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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! DH's late uncle was a cowboy through and through; he broke his last horse at age 76, then decided it was time to give that chore to someone younger. I love vanilla ice cream, as it leads to so many other things like nuts, cherries, sprinkles, etc. My parents made sure we took swimming lessons, as neither of them could swim. Exactly 3 years ago today while we were with our DS and his family at a lake south of Calgary, our DS saved a young boy from drowning. Later that year he received a medal of commendation from the Royal Canadian Lifesaving Society of Canada for his efforts. A beautiful day out there this morning, a hint of a breeze, I can see the squirrels running through the trees, and the sky, although hazy, is mostly blue. It's going to be warm (30), or 90, so that means the windows will be closed in an hour or so and the A/C will be getting a workout today. Not a lot happening here except getting things together so we can head out to our friend's lake tomorrow morning. I've been given strict orders not to bring food (how can I not? It's in my genes!!!), but they didn't say anything about liquids, so we'll be bringing juice, pop, beer, and of course, wine. We have to locate our fishing gear - it only gets used once a year when we visit them - and will have to pick up some minnows as bait, as I hate to use up their supply. @summer slope wishing you a very Happy Birthday, and hope the health issue is remedied for you soon. Sending prayers for baby Murphy, that she is resting comfortably and that her little body has what it takes to fight off that darn staph infection. I'd like to try a sip of the drink of the day, but think it might just be a bit too sweet. I'm sure I'd like the wine, and might splurge on it for a special occasion. The menu suggestion sounds good, although I've never had tempeh; I don't think I've even seen it in a grocery store around here, but will take a closer look next time we're shopping. Because I don't want food left in the fridge for the next 3 days, we'll just be grazing tonight to eat up the leftovers for dinner tonight. It'll be too hot to dine on the deck, so it'll be a grazing party for the 2 of us in the pergola tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in. First, I'm delighted to see that @dfish and Sue are onboard - it's always a good feeling when you cross that threshold, isn't it? Then I'd like to welcome Fancy to the Daily pet list - she looks like a sweetheart. I want to assure @cruising sister that prayers are indeed continued for baby Murphy, her parents, and her medical team. I'm hoping this setback will be short and she'll be back on the road to recovery very soon. Love and healing light coming her way from Canada. I did not have good news today - first thing this morning a friend messaged to me to say that her friend and colleague (age 60) passed away overnight, and then shortly after I had an email from the wife of a deceased CC member to ask for prayers as she's been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. Sigh. Stupid, stupid, stupid cancer. It's time for wine.
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Who wouldn't love to be in a hammock on Half Moon Cay right now? Summer leisure day is celebrated widely in our house. Interesting, spoonerisms often happen to people who are dyslexic - I can certainly attest to that. I could never have been a news reader on the radio, as I often get my merds wixed up. On the other hand, I can certainly tell you the story about Rindercella and the Three Sisty Uglers, and the prandsome hince. We've got hazy skies again so that means there's smoke in the air, it just hasn't made it down to us yet. The past few days we've experienced grey/blue skies that later in the afternoon bring in smoke throughout the city. All the windows are open right now to let the cool morning air in, as we're looking at a high of +30 today, and that means the A/C will be turned on later in the afternoon. @kazu I just heard about the flooding in Halifax; it was the first story on the 8 o'clock CBC news. Apparently there was over 200mm (nearly 8 inches) that fell in a 24 hour period - yikes! Hoping everyone is safe, as there's concern about a dam failing. Bon Voyage to @Crazy For Cats, @dfish and sister Sue, and @NextOne - wishing you all a wonderful time, wherever those lovely ships take you! Not a lot happening here, have to run out to get a few things to take to the lake for next week, and that's about it. Another Rioja - yum, thanks! I know I'd like to try today's drink, but don't have the whipped vodka in our cabinet. The menu suggestion sounds quite exotic, and I'd love to try it, especially in a foreign country, but that's not going happen any time soon. I've got a couple of frozen beef patties thawing in the fridge that DH will cook on the grill so we'll be enjoying burgers and salad in the pergola tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I think we're all someone to others, definitely enjoy junk food (salty and sweet together), and salute all my friends Daily and otherwise who have dogs. Yesterday didn't turn out as I'd thought - we headed out first thing in the morning to pick up a vacuum sealer that was on sale, but while we were out, I realized my arm where I'd had my Shingrix injection the day before was becoming progressively more tender . Both DH and I felt tired, so went down for a nap in the afternoon and by 4:30 I was feeling very punky. A low grade fever, my arm felt like someone had used it for a punching bag, and my knees, ankles and knuckles were all aching. And DH was having