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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Thank goodness for aviation, otherwise we'd be having to drive for a week before and after any cruises we want to take. I think the potato is one of the most versatile vegetables out there. Honours go out to all humanitarians; the world needs more like you. Well another cold front moved in last night and this morning we're sitting at a breezy 11C (51F) and we're only expecting a high of 20 (68). While we have to look at jeans and t-shirts for another day, we don't have to worry about wildfires or tropical storms or tornadoes. Prayers go out to everyone in harm's way for your safety as Mother Nature ravages areas of our planet. @smitty34877I feel for you, not being able to get DH to eat - why not mention it to the nurse and PT person when they're there - they might be able to encourage him to get started eating and drinking again. @1ANGELCAT Happy Birthday to your DB! @aliaschief continued prayers for a peaceful transition for your DBIL. This afternoon we're getting together with our friend Wayne and his lady friend - we'll be talking about the cruise DH and I have booked in February; hopefully they'll decide to book with us as well. We're meeting at a new little restaurant that has opened only a couple of months ago, but is getting good reviews, so we'll see what they have. All I know is I won't have to cook dinner tonight as we'll be enjoying something off the menu. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those suffering through fires and floods and war. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I believe some things are serendipitous and we have a good amount of helium in an area about 200 miles from our city. Sadly, so much is wasted on balloons that end up in lakes, rivers and farmer's fields. Here's my contribution to bad poetry, courtesy DH: Roses are grey, Violets are grey, Oh look, I'm a dog. Speaking of dogs, @kazu OMG, I love Ivan's face! He looks like an old gentleman who should be sitting in a big wing back chair with a glass of port and a pipe in the ashtray! I can tell summer is winding down by the number of birds stopping by our yard. Yesterday morning I was going to go out and check the level of water in the fountain when I discovered about 50 sparrows of different types that were in all 5 water features we have. Several were having their baths in the fountain, while others were making do with the smaller containers, either having a drink or splashing around. I wanted to take a picture, but knew my movements would likely send them scrambling, so I just sat out there enjoying their antics as it looked like they were playing king of the hill in the fountain. It cooled off a lot overnight again, and this morning we've got grey skies and a wind - according to the forecast we might get rain, which would be nice. Sadly the farmers don't need any rain at this point, it would have been welcome a couple of months ago instead. I saw a video from a couple living in the south part of the province showing them tilling the crop back into the soil, as they hadn't had enough rain, and what did grow was decimated by hail and grasshoppers. I feel so bad for them, as that is their livelihood. I only hope they had crop insurance. @Mr. Boston wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many healthy returns of the day! @kazu thank you for your dedication to the Future Cruise Listing and the BV threads; I always look forward to seeing those who have upcoming cruises! @smitty34877good to hear the nurse was helpful; I hope the PT person is able to be as well. Not a lot happening today, have to head out to get Sochi some treats (DH always gives her a few treats in her dish when he puts her to bed), and it's time to look into booking a hotel for our February cruise. I know prices have gone up since last year, so I'm preparing myself . . . I will take a hard pass on the drink of the day - the idea of putting pumpkin puree in a glass and slurping it down just doesn't do it for me. The wine, on the other hand sounds very good and I'd love a glass, please! The only time we had halibut as a child was on Christmas Eve, and I don't remember the last time I actually prepared it. It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so on the way back from the run for treats, we'll stop by and pick up a couple of individual pizzas we can enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in the fire zones, and of course, the people of Ukraine. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love going into thrift shops, you never know what you'll find there. We rarely throw things out, they always go to thrift shops, mainly the Salvation Army. We are blessed with great neighbours and at one time we had a lovely black cat called Princess. We've been to the port of the day several times, as we've been to the Caribbean on many BHB's over the years. It's a cool day out there this morning (only +9C 48F), but that should change shortly, as we're expecting a high of +33 (91F). We'll keep the windows open as long as possible before closing them up and turning on the A/C. @Lady HudsonBon Voyage - enjoy your cruise! @Heartgrove thank you for the photos of your dear Lily; she's gorgeous!! @Denise T good luck as you prepare to defend your thesis - you've got this! @smitty34877 glad DH is home, hopefully he'll get the PT he requires to regain his strength. @dfishI hope the pharmacist can give you something to ease your sinus headache! @kazu I'm happy to hear Ivan is feeling so much better - and will look like a new man after he's finished at the groomers (assuming he cooperates so you can get him there!) I'm sending prayers to all the people of the NorthWest Territories; as of last night the entire city of Yellowknife (the capital city of 20,000) has been told to evacuate by Friday noon. I can't imagine. I have a cousin living in Hay River, NWT who left on Monday to stay with his daughter in Edmonton (a 10 hour drive). Scary. We went for groceries yesterday and DH picked up his favourite peach crumble pie, so we've invited friends over for pie and ice cream this afternoon - a nice treat for a warm August day. I'd like today's menu suggestion, but will save the recipe for a cooler day in fall or winter. With our friends coming over for treats this afternoon, the visit will likely continue on for a good while, so I've got some pork chops thawing that DH can toss on the grill and we can enjoy them with potato salad as the conversation flows on the deck. