling of warm mud squishing through your toes. I really like today's quote. It's a beautiful, clear and sunny day out there this morning, but the smell of smoke is still very prevalent; there are no air quality statements, so I guess it can't be too bad. We're looking at a high of +30, which will mean a nice warm day to do some yard work. That will take place after I have a pedicure this morning - I'm long overdue for one. @cruising sister sending prayers for your sweet Murphy and her surgical team. @smitty34877prayers for Lou and I hope the complications can be easily rectified. @Oceansaway17 Bon Voyage! I'd like to try the drink of the day, and would seriously love the wine, but would have to take out a short term loan to buy a bottle . . . why is it the reds are always the most expensive ones??? We had a phone call from the husband of our friend who passed away last year - he's been having the occasional glass of wine with a neighbour lady who was recently divorced (after 38 years and 9 children; abuse was involved). He wanted to go out for dinner, but didn't want it to seem like a date, so asked if we'd join them for - wait for it - Vietnmese food tonight. You don't have to ask me twice! We'll be enjoying salad rolls with peanut dipping sauce and a few other dishes at the restaurant tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! When I first got out of high school, I worked for an insurance company - that's where I became a pro at reading papers upside down, as the agents were so slow at giving me information. Definitely not into body piercing - I have my ears pierced and that's quite enough, thank you. We still get a daily newspaper (although some days it seems little more than a couple of flyer pages), and do look forward to some of the columnists. Not sure about Frank Lloyd Wright's quote, but love his architecture - so much so that if we ever won the lottery, we said we'd build a house in his style. We've been to Fallingwater in Mill Run, Pennsylvania . . . such an amazing place. I'd love to return some day just to go through it again, as we had a behind the scenes tour. Well we have the house to ourselves again - our friend was finally discharged and they decided to head home. What should have taken 4 straight hours of driving turned into more like 7 because our friend had to keep stopping for bathroom breaks along the way. I'm sure their daughter was happy to drop them off and go back to her own home after that. Looking forward to today because we're finally getting a new front door and sidelights. Our old one (which was new in 1972) no longer fit properly; we had a big frost buildup on the strike plate every winter, had to be sure to use a draft stopper at the bottom, and when it got very cold, we had to tug super hard on the door to close and lock it from the outside. Really looking forward to the new one! @luvteaching thinking of you this morning with love and prayers, knowing you've got major tasks ahead of you in the next few days. Lean on your family and friends, as they will want to help in any way they can. So many spouses and Dailyites with health issues, please know you're in my prayers for better days to come. I like today's menu suggestion, especially when you can adjust the spice level. I'm relieved of kitchen duty tonight because we have a bunch of leftovers that need to be eaten. We'll have a smorgasbord of things to choose from that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them, and cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. We celebrate it on the day it falls, just like Christmas. Some may get an extra day in lieu, but not all will, it depends on the employer.
  13. Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We eat onions in so many different things, lately going through a lot of red onions in Greek salad. On the "frozen tundra" we need sunglasses year round, so I have several pair in each vehicle, including my prescription ones. Helen Keller was a remarkable woman - we could all learn from her. I think I can identify with the Mae West quotation . . . @luvteaching my heart breaks for you knowing your DH Phil has passed away. Know that your friends from near and far are holding you and your family in prayer and love. Late to the party as has been the custom these past few days - we still have company, but not sure if they'll be here for tonight or not. Today is the day our friend gets released from the hospital - should have happened at 11AM, but the doctor wasn't available due to an emergency. Just heard from the daughter that the doctor just arrived and they might be able to leave the hospital in about an hour after all the paperwork is completed. They'll come back here and it will be decided if they continue on to their home (which is about 4 hours solid driving from here), or will spend the night and make their way home tomorrow. I've already stripped the beds and washed the towels, so they'll have clean beds to sleep in if they choose to stay. Sending prayers to all with family health problems, as there seem to be so many right now; let's turn that around, shall we? It's pretty hot out right now, so if our friends do spend tonight with us, I think we'll order something in, as I really don't have anything planned for dinner. I'm hoping they'll enjoy something simple like pizza in the pergola tonight. And wine. Prayers for all with needs, cheers to everyone with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  14. Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I don't have a beautician, I have a magician - I walk in looking like the cat dragged me around, and leave feeling like a new woman. Forgiveness can be difficult, but it does help with the stress level to be able to forgive and move on. Love canoeing, and did a lot of it a number of years ago. Well I'm in just getting the computer turned on and it's the middle of the afternoon. We were up early (7:30), and I've started running out of ideas for different breakfasts, so decided to go with something simple and did Toad In The Hole, along with a fruit salad topped with whipped cream. And lots of coffee. Our friend had his leg angioplasty procedure this morning and was back in his room before the lunch hour. He was told to lie still without doing anything for 4 hours, but he was texting back and forth with his daughter and wife. They decided to go up and visit him (I wouldn't have), and came back for a quick lunch. I made bunwiches with ham & cheese and served a bought peach pie with ice cream for a dessert. In a short while we'll be off to Wallyworld and the Big Box store for not sure what, but they want to go and don't feel comfortable driving there themselves. A big Happy Birthday to @mamaofami with many happy, healthy returns of the day. @luvteaching, keeping you in my heart and prayers as you sit with DH and your DS. @smitty34877I hope your DH's surgery went well and they were able to get in a good dose of chemo to help him. @Seasick Sailor, @Vict0riann and @marshhawk sending good vibes to your DH's for better health ahead. @cruising sister I hate it when you break a toe - I've done that before and it's SO painful! @aliaschiefI'm glad you aren't feeling too bad after your tumble. @kochleffel its good to hear your fall wasn't one that caused serious injury. Just wondering, if you had an extra bedroom for your kitties to get accustomed to before venturing out into the rest of your house? That's what we did with our Sochi so she could get used to us feeding her, etc., and when she felt like it, she could come out and visit on her terms. I'd like to try the drink of the day as well as the wine, but you had me at lamb. However, our friends have requested salmon, so I'll be making panko crusted salmon, parmesan potatoes, Caesar salad and a shrimp ring for dinner. Dessert will be ice cream with fresh strawberries, drizzled with butter pecan balsamic vinegar. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need (I'm sure I've forgotten someone), cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  15. Good afternoon (it's almost evening!), thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love log cabins - the most beautiful one I've ever seen was near Flathead Lake in Montana, nestled deep in the woods. I'm not a fan of catfish, it's just okay, so I'll give my share to anyone else who would like it. Thankful for all the Seafarers out there. Seriously late to the party today - our company is quite time consuming. It began with breakfast (pancakes, bacon, fruit salad, strawberries and whipped cream), then the clean-up as they had to head to the hospital early to get a decent parking space. Our friend was given a day pass, as his surgical procedure isn't until tomorrow, so they thought it best to bring him back to our house . . . wasn't planning on making lunch, but that plan was changed rather quickly. I made up a big chef's salad with everything I had in the fridge and more, including sliced ham, chicken breast, hard boiled eggs, etc., and crusty buns on the side. It was too hot to eat on the deck (we're currently sitting at +32C 89F), so we set up a folding table to eat out in the pergola in the shade with a bit of a breeze. Now they've returned to the hospital and are expected back in an hour or so. So many people to pray for - just grateful we aren't on the list as well. @smitty34877prayers for you, your family, DH and his surgical team for tomorrow; will keep you all in my heart. @Seasick Sailorhoping Allen is perking up or will be very soon! @marshhawkI'm sorry to hear cancer has returned for Chuck; will keep both of you in my prayers, knowing the road ahead may be a bumpy one. @luvteachingextra prayers for you, your DH and those who love your DH so much; hope you get to spend more quality time together. I'm sure I'm forgetting to list some, but know you're all in my prayers for better days ahead. @Crazy For Cats wishing your DH a very Happy Birthday! @aliaschief sorry to hear of your fall - it's awful when you have an ankle or knee that gives out when you least expect it. I was wondering more about your head hitting the elevator than your knee or ankle! @ottahand7Love, love, love your cabin! Although in my mind, it's a house. @USN59-79 love the inside of your cabin - it does give off warm, cozy vibes. @kochleffelso glad your kitties have arrived; I'm sure they're going to love living with you. Please post photos when you can; I'd love to see them! @Cruzin Terri we've been to Warnemunde and although it was nice, DH's daughter and I took the train to Rostock where we spent the day shopping, dining and beverage tasting - good memories! We've been to Mykonos a couple of times and thoroughly enjoyed our visits - lots of cute little shops to explore, but like @Cruising-along, I spent a good deal of time saying hello to the kitties. Best was sitting at a lovely beachfront restaurant enjoying a beer and delicious Greek salad. I'm going to pass on making the salmon today because I've been asked to cook salmon for our friends tomorrow. Tonight we've got leftovers from our lovely Greek meal that our friends took us for last night. Two of us have mezethaki, one had beef frajolaki and the other has chicken souvlaki to finish off. Because it's so warm on the deck, we'll be seated at the table out in the pergola to enjoy our dinners. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've never seen a fairy, enjoy stopping at food trucks, and we don't have a dog or go to work, so that one's off the list. I no longer rigorously plan our days (except cruises, I rigorously plan cruises), would like to have a few glasses of the drink of the day and with the exception of the price, think the wine would be quite enjoyable. I'm late to the party today because our older friends from 4 hours away called us yesterday morning to say they'd received a call from the hospital that there was a bed for our friend who needs angioplasty in both his lower legs. We quickly headed over to the grocery store so we had a full supply of things, rather than just the 2 of us grazing the weekend away, and tidied up the house and yard. The 3 of them (their retired nurse daughter drove them) arrived around 4PM and he was quickly checked into the hospital. Apparently if he didn't take the bed, it could be another month or possibly two until there was space available for him. The procedure won't take place until Monday, so he's just hanging out at the hospital for the weekend - his wife and daughter are up there now. I made muffins, fruit salad and cheese for breakfast that we were able to enjoy on the deck, and won't have to worry about lunch, as our guests aren't returning until mid afternoon. They want to take us out for dinner, so I'm not cooking tonight - yay! I'm not totally relieved of kitchen duties, as they're staying at least until Tuesday, so I'll be checking to see what's good and easy to put together for them. Happy Birthday greetings to @Sharon in AZ and to @StLouisCruisersDD. @kochleffelI'm chuckling as I envision you enduring your retirement party. @marshhawkso sorry to hear about your DMIL, but glad she's out of hospital. You need to get on your meds quickly to get that pain under control! @kazumy heart goes out to you as you get through this painful anniversary. Be sure to lavish love and tears on Ivan; he'll help you through it. Wine will help, too. @Seasick Sailor yikes about DH's medical problems - please give him our love and know our prayers are coming your way. @luvteaching so sorry to hear about your DH's health; he was doing so well! I will keep you, DH, and your DS in my prayers. I'd like today's menu suggestion, but as mentioned, we're being taken out for dinner and I think it's to a local Greek restaurant, so I know it will be tasty. I think we'll be able to sit on their outdoor patio to be able to enjoy our meal tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  17. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Huge respect for all the widows and widowers for managing the struggles of living daily without their partners. I'm trying to let it go by getting rid of things that are only significant to me - it isn't easy, but it feels good once the bags are dropped off at the thrift store. I don't have a lot of pink in my wardrobe, but will try to find something suitable. Last night we sat outside enjoying the calm and quiet, having Aperol Spritzes when we figured it was likely time to head indoors. It was 10:30 and still light out - that's the kind of summer evenings we typically enjoy. At 10, you could easily have read the newspaper, and when we came into the house it was just starting to get a bit dark. This morning is nice with some big white puffy clouds and a slight breeze - we're expecting a high of 26C (78F) which will be a comfortable temperature if we're going to do any yard work today. There's not a lot to do, as the fellow came and mowed the lawns, so I think I'll use some time to transplant the jade plant I cut down about a month ago. @rafinmdHappy Birthday to you! Enjoy your day as you celebrate another trip around the sun! @ottahand7 oh my gosh, I was feeling pain and anxiety just reading about your episode! I do hope the healing goes well - owie!! Yesterday I did something I haven't done in a very long time - I cancelled our January cruise. DH told me he was only lukewarm (more like lukecool) about going, and with the exception of only 1 port (St. Lucia), he really didn't care about the others. He said he'd go, but just because I wanted to . . . really, it didn't make sense. I could go and try to enjoy myself while he's just having a "meh" time? Why waste the money? So I cancelled it. Never fear, I won't stop looking for cruises that will appeal to both of us. I'd love to try the drink of the day and would like to buy the wine from the auction house. If I recall correctly, we had some amazing black bass fish sandwiches at Porto Moniz when we were on a tour with @kazu and others last November. It was so delicious! No fish on the menu tonight - it's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll head out to one of the small pizza places near us and pick up something we can enjoy on the deck this evening. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the families of the people in the submersible Titan. A sad note - it was announced yesterday that another lady has succumbed to the injuries she sustained in the horrible bus/semi crash in Manitoba. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  18. A quick afternoon check-in. I just returned from lunch with my friend (it only took me 35 minutes to cross the city), turned on the television and saw that the Titan submersible appears to have imploded, killing all inside. How tragic for all the families involved.