tummy issues - at that point I went online to look at the side effects of the vaccine, and sure enough, we had several of them. I had to call our neighbour to say we wouldn't be joining them for drinks and appetizers, then I took a couple of tylenol and was in bed by 7:30. Somewhere in the night my fever broke, as I woke up in a "moist" state. This morning I'm feeling much better although my arm is still sore, but even with all the side effects, it's better than the alternative! We were left to our own devices for a while for the Wine Of The Day, so I had to post this: I'll include another of the Cardboardeaux on my shelf: @Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday to your dear Craig as he celebrates another trip around the sun! Bon Voyage to all who are heading out to their port cities today; I'm excited for all of you! @kazu sorry you found a "surprise" in the kitchen; I hope it's a one-off. @marshhawkI'm glad Chuck has an appointment re proton therapy and will add you both to my prayer list for the best outcome ever. @Seasick SailorI hope the lump on Oliver's chest is minor; he's totally adorable! I'm saddened to see that Tony Bennett has passed away, but at 96, he's earned the rest. Now that we do have a wine of the day, I'm happy to see a) it's affordable, and b) it's a Rioja. I'm going to paraphrase James Suckling's review to read "hold and drink." I'd like to try the drink of the day, and I've had vegetarian meatballs at IKEA - not a fan, but DH likes them. It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll head out to a small pizza place that has just opened near us to see what they have to offer to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I haven't had an honest to goodness ice cream soda in years. DH makes a great ice cream float, though. I'm about hot dogged out with all the smokies we had at Summerfest; someone else can have mine today. Lollipops are fun - I remember the great big flat circles with rainbow colours we sometimes had as a child. The smoke is back - it came rolling back in last night around dusk. Our temperatures are stable at about +25 for daytime, and going down to a comfortable 9 or 10 overnight. I hope our lawn guy comes today, as it seems the grass has grown 4 or 5 times higher with the rain. While we were out yesterday I had a text from our pharmacy that DH and I were now within the eligibility period for our second Shingrix vaccine. I called back and was able to book us an appointment for later in the afternoon. This morning my arm feels like someone punched me, but no other side effects. Expensive, as our insurance doesn't cover voluntary vaccines, but certainly worth it, as nobody wants shingles. We had a phone call from our older friends who spent 5 days with us for medical appointments, inviting us to their cabin at a lake about 4 hours from here. I think they want to repay the hospitality we showed them, so it looks like next week we'll be heading out of town for a few days. There might be fishing involved, as the family has an annual walleye derby, and even the smallest fish are entered (even though they're tossed back), so that all can get their names on the leader board. I'll be going dark from CC because they don't have wi-fi out there, which is fine, as sometimes it's good to disconnect. Because we've been left to our own devices for wine of the day, I'm going to enter a staple on my Cardboardeaux shelf: I'd like to try the drink of the day, but think it might be a little too sweet - I think I'd add some soda water to lighten it up a bit. Today's quote is oh so true. We haven't been to Norway, but have seen some wonderful photos others have provided. DH loves ribs, but I'm relieved of kitchen duty because we've been invited over to one of our neighbours for drinks and appetizers late this afternoon. We've been there before and it usually morphs into a several hour visit, which is lots of fun. It's looking like we'll be enjoying appies on someone else's deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. First of all, Happy Anniversary @Lady Hudson to you and your DH; 54 years, what a lot of memories you've been able to make together!!! Happy Birthday to @smitty34877's DB. Prayers for @NextOne's friend Denny that he's able to pull through this, and for his DW Bonnie as she watches over him. @Quartzsite CruiserI thought of you as soon as I saw this:
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We enjoy making new friends and almost do so on every cruise - it's funny when you start talking with people and you just click with them. While I haven't made a raspberry cake, I have done raspberry muffins using a cake mix, so I'm halfway there. Haven't played Words With Friends, there's always something else to take up my time. We've had rain! Glorious, wonderful rain! The skies clouded in around 10AM and by noon the sprinkles started; we weren't sure if they would continue, but the skies got even darker and the rain continued to come down throughout the afternoon, evening, and it was still raining gently as we went to bed. This morning there are puddles on the street, the smell of smoke is gone, and it looks like the grass has grown 2 inches overnight. My only hope is that the farmers and firefighters who really needed it got rained on as well. Not a lot on the agenda today, just heading across town to DH's son's house to check on his plants while he's away for a couple of weeks. Will likely stop and pick up some groceries and have lunch out. I know we'd both love today's menu suggestion, so while we're getting groceries, I think I'll pick up what's needed (including the pita breads) so we can enjoy chicken gyros