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Hurray for the Airborne; I like being airborne when we're on our way to meet a BHB. I used to be good at telling jokes, but haven't done so in quite a while. I am not a roller coaster girl - my stomach does flip-flops just watching them on television! I got a good chuckle out of today's quote. Well the smoke cleared out overnight because a cold front moved in, bringing rain and wind. We dropped 30 degrees overnight and although the skies are now clear, there's a good wind blowing, so I think it's a t-shirt and jeans kind of day for us. One thing we've started noticing is that the days are getting shorter - we can sit out on our deck and see the lights on automatic sensors come on earlier and earlier. Sigh. Here's a photo our DS took when he was here last week of our deck with the lights on. The multi coloured lights are actual railway lanterns that DH electrified so we could enjoy them. @smitty34877that would be great if DH is able to come home today; hopefully his bloodwork shows he's much better and can return to the comfort of his own surroundings and people. @dfishsorry you're still bothered by that sinus headache; would an ice pack or cold cloth help? Sometimes when I get a migraine, an ice pack on the back of my neck brings relief, but if you laid it gently on your face . . . @0106 we have a Cactus Club in our city and we've been there a couple of times for lunch or a late afternoon snack and drink. The restaurant location isn't that convenient for us, so unless we're shopping in the downtown district, we just don't get there. I do like today's menu suggestion and will tuck it away for another day. Because it's rather cool today, I think I'll cook something different for dinner - an easy menu consisting of sloppy joes and Caesar salad will be what we'll enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Hurray for the Acadians! Since being retired, there could be many relaxing days, but it seems they're always filled with things to do. Best friends are wonderful. We have a very apricot coloured sunrise this morning which means there is lots of smoke in the air. As soon as I turned on my phone this morning, an alarm came on indicating there was a special Air Quality Statement worth looking at. The especially young and old are advised to stay indoors as much as possible today, as it could cause severe breathing problems. Thankfully I don't fit into either category, but will still limit my time outdoors to watering the plants and only doing the necessities. It isn't going to be as warm today, only a predicted high of 29C (84), so it will be quite pleasant. DH and his son are heading out to check the acreage this morning so that means I'll have the house to myself and I can do some serious cleaning without having to assign a task to my "helper". LOL An update on my fractured tooth - it was salvageable, so my wonderful dentist filled it and sent me on my way. Thankfully insurance paid for 80% of the bill, but as I was leaving, the receptionist said "I guess that was a $79 bowl of popcorn." Yes, it was. Sigh. @smitty34877I'm happy to hear that Lou is progressing nicely; hopefully the doctors and nurses can get him back on track again and help relieve some the anxiety that I'm sure you must be experiencing. Continued prayers for his recovery and for strength for you as well. @ktbraun you're sailing on the Feb 4th West/East as well? That's great; I'd love to be able to meet you onboard! I like flavoured balsamic vinegars - we have a store that sells a huge variety of them; a couple of my faves are butter pecan and chocolate cherry. They are great drizzled over ice cream . . . yum! The only thing I'd take from the drink of the day is the maraschino cherry, LOL. And the wine is another Rioja from Spain, I'm sure I'd appreciate that one! Dinner last night didn't turn out as planned - I had just turned on the air fryer to pre-heat and ran downstairs to get the tempura shrimp from the freezer when the lights went out. The power was out for nearly 2 hours, so instead of having what was planned, DH went out and got a couple of burgers for us. So, it's looking like tonight we'll be having tempura shrimp and Greek Salad, but depending on the air quality, we might be enjoying it at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Hello @kazu, I’m happy to say we’re going to be on the Nieuw Statendam for the Western/Eastern Caribbean itinerary departing on February 4, 2024. We’ve booked this in celebration of our upcoming 47th anniversary in April. Yay to having one on the books!
