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Posts posted by Grandmaanne7

  1. Your question was about those flip flops on smart casual nights. I think they will pass. I understand the need for comfort, having arthritis in my feet, and will only force myself into heels for the formal/evening chic nights.


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  2. I totally appreciate the effort you have put into this project and agree that it is a wise investment into the enjoyment of a cruise.


    I had never enjoyed lamb before. I understand that it needs to be cooked perfectly and served hot. Well, after reading all the rave reviews of the lamb served on Celebrity, I decided to risk it one evening and fell in love! It was so good that I even ordered it for lunch later in the cruise. I have to say that it is the one meal that I am most looking forward to when we board next week so thank you once again for your patience and perseverance and putting up with the negative comments. I'm sure that there are plenty of people whose cruises will be enhanced by your efforts.


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  3. We have enjoyed both cruises and all inclusive experiences. The deciding factor for us has been the smoking issue. As you know, Celebrity limits smoking, thus allowing us to freely roam without fear of that offensive and nauseating smell. All inclusives, on the other hand, do not. Our last AI experience was so bad (we had to complain to management to stop the smoking inside the dining room buffet) that we have sworn off them until we can find a decent priced non-smoking resort.


    Fortunately we have not yet encountered a cruise where we could not find 2 loungers together to enjoy the pool area. Hopefully, that will not be an issue for us.

  4. Can a person get a regular cup of coffee at Café Bacio? Just plain old regular coffee - no cream, no sugar, no extra additives of any kind?

    Yes. DH enjoyed his plain old coffee while I enjoyed my Aspen coffee or mudslides several times on our last cruise.


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  5. Thanks for your thoughts. Glad you had a great time. Was your drink package usable on Coco Cay? Also, were you able to find a spot away from the smokers? We are both terribly bothered by smoke as well. That is one of the main reasons that we love Celebrity. Did you snorkel there at all?


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  6. My father uses a CPAP. The cabin attendant will get a extension cord and set the machine up for you. My parents bring their own extension cord for the hotel and as a back up. But, Celebrity will most likely want to use their own cords. My parents have not been sent to the knotty room as of yet for having the extension cord in their suitcase. They will run the cord overhead or on the floor.


    Fill out the special needs form on celebrity's website. They will provide cord and distilled water for you.



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    I have already called Celebrity to inform of the CPAP machine as I have for every cruise. The first time we sailed Celebrity (on Century), the extension cord we were given looked like a fire hazard and we were reluctant to use it but had no choice. The second time was on the Eclipse and we took our own extension cord to prevent a recurrence. We were, indeed, called down to the "naughty room" because of it. Once I explained what it was going to be used for, they let me have our luggage. The extension cord supplied by the ship that time was perfectly fine. When we combined it with ours, it reached okay. Looks like we'll do the same thing this time.

  7. I suspect that they really don't want you to know how much you did or didn't spend on the package. Most, I suspect, would find that they broke even, at best....especially those who received the classic drink package as a "free" perk.

    I disagree. We find that people are more likely to try new things and drink more when having a drink package. It is well worth having.


    Celebrity no longer supplies a print out of beverages consumed unless it is over or not covered by the package. We welcome the reduction in paper waste.


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  8. Just got off the phone with Celebrity. Apparently, because one of the legs of our B2B is a group booking with our TA, we do not qualify for the B2B discount. Just one more thing to be aware of. We are happy with the price we paid and got some OBC from our TA so it's not a big thing.

  9. We were on the Eclipse Southern Caribbean cruise in February 2015. We loved it so much that we have booked it again for 2017 (the first time we have ever repeated a cruise). There definitely was night life. Several nights we were upset with ourselves for having stayed up so late, knowing we had an early port day the next morning. We loved the "Dancing with the Officers" by the pool one night. It was extremely entertaining and we were sore with laughter. Obviously, the success of that is determined by the participants but we really lucked out. There were several music venues nightly and we danced far more often than we had on previous cruises.


    As far as pool games go, we didn't spend much time by the pool so only saw a few events taking place but there certainly was activity.


    Don't be dismayed by the negative reviews. Attitude is the biggest determining factor of enjoyment of a cruise or any holiday for that matter. Go with the intent to have fun and don't sweat the small stuff. We loved the Eclipse. I hope you do too. :)

  10. We just got off the Summit and pre purchased $900 OBC before we left(our cruise was boomed in CAD). I went to guest relations desk on day 3 of 7 and asked for cash. After some consultation with management I was given the cash with no penalty.

    Reserve cruise in CAD and purchase OBC before you go! Can't lose!

    Did you have your account set up as a cash settlement or tied to a credit card?


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