on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Welcome back Rich; I hope your brief absence was for a good reason, not because you were ill. I'll be able to hug my boy in a couple of weeks when they come for a visit - for now it'll have to be DH who gets the hugs. Not a fan of sour anything, I'm more of a sweet person. I love sitting out on our deck in the early morning and late in the evening to hear the sounds of the city waking up and settling down for the night. I don't care for Marilyn's quote - I like to think If you respect a woman, she'll do almost anything for you. Our thunderstorm predicted for today showed up 24 hours early with a lot of lightning and thunder late afternoon and early evening. It also brought rain which will keep the lawns and planters happy - not too much, but enough to say we had some. This morning we've got cloudy skies and only a temp of 15C (59F) with a predicted high of 17C (62F), so definitely going to need a sweater when running errands today. After seeing all the beautiful photos from the Daily Garden Club members, I thought I'd share a pic of the lovely Mandevilla growing on our deck. Apparently it likes the light conditions, as it seems to be thriving in that location. Thank you for your condolences on the loss of my dear friend; it's difficult to lose someone when they're only in their early 60's. Just last week she was complaining about all the paperwork that she had before her so she could start receiving her pension in a couple of years. A blessing is that she is now with her dear husband who passed away 9 years earlier. They didn't have children, so her sister will be left to deal with her estate. I'll give today's drink a pass (don't like the smokey Laphroaig), and think I'd like the wine if I didn't have to sell an organ for it. I like the recipe suggestion, but we don't have any shrimp in the house. Because it's cool, I think today is a good day to thaw a bunch of ground beef and make up a large batch of porcupine balls that can be frozen and tossed into a casserole when needed. I know they'll come in handy when the DGS's come in a couple of weeks. At this point I think we're going to be enjoying porcupine balls, baked potatoes and steamed green beans on the deck (with the windows closed) tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I don't have any tattoos, nor do I want one; DH's daughter just had cat paws done on the inside of her forearm. She said it r-e-a-l-l-y hurt. I'm not a fan of pain, so there you go. I've also heard that Wrong Way Corrigan was a publicity stunt - it worked. I use emoji's sparingly, don't like to clutter up conversations on the phone or computer. We woke to another apricot coloured sunrise, but the smell of smoke has dissipated, thank goodness. Our skies are nearly blue, just a hint of grey, and it's supposed to clear up by late afternoon. Apparently we might get some thundershowers tomorrow - we can certainly use the rain. Our dear Sochi had an upset tummy yesterday, and if any of you have or had a long haired cat, you know what that means . . . a real mess. It was obvious she wasn't going to be able to clean herself up, so assistance was needed. I told DH he would have to help me with the job, so he quickly went out to the garage and this is how he was attired when he returned - old ratty jacket and welder's gloves. What a goof! I wrapped Sochi up like a burrito, only leaving the business end exposed, and while DH held her, I cleaned her up in the bathroom sink. She was not amused, but was clean and acceptable in public once we were finished with her. I had some distressing news last night that a friend and colleague was in hospital with an infection around her heart. She's been having health issues for a while, and according to her sister, said last evening she was ready to go to her glory and reunite with her deceased husband. She passed away only a couple of hours later. She was a wonderful woman who worked so well with children; such a loss to the children in crisis community. As soon as I finish this post, I'm off to the kitchen to make strawberry streusel muffins, as my godson and his wife from Seoul are coming this morning for a visit. It's the same one who came solo last time - his wife couldn't come, as she had business commitments that kept her from joining him. They're always a delight to have around, so I'm looking forward to their knock on the door. @Crazy For CatsHappy Anniversary to you and Juan; let the love and laughter continue! @smitty34877good luck to you & Lou at the medical appointments this week. @rafinmd sending good thoughts your way as you go through the medicals this week as well. @kazu what a wonderful thing you're doing in Jose's memory; the bursaries will certainly help others attain their goals in the medical field. @summer slope thinking of you with care as you pick up Bailey's ashes. They leave the biggest pawprints on our hearts, always. I know I'd like the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, and think I'd be adding some chicken or shrimp to the penne. I think today is a good day to cook up some fish - I've got some pickerel (walleye) fillets thawing that will be breaded and fried in a wee bit of butter, served alongside some grilled asparagus and baked baby potatoes on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. I would have been out of that boat in a heartbeat!!!!!