  19. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I haven't had a chocolate eclair in ages, and usually give my onion rings to DH, as I'm very picky about their size. I dislike the thick cut ones, much preferring the thin sliced, crispy inside kind. We need to protect our rainforests. Well yesterday was a bust weather-wise; we shouldn't have to wear a sweater on the first day of summer! It was cloudy most of the day and even when the sun did make an appearance, there was a cold wind blowing. Today is starting off bright, clear and sunny, and even though it's only 10C (50F), it's supposed to get up to an acceptable 23 (74) later in the day and increasing in warmth as we go through the weekend. We have a major traffic issue in our city; there are 5 bridges across the river connecting the two sides of the city, but more importantly, to the downtown core, and 1 is shut down for complete resurfacing. Yesterday morning firefighters were called out to the largest of the remaining 4 bridges because a homeless person apparently made his home under one of the spans and had made a fire to keep warm that got away on him. Firefighters had a terrible time reaching the source, as it was in one of the spans in the middle of the river and it had gotten into the old wooden supports embedded in the concrete, making it a real headache. After several hours they were able to put out the fire, but now engineers are involved, checking to make sure the bridge structure hasn't been compromised. SO glad we don't have to use that bridge and feel bad for folks needing to get to and from work. @ottahand7 Happy Birthday to your DH with many healthy returns of the day! Happy Birthday for tomorrow @rafinmd - you're going to be a busy guy! Good luck to Ren and the Jaguars @StLouisCruisers. @kazu how is Ivan doing? @Seasick SailorI hope you and DH aren't having serious health issues; will keep you in my prayers. Not a lot happening today, just heading out for lunch with a friend who is an admin assistant in our city's largest elementary school. We haven't had a chance to get together for a long time, so it will be good to catch up, even though she's only got an hour for her lunch break. It's a busy time of year with only 1 more week of school, but it's good for her to get away from the chaos for a bit of a break. Because of the bridge closures, I've already plotted my way across the city and will have to leave quite a bit earlier to allow for the added traffic. I'll take a pass on the drink of the day, same with the wine, and a big no on the menu suggestion. Yesterday I was planning on making stuffed peppers for dinner, but a widowed friend of ours stopped by early in the afternoon - she said she was craving home made fried chicken, made up a big batch and knew we'd enjoy some, so shared it with us. It was delicious, so today is our stuffed peppers dinner that - now that the temperature has warmed up - will be enjoyed on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who need them, especially those in the submersible, and for the people of Ukraine. Cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  20. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Summer Solstice; I hope everyone enjoys this first full day of summer. Pretty sure skateboarding is off the list of things to do for the day, and although I'd like to try yoga, I'm not sure I could get up off the floor once I got down. LOL Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day to all who are of indigenous ancestry; I'll be wearing my orange shirt today and just might bring out my Metis sash for good measure. Although the calendar says June 21st, the sky doesn't look like it, nor does the temperature confirm that it is. Right now we've got overcast skies, a cold wind, and a temperature of only +8 (46) with a predicted high of 14(57) - definitely a jeans and long sleeve t-shirt kind of day. I thought it must have cooled off, as I recall both DH and I battling for the blankets during the night. Because it's so cool out, I think it's time to start up the oven and after heading out to the grocery store to pick up more rhubarb, will try @SusieKIslandGirl's pie recipe. DH has coffee with his bandmates this afternoon and I'll continue sewing, whittling down my fabric stash. @kazu I do hope Ivan is on the mend; he's so lucky to have you as his mom taking care of him. @aliaschief I look at your beautiful photos and harken back to the days when HAL used to have barbecues on the deck - I wish they'd bring them back. @marshhawk I'm surprised at the cost of your corn on the cob; right now the Safeway store has them for 69 cents each. @Denise T what is your podcast about? @Heartgrove the anniversary of our loved one's passing is always a difficult day; my heart goes out to you. @Cruzin Terri Bon Voyage; get onboard, sit back, relax, and recharge - you need it! I'd like a glass of Christmas punch, but leave out the bourbon and vermouth - perhaps subbing in vodka instead. I feel so well informed about the wine, but doubt I'll order it due to the cost. I really like stuffed peppers, but we are carnivores and enjoy having ground beef in ours - I think on my grocery run today I'll pick up some peppers and keep the oven going to make stuffed peppers that will be served along with a tossed salad to be eaten at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those who are on the submersible (I can't imagine what they're going through). Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  21. