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Everything posted by beg3yrs

  1. You beat me. Was just looking at Princess' PDF file with the benefits. The 10% as you say is in the Shops at Princess, it's not applicable to anything already discounted and there's no mention of the purchase having to be over $100. captains-circle-loyalty-benefits-2.pdf
  2. If it doesn't show online there is a chance it will show up on the ship.
  3. Yes, I always check both as well and have seen the same thing with Princess lagging the airlines at times.
  4. Absolutely. Just be sure to ask in advance.
  5. We've experienced this. Scanned the passport in the app, had to get it scanned at the check-in desk in Tucson to get boarding passes and then at LAX we were called at the gate to have them scanned again! And ... this was BEFORE Covid.
  6. Sounds like a good trivia partner!
  7. That's where I worry, if you're correct that the series is your first two (or one J&J) doses, yes, we're good to go. However, if a series is the sum total of all your doses (which in mathematics it is), I need another. It kind of makes sense that if they authorities are worried that the efficacy of the original shots is too low after 9 months, why wouldn't the efficacy of boosters older than 9 months be OK?
  8. Part 1: I've encountered that before. Typically they need to physically see your passport for some reason. It's never been a problem other than taking a couple of extra minutes to sort out all the details. Most times it's when we've been on a code share and the other airline's system doesn't integrate as well as it should with the one you're ticketed on. Part 2: I've never seen a bid list for flight changes. The opportunity to change flights for no charge ahead of time due to bad weather is not unusual.
  9. But then you look at Greece's language and it's changed. I believe "no more than 270 days (9 months) from the date of disembarkation since receiving the last dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine" means 270 days from your last shot of any kind. I.e. if your booster is over 9 months old, you aren't fully vaccinated in Greece's definition.
  10. One of our upcoming cruises will make a couple of calls in Greece. The language has changed and now says the last shot in your vaccine series must have been received less than 270 days from disembarkation. The key phrase here is "last shot in your vaccine series" which to me tells me that our last booster, which was received in January of this year, will be too old. Off to Walgreen's for yet another jab ...
  11. You can specify dietary restrictions in the Personalizer on the web. Go to your specific cruise then click on the Check In icon. The next page will have something like this: Click on the Dietary Requests link and from there it's pretty simple to make the advance notification. DW is allergic to gluten so we're familiar with this drill. There are several things you can do once on board. 1) If you're an MDR junkie (we are), meet with the headwaiter in advance to be sure the information on your restriction has reached them. He or she will give you instructions as to how to proceed in the MDR. Personally we like to have the same servers for the full cruise so they get to know our restriction. Once that's established the headwaiter will know to see you each evening with the next day's meals so you can preselect what you'd like. They will also have recommendations for you as to what would be good with your restriction. 2) In the buffet you can ask any of the staff on the line if you could talk with the "Chef du partee" (I'm not sure of that spelling) and he or she will walk you through the line letting you know what's ok and what isn't. 3) For the specialty restaurants, just tell them when you make your reservation about the restriction. They'll note it and your server should then be aware.
  12. Forgive me if I've mentioned this before. DW loves the mushy peas and once asked for "extra peas". Seems something got lost in translation and/or accent problems, she got "extra pieces" of fish but didn't realize it until she complained that she didn't get "extra peas" when the server pointed to the extra fish. Everyone including the server had a good laugh. Oh yeah, Shrimp and Chips is a real thing!
  13. I've had this message before. It usually clears up in a day or two. If it doesn't I'd do exactly what you plan to do, only I'd do it on Sunday when the phone lines for AA tend to be less jammed.
  14. There's the difference. You were disembarking in Barbados and that's feasible. Disembarking in the USA, ships are required to get to a zero passenger count before new passengers are allowed to board. This is even true for passengers who are staying on for the next cruise although they are not required to pack up their cabins...
  15. You are not wrong! It hasn't always been this way but with the restart after the Covid shutdown, it's definitely bad. Many of us long time Princess cruises are hoping things get better soon. Side note: After going through things like what you are, I always make an electronic copy of the Travel Summary. You can save it to a PDF file with headers (that embeds the date and time on every page of the file). My file name includes the date as well. That way if something get goofed up you have definitive evidence of what you should have. I typically save a new summary every couple of weeks.
  16. How are we to know if we're on one of the "other special itineraries"? I don't really trust that we'd be contacted by an Ocean Navigator. Princess' track record isn't very good for something like this.
  17. We were one of the last groups to visit Copper River Lodge this year. We were there the day the staff was told of the closing. Wondered why they didn't see disappointed but found out there's not much for them to do on their day off and ... their jobs were moving to other Princess Lodges so they weren't out of work. Anyway I saw the Copper River Lodge is again offered in 2023 so I have no reason to think it won't be offered in 2024.
  18. I know that PacnGoNow already answered this but from the answer it could still have been a paper form you download and fill out. It isn't paper, it's an App you need to load onto your smart phone and then answer its questions. Once complete you'll have a QRR code as well as an alphanumeric code you can display to whoever requests it.
  19. IIRC, totality also crosses through the United States. One of the major cities it crosses is Dallas. If the cruise is too expensive, there are less expensive alternatives. Yes, I understand the ship has the option to reposition for clearer skies but ...
  20. Hey thanks for the info. Travel router makes perfect sense. Hadn't thought of that. So, what's the procedure for changing the ship's tv input to HDMI 1? It's certainly not on the remote, at least I couldn't find it and, when on the Royal in June, not a button to be found accessible on the TV itself. Also, physically getting to those HDMI ports is tough. Any tricks there? Inquiring minds want to know!
  21. Princess' Internet uses US-based IP addresses so needing a VPN shouldn't be necessary. IIRC the websites you visit will think you're in Santa Clarita. Hey folks, my Fire Sticks all plug into my TV's HDMI port. IIRC, nobody has been able to use the HDMI ports on the ship's TVs since the Medallions have been put into service. I would think this makes a Fire Stick on board ship a non-starter unless you've brought your own TV ...
  22. What I personally find the most amazing about this is someone at Princess was working on the weekend! 🤣 Good for them!
  23. Yeah, the focus over the summer is certainly Alaska and western Canada. Even I don't think about Quebec until Halloween costumes show up in the stores. Oh wait! They've been there for some time, I just didn't notice or care...
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