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We like spinach in salad and spanakopita. I abhor snakes. While I've never seen a real woodie, when I was a teenager, a friend of mine took his dad's station wagon and applied wood grained mac tac to the sides to replicate one. LOL With the heat of summer and the occasional rain, it didn't last long. His dad was a pretty good sport about it, though. Looking at 3 different weather apps on my phone, it's either 7, 9 or 10 degrees and cloudy, partly sunny, or some clouds. I went out on the deck and all I know is the sun is shining, the sky above our house is clear and I need a bunny hug if I'm going to sit out there with my coffee. I know many places are suffering through flooding and torrential downpours, but a district just south of our city has declared an agricultural disaster due to drought. There has only been 69mm of rain (2 inches) since the beginning of April and crops that should have been tall and strong by now are stunted and withering. So sad - I wish there was a way to bring some (not all) of the rain that is falling elsewhere to places where it could do some good. I'm sorry to hear of all the devastation the rains are causing throughout the world. Not a lot on the agenda today except heading out for a few groceries and dropping off extra lawn chairs we borrowed for last week's Summerfest. I read online that it is National Ice Cream Day today so I think that will call for a stop at the Dairy Queen for a treat. My favourite is usually a small chocolate dipped cone, while DH likes to order milkshakes. One of these times I'm going to order a Peanut Buster Parfait, something I haven't had in ages - I'm sure by now the price is likely double or triple what it used to be! Today is an anniversary of sorts - an important one, as far as I'm concerned. 34 years ago today we embarked on our very first cruise - I won it on a radio contest - on the Carnival Jubilee. Who knew that day how many countries, ports and cities we would ultimately visit, and how many wonderful friends we would make along the way? I'd like to try today's drink - I think the basil strawberry combination would be a nice change. I like the wine suggested, especially James Suckling's instructions to drink or hold. I'd do both, hold it in my hands and drink it. Neither of us is a huge fan of zucchini, so think I'll pass on the menu suggestion. DH said he wants smokies again, so I'm going to take a couple of the cooked ones that are in the freezer, thaw and heat them in the air fryer and we'll enjoy them along with a Greek Salad on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily - and thanks @StLouisCruisers for giving Rich a break. Sochi is on our emergency list, should there ever be a fire or other calamity at our house. I don't think I've ever seen a Respect Canada Day, but thanks, we're pretty happy up here. We celebrated Give Something Away day a couple of days ago when we brought a bunch of decorative plant pots to a centre where they use them for folks who are in care homes. They plant little things like baby tears, succulents, or African Violets that don't grow large or require a lot of care - it helps brighten up a small room for someone who can't get out. Our smoke continues - it lightened up yesterday evening, but before going to bed, there was a notice on the television advising us that it would intensify overnight. And it did. When I went out to get the paper from the mailbox (1 step from the front door), the air smelled like wet smoke after you've poured water on a campfire. Already on the radio I'm hearing warnings that visibility on the highways is reduced, so am glad we don't have to venture out today. Sad event yesterday, a young female firefighter, only 19 years old lost her life in the Revelstoke BC fire. She was found pinned under a fallen tree - just a young kid; so sad. @kazu sorry your iPads are giving you grief, both at the same time! I'm glad to hear you used Prime to secure a new one. @rafinmd I know what it's like having a laptop and not being able to get a replacement battery. I had a cute little netbook that was so handy, but after 3 years, it was declared obsolete and no batteries could be found anywhere. @Cruzin Terri I'd be really ticked if I knew someone had hacked into my onboard internet account!! I'm glad the tech guru finally changed your login so that the cretin couldn't continue to use your account. Oh, BUY THE NECKLACE! And post photos so we can see you wearing it! @Quartzsite Cruiser I can understand your frustration with the medical system and the referrals - or lack thereof. I detest incompetence or people not doing their proper follow up. Hopefully your DH gets in sooner rather than later! @marshhawk glad Chuck made it safely, even though his suitcase didn't. One wonders how that can happen on a direct flight. Interesting family drama, but we all have those - I like to think our family puts the "fun" in dysfunctional. LOL @Seasick Sailor oh my gosh, thanks for sharing your photos of Allen's party! Your table looks like a groaning board, it's so full! And Oliver is adorable; I know he's going to have the best life ever with the two of you as his family. Not much happening here today, so I think I'll put on my N-95 mask and sit outside where I'll deconstruct a couple of afghans. I bought 2 really large (and well made) afghans at the thrift store the other day for $2.99 and $3.49, respectively, but when I got to the cashier, realized it was Seniors Day and got an additional 30% off the price. I can't buy a single skein of yarn for that price, and I know I'll have enough from the two of them to make several blankets for children in crisis. I'll pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), and could likely open and pour myself a glass of Cardboardeaux in the time it would take me to say the name of today's wine (although it is affordable). We've had pumpkin ravioli - it came in a meal kit a friend of ours gave us