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I haven't had an ice cream soda in years - much prefer floats. DH makes great floats out of almost any kind of pop; they always have a huge amount of foam, my favourite part. We occasionally see bald eagles flying over the city - they really are majestic. Bless the refugees; we all hope never to have to be in that position where we are forced by circumstances to leave all that is comfortable and familiar. We heard the news yesterday about the missing submersible; I fear it may never be retrieved and feel terrible for those inside. Being claustrophobic, just the thought of 5 people crammed into that little pod gives me the willies. Prayers for all involved. We finally made the decision to book another cruise - life is too short, we're losing too many friends, and it was just time. We're booked on the Eurodam for 3 delightful weeks in January and were able to get a cabin we've had twice before in a location we're happy with, so the stars aligned. It always feels good to have a cruise on the books, it's something to look forward to. Not a lot on the agenda today, some laundry, maybe a trip to the Salvation Army thrift store to drop off more clothes and "things" no longer needed. After that, I'm still continuing with my sewing coasters; I've already got 15 sets made and there is more fabric to go through! @StLouisCruisers good luck to Ren's team today! @kazu I do hope Ivan's ills are short lived and you can relax comfortably with him again. @Cruzin Terri I hope you're feeling better and have more energy today. I'd like to try today's drink, as watermelon is a lovely summertime treat, and would also enjoy the wine - an affordable red, yay! I haven't made fried rice in a long time, but will wait for a cooler day to do so. DH has requested burgers, so there are home made beef patties thawing in the fridge that he'll barbecue and we'll enjoy them with corn on the cob on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  22. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Juneteenth; a very good thing to celebrate. I haven't had a true martini in years, never did like the olives, so I'll enjoy the pseudo-martinis that @kochleffel doesn't care for. We've never had a pet in film, but early in our marriage, our beloved Lump (huge grey cat) was photographed and appeared in the yellow pages ad for the photographer. I still have that clipped and tucked away somewhere. I'd have loved to have brought my cat to work, but don't think judicial robes and Ragdoll hair go well together. We had a beautiful day to go to the cemetery yesterday - bright sunshine and just enough breeze to keep the mosquitos from being a nuisance. There were only 8 of us, but we managed to tidy up the graves, making them presentable for anyone who decides to visit. We returned to the city where we lounged around and enjoyed our Italian dinner on the deck. Around 7:30 it started clouding in with some heavier wind and then the ran began - it continued well until after midnight which is great for all the lawns and farmers surrounding the city. No watering needed for a few days for us! @Quartzsite Cruiser yikes on your temperatures - be careful and be sure to keep hydrated! @smitty34877 sending good wishes for your DH's oncologist appt. @cruising sister sorry your kids lost the house; I remember the disappointments when that happened to us years ago. Hopefully they'll find the house of their dreams and everything will fall into place for them. @StLouisCruiserscongrats to Ren's team - good luck for tomorrow! @Cruzin Terri so glad your clothes caught up with you and strongly advise you to get outside and walk around, even though you feel like you're dragging. I'd like the drink of the day (am I the only person who doesn't like to have their drinks rimmed with salt/spicy mix?), and would likely die of thirst before I was able to order today's wine, although it isn't pricey. The only chili I've ever known has had beans and ground beef, so I can't imagine (a) not having beans, or (b) not having meat. LOL I've got some pork chops thawing that will be breaded and cooked in the air fryer and will be served along with asparagus and potato salad on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing!☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  23. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Father's Day to all Dads and those who step in to fill the role - you are greatly appreciated! I'm up early and we're out the door in just a short while - it's the annual Father's Day clean up in the small country cemetery about 1 1/2 hours away from here. This year DH has to chair the meeting, as the fellow who usually does is not far from being a member of the in-ground club. That also means we have to get there early to trim around the graves with the string whip and tidy things up before people get there. There are usually only about a half dozen of us, but it's a tradition that we like to keep up for the graves of the family that are there. I'd love to go fishing, rarely panic, and think a picnic would be great today. Chocolate martini - heck, yes!! I'm sure the wine is nice, and know for sure DH wouldn't appreciate today's menu suggestion. As his kids haven't invited us over for anything, I think we'll be ordering from his favourite Italian restaurant and enjoying a quiet dinner on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. A belated Happy Birthday to @durangoscots for yesterday; I hope you had a wonderful day. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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