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Like so many others, I haven't had a creamsicle in ages; as a child I loved fudgesicles and we only had a creamsicle once in a while as a special treat. We played with wiffle balls last week when the DGS's were here - great fun. I'm into financial awareness this morning, as I've been running through our dollars like crazy this past week. First, I had an eye appointment and ordered new glasses, then yesterday I booked a cruise - woo hoo!!! Later in the afternoon while sitting in the pergola, DH and I were going to enjoy popcorn and a drink when I took 1 stupid piece of popcorn and cracked off part of a molar. I'm pretty sure that's going to result in a crown . . . $$$. After DH had finished his angiogram with good results, he started talking about us going on another cruise, so I've been looking at itineraries. I was able to find one we've been on before, but who cares if it takes us out of the throes of winter on the "frozen tundra"! We'll be embarking on the Nieuw Statendam in February for a 2 week Western/Eastern Caribbean itinerary and will likely head into FLL a few days ahead just to be sure we get there before the ship sails - you never know with airlines these days! It's always nice to have a cruise to look forward to. Not a lot happening here, except that I'll be on the phone with the dental office in about 20 minutes to get an appointment. The tooth isn't painful, but the sharp edge is irritating my tongue, so the sooner I get in, the better. I hope baby Murphy is doing well and can soon be off ECMO, if she isn't already. Prayers continuing for Lou that he's able to continue his chemo soon and will be on the road to recovery. I hope @catmando does well at his appointments this morning. I'd like to try the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, but would really like to try the menu suggestion. I've never made turkey burgers, but like the idea of the crumbs to help keep the mixture together. For us, however, it's going to be hot (+32C, 89F), so I'm going to make up a Greek salad with some cucumbers our neighbours gave us, and will do frozen tempura shrimp in the air fryer that we'll enjoy in the pergola tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm not left handed, am the older sister to 3 half siblings, and there haven't been many garage sales this year for some reason. Or maybe I've just been ignoring the signs because I have enough junk in my house. We had a lovely evening last night with our friend Wayne and his new lady friend, Fran. There were 2 other couples there besides us, all dear friends of Wayne; I think he really wanted to see if the chemistry would work with a new person in his life. It certainly did. The conversation and laughter flowed freely, and we enjoyed lots of nice appetizers made together by Wayne and Fran. I hope the friendship develops into something more, as they are both great people and each having lost a partner, deserve happy times again. @smitty34877I'm glad the doctors have figured out what's wrong with your DH; now to get him on the road to recovery. Continued prayers for all of you. @marshhawk what a nice thing to do - get your DH out of the house and into nature. It's amazing what a change of scenery will do for a person's outlook on life. Congrats on your first sale; may there be many more for you! @StLouisCruisers Happy 75th to your DH today! @Copper10-8 withing you and Maria a very Happy Anniversary! Not a lot on the agenda today, although I know some of my time will be spent looking at cruises for January or February, as DH has declared that once he gets healed up after his pacemaker, we need to start traveling again. You don't have to tell me twice! Although we've been to the Caribbean several times, it's always a good getaway during the cold winter months, so that's where we'll be heading. @0106 Tina, I have an air fryer / toaster oven that sits on our deck in the summer and it replaces the oven during the hot months. In it I've baked cakes, cupcakes, and muffins, and used the air fryer to cook everything from pizza to pork chops. It has become my most used kitchen appliance over the past couple of years. I'll take a pass on the drink of the day, and know that DH wouldn't appreciate the menu suggestion. The wine on the other hand, looks to be very drinkable, so would like to try it! The sun is shining and it's going to be a nice day, so I'll be getting DH to grill up some burgers and I'll make a Greek salad to go with it so we can enjoy that on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We haven't been able to see the Perseids for a number of years - it always seems to be cloudy, and this year is no exception. The next few days our forecast is calling for overcast skies and occasional showers; I hope those who are able to see them will enjoy the experience. We had lots of Kool Aid as kids - I especially loved the dark cherry flavour. We also had a competitor called Freshie that was good, particularly the lemon flavour. Both DH and I had considerable collections of vinyl records, but there are very few left now - and of course, we have nothing to play them on, either. Today's quote is very true. We had a rather interrupted night of sleep - DH had a call from his older cousin early last evening, just a chat to see how each of them is doing, etc. It seems our number must have been the last one he dialed and we think he sleeps with the phone by his pillow, as our phone rang at 4:12 this morning and it showed the cousin's number. There wasn't anyone there when we answered, so we called back. No answer. The cousin is very hard of hearing, so we figured he must have taken out his hearing aids and couldn't hear the phone. There wasn't anything we could do, as we don't know any of his neighbours, etc., so we tried going back to sleep. Again it happened at 5:30, but this time our message machine picked up and all we could hear was him snoring. LOL Needless to say, I think both of us will be needing naps this afternoon. I know DH is going to call him later today to tell him to put the phone on his night stand so we don't get the middle of the night calls again. @smitty34877I'm glad Lou's in the hospital where he'll get the best of care; I'm praying that all goes well for him. So thankful you have family around, with more coming in to help you. @richwmn wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many returns of the day! @Copper10-8 John, I hope you and Maria have a wonderful day as you celebrate your anniversary on a BHB today! @summer slopeI'm sorry they weren't able to get to the root of your problem; hopefully it won't cause you too much grief. @RMLincolnit's good that the medication helped lower DH's eye pressure, and that you've got a good machine that can tell you when it goes up so you can do something about it quickly. I'd like to try the drink of the day if someone else made it for me, am pretty sure I'd enjoy the wine, and think Lo Mein is nice once in a while. I won't be making dinner tonight, as we've been invited to our friend's for the evening. His wife (our dear friend Melodie) passed away a year ago, and he now has a friend he wants us to meet, so he's invited us over for drinks and appies this evening. I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about, as she was a teacher (like DH and our friend), and she's cruised a few times, so the conversation will likely be easy. I don't know what will be served, but I'm sure it will be good as we enjoy time on his deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, particularly for baby Murphy, our ill Daily-ites, and the people of Lahaina and all of Maui. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'll pass on the presidential jokes, but will happily celebrate Son & Daughter day. I messaged our DS, wishing him a happy Friday already. I'd like to play in the sand, but right now it would be all wet, as it seems to have rained lightly all night long. The skies are grey, I can hear rain gently falling and there's a slight breeze, so it looks like we'll be having an indoor day today. The rain began late yesterday afternoon and could continue for a number of hours; hopefully it will also rain on the fires in our province. Speaking of fires, my heart breaks for the people of Lahaina and all over Hawaii who are dealing with the devastating fires there. DH had his angiogram yesterday and it went well - thanks to all for your care and concern. The doctor said the grafts from his sextuple bypass in 1998 are still holding nicely and although some of the minor vessels are showing calcification, he said they were not anything to worry about. He understood about getting the pacemaker though, as DH's heart is not pumping fast enough. Now we just have to wait for the phone call telling us when he'll be scheduled for pacemaker implantation. @smitty34877oh my goodness, how distressing to hear; sending love and prayers to both you and Lou. @marshhawkif DH likes flavoured water, that might help getting him to drink as much as he needs. @Seasick Sailoryesterday you mentioned terrible leg cramps at night - have you tried Gatorade? DH started drinking a bottle of Gatorade daily and finds he rarely gets leg cramps; electrolyte imbalance is a major cause of cramps. I would like to try the drink of the day, as I love sparkling grapefruit water or soda, and like the fact that this is the year we should drink the wine! I've never been a huge fan of whole fish, although I've had some over the years, but DH just takes a hard pass whenever it's on a menu. It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so I'll head out to a little pizza place not far from here and get a couple of personal pan size pizzas for us to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've never been a huge fan of s'mores; it's the graham cracker that I don't care for. Lions are beautiful and I love seeing photos of them in their natural habitats. Today is and isn't going to be a lazy day for us - DH won't have to do anything in particular except lie still for his angiogram. I'm going to be in the waiting room a couple of doors away during the procedure and will be listening to a podcast and working on a new blanket, so kind of lazy. Thank you all for your care and prayers, they are greatly appreciated. We'll be leaving the house in a couple of hours, so we'll see what the day holds. I hope the cardiologist's request gets processed quickly so DH can get the pacemaker implanted sooner rather than later. I'm astonished at the devastation of the beautiful island of Maui; unbelievable that an entire town could be wiped out, and the loss of so many lives, businesses, homes, and pets is mind boggling. My prayers have been going out to all who are affected by the fire. I'm so glad @DeeniEncinitasand her DH are safe! @marshhawksending prayers for Chuck today as he begins his treatment. @Tbay Happy Birthday to you! @mamaofamiI'm so glad to hear that Sam is being released from the hospital. @aliaschief safe travels today. I'd like to try the drink of the day, won't be doing a shrimp boil any time soon, but would like to try one some day. After DH's procedure, we'll head home where I've got some frozen tempura shrimp that I'll be cooking in the air fryer; they'll be served along with stir fried veggies for a light dinner on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those affected by the fires all over the world. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Yes, but it is most likely you will have to pay the $20 corkage fee, whether you drink it on your balcony or in a public area. New rules as of a year ago.
  13. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've always had a love for books and have passed that down to my DS, and now his boys enjoy books as well. I'm proud to say I have Indigenous ancestry and although we love to polka, haven't had the chance to do it in years. It's a cool morning out there today - currently only 14C (57F) and it isn't expected to get too warm, only 21 (69). Apparently the cold front we're experiencing is supposed to get rid of the smoke we've had hanging around the past number of days. I just wish there wasn't any smoke to get rid of! Neither of us slept well last night - both of had our minds racing after DH received the news that he'd be getting a pacemaker implanted. We're both a little slow this morning, but thankfully there isn't a lot going on. I have an eye appointment later this afternoon and that's about all - of course, there's always laundry after having guests in the house. I'm going to pass on the drink, although I like Scotch, I'm just not a fan of Laphroaig, but would try the wine next year. I really like today's menu suggestion, especially the one baked in the skillet - sounds super easy. We're still working on leftovers from the weekend; tonight's creation will consist of grilled pork chops, barbecued dill potatoes and a freshly made coleslaw that we'll enjoy on the deck with the windows closed. