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Everything posted by shipgeeks

  1. We are regular RC cruisers, but did MSC cruises which became our favorites. The biggest difference, IMO, is that a great number of MSC passengers are not American, which makes the cruise feel much more like being "away" than a RC one does. Agree that you should study the Experiences. We sail Bella, which is the cheapest. Part of our decision for Bella was that it gives us traditional dining, rather than anytime. Ocean Cay is stunning. As we don't like the amusement park vibe that is now Coco Cay, we would choose MSC for their private island every time.
  2. I didn't think it was even permitted to carry a bag that's too large for the scanner. And I don't think I've ever seen anyone carry on big bags. We've done 40+ cruises. Never had any damage, never had any lost. Last cruise, our tag came off, and they still figured us out and got the bag to our cabin right away. (Small return address label on the bag, just to break up the solid black.) We would never think of carrying on the big stuff ourselves. It's a vacation; let someone else do the heavy work.
  3. During Vietnam, Mr. Shipgeeks was Navigator on a US Navy ammunition ship. In 22 months, we steamed 96,000 miles, with a sextant being the only navigational aid. For shooting stars, the general procedure was 20 minutes before sunrise and 20 minutes after sunset. We needed a good horizon.
  4. Never have, and never will; neither door nor cabin. We have clutter at home. I like my cabin to be as minimalist as possible.
  5. Nope, as I mentioned above, some said they tested for social reasons, without any symptoms. Some were neg, some were pos.
  6. I was both tickled by this, and a bit dismayed by some of the reactions. For those unfamiliar with MSC, Black is the ultimate loyalty level. I can picture the passenger on the phone saying "I'm Black (or Black Card), and I demand that you fix this right now!", just as a Carnival cruiser might say "I'm Platinum and.....". There are a couple of regular posters on the MSC forums who constantly complain about calling guest services with no results, and yet continue to book multiple MSC cruises. Our own experiences with MSC: They have become our favorite cruise line. Whether or not OP would agree I can't predict. Officers and crew were friendly and accessible. Food was fine. Entertainment was very entertaining. With the high numbers of non-Americans aboard, it felt much more like being "away" than on most of our cruises, even though we were in the Same Old Caribbean. Lots of music and dancing. Maybe not so much Trivia or similar, due to the multiple languages. Announcements were in several languages, but very brief; no Bingo/Art Auction/pool party announcements. Now, our couple joke, when something here goes spectacularly well, is "Must be the Black Card".
  7. I suppose the only deal breaker for me would be finding out we were booked on a 99% charter by a group we are not in synch with -- maybe music I can't stand, or nude cruise. Regarding cabins, we've tried balconies twice (once at inside price, once because cheaper than OV), and I still fail to see the attraction. I so prefer an Oceanview, with the sky and the sea right there, not somewhere beyond the glass at the end of a dark tunnel. Have tried sitting out there a few times, just not convinced. I guess one other semi-deal breaker would be only having anytime dining, rather than a set dining time. Ships and lines that only offer that don't make it to our list of potential cruises.
  8. IMO, a question could be "How many will test positive if everyone in the country tests on a Tuesday?" One fb group started asking for numbers. When I questioned whether they had symptoms that led them to test, some said "No, but going to a party" or "No, but just went to the mall". So assuming any positive test is the result of being on a cruise might be akin to seeing a black cat and then having an unhappy incident. Who knows? I'm not convinced, or I wouldn't be cruising as often as I do.
  9. Congee: I think, now, that the reason I enjoy it on a cruise is that it takes me back to my first experience with it. We had arrived in Kuala Lumpur very late at night. We had a hotel room reserved, but a young Malaysian lady on our flight did not, and our hotel was full. We offered to let her share our room. In the morning, she said we should go to the hotel coffee shop and order congee. We did. It was nice, but not spectacular. When I have it now, I realize the rice part is fairly bland, but helped by the toppings. Still somewhat ordinary, but great for the nostalgia I feel reliving that experience, which was the first day of a 6-week trip in Maylasia, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore, and India.
  10. You might find a long line outside Holy Donuts on a Sunday morning! You might want to factor in some significant waiting time. Worth it, though!
  11. Just take a water bottle, and fill it any time in WJ, your cabin, etc.
  12. I believe if you book an MSC European cruise in the US, water will be included. But as noted, in a European restaurant, you will not get a glass of water with your meal. You will need to order water, sparkling or still. I suspect you can fill your water glass as many times as you want at the buffet, as you would do here on US cruises.
  13. The ongoing program, Dream Cruises, is featuring the MQ this evening. The program is screening regularly on AWE (A Wealth of Entertainment) channel, 9pm in our area (Western PA). It's a Canadian production, and well done.
  14. Re the Island Explorer: I stand corrected about being a free bus, if one now has to show a national park pass. That was not the case in the past, when we rode. I do agree that it can be quite crowded, and the routes can be confusing. At any rate, it is an option to the high-priced tours.
  15. I have two other pairs of shoes, a bit dressier than my boat shoes, which I'm finding very comfortable, and suitable for walking a lot. I don't have the ability to post photos, but they can be found online. Jessica Simpson Mandalaye - soft leather ballet flats, with elastic criss-cross straps Calvin Klein driving shoes, similar to the Lacy Bit Loafer
  16. We take wide-mouth reusable bottles. Easier to fill from a glass, and can put ice in if we want it. I had mine in my carryon, and port security asked me to show that it was empty. Once she saw it, it was fine.
  17. We've been watching "Dream Cruises" on AWE (A Wealth of Entertainment) channel. Last week there were several MSC ships featured; this week a couple of RC, and then some river boats. Locally there has been one every evening at 9pm. A Canadian program, and well done.
  18. Thank you; that's one more thing I can put to rest.
  19. This morning, for the first time in years, I put cottage cheese on my fresh fruit instead of yogurt. As I took my first bite, completely unbidden, I was transported back about 50 years, to a trip in the Outback of Queensland, Australia. We had stopped for petrol, and there was no place to eat, but I found a few groceries in the petrol station shop. I got cottage cheese. Today the image of that breakfast is as clear as a bell. Have any of you had that happen upon eating something? Perhaps a food you had on a cruise, or during your travels?
  20. Apart from Formal evenings - I would expect two on that cruise - the only theme I've ever seen is 70s night in Centrum. Few if any dressed for that theme, but lots and lots attended!
  21. Thank you all! My faith has been restored, and I'm now looking forward to Coco Cay again.
  22. And not to be confused with items made by Nike/Adidas/et al.
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