for Christmas a couple of years ago - it was quite tasty, but I wouldn't want to make it from scratch. I've got hamburger patties thawing in the fridge that DH will do on the barbecue, but because of the smoke, we'll be enjoying them along with Caesar salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Bastille Day to those of French ancestry (of which I am one). I have great respect for sharks and if I knew one was swimming close to me, I'd be running on the surface of the ocean like those Jesus Christ lizards! I've had the lobster mac and cheese on a BHB and while it was okay, I thought it was a waste of a couple of tablespoons of lobster. Yesterday's clouds gave way to smoke - a whole lot of smoke. We had to run some errands and were out around 10:30AM - went into a store and when we came out about 15 minutes later discovered a world of smoke. After listening to the news reports, we found that it was going to continue all day with the heaviest being in the middle of the night - which it was. We had another amazing sunset where the sun looked the same colour as a bright orange lifesaver candy. I tried taking a photo with my phone, but it didn't do it justice. This morning we have an air quality advisory in the extreme position where people with pulmonary issues should stay indoors and for others to limit their exposure. Not only is the air quality reduced, but so is visibility on the highways, so folks have to be doubly careful. Yesterday I dropped off 4 bags of blankets for children and puppies and kittens - they were so happy to see them and said how much they appreciated my efforts. When I got home and looked at my rapidly diminishing yarn stash, I realized I will soon need to go out and buy more afghans to disassemble so I can continue making more. Blankets for children in crisis: And little blankies for kittens and puppies in shelters: Seriously? I can't get this darn picture to come out right side up! LOL I'm glad there isn't much going on for us today except heading over to the hospital where DH can drop off his Holter monitor - he was fitted for it yesterday. Just another test before he gets an angiogram to see if he has any more blockages or if he just has to live with angina. He's doing well, but it doesn't hurt to keep on top of things. @Seasick Sailor please with Allen a very Happy Birthday from Maurice and me, and give him a big hug from us as well! Try to pace yourself today with all the celebratory work you have to do. @rafinmd Happy Birthday to your nephew today! @marshhawk I'm glad to hear Chuck has gone to visit Momma Norma; the family sounds, um, very interesting to say the least. I'd like today's menu suggestion, as it seems that's the way I often do fish - coating it with flour mixed with salt and pepper, then frying in a bit of butter. Yum! I won't worry about fish today though, because it's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll be checking the online menus to see what appeals to us. Because of the smoke we'll be enjoying our pizza at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  14. I know what you mean about swimming with sting rays, as I’ve done that shorex at Half Moon Cay a couple of times. I compared the experience of the rays touching my skin like feeling wet velvet. I’m a scaredy-cat when it comes to sharks though, even before the movie Jaws came out. I apologize if I might have offended you about the rats, but I just thought it was funny. . . I have a weird sense of humour.
  15. Pretty sure you meant rays . . . unless there are swimming rats, which if that's your comfort level, then go for it, girl! Heck, there are swimming pigs in the Bahamas, so . . . . .
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Not a fan of barbershop music, but know others are. I often wish I had some geek genes, especially when DH wants to fix the computer with an axe. I don't normally live in a fool's paradise, except when I buy a lottery ticket . . . A cool and cloudy morning out there today, although all the weather apps on my phone say it's sunny. . .I beg to differ. We are going to get up to a high of +27 (80), so it will be a pleasant day and I likely won't need to get the A/C working. Today I'm going to measure the papyrus - I've been keeping track of their growth to see how tall they get this year - and may add some fertilizer to help keep them going skyward. @kazu I'm sorry to hear both you and Ivan had a difficult day yesterday; hopefully today will find the two of you better. @marshhawk sounds like you may have gotten a dyslexic PT person - working on the wrong side... yikes! I concur with most of the others that your DH should go visit his mom before he starts his chemo - it makes the most sense to me, despite what his brother says. @kochleffelI think I'd just hang around late at night singing Kumbaya to bug them! LOL Not a lot on the agenda today; we were supposed to go over to friends for drinks and appies, but they had an elderly uncle suddenly pass away, so that's been postponed. I think I'll take the time to sort out the blankets (I've made more than 20 this time) for children going into foster care, and the kitty blankets (last count there were close to 50), bag them all up and take them to the drop off location. Time to reclaim part of our spare room! I'd like to try the drink of the day if someone made it for me, as I sure don't have the ingredients for it. The wine - again, if someone offered it to me, I'd love a small glass. I haven't had salmon burgers in ages - we used to buy them at the big box store, but haven't done so for I don't recall how long. I think once I've dropped off the blankets, we'll make a trek over there and pick up a box so DH can toss a couple on the barbecue. Salmon burgers with a creamy cucumber salad will make a nice light dinner that we can enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  17. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I appreciate all aspects of cows - they're actually cute when they are babies, then for the milk they give so I can have cereal and yogurt, and then later for the yummy steaks/burgers they provide for our nourishment. Yep, I'm a carnivore through and through. DS had an Etch a Sketch as a child; I think it ended up being donated to a charity. Like others, I distinctly remember the elimination of paper bags because we were using up our valuable forests, and plastic bags became a way of life. We've been bringing our own reusable bags (some of which I've made myself) for the past few years. There's always a bag of bags in both vehicles. Well our clear skies are back - the clouds never did bring rain yesterday, just cooler temperatures. The smoke is back though, so that's not a good thing. We're expecting a high of +22C (71F), so while it won't be hot, it will be comfortable. Sorry to hear the heat wave that's affecting some of our Dailyites, and saw news reports of the flooding in Vermont - devastating! @smitty34877I'm so glad your DS was able to assist you with Lou getting to the oncology appointment yesterday. It's heartening to me to hear that you're in the rental and are taking a well deserved break - and that the teenager has decided to join you! I'm happy that Tana's friend is capable of being left to care for her needs in the family's absence. Not a lot happening here today, maybe some yard work cleaning out weeds and general tidying up. I think the only parts of the drink of the day I'd like are the cherry liquor and maraschino cherry. I'll give a pass on the wine, but am definitely going to add the menu suggestion to my recipe file. We often have salmon, and it's nice to have another way of preparing it. We still have a lot of leftover fresh veggies in the fridge, so I think tonight will see us having air fryer chicken wings with crudites and dip on the deck for dinner. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  18. How sad to read this - just a brief time ago, your friend said she wasn't that sick, and appeared to be doing reasonably well. We never know when our time comes, do we? My condolences to you, her family and friends, as you deal with her passing. Bless her soul as she continues her journey.
  19. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We often do the first two things - pick up and drop off muffins to a lovely older couple who live up the street from us. Their children live thousands of miles away and don't visit often, so we keep an eye on them and bring them treats and snacks which they always appreciate. I think I'll take a pass on Bowdler's Day - not a fan of censorship just because someone doesn't approve of something. I'd like to try the drink of the day, but hadn't heard of cucumber watermelon vodka. Not sure about the combo, but then I'd never heard of feta and watermelon before having it in a salad, so I'm sure it's worth a try. We haven't been to Cabo San Lucas, but friends of ours used to holiday there in the winter quite regularly, renting a condo for a month or two each time. They stopped going there once our friend began experiencing menopause, as she was just too uncomfortable - said with the external heat and internal heat, she felt like her whole body was going to burst into flames. We've got cloudy skies and according to the forecast, will likely not be seeing the sun today. Thankfully the smoke has cleared with the breezes we've had, so it'll be just a cooler cloudy day before we get back to our normal temperatures with sunshine tomorrow. We've often been asked why we don't take holidays in the summer and our response is that we have such nice summers, we hate to miss any of it, as they're always so short. Better to leave the "frozen tundra" when it's frozen. @grapau27please wish Father David a very Happy Birthday from his Canadian friends. @cruising sisterI hope baby Murphy had a comfortable night and gets to go home soon. @kazu I'm happy to hear you've almost completely graduated from your PT. Hopefully the cupping will help to loosen things up and you'll be right as rain (no, wait, no rain for you!) in no time. Also glad to hear that Ivan's blood work came back with good results - I hope the injections and meds will help beat the arthritic pain down. @marshhawkI hear you about starting the oven in the heat - if you have a toaster oven, put it out on your deck where you can cook/roast/bake to your heart's content. When there's only two of you (like us), you don't have to cook in big batches, so it really helps. I also have my slow cooker out there as well - it keeps my countertops a little less cluttered. I like today's wine selection, as I'm a fan of champagne or prosecco, and it's not super expensive, so let me get my glass! I haven't made cucumber salad for a long time, but when we go out for groceries, I'll pick up a couple of long English cucumbers and make some for tonight. I didn't use all the chicken from yesterday for the stir fry, so for dinner we'll be having panko crusted chicken fingers made in the air fryer and the creamy cucumber salad on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially the people of Ukraine who face a daily struggle that none of us can really imagine. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  20. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Who can resist kittens, seriously? They're so darn cute; I'm sure if I had a farm or an acreage, I could become the crazy cat lady of the district. I haven't had a pina colada in ages; I think the last one was on a BHB. We still have a couple of big teddy bears in the house, so we could have a picnic with them on the deck. It's a lot cooler this morning, only +13 (55), but for the first time since the beginning of May, there aren't any air quality or weather advisories out for the entire province! Not sure how long it will last, because yesterday was a very smokey one. And out of the 29 wildfires burning in our province, only 2 are still considered to be out of control. Terrible about the flooding in various places - Mother Nature's weather systems are becoming so volatile! @smitty34877hoping today's medical appointments have good outcomes. @kazu sending good thoughts for Ivan's vet visit. @Seasick Sailor you're going to have an incredibly busy week! I hope you aren't cooking for everyone - you're barely going to have time to breathe. And a new puppy - that will be delightful for both you and Allen! @marshhawk I'm glad you have another campaign to work on; I hope DH's eye doesn't cause him too much grief. Not a lot going on today, still putting things back where they should be from Summerfest, trying to figure out what to do with all the Hawaiian decorations, leis, etc., as we won't be using that theme again for a number of years. DH decided that even though he was tired from the day's party, he wanted to clean out one of our 3 sheds, so I just let him. At the end of the day he looked beat, but was happy with his progress. Now there are a bunch of plant pots lining the patio that need to be hosed down, dried, and put into boxes so we can donate them, as they're just no longer needed. I believe that's my job. I'd like to try the drink of the day, would like a sample of the wine, and we've had the crunch wrap from Taco Bell - it was good. DH and I prefer the beef or chicken chalupa if we ever stop by a TB, but there isn't one close, so it doesn't happen often. I have a lot of fresh veggies left that were brought for Summerfest, and this time I checked - there is chicken in the bag I brought up from the freezer, so I'll be making a stir fry for us to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations, especially to the newly engaged couples and their families! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  21. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I haven't had sugar cookies in ages, so might seek some out today. I do love looking out at the horizon from one of the outside decks on a BHB. I used to have a fairly fashionable wardrobe while I was working, but after retirement, it's been pared down considerably. Now comfort rules. We couldn't have had a more perfect day than yesterday for Summerfest 2023 with bright sunshine, a high of +28 and absolutely no mosquitos. After I finished my post here, DH and I basically hit the ground running. There was barely time for each of us to have a quick shower before our guests began arriving. Everyone was properly lei'd upon entering our back yard, chairs were set out and around 5:30 we began eating. Our Ukrainian friends asked if they could grill the smokies, as they'd never done it before, so we gave them the chance to try something new. They did an admirable job, only burning a couple of them (DH loves them charred), and were so proud of their contribution to the party. The banquet tables were laden with an assortment of salads, fruit plates, cheese trays, cakes, pies, and snacks - I think there were only 2 salads that were the same. DH and 2 of his bandmates entertained for a couple of hours and although some folks began leaving at 9:45, the last didn't leave until 11. All 65 attendees said they enjoyed the evening and were hoping to be on the invite list for next year - which of course, they will be. Sochi was ready for Summerfest, too. Today will be a much more relaxed day, putting things away, cleaning out the drink dispensers, finding room in the freezer for leftovers, etc. I'd like to try the wine, but will pass on it because of the price, wouldn't enjoy the drink, and neither of us is a fan of squash. I don't have to worry about dinner tonight, as there are so many leftovers. For us it will be smokies, salads, fruit and cake for dessert to be enjoyed on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who have needs, cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  22. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Body painting - wow, if someone were to do mine, they'd need a wide roller!! I enjoy blueberries in yogurt for breakfast, and although I've ridden on a motorcycle, still prefer the safety of a 4 wheeled vehicle. The sun is shining brightly and there's just a bit of a breeze - I've checked the forecast for the day and that's what it will be for all of our daylight hours, meaning we will have great weather for Summerfest 2023! Lots of work to be done once I'm off the computer - heading to the grocery store to pick up the cake and 12 dozen buns, then back home to start setting up the yard. A friend of DH's is coming over around 10 to help him set up the large banquet tables, then I get the tablecloths out and start securing them so the wind doesn't flap them around. I have to make the coleslaw, and put together the sangria, then store everything in the already too-full fridges, but I'm sure it will all work out. @cruising sister sending continued prayers for baby Murphy and her family. @kazuYou've still got your sense of humour, even though your heart (and bank account) has taken a beating with Ivan being ill. If you need a short term loan, I could float you one. LOL I enjoy a Malbec, so am sure I'd like today's wine - and it's within my budget, so woo hoo! I'd like to try today's menu suggestion, but with Summerfest happening, we'll be enjoying smokies, coleslaw, chili, Caesar salad, and whatever other people choose to add to the food table in our back yard in the company of dear friends and neighbours. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  23. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! @richwmnyou devil, you had me at chocolate! Global forgiveness would be nice, but doubt it could ever happen. How I'd love to take just one more walk with my dad. Love today's quote - that's often what happens when you're retired, though. We've been to today's port a couple of times - first as a departure port, then on another B2B, it was a turnaround port. That time we bade farewell to DH's daughter and husband who were flying home, and when the ship had cleared out, walked a few blocks to a little wine shop to get a couple of bottles for our cabin. We stopped on the way back and sat at a sidewalk cafe enjoying coffee and pastries before returning to the ship. Nice memories. Had some good news yesterday - a friend I haven't seen in a long time who had originally said they wouldn't be able to join us for Summerfest on Saturday called yesterday to say plans had changed, and could they still join us? Of course; there's always room for more in our back yard! We had a nice dinner for DH's daughter's birthday, although it wasn't at Red Lobster as originally planned. At the last minute she decided she wanted to try a new little pizzaria in their neighbourhood, so off we went. The food was good, thin crust pizzas are always appreciated, and the music wasn't so loud you couldn't carry on a decent conversation. We gave her our gift, then DH went out to the car, saying he'd forgotten something - when he returned, he presented me with a large box containing a purse I'd seen when we were at the Indigenous Canada Day celebrations on the weekend. It's design was created by an amazing artist, and it's something I'll treasure always. I'll get a photo of it later this morning and will post it; it's quite striking, and is absolutely beautiful. DH has always been so thoughtful, and this is just another example of the things he does for me. @mamaofamiprayers for your dear friend Judi that she will have a peaceful, pain free transition into the next life. @cruising sisterfervent prayers for dear baby Murphy. Sending up prayers for the families of the firefighters who lost their lives yesterday in Newark. @smitty34877 I'm so happy you had good news re: the pathology report!! Today will be busy getting ready for tomorrow's barbecue, beginning with a stop at the dollar store to buy some things to keep the littles busy - there will be 5 or 6 of them, so I think balloons, ring toss, and colouring crafts will help keep them occupied for a little while. I love my friends, but am not about to use my "good" wine to make sangria, so will stop by and pick up a bottle of inexpensive red wine as well. We've got brandy in the liquor cabinet, so I don't need to buy any more of that. I'd like to try today's menu suggestion, but would like to order it in a restaurant, rather than making it myself (yes, I'm lazy). It's Friday night pizza night, and we won't have to order any, since there were plenty of leftovers from last night's birthday dinner. We'll enjoy our reheated pizza on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  24. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'll have to let DH know it's kissing day, although we kiss every day. I love the Buttermilk Fried Chicken that HAL used to serve for lunch on embarkation day. We had an umbrella cover blow into our back yard a few years ago during a storm - never did find out who the owners were, despite checking with neighbours up and down our block. Sending up prayers for little baby Murphy this morning and for her surgical team. @smitty34877I'm happy to hear Lou is home and that your family is picking up many of the tasks that you've taken on this past while. @summer slopeI know what it's like the day after a furbaby goes over the Rainbow Bridge, expecting to see or hear them wandering around the house, etc. Thinking of you today. We've got a beautiful morning out there already, clear skies, a bare hint of a breeze, and I just saw a hot air balloon silently glide over our house. The weather is perfect for hot air balloons this morning - wish I was up in one! Today I've got to get the ice maker out (we have an old fridge that doesn't have the water/ice feature) and start making ice for Saturday. I moved the smokies (all 150 of them) from the freezer to the bottom of the spare fridge so they could slowly thaw and to make room for the ice we'll need. Today I have to go out and order the slab cake so we can pick it up on Saturday morning. My plans for yesterday's dinner were abruptly changed when I looked at what I thought was chicken breasts, but turned out to be a small pork roast. Instead of cooking the chicken in the air fryer for chicken Caesar salads, I plugged the crock pot in on the deck, tossed in the roast, potatoes, carrots, celery, sprinkled it all with onion soup mix and some water and let it cook all day. DH enjoyed it so much that he even had a second helping as a bedtime snack. I'm sure we'd enjoy today's menu suggestion, but I don't have to cook tonight - it's DH's daughter's birthday and she wants all of us to go to Red Lobster for dinner. I'm pretty sure I'll be having their garlic shrimp special and whatever comes with it as a side for dinner tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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