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  14. Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Sochi is happy that it's International Cat Day and will gladly celebrate it. I've never had frozen custard, but my DFIL used to make home made ice cream using a cooked custard mixture - would that be similar? We no longer have a garden so can't sneak zucchinni onto anyone's door step. Well we've had a wonderful 4 days with DS, DDIL, and 2 DGS's. I cooked a ton of food, played snakes & ladders, bean bag toss, coloured pages, sang silly songs (On Top of Spaghetti), and told bedtime stories. Oh, and made sure they had adequate amounts of sugar in their diets to keep them going. Older DGS (8 years old) asked if he could have "Grandma's special pancakes" for breakfasts - Eggo waffles with ice cream and M & M's. Who am I to refuse a request that's usually accompanied by a big hug? LOL We had a nice family barbecue with DH's 2 children, 1 spouse and DH's sister. Lots of fun and laughter, including a water gun fight that ended in everyone getting wet. It was SO tough saying goodbye to them this morning - as usual I was a teary mess, but then they're used to that whenever we have farewells. Now the house is strangely quiet and even Sochi is wandering around looking like she's lost. I've missed so much over the past for days of the Daily - Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to those who have celebrated, and I have to say a special thank you for the beautiful photo of our darling Miss Camilla . . . she's going to be an absolute stunner when she grows up, just look at her now! @marshhawk I will gladly do a happy dance for you - that's awesome news! @rafinmd sorry to hear about your power situation; hard to believe it's going to take so long to repair! DH has his angiogram rescheduled for Thursday this week, but just before the family left, he had a phone call from the cardiologist. Apparently the results of the Holter monitor came in to him this morning and he wanted DH to know he's going to be fitted with a pacemaker. He's going to mark it "urgent", but it will still take a couple of weeks until he gets an appointment. That will certainly explain why DH is always tired; his heart is beating too slow. Hopefully that will fix him up and we can look at booking travel again; if he gets it soon, we can start looking at dates in January or February. I'm not sure about the drink; because I love cherries, I'd like to try the very inexpensive red wine, and neither of us is a fan of enchiladas, so will pass on the menu suggestion. We've got lots of leftovers to finish tonight - everything from porcupine balls to barbecued pork chops, potato salad and fresh veggies and dip will be gracing our table for 2 on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  15. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'll take the Daughter's Day celebration, a definite yes on the chocolate chip cookies, and 3 cheers for the Coast Guard who keep waters safe and provide such a valuable service! Wow, someone must have gotten hail last night because did it ever cool down overnight! When we went to bed at 11, the air conditioning was still running, but DH turned it off at some point after that. I guess when he got up for one of his nightly trips to the bathroom, decided to open the windows and realized how cool it was outside. This morning all the windows are open and will be for a good while, as it's only 16C (60F), compared to yesterday's 35 (95)! That will be helpful, as I have to make Grandma's Special Chocolate Chip Cookies today . . . once I buy the dough. LOL This morning we're heading out for groceries - I cleaned out the fridges so there's lots of room for everything we're going to need for the long weekend and our family's preferences. We have 3 different stores to hit for their specials, so we have to get going right after I finish this post. @Mr. Bostoncongratulations on your last day of work - I hope it's memorable for you in a good way. Welcome to the planet of "Retirement" where every night's a Friday and every day's a Saturday!!! @aliaschief I'm pretty sure that car seat was from the 50's or early 60's, looking at the apparel and car's interior, but it's adorable! @1ANGELCATI'm so happy to hear your friend Barb's surgery was done earlier, and that the surgeon figures all cancer has been removed. I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass, and think I'd add even more orange to the salmon when I make it. I know I'd like the wine today, especially with the directions of "Drink now." For tonight I've got a roast beef that will be going into the crock pot, and it'll be served alongside a myriad of vegetables and crunchy coleslaw that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially baby Murphy, and cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  16. @marshhawk that's excellent news; please do go on that cruise, you won't regret it!! We're currently under a severe thunderstorm watch (meaning it might or might not happen) until1AM, but it's quite warm. Current temp is 35C (95F), but "feels like" 40C (105F). I just took this from the thermometer on our deck - all the windows are open and we've got fans blowing at both ends. I think we're going to forego our dinner in the pergola and will just enjoy the charcuterie board at the kitchen table in air conditioned comfort.
  17. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I enjoy snacking on nuts, especially almonds, which are good for you. Love watermelon, and have certainly consumed a number of different IPA's over the years. Well our day started bright and early after a rather fitful night where I kept waking up thinking it must be time to get up - 5 times. Finally drifted off and wouldn't you know, the alarm went off. We shared a slice of toast (they said DH could have a light breakfast), had a cup of tea and off we went. We arrived at admitting at 7:20 and proceeded directly to the Cardiac Short Stay section of the hospital. As we approached the nurse's station, one of them stood up and immediately began apologizing, saying that due to the fact that there were so many in-house patients needing cardiac cathaterization, DH's appointment had to be cancelled. We knew this was a possibility when it was booked, so we weren't totally surprised. Many apologies and they actually escorted us to the finance department so we could get a refund of the parking fee we'd paid for the day's stay before we left the hospital. Once we got in the car we decided we might as well go for breakfast, so off we went. Thank you all for your prayers and concern - it is greatly appreciated. A short time after our arrival back home, a phone call came and DH is now rebooked for next Thursday, but we don't have to be there super early, the appointment is for 10:30. After we got home I did a whole house vacuum, and tossed a couple of loads of laundry in to get things ready for our family's arrival for the long weekend. This afternoon I'll make up the major grocery list that we'll pick up tomorrow morning so that the fruits and vegetables will be fresh. Lots of people to keep in my prayers; sweet baby Murphy, @mamaofami's DH Sam, and so many others with health or personal issues. And I don't forget the pets, either, they're important as well! I know I'd like today's drink of the day, no matter what gin is in it, and definitely would like the wine. DH wouldn't appreciate the menu suggestion, as he doesn't care for wedge salads or chickpeas - he much prefers his salads cut in bite size pieces. It's going to be another hot day out there for us, 35C (95F), so I think I'll make a charcuterie board with sausages, cheese, veggies and fruit that we can enjoy in the pergola tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  18. Looks like a bad news, good news kind of day. First of all, @cruising sister, fervent prayers for sweet baby Murphy to overcome this obstacle and to be in good health soon. Her family must be terrified. Then Congratulations to Joy & Allen on the formal adoption of their sweet little Oliver. From one adoptee to another, Olliver, I know you'll have a wonderful life with these two!!
  19. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I didn't know what National Night Out was, appreciate all who can create wonders with CAD, and will let others have my ice cream sandwiches, just not a fan. It's another beautiful morning out there with clear blue skies and not a breath of wind. Last night around 11:15, just after drifting off to sleep, there were a couple of huge claps of thunder nearby, almost jolting me out of bed! At that time, DH remembered he hadn't fully closed the windows to his SUV, so took off faster than I've seen him move in a while. It appears his gout is now a thing of the past, so we can take him off the prayer rotation for that, thanks! We had a downpour that didn't last more than 10 minutes, but this morning there are still puddles in the street, so I think we had a good amount in a short time. I make my potato salad the way my Mom used to - boiling peeled potatoes, then cutting them into small chunks, adding celery, green onions, green pepper, and chopped hard boiled eggs. The dressing is simple, Miracle Whip thinned out with a bit of milk, salt and pepper. Sometimes I'll top it off with cooked crumbled bacon, otherwise just a sprinkle of paprika over the top. @lazey1 wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many healthy returns of the day! @smitty34877I hope everything goes well getting the port disconnected; yikes on the pump alarm going off! @kazu I can't believe you and Ivan have been a family for 3 months already! Thinking kind thoughts as you deal with legal matters today. I really enjoy Aperol Spritzes, so today's drink just adds a shot of bourbon to the mix - I'd try it, but am not a real fan of bourbon. Who knows, maybe I'd like it! I do enjoy today's wine, in fact, we had some when we were with our friends at the lake last week. Speaking of the lake, I submitted one of my lake photos (the one with the sailboat) to a local radio station contest for beautiful spots in our province, and got notification yesterday that it earned me a $100 gift certificate to a lovely restaurant - how cool is that?!? Because DH has to go for his angiogram tomorrow, I'm going to let him decide where he wants to have dinner out tonight. I'm not sure where he'll want to go, but I'm thinking we'll be going to our favourite Italian restaurant where we can enjoy dinner on their deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  20. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm grateful for girlfriends, have never learned the real way to play Mahjong (only the matching tiles part on the computer), and climbed one of the mountains at Whistler, BC with friends. Late to the party today, DH was up and down like a jack in the box last night due to stomach issues from the gout medication. Thankfully the medicine is working and his foot is feeling much better; yesterday I went out and got a couple of bottles of cherry juice capsules that he'll start taking in a couple of days. I've mentioned he's waiting for an angiogram - well he tells me his angina is getting worse, so I called the cardiac cath lab yesterday to see where he was on the list for an appointment, and that he's not getting any better, but worse. It just happens there was a cancellation on Thursday this week, so we'll be at the hospital by 7:30 that morning to check him in to see what's happening with his arteries. Hopefully it's just another stent that's required, which can be done then and there, and he'll be home before dinner that night. Today I've got breakfast with my colleagues, and DH has a hair cut, but before that it'll be time to close up the house as it should hit a high of +34 (93F). That means the A/C will definitely be working most of the day to help keep us cool. I'm not a fan of today's menu suggestion or wine, although I'd take the drink, as it sounds quite refreshing for a hot summer's day. Because of the heat, I think we'll be having a simple dinner of grilled chicken Caesar salad in the pergola tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  21. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Who doesn't love a mutt? I'll let others have my avocados - just not a fan. Yes to watermelon, especially with a sprinkle of salt. We've got overcast skies and high humidity this morning, so I'm wondering if it's going to open up and rain on us in a short while. According to the forecast, we should hit a high of +31 (87F), so maybe the clouds will just burn off and the sun will shine - who knows? DH has to go for bloodwork late this morning, so I'm going to tuck an umbrella in the car just in case. Lots of folks to keep in our hearts today: @cruising sister for baby Murphy @marshhawk's DH as he finds out about the proton treatment @smitty34877's DH who will start chemo @Sharon in AZ's family member with a situation that needs care And happy thoughts for @Mr. Bostonas you go through your last week of work - I remember mine, and hope you have a good time over the next few days. @cat shepardsafe travels home today. Not a lot happening at our house today, although we might head over to Walmart because I think we must have given away all the big kick balls we had, and there's nothing that says family more than a good old fashioned game of kick ball in the back yard. LOL I'd like to try the drink of the day, and love James Suckling's instructions for the wine: "Drink now." I like the menu suggestion, and just as an aside, my Mom always said to never overwork the ground beef, just like pastry dough - only mix it until it holds together. Well I got the burgers right, but the pastry still eludes me. I think we'll have burgers on the barbecue, accompanied by cabbage/apple coleslaw that we'll enjoy in the pergola tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  22. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Both DH and I were blessed with great fathers in law; unfortunately, they are no longer with us, but they left us with great memories. We've made many international friendships over the years, some dating back 50 years. Thanks to CC, there have been many more as well, and we treasure them dearly. I'll leave my cheesecake for others, as I'm not a fan - I find them too heavy after a meal. It's a beautiful day out there this morning already, bright blue sky and just a hint of a breeze. Looking at the weather app, it looks like we will see a high of 29C (85F), which means the A/C will likely be turned on later in the afternoon. Right now the windows are open and the cool morning air is coming in nicely. I think I'm going to spend some time today looking online for a new air fryer. Yesterday DH asked if I could make pork chops instead of the chicken skewers, so I took out a couple to do in the air fryer. It took twice as long as the recipe called for to cook in an air fryer. I also noticed the last time I made muffins in it, that it seemed to take an unusually long time for them to bake, so I'm thinking it may be time to get a new one. I know a lot of my Daily family have an air fryer, so are there any recommendations? I'd really like to get another with multi functions like the air fryer/toaster oven we currently have, as I can also bake in it on the deck during the summer. It looks like the medication DH received for his gout is working. By last evening, he was able to hobble around the house a bit, and was even able to sit outside the front door for a little while. Thanks for the suggestions of cherry juice - I'll have to take a look for it. Cherries are on sale right now, so I'll head out this morning and be sure to pick up a bunch of them. I'm not sure what caused this to happen, as we haven't had most of the foods/beverages that cause gout. Our bodies are strange things. @AV8rix Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruise! @smitty34877 prayers that all goes well for Lou tomorrow. @cat shepardI'm glad all went well with your nephew's service yesterday; it really helps to have something positive to end the day. I think I'd like to try the drink of the day, I know I'd enjoy the wine, especially since it isn't pricey. The menu suggestion sounds like a shore lunch we had on a fishing trip; fresh caught fish, dredged in flour/salt/pepper, fried and served on crusty buns and eaten while sitting on large rocks overlooking the lake. For us tonight, I think we'll be having burgers done on the barbecue, served with corn on the cob that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  23. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love tigers, and prefer to have them in the wild, rather than in cages. Chicken wings are good, as is lasagna, just not together in the same meal. Yesterday morning, just as I'd finished my post on CC, DH came into the room saying he'd barely slept through the night. I assumed it was because he hadn't had enough water during the day and had cramps, but no, he said his foot and in particular, his big toe had been throbbing all night. Gout. He was in a lot of pain, so as soon as our doctor's office opened, I called and explained he was really suffering. Thankfully they were able to get him in within the hour, so off we went. Examination revealed it was indeed, gout, so the office faxed the prescription off to the pharmacy and we stopped there to pick it up on our way home. I had a quick shower and went off to my friend's celebration of life . . . I was a wreck. I'm, an empath, and I suffer from separation anxiety (have ever since I was a child), so at the first notes from the bagpipes (she was in the navy reserve), the tears started flowing. It was a beautiful tribute to a life well lived, although it should have been longer. I did get to see a number of former colleagues as well, which was nice catching up with them after a number of years apart. @grapau27sending hugs to Pauline as she remembers her dear Dad. @cat shepard prayers for your family as you say goodbye to your nephew. @Crazy For Cats safe travels home today. @StLouisCruisers Bon Voyage! There's not a lot on the agenda today, as DH is hobbling around, so we'll stay home. I'll go out in a while and water all the plants, and because the temperature is only supposed to get to to +24C (75F), we'll be able to keep the windows open all day. I like today's menu suggestion and have most of the ingredients in the house, so it's looking like we'll be having orange glazed chicken skewers with dilled potatoes and coleslaw on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  24. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I like chocolate, light or dark, just don't try to pass off that white stuff as chocolate, I'll catch you every time. We had a great waterpark in our city, but alas, it closed down a number of years ago. A solemn salute to the Buffalo Soldiers and all they did. We had a good day yesterday - our friend who lost his wife last year joined us in the park at the end of our block to watch the Snowbirds salute to the city. He brought along a new friend - someone he'd taught with over 40 years ago - she was very nice. It seems she has cruised about a half dozen times, so much of our conversation centered around cruising. We went for lunch after the air display, and on the way home DH said that even though he really doesn't care to go back to the Caribbean, if our friend and his new friend wanted to, he'd go. I knew he'd cave in eventually, LOL. I'm not sure if you remember, but I've mentioned we only live 5 houses away from a large park that extends throughout our city, and often have wildlife appearing. Well, yesterday our next door neighbour sent me a picture of a creature that was on his driveway . . . a weasel! That was a new one to me - we've had fox, coyotes, porcupines, rabbits, moose, deer, and now a weasel; wow! This morning I have to run to Candian Tire to pick up a couple of things for the laundry room, and this afternoon I have my friend's celebration of life to attend. Her favourite colour was orange, so guests are asked to wear orange or other bright colours in her honour. I just happen to have an orange and white dress that I usually wear on cruises that will fit the bill today. The only thing is it will be topped off with a light bolero type sweater, as our temperatures dipped with the rain that came through yesterday afternoon. We're only expecting a high of 21 (69F), and there could be more rain after lunch, so I'm bringing an umbrella along as well. And a collapsible Japanese fan, because you don't know how hot it will get in the church. @superoma Belated Happy Birthday greetings to you for yesterday! @Heartgroveyour house looks beautiful! And it's huge! @Cruzin Terri this is not your year; all the house issues, now the A/C is toast, and your floor is warped . . . . what the heck?!? I'd like to try the drink of the day, as it sounds very refreshing. Thanks for another Rioja - I'm sure it would be palatable, as well as economical! Baked ziti will have to wait for another day, but all the recipes sound good - I think I'd cook some Italian sausage, crumble it up and put it into the mixture before baking. Tonight is Friday, so it's pizza night - depending on how long the celebration of life goes, I may just stop on my way home and pick up some individual pizzas from the little place that opened up not far from us. We'll enjoy pizza and cruise conversation on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all who have celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  25. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Some of our houseplants get walked out to the deck for the summer, while others remain indoors. I enjoy hearing bagpipes in a pipe and drum band. No thanks to the stilts. We got home yesterday after having a wonderful 2 days with our friends at their lake. Along with 2 of their 4 daughters and husbands, we were treated royally the entire time. We went fishing, were treated to gastronomical delights (last night's dinner consisted of 3 different meats), played Sequence (ladies won!), and consumed many libations. We were taken on a speedboat ride the entire 8 mile length of the lake, then to be sure we saw everything, we did the full 3 mile width as well. So we wouldn't fall faint from lack of food, they sent us off after a breakfast consisting of freshly baked biscuits topped with eggs benedict. We shared the driving, with DH taking the first 2 hours and I finished the last 2 while he slept. When he's driving, I knit, so I was able to make some headway on a new blanket. Here's one of my favourite views from our last night at the lake. We didn't have internet at the lake, so I have some catching up to do on the Daily - just reading this morning, I know prayers will be coming for @mamaofami's DH for recuperation from his brain bleed, and also for @marshhawk's DH for better days ahead. This morning friends of ours are coming over for coffee, then we'll head to the park (5 houses away) with our lawn chairs, as the Canadian Snowbirds (equivalent of the Blue Angels) will be criss-crossing the city in formations as a salute to all who keep the city safe (First Responders, Medical Teams, Firefighters, Police, and Teachers). We always enjoy watching the Snowbirds, as they train about 4 hours south of our city. After that, it'll be laundry and getting a few groceries. I know I'd like today's wine (and it's affordable!), will pass on the drink (Bourbon), but would really love the menu suggestion. I think when we get groceries, I'll pick up some chicken breasts and use one of the recipes on the weekend. Tonight though, DH has asked for a light meal after all the food we've been presented with the past few days, so I think we'll make ham sandwiches and crudites our dinner tonight on the deck. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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